BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
main[zshrc] move compdump and hist files to .cache folderDaniel Weipert5 months
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2024-07-19[zshrc] move compdump and hist files to .cache folderHEADmainDaniel Weipert
2024-07-19[nvim] update lsp filetypesDaniel Weipert
2024-07-19[sway+i3] pactl and other config adjustmentsDaniel Weipert
2024-07-19[sway.wallpaper] catch identify process errorDaniel Weipert
2024-06-24[nvim] force attach LSP servers to buffer with filetype setDaniel Weipert
2024-06-24[nvim] enable server specific LSP configDaniel Weipert
2024-06-24[nvim] fix markdown-preview build step function callDaniel Weipert
2024-06-24[yadm] update bootstrap packagesDaniel Weipert
2024-06-24[utilities.screenshot] change "Images" to "Pictures" folderDaniel Weipert
2024-06-24[i3] get up to par with swayDaniel Weipert