path: root/stage/dice_throw/
diff options
authorDaniel Weipert <>2025-02-12 20:05:59 +0100
committerDaniel Weipert <>2025-02-12 20:05:59 +0100
commit218748f67a6a6b35efc4a732ad11426d0f528709 (patch)
treee58504dd758ce6525844872007221cda2a8b6926 /stage/dice_throw/
parentf6c81b065cf4d7f1302a50f2f72cfab32204a1ec (diff)
next commitHEADmain
Diffstat (limited to 'stage/dice_throw/')
1 files changed, 31 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/stage/dice_throw/ b/stage/dice_throw/
index d06a8f7..c6573be 100644
--- a/stage/dice_throw/
+++ b/stage/dice_throw/
@@ -8,21 +8,23 @@ func _ready() -> void:
%Side.position.x = -%Side.size.x
%move.text = "Move: %s" % str(Network.current_player.current_move_points)
+ %attack.text = "Attack: %s" % str(Network.current_player.current_attack_points)
+ %defend.text = "Defend: %s" % str(Network.current_player.current_defend_points)
+ %ability.text = "Ability: %s" % str(Network.current_player.current_ability_points)
func _on_dice_throw_3d_throw_finished() -> void:
await get_tree().create_timer(0.25).timeout
- var dices := %DiceThrow3D/Dice.get_children()
- var top_faces := []
+ var dices: Array[Dice]
+ dices.assign(%DiceThrow3D/Dice.get_children())
+ var top_faces: Array[DiceFace] = []
var tween := create_tween().set_parallel()
- #tween.tween_property(%Camera3D, "rotation_degrees", Vector3(-90, 0, 0), 0.5)
- #tween.tween_property(%Camera3D, "position", Vector3(0, %Camera3D.position.y, 0), 0.5)
+ # move to center and rotate to camera
for idx in dices.size():
- var dice: RigidBody3D = dices[idx]
+ var dice := dices[idx]
dice.freeze = true
@@ -32,20 +34,21 @@ func _on_dice_throw_3d_throw_finished() -> void:
- var face: Node3D = dice.get_top()
+ var face := dice.get_top()
- var up_rotation: Vector3 = face.get_meta("up")
+ var up_rotation: Vector3 = face.up_rotation
var transform_vector: Vector3
if up_rotation.y != 0 and up_rotation.z != 0:
transform_vector = Vector3(0, 0, 60) * sign(up_rotation.y)
transform_vector = Vector3(60, 0, 0) * (-1 if up_rotation.y > 0 else 1)
- tween.tween_property(dice, "rotation_degrees", face.get_meta("up") + transform_vector, 0.25)
+ tween.tween_property(dice, "rotation_degrees", face.up_rotation + transform_vector, 0.25)
await tween.finished
await get_tree().create_timer(0.25).timeout
+ # show sidebar
tween = create_tween().set_parallel()
tween.tween_property(%Side, "position", Vector2(0, %Side.position.y), 0.25)
for dice in dices:
@@ -56,17 +59,32 @@ func _on_dice_throw_3d_throw_finished() -> void:
await tween.finished
await get_tree().create_timer(0.25).timeout
+ # move to labels
tween = create_tween().set_parallel()
for idx in dices.size():
- var dice: RigidBody3D = dices[idx]
- var node := get_node("%" + top_faces[idx].get_meta("type"))
+ var dice := dices[idx]
+ var top_face := top_faces[idx]
+ var node := get_node("%" + top_face.configuration.type)
var p3d = %Camera3D.project_position(node.position + node.size * 0.5, 1)
tween.tween_property(dice, "position", p3d, 0.25)
tween.tween_property(dice, "scale", Vector3(0.1, 0.1, 0.1), 0.25)
- if top_faces[idx].get_meta("type") == "move":
- Network.current_player.set_current_move_points(Network.current_player.current_move_points + 1)
+ if top_face.configuration.type == "move":
+ #Network.current_player.set_current_move_points(Network.current_player.current_move_points + 1)
+ Network.current_player.current_move_points += top_face.configuration.value
%move.text = "Move: %s" % str(Network.current_player.current_move_points)
+ elif top_face.configuration.type == "attack":
+ #Network.current_player.set_current_attack_points(Network.current_player.current_attack_points + 1)
+ Network.current_player.current_attack_points += top_face.configuration.value
+ %attack.text = "Attack: %s" % str(Network.current_player.current_attack_points)
+ elif top_face.configuration.type == "defend":
+ #Network.current_player.set_current_defend_points(Network.current_player.current_defend_points + 1)
+ Network.current_player.current_defend_points += top_face.configuration.value
+ %defend.text = "Defend: %s" % str(Network.current_player.current_defend_points)
+ elif top_face.configuration.type == "ability":
+ #Network.current_player.set_current_ability_points(Network.current_player.current_ability_points + 1)
+ Network.current_player.current_ability_points += top_face.configuration.value
+ %ability.text = "Ability: %s" % str(Network.current_player.current_ability_points)
await tween.finished
for dice in dices: