path: root/src/http/Controller/Village.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/http/Controller/Village.php')
1 files changed, 146 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/http/Controller/Village.php b/src/http/Controller/Village.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd38442
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/http/Controller/Village.php
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+namespace App\http\Controller;
+use App\DB;
+use App\Guard;
+use App\Model\Event\SendUnits;
+use App\Model\Event\TrainUnits;
+use App\Model\Event\UpgradeBuilding;
+use App\Model\Village as Model;
+use App\http\Router;
+use App\View;
+use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse;
+use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
+use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
+use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;
+class Village
+ #[Route(path: '/villages', methods: ['GET'])]
+ public function list(): Response
+ {
+ $villages = DB::fetch(
+ Model::class,
+ <<<SQL
+ select * from villages
+ join user_villages on = user_villages.village_id
+ where user_villages.user_id=:id
+ SQL,
+ ['id' => $_SESSION['user']['id']]
+ );
+ return new Response(View::render('villages.twig', [
+ 'villages' => $villages,
+ ]));
+ }
+ #[Route(path: '/village/{x}/{y}', methods: ['GET'])]
+ public function show(Request $request): Response
+ {
+ $village = Model::getByCoordinates($request->get('x'), $request->get('y'));
+ if (! Guard::ownsVillage($village->id)) {
+ return new Response(View::render('error.twig', ['message' => 'Insufficient permission']), 403);
+ }
+ $events = [];
+ $eventsBuilding = DB::query(
+ <<<SQL
+ select * from events_upgrade_building as event
+ left join events on event.event_id =
+ where events.village_id=:id
+ SQL, ['id' => $village->id]
+ )->fetchAll();
+ foreach ($eventsBuilding as $row) {
+ $events['UpgradeBuilding'][$row['type']][] = DB::convertToModel(UpgradeBuilding::class, $row);
+ }
+ $eventsUnits = DB::query(
+ <<<SQL
+ select * from events_train_units as event
+ left join events on event.event_id =
+ where village_id=:id
+ SQL, ['id' => $village->id]
+ )->fetchAll();
+ foreach ($eventsUnits as $row) {
+ $events['TrainUnits'][] = DB::convertToModel(TrainUnits::class, $row);
+ }
+ $eventsUnitsSendOwn = DB::query(
+ <<<SQL
+ select * from events_send_units as event
+ left join events on event.event_id =
+ where village_id=:id
+ SQL, ['id' => $village->id]
+ )->fetchAll();
+ $eventsUnitsSendOther = DB::query(
+ <<<SQL
+ select * from events_send_units as event
+ left join events on event.event_id =
+ where (destination=:id or source=:id) and village_id!=:id and is_canceled=false
+ SQL, ['id' => $village->id]
+ )->fetchAll();
+ foreach ([...$eventsUnitsSendOwn, ...$eventsUnitsSendOther] as $row) {
+ $events['SendUnits'][] = DB::convertToModel(SendUnits::class, $row);;
+ }
+ $buildings = [];
+ foreach (Model::getBuildings($village->id, true) as $building) {
+ $buildings[$building->type] = $building;
+ }
+ return new Response(View::render('village.twig', [
+ 'village' => $village,
+ 'events' => $events,
+ 'buildings' => $buildings,
+ 'villages' => DB::fetch(Model::class, "select * from villages where id!=:id", ['id' => $village->id]),
+ ]));
+ }
+ #[Route(path: '/village/{x}/{y}/storage/config', methods: ['POST'])]
+ public function storageConfig(Request $request): Response
+ {
+ $village = Model::getByCoordinates($request->get('x'), $request->get('y'));
+ // calculate to max 100%
+ $wood = intval($request->get('wood'));
+ $clay = intval($request->get('clay'));
+ $iron = intval($request->get('iron'));
+ $food = intval($request->get('food'));
+ $total = $wood + $clay + $iron + $food;
+ $woodPercent = $wood / $total;
+ $clayPercent = $clay / $total;
+ $ironPercent = $iron / $total;
+ $foodPercent = $food / $total;
+ $wood = round($woodPercent * 100);
+ $clay = round($clayPercent * 100);
+ $iron = round($ironPercent * 100);
+ $food = round($foodPercent * 100);
+ $newTotal = $wood+$clay+$iron+$food;
+ $food += (100 - $newTotal);
+ DB::query(
+ <<<SQL
+ update village_storage_config
+ set wood=:wood, clay=:clay, iron=:iron, food=:food
+ where village_id=:id
+ SQL,
+ ['wood' => $wood, 'clay' => $clay, 'iron' => $iron, 'food' => $food, 'id' => $village->id]
+ );
+ return new RedirectResponse(
+ Router::generate(
+ '',
+ ['x' => $request->get('x'), 'y' => $request->get('y')]
+ )
+ );
+ }