names($names); // assign custom options to the PostType $this->options($options); // assign labels to the PostType $this->labels($labels); } /** * Set the names for the PostType * @param mixed $names A string for the name, or an array of names * @return $this */ public function names($names) { // only the post type name is passed if (is_string($names)) { $names = ['name' => $names]; } // set the names array $this->names = $names; // create names for the PostType $this->createNames(); return $this; } /** * Set the options for the PostType * @param array $options An array of options for the PostType * @return $this */ public function options(array $options) { $this->options = $options; return $this; } /** * Set the labels for the PostType * @param array $labels An array of labels for the PostType * @return $this */ public function labels(array $labels) { $this->labels = $labels; return $this; } /** * Add a Taxonomy to the PostType * @param mixed $taxonomies The Taxonomy name(s) to add * @return $this */ public function taxonomy($taxonomies) { $taxonomies = is_string($taxonomies) ? [$taxonomies] : $taxonomies; foreach ($taxonomies as $taxonomy) { $this->taxonomies[] = $taxonomy; } return $this; } /** * Add filters to the PostType * @param array $filters An array of Taxonomy filters * @return $this */ public function filters(array $filters) { $this->filters = $filters; return $this; } /** * Set the menu icon for the PostType * @param string $icon A dashicon class for the menu icon * @return $this */ public function icon($icon) { $this->icon = $icon; return $this; } /** * Flush rewrite rules * @link * @param boolean $hard * @return void */ public function flush($hard = true) { flush_rewrite_rules($hard); } /** * Get the Column Manager for the PostType * @return PostTypes\Columns */ public function columns() { if (!isset($this->columns)) { $this->columns = new Columns; } return $this->columns; } /** * Register the PostType to WordPress * @return void */ public function register() { // register the PostType if (!post_type_exists($this->name)) { add_action('init', [$this, 'registerPostType']); } else { add_filter('register_post_type_args', [$this, 'modifyPostType'], 10, 2); } // register Taxonomies to the PostType add_action('init', [$this, 'registerTaxonomies']); // modify filters on the admin edit screen add_action('restrict_manage_posts', [$this, 'modifyFilters']); if (isset($this->columns)) { // modify the admin edit columns. add_filter("manage_{$this->name}_posts_columns", [$this, 'modifyColumns'], 10, 1); // populate custom columns add_filter("manage_{$this->name}_posts_custom_column", [$this, 'populateColumns'], 10, 2); // run filter to make columns sortable. add_filter('manage_edit-'.$this->name.'_sortable_columns', [$this, 'setSortableColumns']); // run action that sorts columns on request. add_action('pre_get_posts', [$this, 'sortSortableColumns']); } } /** * Register the PostType * @return void */ public function registerPostType() { // create options for the PostType $options = $this->createOptions(); // check that the post type doesn't already exist if (!post_type_exists($this->name)) { // register the post type register_post_type($this->name, $options); } } /** * Modify the existing Post Type. * * @return array */ public function modifyPostType(array $args, string $posttype) { if ($posttype !== $this->name) { return $args; } // create options for the PostType $options = $this->createOptions(); $args = array_replace_recursive($args, $options); return $args; } /** * Create the required names for the PostType * @return void */ public function createNames() { // names required for the PostType $required = [ 'name', 'singular', 'plural', 'slug', ]; foreach ($required as $key) { // if the name is set, assign it if (isset($this->names[$key])) { $this->$key = $this->names[$key]; continue; } // if the key is not set and is singular or plural if (in_array($key, ['singular', 'plural'])) { // create a human friendly name $name = ucwords(strtolower(str_replace(['-', '_'], ' ', $this->names['name']))); } if ($key === 'slug') { // create a slug friendly name $name = strtolower(str_replace([' ', '_'], '-', $this->names['name'])); } // if is plural or slug, append an 's' if (in_array($key, ['plural', 'slug'])) { if (substr($name, strlen($name) - 1, 1) == "y") { $name = substr($name, 0, strlen($name) - 1) . "ies"; } else { $name .= 's'; } } // asign the name to the PostType property $this->$key = $name; } } /** * Create options for PostType * @return array Options to pass to register_post_type */ public function createOptions() { // default options $options = [ 'public' => true, 'rewrite' => [ 'slug' => $this->slug ] ]; // replace defaults with the options passed $options = array_replace_recursive($options, $this->options); // create and set labels if (!isset($options['labels'])) { $options['labels'] = $this->createLabels(); } // set the menu icon if (!isset($options['menu_icon']) && isset($this->icon)) { $options['menu_icon'] = $this->icon; } return $options; } /** * Create the labels for the PostType * @return array */ public function createLabels() { // default labels $labels = [ 'name' => $this->plural, 'singular_name' => $this->singular, 'menu_name' => $this->plural, 'all_items' => $this->plural, 'add_new' => "Erstellen", 'add_new_item' => "{$this->singular} erstellen", 'edit_item' => "{$this->singular} bearbeiten", 'new_item' => "{$this->singular} erstellen", 'view_item' => "{$this->singular} anschauen", 'search_items' => "{$this->plural} suchen", 'not_found' => "Kein {$this->plural} gefunden", 'not_found_in_trash' => "Es wurden keine {$this->plural} im Papierkorb gefunden.", 'parent_item_colon' => "Eltern-{$this->singular}:", ]; return array_replace_recursive($labels, $this->labels); } /** * Register Taxonomies to the PostType * @return void */ public function registerTaxonomies() { if (!empty($this->taxonomies)) { foreach ($this->taxonomies as $taxonomy) { register_taxonomy_for_object_type($taxonomy, $this->name); } } } /** * Modify and display filters on the admin edit screen * @param string $posttype The current screen post type * @return void */ public function modifyFilters($posttype) { // first check we are working with the this PostType if ($posttype === $this->name) { // calculate what filters to add $filters = $this->getFilters(); foreach ($filters as $taxonomy) { // if the taxonomy doesn't exist, ignore it if (!taxonomy_exists($taxonomy)) { continue; } // If the taxonomy is not registered to the post type, continue. if (!is_object_in_taxonomy($this->name, $taxonomy)) { continue; } // get the taxonomy object $tax = get_taxonomy($taxonomy); // start the html for the filter dropdown $selected = null; if (isset($_GET[$taxonomy])) { $selected = sanitize_title($_GET[$taxonomy]); } $dropdown_args = [ 'name' => $taxonomy, 'value_field' => 'slug', 'taxonomy' => $tax->name, 'show_option_all' => $tax->labels->all_items, 'hierarchical' => $tax->hierarchical, 'selected' => $selected, 'orderby' => 'name', 'hide_empty' => 0, 'show_count' => 0, ]; // Output screen reader label. echo ''; // Output dropdown for taxonomy. wp_dropdown_categories($dropdown_args); } } } /** * Calculate the filters for the PostType * @return array */ public function getFilters() { // default filters are empty $filters = []; // if custom filters have been set, use them if (!is_null($this->filters)) { return $this->filters; } // if no custom filters have been set, and there are // Taxonomies assigned to the PostType if (is_null($this->filters) && !empty($this->taxonomies)) { // create filters for each taxonomy assigned to the PostType return $this->taxonomies; } return $filters; } /** * Modify the columns for the PostType * @param array $columns Default WordPress columns * @return array The modified columns */ public function modifyColumns($columns) { $columns = $this->columns->modifyColumns($columns); return $columns; } /** * Populate custom columns for the PostType * @param string $column The column slug * @param int $post_id The post ID */ public function populateColumns($column, $post_id) { if (isset($this->columns->populate[$column])) { call_user_func_array($this->columns()->populate[$column], [$column, $post_id]); } } /** * Make custom columns sortable * @param array $columns Default WordPress sortable columns */ public function setSortableColumns($columns) { if (!empty($this->columns()->sortable)) { $columns = array_merge($columns, $this->columns()->sortable); } return $columns; } /** * Set query to sort custom columns * @param WP_Query $query */ public function sortSortableColumns($query) { // don't modify the query if we're not in the post type admin if (!is_admin() || $query->get('post_type') !== $this->name) { return; } $orderby = $query->get('orderby'); // if the sorting a custom column if ($this->columns()->isSortable($orderby)) { // get the custom column options $meta = $this->columns()->sortableMeta($orderby); // determine type of ordering if (is_string($meta) or !$meta[1]) { $meta_key = $meta; $meta_value = 'meta_value'; } else { $meta_key = $meta[0]; $meta_value = 'meta_value_num'; } // set the custom order $query->set('meta_key', $meta_key); $query->set('orderby', $meta_value); } } }