From 1d29ee6d87d3794a9319bca5bf36afdfe176072c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Daniel Weipert Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2023 22:32:45 +0200 Subject: translations with fallback --- db/_generated/i18n/de_DE.json | 2 +- db/_generated/i18n/en_US.json | 2 +- db/i18n/de_DE.po | 15 ++++++----- db/i18n/en_US.po | 35 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ resources/js/classes/Area.js | 2 +- resources/js/classes/Item.js | 4 +-- resources/js/classes/Monster.js | 2 +- resources/js/classes/Npc.js | 2 +- resources/js/classes/StatusEffect.js | 2 +- resources/js/classes/Technique.js | 4 +-- resources/js/db.js | 1 + resources/js/game.js | 48 ++++++++++++++++++------------------ resources/js/helpers.js | 15 +++++++---- resources/js/memory.js | 2 +- resources/js/story.js | 26 +++++++++---------- resources/js/ui.js | 44 +++++++++++++++++++-------------- 16 files changed, 128 insertions(+), 78 deletions(-) diff --git a/db/_generated/i18n/de_DE.json b/db/_generated/i18n/de_DE.json index 7f02713..62c3e41 100644 --- a/db/_generated/i18n/de_DE.json +++ b/db/_generated/i18n/de_DE.json @@ -1 +1 @@ -{"translation_missing":"\u00dcbersetzung fehlt","game:battle:money:get":"{amount} Geld erhalten!","game:battle:defeat":"Kampf verloren!","game:battle:defeat:recovery_price":"{amount} f\u00fcr vollst\u00e4ndige Heilung in {name} gezahlt!","game:battle:technique:attempt":"{} versucht {} zu verwenden!","game:battle:technique:attempt:fail:recharge":"Aber muss nachladen!","game:battle:technique:attempt:fail:noddingoff":"Aber schl\u00e4ft!","game:battle:technique:attempt:fail:miss":"Aber hat verfehlt!","game:battle:technique:use":"{} verwendet {}!","game:battle:technique:use:damage":"F\u00fcgt {name} {amount} Schaden zu!","game:battle:technique:use:healing":"Heilt {amount}!","game:battle:technique:use:status":"{} ist jetzt {}!","game:battle:status_effect:is":"{} ist {}!","game:battle:status_effect:removed":"{} ist nicht mehr {}!","game:catch:ball:throw":"Werfe {ball}!","game:catch:attempt":"Versuche einzufangen!","game:catch:attempt:nr:success":"Ausbruchversuch {nr}: erfolgreich!","game:catch:broke_free":"{monster} ist ausgebrochen!","game:catch:attempt:nr:fail":"Ausbruchversuch {nr}: fehlgeschlagen!","game:catch:caught":"{monster} gefangen!","game:catch:to_party":"{monster} wurde zum Team hinzugef\u00fcgt!","game:catch:to_box":"{monster} wurde in die Box transferiert!","ui:healing_center:heal:price_description":"Preis f\u00fcr Heilung pro Tuxemon","ui:healing_center:heal:select":"Ausw\u00e4hlen zum heilen","ui:healing_center:box:withdraw":"Box Mitnahme","ui:healing_center:box:withdraw:no_tuxemon_in_box":"Keine Tuxemon in der Box!","ui:healing_center:box:withdraw:no_space_in_party":"Nicht genug Platz im Team!","ui:healing_center:box:deposit":"Box Ablage","ui:healing_center:box:deposit:last_tuxemon":"Letztes Tuxemon kann nicht abgelegt werden!","ui:healing_center:box:view":"Box Anschauen","ui:healing_center:box:view:no_tuxemon_in_box":"Keine Tuxemon in der Box!","ui:shop:mode:buy":"Kaufen","ui:shop:mode:info":"Info","ui:status:area:title":"Areal","ui:next_trainer":"N\u00e4chster Trainer","ui:change_area":"Areal wechseln","ui:no_applicable_monsters":"Keine entsprechenden Monster vorhanden.","ui:starter_monster_selection:title":"W\u00e4hle dein Tuxemon!","ui:party_monsters:mode:select":"Ausw\u00e4hlen","ui:party_monsters:mode:stats":"Status","ui:party_monsters:mode:techniques":"Techniken","ui:inventory:tab:heal":"Heal","ui:inventory:tab:stats":"Stats","ui:inventory:tab:balls":"B\u00e4lle","ui:inventory:tab:techniques":"Techniken","ui:inventory:tab:other":"Andere","ui:inventory:tab:key_items":"Key Items","ui:inventory:mode:use":"Verwenden","ui:inventory:mode:info":"Info","ui:save_load:save_to_clipboard":"In Zwischenablage speichern","ui:load:loading":"Lade...","ui:settings:name:label":"Name","ui:settings:language:label":"Sprache","ui:settings:currency:label":"W\u00e4hrung","ui:settings:currency:last_updated":"Letzte Aktualisierung","ui:settings:highlight_interactive_elements":"Interaktive Elemente hervorheben","ui:settings:clear_local_save_data:button":"Lokale Speicherdaten l\u00f6schen","ui:settings:clear_local_save_data:confirm":"Lokale Speicherdaten l\u00f6schen?","ui:story:next":"Weiter","story:introduction:monster_selection:title":"W\u00e4hle dein Tuxemon!","story:select_starter_monster:monster_selection:title":"W\u00e4hle dein tats\u00e4chliches Tuxemon!","dryadsgrove":"Nymphenhain","routea":"Route A","routec":"Route C","spyder_intro00":"Hallo! Ich bin der CEO von Omnichannel. Wir betreiben die Zeitungen, Fernsehsender und Radio Stationen in dieser Region.\\nEs ist meine Pflicht euch zu informieren.","spyder_intro01":"Tuxemon sind die Tiere, die in dieser Welt leben.\\nSie lieben es gefangen zu werden, sodass ihre Meister sie f\u00fcr Spa\u00df und Profit k\u00e4mpfen lassen k\u00f6nnen.\\nDie st\u00e4rksten gewinnen, genau wie in der Welt der Unternehmen.\\nDie meisten Monster lassen sich in der Wildnis finden. Sie entwickeln sich weiter, wenn sie Erfahrung sammeln.\\nAber die f\u00fcnf S\u00e4ulen, die die Kathedrale formen, also, die f\u00fcnf allierten Firmen, die in dieser Region agieren,\\nhaben die Natur verbessert. Diese Saison bietet wir f\u00fcnf deluxe Tuxemon an!","spyder_intro_shopkeeper1":"Was f\u00fcr eine gro\u00dfartige Pr\u00e4sentation von unserem CEO! Alle Gold Mitglieder bekommen ein kostenloses Tuxemon geboten.","spyder_intro_shopkeeper4":"Tut mir Leid, aber du bist kein Gold Mitglied. Dieses Angebot gilt nur f\u00fcr Gold Mitlieder.","spyder_papertown_myfirstmon_notmet":"Ich erkenne dich wieder! Du bist das Kind, das keinen Gold Pass hat.\\nWei\u00dft du, ich k\u00f6nnte dir vielleicht helfen.\\nAls die neuen schmucken Tuxemon von der Kathedrale kamen, haben wir einfach alle alten in den M\u00fcll geschmissen!\\nDas f\u00fchlt sich nach so einer Verschwendung an, besonders wenn Kinder wie du keine haben!","spyder_papertown_myfirstmon1":"*w\u00fchl* *w\u00fchl*","spyder_papertown_myfirstmon2":"Sieht aus als w\u00e4ren Tuxemon in den meisten M\u00fclltonnen. \\n Mein Chef hat mich gerufen. Viel Gl\u00fcck!","spyder_papertown_firstfight":"Hey, warum w\u00fchlst du in den M\u00fclltonnen rum? Das ist eklig - und es ist gegen die Regeln!\\n...\\nWas? Es wurden komplett normale Tuxemon weggeworfen?\\n...\\nNun, wenn sie keine M\u00e4ngel gehabt h\u00e4tten, w\u00e4ren sie bestimmt nicht weggeworfen worden.\\nSie m\u00fcssen im Vergleich zu den neuen Modellen minderwertig sein. Hier, ich zeige es dir!","spyder_papertown_firstfight_win":"Hmm, das war wohl Gl\u00fcck. Unm\u00f6glich, dass das neue Modell schlechter als das alte ist!","spyder_papertown_firstfight_lose":"War zu erwarten! Alte Modelle k\u00f6nnen sich nicht mit neuen vergleichen!","spyder_papertown_firstfight_after":"Dieses mal heile ich deine Tuxemon, aber ich bin nicht die Wohlfahrt. Ruht euch das n\u00e4chste Mal zu Hause aus, wenn deine Monster ersch\u00f6pft sind.","apple":"Apfel","apple_description":"Heilt ein Monster um 10 HP.","berry":"Beere","berry_description":"Heilt ein Monster um 10 HP.","cherry":"Kirsche","cherry_description":"Heilt ein Monster um 10 HP.","orange":"Orange","orange_description":"Heilt ein Monster um 20 HP.","potion":"Trank","potion_description":"Heilt ein Monster um 50 HP.","super_potion":"Super Trank","super_potion_description":"Heilt ein Monster um 150 HP.","imperial_potion":"Imperial Trank","imperial_potion_description":"Heilt ein Monster um 350 HP.","capture_device":"Fangger\u00e4t","capture_device_description":"F\u00e4ngt ein Monster ein.","tm_avalanche":"TM: Lawine","tm_avalanche_description":"Technik-Manual, dass einem Wasser- oder Erde-Tuxemon die Lawinen-Technik beibringt.","tm_blossom":"TM: Erbl\u00fchen","tm_blossom_description":"Technik-Manual, dass einem Holz-Tuxemon die Erbl\u00fchen-Technik beibringt.","reg_papers":"Registrierungspapiere","reg_papers_description":"Ein Paket mit Registrierungspapieren f\u00fcr die Pr\u00fcfung","allies_address":"Allies Adresse","allies_address_description":"Raum 31, Block 2, Omnichannel-Turm, Cotton Town\\n\\nDa ist ein Lippenabdruck neben der Adresse","combat_used_x":"{user} benutzt {name}!","combat_run":"{user} ist geflohen!","combat_miss":"Es schlug fehl...","combat_can't_run_from_trainer":"Du kannst nicht fliehen!","combat_player_run":"Du bist geflohen!","combat_used_x_on_y":"{user} benutzt {name} auf {target}!","combat_swap":"{user} schickt {target} in den Kampf!","combat_call_tuxemon":"Los {name}!","combat_opponent_call_tuxemon":"{user} schickt {name} in den Kampf!","combat_state_poison_get":"{target} ist vergiftet.","combat_state_poison_damage":"Das Gift schadet {name}!","combat_state_lifeleech_get":"{user} saugt Leben von {target} ab.","dodge_increased":"{user}'s {stat} wurde erh\u00f6ht.","speed_halved":"{user}'s Geschwindigkeit wurde halbiert.","hp_restored":"{user}'s HP wurde wieder hergestellt.","combat_state_overfeed_get":"{user} hat {target} \u00fcberf\u00fcttert.","dodge_fell":"{user}'s Ausweichgeschick ist gesunken.","combat_levitate_get":"{user} stieg h\u00f6her in die Luft.","combat_amnesia_get":"{user} hat eine Amnesie bekommen.","combat_state_lifeleech_success":"{user} wurde Leben abgesaugt!","combat_state_lifeleech_failure":"{link} kann nicht weiter geheilt werden.","combat_state_recover_get":"{target} beginnt Leben zu regenerieren.","combat_state_recover_success":"{user} hat sie geheilt!","combat_state_recover_failure":"{link} kann nicht weiter geheilt werden.","combat_status_damage":"{name} erleidet Schaden durch {status}!","combat_trainer_appeared":"{name} m\u00f6chte k\u00e4mpfen!","combat_victory":"Du hast gewonnen!","combat_defeat":"Du wurdest geschlagen!","combat_draw":"Alle Beteiligten sind kampfunf\u00e4hig!","combat_capturing_success":"Du hast {name} gefangen!","combat_capturing_fail":"{name} ist ausgebrochen!","combat_recharging":"{name} braucht eine Pause, bevor {move} wieder eingesetzt werden kann...","combat_replacement":"W\u00e4hle einen Ersatz!","combat_replacement_is_fainted":"Dieses Monster ist ersch\u00f6pft!","combat_wild_appeared":"Ein wildes {name} erscheint!","combat_monster_choice":"Was soll {name} tun?","combat_fainted":"{name} ist ersch\u00f6pft!","combat_isactive":"{name} k\u00e4mpft bereits.","combat_target_itself":"{name} sollte sich nicht selbst angreifen.","not_implemented":"Diese Funktion ist noch nicht verf\u00fcgbar.","generic_success":"Es hat funktioniert!","generic_failure":"Es ist fehlgeschlagen!","empty_slot":"Leerer Slot","exit":"Verlassen","item_confirm_use":"Benutzen","item_confirm_cancel":"Abbrechen","item_success":"Es hat funktioniert!","item_failure":"Es hat nicht funktioniert!","attempting_capture":"Versuche zu fangen...","gotcha":"Geschnappt!","item_cannot_use_here":"{name} kann hier nicht benutzt werden!","receive_happiness":"5 Einfanger\u00e4te erhalten!","received_x":"{name} erhalten!","save_success":"Gespeichert!","save_failure":"Fehler beim Speichervorgang!","slot":"Slot","status_faint":"K.O.","status_poison":"Gift","status_lifeleech":"Energieabsorbtion","status_overfeed":"\u00dcbers\u00e4ttigt","status_recover":"Erholung","attack_very_effective":"Der Angriff macht viel Extraschaden!","attack_effective":"Der Angriff macht Extraschaden!","attack_resisted":"Dem Angriff wird widerstanden!","attack_weak":"Der Angriff ist fast wirkungslos!","bite":"Biss","fire_explosion":"Feuerexplosion","poison_string":"Giftstachel","pound":"Sto\u00df","swap":"Tausch","water_shot":"Wasserschuss","whirlwind":"Wirbelwind","all_in":"All In","amnesia":"Amnesie","avalanche":"Lawine","battery_acid":"Batteries\u00e4ure","battery_discharge":"Batterieentladung","beam":"Strahl","berserk":"Raserei","biting_winds":"Bei\u00dfende Winde","blade":"Klinge","blood_bond":"Blutsbund","blossom":"Bl\u00fcte","boulder":"Felsbrocken","breathe_fire":"Feuer speien","bubble_trap":"Blasenfalle","bullet":"Kugel","chill_mist":"Gefriernebel","clamp_on":"Festklammern","constrict":"Abdr\u00fccken","electrical_storm":"Stromsturm","energy_claws":"Energiekrallen","energy_field":"Energiefeld","eyebite":"B\u00f6ser Blick","feint":"Finte","fester":"Verfaulen","fire_ball":"Feuerball","fire_claw":"Feuerklaue","flamethrower":"Flammenwerfer","flood":"\u00dcberfluten","flow":"Flie\u00dfen","fluff_up":"Auflockern","font":"Font","frostbite":"Gefrierbrand","fume":"Rauch","give_all":"Alles geben","glower":"Finsterblick","goad":"Anspornen","headbutt":"Kopfnuss","hibernate":"Winterschlaf","ice_claw":"Eiskralle","icicle_spear":"Eiszapfenspeer","invictus":"Invictus","kindling_flame":"Z\u00fcndende Flamme","levitate":"Schweben","midnight_mantle":"Mittnachtsmantel","muddle":"Verwirren","mudslide":"Schlammrutsch","one_two":"Eins-Zwei","overgrowth":"\u00dcberwuchern","peck":"Picken","peregrine":"Wanderfalke","perfect_cut":"Sauberer Schnitt","petrify":"Versteinern","probiscus":"R\u00fcssel","pseudopod":"Pseudopod","quicksand":"Treibsand","ram":"Rammen","refresh":"Auffrischen","rock":"Stein","rot":"F\u00e4ule","rust_bomb":"Rostbombe","salamander":"Salamander","sand_spray":"Sandwirbel","shadow_boxing":"Schattenboxen","shrapnel":"Schrapnell","shuriken":"Shuriken","sleep_bomb":"Schlafbombe","sleeping_powder":"Schlafpulver","snowstorm":"Schneesturm","splinter":"Splitter","spray":"Spray","stampede":"Anstrum","starfall":"Sternfall","static_field":"Statisches Feld","sting":"Stich","stone_rot":"Steinf\u00e4ule","strike":"Schlag","suck_poison":"Sauggift","sudden_glow":"Blitzgl\u00fchen","supernova":"Supernova","surge":"Spannungssto\u00df","take_cover":"In Deckung","thunderball":"Donnerball","thunderclap":"Donnerschlag","tonguespear":"Zungenspeer","venomous_tentacle":"Giftige Tentakel","wall_of_steel":"Eiserner Vorhang","wallow":"Suhle","web":"Weben","wing_tip":"Fl\u00fcgelspitze","run":"Flucht","menu_alphabet":"A\u00c4BCDEFGHIJKLMNO\u00d6PQRS\\\\0TU\u00dcVWXYZa\u00e4bcdefghijklmno\u00f6pqrs\u00dftu\u00fcvwxyz1234567890.-!","menu_alphabet_n_columns":"15","monster_menu_info":"Info","monster_menu_move":"Bewegen","monster_menu_release":"Freilassen","cant_release":"Du kannst das einzige Tuxemon in deinem Team nicht freigelassen.","release_confirmation":"Bist du dir sicher, dass du {name} freilassen m\u00f6chtest?","tuxemon_released":"{name} wurde freigelassen.","log_off":"Ausloggen","menu_bag":"Tasche","menu_fight":"Kampf","menu_item":"Item","menu_items":"Items","menu_journal":"Tagebuch","menu_load":"Laden","menu_monster":"Tuxemon","menu_monsters":"Monster","menu_storage":"Tuxemon aufnehmen","menu_dropoff":"Tuxemon ablegen","menu_multiplayer":"Mehrspieler","menu_new_game":"Neues Spiel","menu_options":"Optionen","menu_player":"Spieler","menu_run":"Flucht","menu_save":"Speichern","menu_up_key":"Hochtaste","menu_left_key":"Linkstaste","menu_right_key":"Rechtstaste","menu_down_key":"Runtertaste","menu_primary_select_key":"Aktion-Taste","menu_secondary_select_key":"Abbruchtaste","menu_back_key":"Zur\u00fccktaste","options_new_input_key0":"Dr\u00fccke eine Taste, um sie als neue Eingabetaste festzulegen","options_new_input_key1":"Starte das Spiel neu, damit die \u00c4nderungen wirksam werden!","menu_storage_take_monster":"Du hast {name} deinem Team hinzugef\u00fcgt!","menu_storage_monsters_full":"Dein Team ist vollz\u00e4hlig, du kannst nicht noch weitere aus dem Lager nehmen.","menu_storage_empty_kennel":"Dieser Zwinger ist leer, es gibt dort keine Monster zu holen.","menu_dropoff_no_monsters":"Du kannst das letzte Tuxemon deines Teams nicht ablegen.","xero_campaign":"Tuxemon: Xero","spyder_campaign":"Tuxemon: Spyder und die Kathedrale","multiplayer_accept":"Akzeptieren","multiplayer_decline":"Ablehnen","multiplayer_duel":"{name} m\u00f6chte ein Duell!","multiplayer_host_game":"Spiel hosten","multiplayer_scan_games":"Suche nach Spielen","multiplayer_join_game":"Spiel beitreten","multiplayer_hosting_ready":"Bereit Clients anzunehmen!","multiplayer_already_hosting":"Spiel wird bereits gehostet!","multiplayer_no_servers":"Keine Server gefunden...","multiplayer_join_prompt":"Hostname oder IP?","aardart":"Aardart","aardart_description":"Es z\u00e4hlt s\u00e4mtliche Ameisen, die es verspeist hat und feiert hohe Essmeilensteine.","aardorn":"Aardorn","aardorn_description":"Nach seiner Geburt wird es in einem Ameisenhaufen ausgesetzt und frisst sich durch diesen.","abesnaki_description":"Jedes Gesicht ist ein unterschiedliches Muster, und manche sagen, dass die Symbole W\u00f6rter einer toten Sprache buchstabieren.","abesnaki":"Abesnaki","agnidon":"Agnidon","agnidon_description":"Obwohl es lieber auf allen Vieren l\u00e4uft, kann es auch zwei stehen um T\u00fcren zu \u00f6ffnen, B\u00e4ume umzuschmei\u00dfen oder Sachen zu halten.","agnigon":"Agnigon","agnigon_description":"Es wird als 'falscher Drache' bezeichnet, weil es wie ein Drache in Erscheinung tritt, aber sich tats\u00e4chlich aus einer anderen Linie antiker Reptile entwickelt hat.","agnite":"Agnite","agnite_description":"Es ist verspielt, aber ihm muss schon fr\u00fch beigebracht werden sein Feuer in Schach zu halten.","allagon":"Allagon","allagon_description":"ALLAGON werden von den Relikten angezogen, die aus dem zur\u00fcckgelassenen Metall ihrer Vorfahren gemacht wurden, und sie werden nicht vor Gewalt zur\u00fcckschrecken, um sie zur\u00fcckzubekommen.","altie_description":"ALTIE schwebte in einer Blase hinunter zur Erde. Jetzt ist seine Blase geplatzt, es kann nicht mehr als einige Meter in der Luft schweben.","altie":"Altie","angrito_description":"Es versteht nicht, warum Menschen Wut und Hass f\u00fchlen, aber ANGRITO f\u00fchlt diese Emotionen ebenfalls.","angrito":"Angrito","anoleaf":"Anoleaf","anoleaf_description":"Es betrachtet Pflanzen, die in seiner N\u00e4he wachsen, als B\u00fcder und Schwestern.","anu_description":"Es wird gesagt, dass es die Tr\u00e4ume anderer betritt auf der Suche nach seiner verlorenen Liebe.","anu":"Anu","apeoro_description":"Die K\u00f6nige der Alten benutzten psychische Kr\u00e4fte um ihre Seelen in diese goldenen verarbeitenden Maschinen zu transferieren. Nun leben sie weiter, unf\u00e4hig zu kommunizieren, aber immernoch von Imperien tr\u00e4umend.","apeoro":"Apeoro","araignee_description":"Pedanten, die sagen, dass Spinnen immer acht Beine haben, sind seltsam still wenn es um ARAIGNEE geht.","araignee":"Araignee","arthrobolt_description":"Es f\u00fchlt sich unwohl dabei seinen Gef\u00e4hrten NUT and BOLT Befehle zu erteilen, und l\u00e4uft \u00fcblicherweise davon. Aber dann haben NUT and BOLT niemanden, der ihnen Anweisungen gibt.","arthrobolt":"Arthrobolt","av8r_description":"Wenn die Sonne scheint kann es so hoch oder weit fliegen, wie es m\u00f6chte.","av8r":"Av8r","axylightl":"Axylightl","axylightl_description":"Mit seinem leuchtenden Schweif markiert es sichere Unterk\u00fcnfte f\u00fcr Fische in tiefen Gew\u00e4ssern.","b_ver_1_description":"Es ist daf\u00fcr f\u00fcr all die Zeiten gemacht, wenn du etwas von einem Roboter gebissen haben m\u00f6chtest.","b_ver_1":"B-Ver.1","bamboon":"Bamboon","bamboon_description":"Es k\u00e4mpft mit seinem Bambusstab, den er zus\u00e4tzlich f\u00fcr seine Balance nutzt.","banling_description":"Jedes BANLING wartet auf einen heimatlosen Geist, der sich an seine Zweige schmiegt.","banling":"Banling","baobaraffe_description":"Es speichert gewaltige Wassermassen in seinem riesigen K\u00f6rper, sodass es weite Strecken durch hei\u00dfe, trockene W\u00fcsten zur\u00fccklegen kann. Es teilt sein Wasser auch mit durstigen Kreaturen. Wenn es kein Wasser speichert, ist es d\u00fcnn.","baobaraffe":"Baobaraffe","baoby_description":"Sie wandern von Fluss zu Fluss auf der Suche nach Wasser zum trinken und speichern. Die belaubte Ossikone auf seinem Kopf verbergen bewegliche Punkte, die \u00e4hnlich wie eine W\u00fcnschelrute wirken. Viele Kreaturen folgen BAOBY in D\u00fcrren.","baoby":"Baoby","beenstalker_description":"Was BEENSTALKER an Sinnen und Anmut mangelt, gleichen sie mit schierem Enthusiasmus und Wohlwollen aus. Es erfreut sich daran Ungezieher zu verscheuchen, ohne sie aber jemals zu verletzen.","beenstalker":"Beenstalker","bigfin":"Bigfin","bigfin_description":"Ein ganzes \u00d6kosysem existiert auf seinem R\u00fccken, wodurch es das Tauchen meidet.","bolt":"Bolt","bolt_description":"Die Anwesenheit eines BOLT macht ein NUT h\u00e4rter und funkt mehr Energie.","boltnu_description":"Es verbringt die meiste Zeit damit einen Bau in den Boden zu graben. Die st\u00e4ndige Vibration und Bewegung, die sie dabei bewirken, sorgt daf\u00fcr, dass ihnen dauerhaft schwindelig ist.","boltnu":"Boltnu","botbot_description":"Es ist ein universeller Roboter, der f\u00fcr jeden Zweck angepasst werden kann.","botbot":"Botbot","boxali_description":"Mit seinem langen blauen Umhang kann BOXALI \u00fcber den Boden gleiten - was es ihm erm\u00f6glicht Stunts und Luftattacken durchf\u00fchren.","boxali":"Boxali","brewdin_description":"Geboren in vernachl\u00e4ssigten, einst gesch\u00e4tzten T\u00f6pferwaren und \u00e4hnlichen Sch\u00e4tzen. Es hei\u00dft, dass es jenen W\u00fcnsche erf\u00fcllt, die es schaffen es zum l\u00e4cheln zu bringen.","brewdin":"Brewdin","budaye_description":"Es kann jede Gruppe mit etwas ermutigendem Maunzen und Winken davon \u00fcberzeugen f\u00fcr das Allgemeinwohl zu kooperieren.","budaye":"Budaye","bugnin_description":"Sein Schwert ist eigentlich eine Antenne, die daf\u00fcr gewachsen und abgebrochen wurde.","bugnin":"Bugnin","bumbulus_description":"BUMBULUS ist ein fliegendes Wesen, das eine Wolke aus Rauch produziert, um sich als Wolke zu tarnen. Niemand hat je seinen wahren K\u00f6rper gesehen.","bumbulus":"Bumbulus","bursa_description":"Es lehnt Feuer als solches ab und produziert nur das Feuer des Verstandes.","bursa":"Bursa","cairfrey":"Cairfrey","cairfrey_description":"Ein vergn\u00fcgtes St\u00fcck M\u00f6bel, das eines Morgens aufwachte und sich entschied auf Entdeckungstour zu gehen.","capiti":"Capiti","capiti_description":"Es ist aus wie ein Baby, aber es wurden Exemplare gefunden, die Hunderte Jahre alt sind.","cardiling":"Cardiling","cardiling_description":"Man w\u00fcrde von ihm nicht erwarten, dass es Feuer spukt, bis es dies tut.","cardinale":"Cardinale","cardinale_description":"Es hasst alle Raubtiere mit Leidenschaft. Es f\u00fchrt Krieg mit ihnen und mit seinem Jungtier, wenn es dies kann.","cardiwing":"Cardiwing","cardiwing_description":"Sein Gesang ist bemerkenswert, aber nur wenige wagen es, sich einen explosiven Singvogel zu halten.","cataspike_description":"Es lernt durch Beobachtung wie man k\u00e4mpft. Sich selbst \u00fcberlassen benutzt es seinen seinen Stachel, um Abfall aufzuheben.","cataspike":"Cataspike","cateye_description":"Sie sagen, es blinzelt einmal im Jahr, um das Ende des Sommers zu ehren.","cateye":"Cateye","chenipode_description":"Es knabbert an Schn\u00fcrsenkeln und Hosenbeinen wenn es reisen will.","chenipode":"Chenipode","chibiro_description":"Es wird in W\u00e4ldern und auf Feldern gefunden, wo es h\u00e4ufig mit einer R\u00fcbe verwechselt wird.","chibiro":"Chibiro","chillimp":"Chillimp","chillimp_description":"Es geht das Ger\u00fccht um, dass es auf dem Gipfel verschneiter Berge lebt, allerdings hat niemand je ein deutliches Foto von ihm machen k\u00f6nnen.","chloragon":"Chloragon","chloragon_description":"Es schl\u00fcpft, wenn es in fruchtbarer Erde gepflanzt wurde. Wenn die Eier ausgehen, wird es keine CHLORAGON mehr geben.","chromeye_description":"CHROMEYE wurde erschaffen, um zu beobachten und zu lernen, wie Menschen denken und f\u00fchlen.","chromeye":"Chromeye","cochini_description":"Es ist so intelligent und bewusst wie ein drei Jahre altes Kind. Es schmeckt k\u00f6stlich.","cochini":"Cochini","coleorus_description":"Es hat, unver\u00e4ndert, f\u00fcr Millionen von Jahren existiert.","coleorus":"Coleorus","conifrost":"Conifrost","conifrost_description":"Wenn es niest l\u00f6st es eine Lawine aus. Es hat st\u00e4ndig Schnupfen.","conileaf_description":"Essen, das in seinem Krug plaziert wird, wird gemischt und in Essig eingelegt. Sie werden dazu verwendet, um Essen zu lagern, ohne das dieses verdirbt.","conileaf":"Conileaf","coproblight_description":"Geboren in den F\u00e4kalien prehistorischer Tuxemon, es benutzte die Knochensplitter in sich zur Verteidigung.","coproblight":"Coproblight","corvix":"Corvix","corvix_description":"Es bewaffnet seine Schwingen mit den Knochensplittern seiner Opfer.","cowpignon_description":"Einige Leute lassen es austrocknen und essen es als eine medizinische Verbesserung.","cowpignon":"Cowpignon","criniotherme_description":"Seine M\u00e4hne leuchtet am Tag, wird gro\u00df und rot w\u00e4hrend des Sonnenuntergangs und verweht als Asche bei Nacht.","criniotherme":"Criniotherme","dandicub_description":"Nachdem ein Wurf zur Welt gekommen ist, schweben sie \u00fcber die ganze Welt und sehen ihre Familie nie wieder.","dandicub":"Dandicub","dandylion":"Dandylion","dandylion_description":"Es hat einen Wurf in seinem Leben. Dann wandert es durch die Welt, um sie wieder zu finden.","dinoflop_description":"DINOFLOP erg\u00f6tzt sich daran sich schnell von seinen Angreifern abzuwenden, sodass deren Schl\u00e4ge auf seinem abgeschirmten und stacheligen R\u00fccken landen.","dinoflop":"Dinoflop","djinnbo":"Djinnbo","djinnbo_description":"F\u00e4lschlicherweise glaubt man, dass dies ein Mensch sei, welcher im Feuer starb. Eigentlich, waren es seine Verwandten.","dollfin":"Dollfin","dollfin_description":"Jeder einzelne folgt einem Schiff von Ort zu Ort, die Welt entdeckend.","dracune":"Dracune","dracune_description":"Bei Tage ist es unbeweglich, bei Nacht allerdings kann es zappeln und bei\u00dfen.","dragarbor":"Dragarbor","dragarbor_description":"Wenn es sp\u00fcrt, dass das Ende seines Lebens naht, reist es zu einem Friedhof, wo es sich selbst einpflanzt. Seine Schwanzblume w\u00e4chst ewig.","drokoro_description":"Es hatte einmal eine Familie, aber es hat seine Eltern gefressen, seine Kinder und seinen Partner, und alle seiner Art.","drokoro":"Drokoro","dune_pincher":"Dune Pincher","dune_pincher_description":"Diese Einsiedler werden sich einwickeln in was auch immer in greifbarer N\u00e4he ist. In der W\u00fcste sind das die Leichent\u00fccher l\u00e4ngst verstorbener Pharaohnen.","eaglace":"Eaglace","eaglace_description":"Wenn es abfliegt, formen sich Wolken. Wenn es mit seinen Fl\u00fcgeln schl\u00e4gt, f\u00e4llt Hagel.","elofly_description":"Ein ELOFLY auf sich allein gestellt ist geduldig und weise, aber wenn sie gro\u00dfe Schw\u00e4rme bilden werden sie gewaltt\u00e4tig und impulsiv.","elofly":"Elofly","elostorm_description":"K\u00f6nige und K\u00f6niginnen, die ELOSTORM herrschen \u00fcber Ihresgleichen und haben gro\u00dfe Ambitionen.","elostorm":"Elostorm","elowind_description":"Als die Leutnants der ELOFLY Familie f\u00fchren die ELOWIND die Herde und halten sie konzentriert.","elowind":"Elowind","embazook_description":"Es wurde f\u00fcr den Krieg trainiert und kennt kein anderes Leben.","embazook":"Embazook","embra_description":"Es frisst alles, was es kann, um gro\u00df genug zu werden, damit es zu einem RUPTION wird.","embra":"Embra","enduros_description":"ENDUROS ist ein agressiver Raufer, der sich nicht mit seinen Schl\u00e4gen zur\u00fcckh\u00e4lt. Au\u00dferhalb des Rings ist es ganz gesellig.","enduros":"Enduros","eruptibus_description":"Schmiede arbeiten mit ihm, indem sie Metall in seiner Caldera erhitzen.","eruptibus":"Eruptibus","exapode_description":"Es winkt mit seinen Beinen, um auf sich aufmerksam zu machen, aber meisten laufen die Leute einfach weg.","exapode":"Exapode","exclawvate_description":"Sie werden oft auf Baustellen gesehen, wo sie mit ihren riesigen H\u00e4nden und ihrem Schwanz Dreck und Schutt aufschaufeln. Unterhalb sind diese Tuxemon Raupenreifen, was ihnen eine bessere Balance gibt sowie eine bessere Griffigkeit w\u00e4hrend sie Schutthaufen emporklettern.","exclawvate":"Exclawvate","eyenemy":"Eyenemy","eyenemy_description":"Es n\u00e4hrt sich von sch\u00f6ner Aussicht und anderen spektakul\u00e4ren Besichtigungen.","eyesore_description":"Es kann sich an alles erinnern, was es jemals gesehen hat, nur nicht, in welcher Reihenfolge.","eyesore":"Eyesore","fancair_description":"Wenn jemand seinen L\u00fcfter laufen l\u00e4sst, obwohl er nicht gebraucht wird, dann erwacht er zum Leben und fliegt aus dem Fenster, um jemanden zu finden, der tats\u00e4chlich gek\u00fchlt werden muss.","fancair":"Fancair","falcono":"Falcono","falcono_description":"Es ist vollkommen furchtlos gegen\u00fcber Widersachern und wird jeden Gegner ohne zu z\u00f6gern angreifen, ungeachtet seiner Gr\u00f6\u00dfe.","ferricran":"Ferricran","ferricran_description":"Einst waren die FERRICRAN vollst\u00e4ndig mit unzerst\u00f6rbaren Schuppen bedeckt und hatten Fl\u00fcgel aus Mithril.","firomenis":"Firomenis","firomenis_description":"<>","fluttaflap":"Fluttaflap","fluttaflap_description":"Es ern\u00e4hrt sich von Verunreinigungen, deshalb gibt es gereinigtes Blut an jene zur\u00fcck, von denen es das Blut absaugt.","fruitera":"Fruitera","fruitera_description":"FRUITERA ist hungrig nach Obst und tr\u00e4gt alles, was es kann. Als er \u00fcberrascht ist, l\u00e4sst er alle seine Fr\u00fcchte fallen, sammelt sie wieder auf und flieht dann.","gectile":"Gectile","gectile_description":"Es ist so schnell und leicht, dass es auf Bl\u00e4ttern gehen kann.","heronquak":"Heronquak","heronquak_description":"Der Kristall auf seiner Brust wird von Wilderern mit einem Diamanten verwechselt. Es schmilzt, sobald es von HERONQUAK's k\u00f6rper entfernt wird.","hydrone":"Hydrone","hydrone_description":"Es nutzt eine experimentelle Technologie, die Strom aus Wasser erzeugt.","katacoon_description":"Es verbleibt in einer meditativen Pose f\u00fcr seine Verpuppung und bewegt sich nur, um Feine zu stechen.","katacoon":"Katacoon","lambert":"Lambert","lambert_description":"Die Eltern legen es in die Nuss und schicken es hinaus in die Welt.","legko":"Legko","legko_description":"Lange wurde angenommen, dass es keine Beine habe, dabei sind seine Bl\u00e4tter tats\u00e4chlich verk\u00fcmmerte Gliedma\u00dfen.","magmaturtle":"Magmaturtle","magmaturtle_description":"<>","merlicun":"Merlicun","merlicun_description":"<>","moloch":"Moloch","moloch_description":"Es kann seine Haut verh\u00e4rten und weich machen, um damit auf Freunde und Feine zu reagieren.","noctalo":"Noctalo","noctalo_description":"Es bewohnt nur menschenverlassene Orte - Schl\u00f6sser, Friedh\u00f6fe und Abwasserkan\u00e4le.","noctula":"Noctula","noctula_description":"Es isst K\u00e4fer und PIPIS Essfrucht, somit konkurrieren sich nicht miteinander und das, obwohl sie so nah beieinander leben.","nostray":"Nostray","nostray_description":"Es kann alles im Ozean riechen, egal wie weit entfernt es auch sein mag.","nudiflot":"Nudiflot","nudiflot_description":"Es frisst Seekreaturen und speichert das Gift jener in seinem K\u00f6rper.","nut":"Nut","nut_description":"In den gro\u00dfen Schiffen, die die Ozeane \u00fcberqueren, liefern Tausende von NUT und BOLT Strom und halten die Stahlbeschichtung zusammen.","onaclov":"Onaclov","onaclov_description":"<>","pigabyte":"Pigabyte","pigabyte_description":"Wissenschaftler fanden heraus, dass die besten Computer organische Implantate haben.","possessun":"Possessun","possessun_description":"Es ist ein Geist, das tote CAIRFREY bewohnt.","propellercat":"Propellercat","propellercat_description":"Ist es eine neue Spezies oder nur das Haustier eines Erfinders?","rockat":"Rockat","rockat_description":"Trotz seines betr\u00e4chtlichen Gewichts sind seine Schritte lautlos.","rockitten":"Rockitten","rockitten_description":"Er nutzt seine winzigen Felsenohren zum Kuscheln.","sapragon":"Sapragon","sapragon_description":"In alten Zeiten gab es f\u00fcr jedes Element einen m\u00e4chtigen Drachen - aber diese Kreaturen wurden immer weniger und sind heutzutage nur noch selten zu finden.","selket":"Selket","selket_description":"Sie liegen unter dem Sand und k\u00f6nnen ihre Beute durch die Vibrationen ihrer Schritte sp\u00fcren.","selmatek":"Selmatek","selmatek_description":"Von den alten K\u00f6nigen der W\u00fcsten gehalten, diente SELMATEK als Wachhunde, Jagdgef\u00e4hrten und - jetzt - Verteidiger gegen Grabr\u00e4uber.","simba":"Simba","simba_description":"<>","sludgehog":"Sludgehog","sludgehog_description":"Es lebt im M\u00fcll und frisst es auch. Seine Stacheln scheinen scharf zu sein, aber es kann sie nach Belieben mildern.","sharpfin":"Sharpfin","sharpfin_description":"Im Wasser ist es unsichtbar. Sichtbar ist es nur, wenn es aus dem Wasser springt, um Tiere vom Ufer in die Tiefe zur\u00fcckzuziehen.","snowrilla":"Snowrilla","snowrilla_description":"Es erfreut sich daran mit Skiern auf verlassenen H\u00e4ngen fangen zu spielen.","spycozeus":"Spycozeus","spycozeus_description":"Die gefl\u00fcsterten Kommunikationen des Waldes erhalten in SPYCOZEUS, der wie die B\u00e4ume denkt, physische Form.","sumobug":"Sumobug","sumobug_description":"Es nutzt sein Gewicht um viel gr\u00f6\u00dfere Gegner zu st\u00fcrzen. Seine Dichte gleicht einem Stern.","tigrock":"Tigrock","tigrock_description":"Man sagt dass es sich selbst erfand, da eine Evolution nicht erdacht wurde.","tumblecoon":"Tumblecoon","tumblecoon_description":"<>","tumbleworm":"Tumbleworm","tumbleworm_description":"Wenn sie ihrem Bienenwabenei entwachsen sind, fallen sie mit dem Gesicht zuerst auf den Boden.","tux":"Tux","tux_description":"<>","tweesher":"Tweesher","tweesher_description":"Je k\u00e4lter das Wetter, umso h\u00e4rter wird sein Schnabel. Bei unter 0 Grad ist sein Schnabel h\u00e4rter als Diamant.","vamporm":"Vamporm","vamporm_description":"Es durstet nach Blut, muss sich aber mit Braumsaft begn\u00fcgen.","velocitile":"Velocitile","velocitile_description":"Es kann sogar eine Kugel \u00fcberholen, muss dazu aber erst aufgew\u00e4rmt sein.","wrougon":"Wrougon","wrougon_description":"Jedes WROUGON wird mit einem Rostfleck geboren, der gr\u00f6\u00dfer ist als der seiner Eltern.","zunna":"Zunna","zunna_description":"Das heitere ZUNNA saugt alles Futter, dass es finden kann, auf in seinen Magen.","anteater":"Ameisenfresser","snout":"Schnauze","false_dragon":"Falscher Drache","dragon":"Drache","sprout":"Spr\u00f6ssling","inchoate":"Inchoate","prehensile":"Prehensile","island":"Insel","host":"Host","woodwose":"Woodwose","firebird":"Feuervogel","frost_ape":"Frostaffe","taiga":"Taiga","horned_raptor":"Geh\u00f6rnter Raubvogel","lions_tooth":"L\u00f6wenzahn","vengeance":"Vengeance","joyful":"Joyful","cloaked":"Getarnt","cirrus":"Zirrus","pupil":"Pupille","fire":"Feuer","sanguine":"Sanguine","wood":"Holz","climbing":"Climbing","crested":"Crested","metal_water":"Metall, Wasser","gumnut":"Gumnut","lizard":"Eidechse","earth_fire":"Erde, Feuer","devil":"Teufel","nightcrawler":"Nachtfalter","flopped":"Flopped","metal":"Metall","visitor":"Besucher","earth":"Erde","rip":"Rip","yeti":"Yeti","ex_machina":"Ex Machina","water":"Wasser","clot":"Clot","restless":"Ruhelos","slurpy":"Slurpy","aeble":"Aeble","allie":"Allie","cottonnurse":"Cotton Krankenschwester","karrianna":"Karrianna","knight1":"Ritter I","knight2":"Ritter II","liela":"Liela","maple_girl":"Maple","misa":"Misa","npc_wife":"Ehefrau NPC","professor":"Professor","npc_red":"Rot","tabanurse":"Taba Krankenschwester","tuxemart_keeper":"Tuxemart Ladenbesitzer","tuxemart_aide":"Tuxemart Mitarbeiter","xerogrund1":"Team Xero R\u00fcpel I","xerogrund2":"Team Xero R\u00fcpel II","xerogrunt2":"Team Xero R\u00fcpel II","xerogrunt3":"Team Xero R\u00fcpel III","xerogrunt4":"Team Xero R\u00fcpel IV","xerogrunt5":"Team Xero R\u00fcpel V","xerogrunt6":"Team Xero R\u00fcpel VI","xerogrunt7":"Team Xero R\u00fcpel VII","xerogrunt8":"Team Xero R\u00fcpel VIII","xerogrunt9":"Team Xero R\u00fcpel IX","xerogrunt10":"Team Xero R\u00fcpel X","healmytuxemon":"M\u00f6chtest du deine Tuxemon heilen?","haveagoodday":"Sch\u00f6nen Tag noch!","yes":"Ja","no":"Nein","door_problems":"Die T\u00fcr klemmt und wird sich nicht \u00f6ffnen...","empty_pot":"Ein leerer Blumentopf, vielleicht pflanzt jemand hier etwas.","purple_flowers":"Jemand hat hier s\u00fc\u00df-riechende lila Blumen gepflanzt!","orange_flowers":"Jemand hat hier wundersch\u00f6ne orangene Blumen gepflanzt!","famous_statue":"Eine Statur eines ehemaligen Tuxemon-Meisters. Der Name ist verwittert...","famous_statue2":"Dort steht: F\u00fcr unsere geliebten Freunde und Helden von allen, die Wywen","cotton_town_fountain":"Ein Springbrunnen. Eine Menge M\u00fcnzen liegen auf dem Grund.","tree":"Dieser Baum sieht fr\u00f6hlich und gesund aus!","route_2":"Route 2","sure_i_do":"Nat\u00fcrlich werde ich.","not_really":"Nicht wirklich.","professor_dialog\\n":"Professor: \\n Ah, ja. Genau die Person, die ich schon seit langem treffen wollte.\\nIch habe geh\u00f6rt du m\u00f6chtest mehr \u00fcber Tuxemon lernen.\\nTuxemon sind kleine Tiere, manche nennen sie Monster, mit denen wir befreundet sind und um gegen andere Tuxemon zu k\u00e4mpfen.\\nIch habe mich gefragt, ich habe drei neue Tuxemon f\u00fcr Forschungen bekommen und ich w\u00fcrde dir eines geben.\\nWelches m\u00f6chtes du haben?\\n","professor_dialog6.1":"Professor: Eine hervorragende Wahl! Hydrone ist ein Wasser-Tuxemon","professor_dialog6.2":"Professor: Eine spitzen Wahl! Rockitten ist ein Erde-Tuxemon","professor_dialog6.3":"Professor: Eine tolle Wahl! Fruitera ist ein Holz-Tuxemon","professor_dialog7":"Professor: Ich hoffe dich wieder zu sehen! Ich werde mich bald auf eine Reise begeben, also sieht man sich vielleicht irgendwann.","karrianna_dialog1":"Karrianna: Ich habe die letzten Monate trainiert! Keiner hat mich bischer geschlagen!","karrianna_dialog2":"Nun... du warst der erste Trainer, dem ich begegnet bin...","xero_hideout1":"Xero Institut f\u00fcr Tuxemon-Forschungen und -F\u00f6rderung geradeaus.","xero_grunt1":"Hallo, willkommen im Xero Institut f\u00fcr Tuxemon-Forschungen und -F\u00f6rderung, wir haben gerade geschlossen f\u00fcr Umbauarbeiten.","xero_grunt2":"Ich bin bereit dich herreinzulassen, falls du eine Kirsche hast, mein Tuxemon liebt sie!","xero_grunt3":"Normalerwei\u00dfe k\u00f6nnen die auf dem Boden eines Baumes gefunden werden.","cherry_found":"Du hast eine Kirsche gefunden.","xero_grunt4":"Ich sehe du hast eine Kirsche, Ich nehme sie mal... Nun werde ich dich mal hinein bringen.","xero_grunts_block":"In diesem Bereich sind gerade Bauarbeiten im Gange, diese sollten aber bald fertig sein.","waiting_for_misa":"Unsere Anf\u00fchrerin w\u00fcrde gern mit dir sprechen. Wenn du bereit bist, sprich mit meinem Freund hier neben mir.","teleport?":"Bist du bereit dich mit unserem Anf\u00fchrer zu treffen?","ouch":"Tut mir Leid, aber das k\u00f6nnte ein bisschen wehtun...","maybe_sometime_again?":"Okay, Ich werde hier sein, sobald du bereit bist.","youcantleave":"Die T\u00fcren sind von Au\u00dfen verschlossen... Ist hier irgendwo ein Schl\u00fcssel?","discovered_a_person":"Du hast mich gefunden! Haha!","a_serious_discussion\\n":"Ich beobachte dich jetzt schon eine Weile, ich bin froh, dass meine Anh\u00e4nger es geschafft haben, dich ohne Schaden zu packen.\\nOh, wo sind meine Manieren!\\nIch bin Misa, Premierminister des Xero Institute for Tuxemon Research and Advancement.\\nWie hie\u00dfen Sie nochmal?\\n.... ..... ....\\n${{name}}?\\nKein gro\u00dfer Name f\u00fcr jemanden, der illegal einen Tuxemon besitzt.\\n","oops\\n":"Oh. Ich sch\u00e4tze, du hast das nicht gewusst...\\nDu solltest keine Angst haben, ein Tuxemon an seiner Seite zu haben ist das Beste, was dir passen kann.\\n","backstory\\n":"Vor etwa drei\u00dfig Jahren begann eine Gruppe namens Omnichannel, die Medien zu kontrollieren.\\nBald darauf wurde die Meinungsfreiheit fast unm\u00f6glich.\\nSo beschlossen die Menschen, Tuxemon als Boten zu benutzen und Streitigkeiten beizulegen.\\nVor etwa zehn Jahren wurde das harte Vorgehen gegen Tuxemon eingeleitet.\\nJetzt k\u00f6nnen nur zugelassene Personen Tuxemon besitzen und aufziehen.\\nMeine Gruppe verwendet Tuxemon f\u00fcr die Forschung, deshalb haben wir sie alle.\\nSie sind ungew\u00f6hnlich, Sie sind nicht von Omnichannel zugelassen.\\nDu k\u00f6nntest der Trainer sein, auf den wir gewartet haben.\\nOmnichannel, so r\u00fccksichtslos sie auch sind, sind nicht die einzige Bedrohung, die wir hier haben.\\nEs gibt eine andere Organisation namens Spyder.\\nSie sollten sich nicht zu viele Sorgen um sie machen m\u00fcssen, sie sind hier nicht zu aktiv.\\nJetzt schicken wir Sie zur\u00fcck auf Ihre Reise.\\nAber nur, wenn Sie sich bereit erkl\u00e4ren, uns gegen Omnichannel zu helfen.\\nAndernfalls melden wir Sie selbst an Omnichannel.\\nUnd du wirst alles verlieren.\\nWir beobachten immer.\\n","backstory9":"Was wirst du tun? Wirst du uns helfen?","sorryfurthis":"Gute Entscheidung. Tut mir Leid, das wird ein bisschen stechen.","mwah\\n":"???: Was willst du? ... ... ... Nun, zu schade. Du kommst hier nicht hinein, obwohl deine Kleidung geschmackvoll gemacht ist.\\nIch bin Allie nebenbei.\\nAllie: Ja, dies ist der Omnichannel, ich bin jedoch nur eine niedrigrangige Wache. Wer bist du?\\n${{name}}...\\nHmm. Ein starker Name. Mein Haus ist nicht weit von hier, vielleicht... nach der Arbeit... k\u00f6nntest du mir deine St\u00e4rke zeigen?\\n... ... Nein! Was meinst du mit nein? Es sei denn... ... Du bist Jess's neuer Freund nicht wahr! Sie hat die ganze Zeit mit mir gespielt!\\n","mwah2":"JESS!!!","itslockedboi":"Allie hat die T\u00fcr hinter sich verschlossen...","hellothere":"???: Hallo!","kmere":"Warum kommst du nicht hier r\u00fcber und redest mit mir?","theinfo\\n":"Mir tut die Szene da Leid, Allie ist manchmal nicht einfach, im Gegensatz zu meiner Tochter Jess.\\nOh! Wo sind blo\u00df meine Manieren. Mein Name ist Ae... Wei\u00dft du was? Ich werde es einfach aufschreiben.\\nAeble\\nEs wird ahbluh ausgesprochen, aber jeder nennt mich Able. Du kannst mich so nennen, sch\u00e4tze ich...\\nAeble: Ich bin der CEO hier beim Omnichannel, jeder Rundfunk, den du siehst, wird von mir genehmigt.\\nJetzt bin ich aber nicht der Einzige, der seinen Teil beitr\u00e4gt, wir haben einen Vorstand, der uns hilft die Distrikte zu administrieren\\nDer Vorstand wurde seit der Gr\u00fcndung wiedergew\u00e4hlt. Sie haben jedoch einen gro\u00dfartigen Job gemacht, so macht es Sinn.\\nOmnichannel's Ziel ist es die Welt f\u00fcr alle zu \u00f6ffnen. Der einzige Weg um dies zu erreichen jedoch, um alle gleich zu stellen,\\nwar es n\u00f6tig die Tuxemon einzuschr\u00e4nken.\\nWir haben mit Beschlagnahmung angefangen, aber die meisten Tuxemon haben es geschafft zu entkommen. Also gingen wir zu extremen Ma\u00dfnahmen \u00fcber.\\nUnsere Schwesterorganisation hat eine Droge entwickelt, die die Tuxemon ver\u00e4ndern konnte.\\nEs isolierte einen Teil des Gehirns, das jedes Tuxemon mysteri\u00f6serweise besitzt und \u00fcberlud es.\\nSobald die Gage Paludal Lamina mit Elektrizit\u00e4t \u00fcberladen wurde, verschwand deren Wille zu widerstehen und sie wurden f\u00fcgsam.\\nDeswegen sind einige Spezies tot,\\nbesonders Rockitten, Fruitera, und Hydrone.\\nDas ist jedoch nicht mehr von Bedeutung. Diese Generation wei\u00df nicht mal wer was Tuxemon sind, es sei denn sie arbeiten f\u00fcr uns.\\nDie Geburtenrate ist auf einem Allzeithoch, und die Genehmigung der Omnichannel wurde seit dem Jahr der Einschr\u00e4nkung nicht gest\u00fcrzt\\nTuxemon sind ein perverser Fluch, der die ganze Menschheit zerst\u00f6rt. Omnichannel hat das Problem gel\u00f6st und Ordnung gebracht.\\nTuxemon zerst\u00f6ren und jeder, der was anderes behauptet, l\u00fcgt. Entschuldigung, aber ich muss mich wieder an die Arbeit machen.\\n","liela_goes_to_battle":"Wenn du mich st\u00f6rst w\u00e4hrend ich Beeren pfl\u00fccke, dann werde ich dich herausfordern m\u00fcssen!","Cathedral_Center":"Kathedralencenter: We leben um zu dienen.","Cotton_Mart":"Hol dir den Scoop beim Scoop-Gesch\u00e4ft!","Cotton_Town_Sign\\n":"Willkommen in Cotton Town: Eine Wachsende Macht \\n \\n^ Cotton Town --- Route 1 v","column1":"Eine seltene und antike S\u00e4ule. Dies war mal ein Tempel.","column2":"Eine seltene und antike S\u00e4ule. Andere Ruinen von der selben Kultur k\u00f6nnen auf Route 3 gefunden werden. ","cityparksign\\n":"Willkommen in City Park: Eine Kostprobe von der Wildnis\\n^ City Park --- Route 2 v\\n","route2speech":"EEK!!!","route2speech2\\n":"Oh. Du bist es nur, ${{name}}...\\nSei das n\u00e4chste Mal etwas r\u00fccksichtsvoller wenn du jemanden schubst. Die Klippe geht weiter runter als es aussieht...\\n","route2speech3\\n":"Obwohl das keine schlechte Sache ist...\\nIch wei\u00df, jeder braucht mich zum Anf\u00fchren, aber mit allem, was vor sich geht...\\nAber du willst mir gar nicht zuh\u00f6ren... oder?\\n","yestalk":"Wirklich? Danke...","notalk":"Du unsensible Person! Du wirst mir sowieso zuh\u00f6ren!","spillit\\n":"Du wei\u00dft, dass ich das Xero institut leite und dass ich dich rekrutiert habe, um sie zu bek\u00e4mpfen. Aber sonst wei\u00dft du nichts weiter.\\nAllie, die, die du zuvor kennengelernt hast... Was? Ich habe dir gesagt, dass wir beobachten, du brauchst nicht so \u00fcberrascht dar\u00fcber zu sein.\\n","spillit3":"Wie auch immer... Allie ist meine Schwester und bedeutet mir die Welt, deshalb war ich am Boden zerst\u00f6rt, als ich herausgefunden habe, dass er sie ins HQ gebracht hat.","spillit4":"Es mag vielleicht nicht den Eindruck von etwas Schlechtem zu machen, aber es ist etwas Schlechtes. Wei\u00dft du, was die ihnen antun? Wei\u00dft du es!?","spillit5":"Denn ich auch nicht... Alles, was ich wei\u00df, ist, dass niemand jemals Omnichannel nach der Rekrutierung verlassen hat.","spillit6":"Wie auch immer... Es betrifft dich nicht. Alles, was gerade wichtig ist, ist, dass Omnichannel zu Fall gebracht wird.","spillit7":"Tut mir Leid, dass ich dich mit meinen Problemen belaste. City Park ist weter vorne, wenn du weitergehen m\u00f6chtest","leavemealone":"Wir haben hier fr\u00fcher immer gespielt als wir noch j\u00fcnger waren...","iamknight\\n":"Was machst du denn hier? Du wei\u00dft doch, dass nur Ritter in City Park erlaubt sind.\\n... ... ... Hmm... Du versuchst also nach Leather Town zu kommen...\\nNun, ich sch\u00e4tze du k\u00f6nntest an der Herausforderung teilnehmen, wenn du m\u00f6chtest. Das einzige Problem ist, dass du ein Tuxemon brauchen wirst...\\nIch bin sicher, dass wir dir eins leihen k\u00f6nnen. Bist du bereit f\u00fcr die Herausforderung?\\n","sorry":"Okay, gut... wenn du bereit bist werde ich immer noch hier sein...","splendid\\n":"Du wirst? Hervorragend! Jetzt, um ein passendes Tuxemon f\u00fcr dich zu finden...\\n... ... Du hast schon ein Tuxemon? Nun, ich bin sicher, dass du dann ganz gut selbst zurechtkommen wirst...\\n","cottonnurse_dialog":"Willkommen im Cotton Town Tuxecenter!","tabanurse_dialog\\n":"Willkommen im ${{map_name}} Tuxecenter!\\nM\u00f6chtest du deine Tuxemon heilen?\\n","okaythen":"Okay! Gib mir nur ein paar Sekunden und ich werde dein Tuxemon heilen!","okaythen2":"Gut, ich denke deine Tuxemon sind wieder bei voller Energie! Hier hast du sie wieder!","input_name":"Name?","hey":"Hey!","spyder_route4_rosamund2":"Rache wird am besten kalt serviert. ","spyder_greenwash_aissa2":"Wir werden alle sterben!","spyder_timber_dante1":"Hey Kumpel! Sch\u00f6n dich wieder zu sehen. ","darnitjohn5":"Warum bist du noch immer hier?","revive":"Wiederbeleben","item_no_available_target":"{name} kann gerade nicht mit einem deiner Tuxemon benutzt werden.","spyder_scoop_lapinou2":"Mhm ah!","spyder_tunnelb_tommy1":"Hast du mein Sandwich gesehen?","revive_description":"Belebt das \u00f6hn\u00e4chtige Tuxemon wieder und stellt 20 HP wieder her.","spyder_greenwash_moreau1":"Du solltest nicht hier sein! ","thats_me":"Das bin ich!","spyder_nimrod_thatcher2":"Kein Kommentar. ","spyder_scoop_landrace2":"Ufff.","item_used_wrong_location_inside":"{name} kann nur {here} verwendet werden!","outside":"au\u00dfen","route1_sanglorian":"Sanglorian Allee","here_to_west":"Von ${{map_name}} nach ${{west}}","here_to_north":"Von ${{map_name}} nach ${{north}}","here_to_east":"Von ${{map_name}} nach ${{east}}","got_new_tuxemon":"Ein neuer Tuxemon ist geboren! Willkommen {monster_name}!","spyder_greenwash_chip2":"Braucht mehr Leistung!","spyder_greenwash_louis2":"Darf ich euch die Gaia-Hypothese vorstellen?","spyder_greenwash_louis1":"Die Regeln dieser Schlacht sind die einfachen Gesetze der nat\u00fcrlichen Selektion: Nur die Starken \u00fcberleben!","spyder_greenwash_gregor1":"Ich verbringe den ganzen Tag damit, mein CATEYE zu beobachten - ich werde es blinken sehen!","inside":"innen","item_used_wrong_location_type":"{name} kann nur in einem {here} verwendet werden!","here_to_south":"Von ${{map_name}} nach ${{south}}","evolution_confirmation":"{name} versucht, sich zu {evolve} zu entwickeln. Evolution zulassen?","tuxemon_stat1":"ID {txmn}, {type}, vor {doc} Tagen\\n{exp}xp, {exp_lv}xp nach Lv {lv}\\nK\u00f6rper: {weight} {unit_weight} {height} {unit_height}","tuxemon_stat2":"{desc}","spyder_greenwash_guard":"Okay, okay, hier gibt es nichts zu sehen.","spyder_greenwash_chip1":"Ich habe eine un\u00fcbertroffene Rechenleistung entwickelt!","spyder_greenwash_clarence1":"Meine tuxemon sind im Sonnenlicht nicht aufzuhalten!","spyder_greenwash_gregor2":"Ugh, es blinzelte nicht einmal, als es ohnm\u00e4chtig wurde!","spyder_greenwash_clarence2":"Da war eine Wolke!","vivipere":"Vivipere","viviphyta":"Viviphyta","vivisource":"Vivisource","vividactil":"Vividactil","viviteel":"Viviteel","birdling":"Birdling","pythock":"Pythock","pipis":"Pipis","ouroboutlet":"Ouroboutlet","pilthropus":"Pilthropus","rosarin":"Rosarin","ruption":"Ruption","sadito":"Sadito","sampsack":"Sampsack","teddisun":"Teddisun","fishing_rod":"Angelrute","fishing_rod_description":"F\u00e4ngt Fische.","grumpi":"Grumpi","skwib":"Skwib","taba_town_sign_profhouse":"Haus des Professors Tuxemon","taba_town_sign_tuxemart":"Tuxemart - Ein Ort zum Kaufen und Verkaufen von Artikeln","taba_town_sign_tuxecenter":"Tuxecenter - Ein Ort, um Ihre tuxemon zu heilen","leather_town_open_air":"Open Air Cafe und Marktplatz","taba_town_homeplace":"${{name}}'s Haus","taba_town_sign_proflab":"Labor des Professors Tuxemon","shammer_fossil":"Shammer Fossil","rhincus_fossil":"Rhincus Fossil","drashimi":"Drashimi","furnursus":"Furnursus","ghosteeth":"Ghosteeth","galnec":"Galnec","flacono":"Flacono","flambear":"Flambear","fluoresfin":"Fluoresfin","foofle":"Foofle","fordin":"Fordin","forturtle":"Forturtle","foxfire":"Foxfire","frondly":"Frondly","furnursus_description":"FURNURSUS sind freundlich und vergessen oft, dass ihre K\u00f6rper zu hei\u00df sind, als dass andere sie ber\u00fchren k\u00f6nnten.","ghosteeth_description":"Er l\u00e4chelt, weil er wei\u00df, wie jeder, den er trifft, sterben wird.","graffiki":"Graffiki","grimachin":"Grimachin","grinflare":"Grinflare","grintot":"Grintot","grintrock":"Grintrock","gryfix":"Gryfix","hampotamos":"Hampotamos","happito":"Happito","hatchling":"Hatchling","grintot_description":"Es ist ein GRINTROCK oder GRINFLARE, der Erosion erfahren hat.","ignibus":"Ignibus","incandesfin":"Incandesfin","jelillow":"Jelillow","jemuar":"Jemuar","k9":"K9","katapill":"Katapill","komodraw":"Komodraw","lapinou":"Lapinou","lightmare":"Lightmare","loliferno":"Loliferno","lunight":"Lunight","manosting":"Manosting","masknake":"Masknake","medushock":"Medushock","memnomnom":"Memnomnom","metesaur":"Metesaur","miaownolith":"Miaownolith","mrmoswitch":"Mrmoswitch","mystikapi":"Mystikapi","narcileaf":"Narcileaf","neutrito":"Neutrito","nudiflot_female":"Nudiflot","nudikill":"Nudikill","nudimind":"Nudimind","nuenflu":"Nuenflu","octabode":"Octabode","pairagrim":"Pairagrim","nudiflot_male":"Nudiflot","pairagrin":"Pairagrin","pantherafira":"Pantherafira","pharfan":"Pharfan","picc":"Picc","poinchin":"Poinchin","polyrock":"Polyrock","prophetoise":"Prophetoise","puparmor":"Puparmor","pyraminx":"Pyraminx","pythwire":"Pythwire","qetzlrokilus":"Qetzlrokilus","rabbitosaur":"Rabbitosaur","rhincus":"Rhincus","sampsage":"Sampsage","sapsnap":"Sapsnap","saurchin":"Saurchin","sclairus":"Sclairus","seirein":"Seirein","shammer":"Shammer","shelagu":"Shelagu","shnark":"Shnark","shybulb":"Shybulb","snaki":"Snaki","snarlon":"Snarlon","snock":"Snock","snokari":"Snokari","sockeserp":"Sockeserp","solight":"Solight","spighter":"Spighter","spoilurm":"Spoilurm","squabbit":"Squabbit","statursus":"Statursus","strella":"Strella","sumchon":"Sumchon","tarpeur":"Tarpeur","taupypus":"Taupypus","tetrchimp":"Tetrchimp","tikoal":"Tikoal","tikorch":"Tikorch","tobishimi":"Tobishimi","toufigel":"Toufigel","tourbidi":"Tourbidi","urcine":"Urcine","vigueur":"Vigueur","vivicinder":"Vivicinder","vivitrans":"Vivitrans","vivitron":"Vivitron","volcoli":"Volcoli","trapsnap":"Trapsnap","tsushimi":"Tsushimi","tumblebee":"Tumblebee","tumblequill":"Tumblequill","turnipper":"Turnipper","weavifly":"Weavifly","windeye":"Windeye","chrome_robo":"Chrome Robo","yiinaang":"Yiinaang","dark_robo":"Dark Robo","birb_robo":"Birb Robo","xeon":"Xeon","xeon_2":"Xeon-2","mk01_beta":"Mk01 Beta","mk01_alpha":"MK01 Alpha","earthquake":"Erdbeben","evasion":"Umgehung","feline":"Katzenartig","fire_shield":"Feuerschild","firestorm":"Feuersbrunst","fledgling":"K\u00fcken","gold_digger":"Goldgr\u00e4ber","grinding":"Reibend","gust":"Gust","gyser":"Gyser","hawk":"Habicht","ice_storm":"Eissturm","insanity":"Wahnsinn","kraken":"Krake","lantern":"Laterne","oedipus":"\u00d6dipus","glitch":"Glitch","aether":"\u00c4ther","normal":"Normal","demiurge":"Demiurg","fiery":"Feurig","save_keep":"Nein, Speicherung behalten.","kennel_label":"{box} ({qty})","taba_house2_sign":"Legacy-Bibliothek","taba_house1_sign":"Herr und Frau Clawbrew Haus","taba_house1_calendar":"Es ist ein Kalender und der 30. September und der 12. Februar sind rot eingekreist.","taba_house1_husband1":"Tuxemon! Ich geh\u00f6rte zu den erfahrensten Trainern!","taba_house1_wife1":"Trainer? Mein Mann ist wahnhaft.","taba_house2_reading1":"Das Buch ist Visiting The King von Manolo Qai.","taba_house1_reading":"Das Buch ist Philosophy of Illusionary Studies von Jaiden Gemrevenza.","taba_house2_reading3":"Das Buch ist Children Without Honor von Leslie Greninza.","taba_house2_reading4":"Das Buch ist Sailing Into Eternitys von Laurine Doprachuld.","taba_house2_owner1":"Willkommen in der Legacy-Bibliothek! F\u00fchlen Sie sich frei, sich umzusehen, aber bitte ruhig.","taba_house2_reader4a":"Lesen stimuliert meinen Geist auf eine Weise, die Fernsehen und Filme niemals tun k\u00f6nnen.","taba_house2_reader1a":"Ich f\u00fchle mich besser beim Anblick eines Buches oder einer Buchhandlung.","taba_house2_reader2a":"Es regt meine Fantasie an.","taba_house2_reader3a":"So kann ich tausend verschiedene Leben leben.","taba_house2_reading2":"Das Buch ist Raised By Dreams von Louis Etrergo.","taba_house2_books":"000 - Informatik, Information und allgemeine Werke, 100 - Philosophie und Psychologie\\n200 - Religion, 300 - Sozialwissenschaften, 400 - Sprache, 500 - Reine Wissenschaft, 600 - Technologie\\n700 - Kunst und Erholung, 800 - Literatur, 900 - Geschichte und Geographie","taba_house3_client1a":"Ich ruhe mich aus, w\u00e4hrend meine Schwester wahrscheinlich ein paar B\u00fccher liest.","taba_house3_client2a":"Zu viel Denken kann uns schaden.","taba_house4_dish1":"Es ist braun, dicht, aber es sieht nicht aus wie Pudding...","taba_house3_client3a":"Es l\u00e4sst mich an das Haus meiner Mutter denken.","taba_house4_client1a":"Meine Oma hat fr\u00fcher ein \u00e4hnliches Gericht zubereitet!","taba_house4_client2a":"Gell? Einfach einen leeren Magen f\u00fcllen.","taba_house1_watching":"Es ist ein Dokumentarfilm \u00fcber die seltsamsten und wunderbarsten Tuxemon der Region,\\n\u00a0sowie die seltsamen Verhaltensweisen, die sie angenommen haben.","taba_house4_owner1":"Willkommen im Honorable Seagulls Pub!","taba_house3_owner1":"Willkommen im Thoughtful Leaf Inn!","wall_fire":"Feuerwand","sledgehammer_description":"Zerbricht graue Felsbrocken.","scoop_badge":"Abzeichen: Scoop","shaft_badge":"Abzeichen: Shaft","shaft_badge_description":"Bei Shaft gekaufte Tuxemon ben\u00f6tigen dieses Abzeichen um sich zu verwandeln.","booster_tech_description":"Open Source Technilogie welche die Form\u00e4nderung von Tuxemon erm\u00f6glicht.","earth_booster":"Erd Booster","nimrod_badge":"Abzeichen: Nimrod","rhincus_fossil_description":"Sieht aus wie der versteinerte Sch\u00e4del pr\u00e4historischen Zahnvogels.","shammer_fossil_description":"Sieht aus wie der versteinerte Sch\u00e4del pr\u00e4historischen Hundes.","nimrod_badge_description":"Bei Nimrod gekaufte Tuxemon ben\u00f6tigen dieses Abzeichen um sich zu verwandeln.","omnichannel_badge_description":"Bei Omnichannel gekaufte Tuxemon ben\u00f6tigen dieses Abzeichen um sich zu verwandeln.","booster_tech":"Technologie Booster","greenwash_badge":"Abzeichen: Greenwash","omnichannel_badge":"Abzeichen: Omnichannel","greenwash_badge_description":"Bei Greenwash gekaufte Tuxemon ben\u00f6tigen dieses Abzeichen um sich zu verwandeln.","scoop_badge_description":"Bei Scoop gekaufte Tuxemon ben\u00f6tigen dieses Abzeichen um sich zu verwandeln.","walls":"W\u00e4nde","flower_city":"Blume","earth_booster_description":"Erm\u00f6glicht die Form\u00e4nderung von Erd Tuxemon.","fire_booster":"Feuer Booster","flintstone_description":"Ein Stein der f\u00fcr Steinwerkzeuge und zum Feuermachen verwendet werden kann. Allerdings nicht f\u00fcr beides gleichzeitig.","lucky_bamboo_description":"Es ist zwar kein echter Bambus und auch nicht sonderlich gl\u00fccklich, aber es macht sich gut als Zimmerpflanze.","peace_lily_description":"Eine robuste Zimmerpflanze f\u00fcr jemand besonderen.","petrified_dung_description":"Es sieht aus wie Kacke ... aber es ist hart wie Stein.","pyramidion_description":"Ein goldenes Dreieck von dem ein Summen himmlischer Macht ausgeht.","water_booster":"Wasser Booster","water_booster_description":"Erm\u00f6glicht die Form\u00e4nderung von Wasser Tuxemon.","stovepipe_description":"Ein langes Eisenrohr. Nachdem du es in die Hand genommen hast sind deine H\u00e4nde voll Ru\u00df und Asche.","status_chargedup":"Aufgeladen","tectonic_drill_description":"Eine gro\u00dfe klick-klack Maschine mit der in die Erde gebohrt wird.","wood_booster_description":"Erm\u00f6glicht die Form\u00e4nderung von Holz Tuxemon.","combat_victory_trainer":"Du hast gegen {npc} gewonnen!\\nDu erh\u00e4ltst {currency}{prize}!","status_exhausted":"Ersch\u00f6pft","status_focused":"Fokussiert","spyder_citypark_edith1":"Hey, hast du gesagt ich sei wie mein Tuxemon? Daf\u00fcr k\u00e4mpfe ich mit dir!","combat_skip":"{user} \u00fcberspringt den Zug!","combat_state_chargedup_get":"{target} ist voll aufgeladen.","combat_state_charging_get":"{target} l\u00e4dt Energie auf.","shop":"Laden","player_wallet":"${{name}}'s Geldb\u00f6rse: ${{currency}}${{money}}","combat_forfeit":"Du hast versagt!\\n{npc} ist entt\u00e4uscht.","combat_state_blinded_get":"{target} ist geblendet.","combat_state_confused_get":"{target} ist verwirrt.","combat_state_diehard_get":"{target} k\u00e4mpft weiter.","combat_state_dozing_get":"{target} schl\u00e4ft.","combat_state_exhausted_get":"{target} ist ersch\u00f6pft.","combat_state_festering_get":"{target}'s wunden vereitern.","combat_state_focused_get":"{target} fokussiert sich.","combat_state_grabbed_get":"{target} wird festgehalten.","combat_state_hardshell_get":"{target} wird von einer harten Schale bedeckt.","combat_state_noddingoff_get":"{target} nickt ein und schl\u00e4ft.","combat_state_sniping_get":"{target} zielt.","alert_text":"Text ist zu lang!","status_eliminated":"Beseitigt","spyderbite":"Spinnenbiss","status_tired":"M\u00fcde","save_overwrite":"Ja, Speicherung \u00fcberschreiben.","status_dozing":"D\u00f6sen","status_enraged":"Berserker","status_festering":"Eiterig","status_grabbed":"Geschnappt","status_blinded":"Geblendet","status_charging":"Aufladen","status_diehard":"Stirb langsam","status_noddingoff":"Einnickend","status_confused":"Verwirrt","status_hardshell":"Harte Schale","stabilo":"Stabilo","terror":"Terror","time_crisis":"Zeitkrise","route1_description":"Sei vorsichtig!","spyder_citypark_maniac":"Puh, wir sind fix und fertig!","sword":"Schwert","ubuntu":"Ubuntu","viper":"Viper","candy_town":"S\u00fc\u00dfigkeiten","cotton_town_description":"Eine aufsteigende Macht!","monster_menu_tech":"F\u00e4higkeiten","menu_forfeit":"Nicht Antreten","slime":"Schleim","stonehenge":"Stonehenge","tsunami":"Tsunami","tux_attack":"Tux Angriff","undertaker":"Totengr\u00e4ber","tip":"Trinkgeld","torch":"Fackel","touch":"Ber\u00fchrung","wall_ice":"Eiswand","cotton_town":"Baumwolle","leather_town":"Leder","citypark":"Stadtpark","paper_town":"Papier","route2":"Route 2","monster_menu_desc":"Beschreibung","pick_up":"Aufheben","route1":"Route 1","leather_town_description":"Der Beweis, dass Sch\u00f6nheit und Bergbau koexistieren k\u00f6nnen!","paper_town_description":"Das Tor nach Fondent!","taba_town_description":"Eine friedliche Zuflucht!","spyder_route2_marion2":"Ich esse keine Ameisen.","neutrito_description":"NEUTRITO f\u00fchlt nichts. Die perfekte Maschine?","forturtle_description":"Es erhitzt seinen Panzer um aus den Rissen, die sich ergeben, die Zukunft zu lesen.","foxfire_description":"FOXFIRE Welpen werden in \u00fcber Nacht abgebrannten Feuerstellen gefunden. Niemand wei\u00df woher sie kommen.","nudikill_description":"Sie werden dunkle Bisch\u00f6ffe genannt, weil die Form ihrer K\u00f6pfe an Bischoffsm\u00fctzen erinnert.","spyder_citypark_frances2":"Du musst irgendwann mal vorbeikommen. ","spyder_citypark_granny":"Nach einer kleinen Pause gehen wir zur\u00fcck ins Leder Dorf.","spyder_citypark_edith2":"Hmm, da hast du vielleicht recht.","spyder_museum_entrance1":"Willkommen im Museum f\u00fcr Nationalgeschichte! Es ist kostenlos, aber auf Ihre gro\u00dfz\u00fcgige Spende angewiesen. K\u00f6nnen Sie sich vorstellen ${{currency}}50 zu spenden?","spyder_museum_entrance2":"Bitte erkunden Sie unsere f\u00fcnf Bereiche und lesen Sie \u00fcber unsere f\u00fcnf Sponsoren.","spyder_route3_roxby3":"Ich hoffe die Chefin ist nicht w\u00fctend - sie wird so schnell zornig,\\nAber sie ist ein netter Mensch und hat ein Herz aus Gold.","spyder_museum_entrance3":"Ungl\u00fccklicherweise m\u00fcssen wir jetzt Eintrittsgeld verlangen. ${{currency}}100 bitte.","spyder_greenwash_dippel1":"Vielleicht sind wir zu weit gegangen \u2026","spyder_museum_shopkeeper_chat":"Ich arbeite ehrenamtlich damit das Museum m\u00f6glichst erschwinglich bleiben kann. ","spyder_wayfarer1_james2":"Ich bin froh, dass Jessie nicht gesehen hat wie ich verloren habe!","spyder_greenwash_clarence":"Clarence","spyder_greenwash_chip":"Chip","spyder_greenwash_gregor":"Gregor","omnichannel_sign":"Omnichannel HQ: Wir machen Schlagzeilen","spyder_greenwash_dippel":"Dippel","spyder_greenwash_moreau":"Moreau","spyder_wayfarer1_bismuth2":"Mist!","announcement1":"HALLO B\u00dcRGERINNEN UND B\u00dcRGER DER FONDENT-REGION!\\nVIELEN DANK, DASS SIE SICH AUF DIESE OBLIGATORISCHE ANK\u00dcNDIGUNG EINGESTELLT HABEN.","thetvbescreamin":"Schatz, warte. Ich schaltete den Fernseher ein und eine Omnichannel-Pressekonferenz ert\u00f6nte.\\nWir sollten es beobachten.","ipausedit":"Ich habe den Fernseher pausiert, bitte schnapp mir ein Glas Wasser und dann k\u00f6nnen wir zusammen zuschauen.","waitdontgo":"${{name}}! Warte! Gehen Sie noch nicht!","announcement3":"Vielen Dank. Ich liebe dich auch\\nNun zur Sache.","announcement5":"Es war ein langer, harter Weg zu dem Frieden und der Ruhe, die jetzt in der Region Fondent herrscht.\\nEs ist mir jedoch eine Freude, an diesem Tag den 25. Jahrestag der Gr\u00fcndung von Omnichannel bekannt zu geben...\\nTUXEMON ARE CONTROLLED!\\n*ohrenbet\u00e4ubendes Geschrei*\\nBeruhigen Sie sich! Beruhigen Sie sich! Ihre Begeisterung ist ansteckend, muss ich sagen!\\nGemeinsam mit dem Xero-Institut haben wir ihnen den Angriffswillen genommen!\\nAus diesem Grund sind wir zuversichtlich, dass die Freilassung von Tuxemon in die Wildnis sicher ist.\\nAusgangssperren m\u00fcssen jedoch weiterhin durchgesetzt werden, wir sind schlie\u00dflich keine rechtsfreie Region.\\nLetztendlich... WIR SIND SICHERHEIT, WIR SIND ORDNUNG, WIR SIND OMNICHANNEL!","announcement4":"An ALLE B\u00fcrger der Fondent Region und dar\u00fcber hinaus, die sich einschalten, hei\u00dfe ich Sie willkommen.\\nMein Name ist Aeble, buchstabiert A-E-B-L-E f\u00fcr diejenigen, die sich wundern, und ich bin der CEO von Omnichannel!\\n","whythecheering":"Diese Omnichannel-Leute jubeln ihm zu. Ich frage mich, warum?","spyder_citypark_florist":"Genie\u00dfen Sie die Blumenausstellung! Es ist der ganze Stolz von Leder Dorf.","spyder_citypark2_florist":"Die Blumen sehen okay aus, oder? ... Seit Beginn des Bergbaus im Leder Dorf sind die Blumen dem Wetter ausgesetzt!","spyder_route2_graf2":"Ich wurde bedient.","spyder_citypark_frances1":"Ich habe die sch\u00f6nsten G\u00e4rten im ganzen Land. Deshalb tauchen immer wieder diese Shybulb auf.","spyder_citypark_bobette1":" Ich liebe Katzen. Ein Aardorn ist im Grunde eine Katze, richtig?","spyder_citypark_bobette2":" Eine Katze h\u00e4tte gewonnen \u2026","watchmewatchme":"Warum gehst du in die Stadt, du wei\u00dft, dass es eine fr\u00fche Ausgangssperre gibt.\\n... ... ... ...\\n... ... ... ...\\nDu scheinst keine Bedrohung zu sein, also kannst du in die Stadt gehen...\\nErz\u00e4hlen Sie einfach keinem dieser Omnichannel-Schl\u00e4ger, die ich Sie vorbeigelassen habe, okay?","bobtalk":"Es w\u00e4re sch\u00f6n, wenn mehr Leute wie Sie kommen w\u00fcrden, um Hallo zu sagen...\\n\u00dcbrigens, Hallo! Einen sch\u00f6nen Tag noch! Heute oder morgen oder jeder Tag wird gro\u00dfartig sein!","grumble":"Omnichannel ist ein Haufen Schl\u00e4ger, aber wir haben keine Wahl...\\nWie sie immer sagt, sch\u00e4tze, wir m\u00fcssen mit ihnen arbeiten...","professorexists3":"Oh! Entschuldigen Sie meine Manieren, ich kann nicht glauben, dass ich mich nie vorgestellt habe!\\nMein Name ist Kay Wren, besser bekannt als der Tuxemon Professor.\\nSeit Jahren bin ich die einzige Person in der Fondent Region, die Tuxemon erforschen darf.","professorexists4":"Nun, ich wei\u00df, was du denkst, warum sollten sie es mir erlauben?\\nUngl\u00fccklicherweise f\u00fcr dich, Dieses Geheimnis ist f\u00fcr mich und mich allein!\\nOmnichannel sollte jedoch bald eine neue Ank\u00fcndigung machen und ich denke, Sie werden es m\u00f6gen.\\nWir bringen Sie besser nach Hause und schauen uns die zweite Ank\u00fcndigung an: Komm schon!","spyder_papertown_grannypiper1":"Oh hallo ${{name}}, ich habe dich dort zwischen all dem Trubel und Schutt nicht gesehen!\\nIch kann es kaum erwarten, bis die Tuxemontagesst\u00e4tte installiert ist!","spyder_flower_muse2":"Was? Sie haben ein Gem\u00e4lde. Oooh - w\u00fcrdest du mich es kaufen lassen? Ich habe ${{currency}}2.000.","ohnoes":"Gut... Ich wei\u00df nicht, wie ich mich dabei f\u00fchlen soll...","hiperson3":"Wie w\u00e4re es, wenn wir mit einem Namen beginnen und woher Sie kommen?","hiperson4":".... ... ....","nobody2":"Ok! Bewahren Sie Ihre Geheimnisse!","iknowyou":"Hallo Callie, hallo ${{name}}, bin gerade vorbeigekommen, um Hallo zu sagen, als ich geh\u00f6rt habe, wie du \u00fcber die Ank\u00fcndigung gesprochen hast.","brokethegasp":"Nun, Fr\u00e4ulein, wenn ich darf, ${{name}} macht es f\u00fcr mehr als einen Job.","goodbye2":"So lange ${{name}}! Und viel Gl\u00fcck in der Probe, du wirst es brauchen.","picc_description":"Es begleitet Taucher und liefert dringend ben\u00f6tigten Sauerstoff.","poinchin_description":"POINCHIN bauen Nester in der Koralle und k\u00f6nnen durch Brot und Milch verf\u00fchrt werden.","pairagrim_description":"Einer von PAIRAGRIMs K\u00f6pfen ist immer auf der Suche nach Beute, w\u00e4hrend der andere sich darauf konzentriert, mit gro\u00dfer Geschwindigkeit zu fliegen.","pharfan_description":"An der Wasserstelle h\u00e4lt er seine Freunde RINOCEREED und HAMPOTAMOS gut bew\u00e4ssert.","pilthropus_description":"PILTHROPUS wurde neben Smokings wie RHINCUS gefunden und war einer der \u00e4ltesten Tuxemon, der seine eigenen Werkzeuge herstellen konnte.","pipis_description":"Seine Schreie gelten als schlechtes Omen, aber es ist eine sanfte Kreatur.","quicklyknight4":"Tut mir leid, aber ich sollte jetzt gehen.","quicklyknight2":"Zwei Personen steuern Omnichannel. Das Board ist ein Witz.\\n","hellolovelypeople5":"Nein... Warte... Uns fehlt eine Person...\\nDer einsame Tuxemon-Z\u00fcchter verlie\u00df die Region Fondent. Derjenige, der sich Tuxemon Professor nennt","welcometotaba3":"Sind wir nicht nur zu dritt? Es scheint, als w\u00fcrden wir uns kaum als \\\"Gruppe\\\" qualifizieren.","welcometotaba4":"Um ehrlich zu sein, dachte ich, mehr w\u00fcrde die Bewertung bestehen...","oopsie2":"Warum warten wir nicht auf die R\u00fcckkehr meiner Ritter?\\nIch hasse es, nur schlechte Nachrichten zu verk\u00fcnden.","knight4ispoor":"Sie ist wirklich kein schlechter Mensch.","welcometotaba7":"Ich werde nicht l\u00fcgen, ich habe mehr Begeisterung von den ersten Trial-Mitgliedern erwartet.","welcometotaba8":"Du bist das Ding, an dem Misa hing. Wie bist du \u00fcberhaupt hierher gekommen? Hat sie Ihre Papiere gef\u00e4lscht, um Sie hinein zu bekommen?\\n... .... ... ...\\nAllie hat Ihre Papiere unterschrieben? Interessant...","welcometotaba5":"Unabh\u00e4ngig davon ist mein Name Kyle und ich bin der leitende Architekt hinter den Battle Areas.\\nIch bin hier, um das erste Kampfgebiet der Fondent-Region einzuweihen und zu erkl\u00e4ren, dass...\\nDER TRIAL HAT BEGONNEN!","welcometotaba10":"Dies erkl\u00e4rt jedoch immer noch nicht den Mangel an Begeisterung. Das ist eine gro\u00dfe Ehre!\\nSie und Misas Spielzeug dort dr\u00fcben repr\u00e4sentieren die besten und kl\u00fcgsten Jugendlichen der Fondent-Region!","welcometotaba11":"Tut mir leid, Sir, aber wie ist das eine Ehre? Ich wurde dazu gezwungen. Ich habe mir nicht ausgesucht, Teil des Trial zu sein.","welcometotaba12":"Zugegeben, wir haben einige vielversprechende Omnichannel-Rekruten genommen und sie in ein Probetraining geschickt, also entschuldige ich mich, wenn das der Fall ist.","welcometotaba13":"Nein, Sir, Sie haben meine Familie eingesperrt und mich und meinen Bruder gezwungen, sich dem Prozess anzuschlie\u00dfen.\\nVerzeihen Sie mir, wenn es mir \\\"an Begeisterung mangelt\\\", wenn Sie \u00fcber den Prozess sprechen.","welcometotaba15":"Mein Name ist Speck, Sir.","welcometotaba14":"Ahh, du bist das Flower City, von dem ich so viel geh\u00f6rt habe. \\\"Die Zukunft des Omnichannel.\\\" Wie hei\u00dfen Sie?","kylereallysucks":"Nun, Speck, wenn es ein Trost ist, war ich derjenige, der den Befehl zum Angriff gab.","kylereallysucks2":"Viel Gl\u00fcck allerseits! Ich erwarte voll und ganz, dass keiner von euch es schafft!","dowehavetogoin":"Wei\u00dft du, du musst nicht hineingehen. Gehen Sie einfach das Standard-Trainingsprogramm durch und \u00fcberspringen Sie die Trial.","dowehavetogoin2":"Nein, das verstehst du nicht. Der einzige Weg, wie ich meine Familie aus dem Gef\u00e4ngnis holen kann, ist, wenn ich einen ausreichend hohen Rang im Omnichannel erreiche.\\nDas Beenden der Studie w\u00fcrde mich in eine Position direkt unter dem CEO bringen. Ich w\u00e4re in der Lage, Dinge zu \u00e4ndern.\\nWenn ich das beende, kann ich meine Familie retten...","dowehavetogoin3":"Ich muss hineingehen, egal wie sehr ich es nicht will, ich muss den Menschen helfen, die ich liebe.","dowehavetogoin4":"Wer wei\u00df, vielleicht kann ich selbst gegen ihn k\u00e4mpfen!","dowehavetogoin5":"\u00dcbrigens, wie ist dein Name? Kyle schien dich \u00fcberhaupt nicht anzusprechen.","hichristie":"Oh, mein Name ist Christie! Entschuldigung, das h\u00e4tte ich vorher erw\u00e4hnen sollen.","hichristie2":"Hallo Christie. Wie Sie wissen, bin ich Speck. Es ist sch\u00f6n, Sie kennenzulernen.\\nJetzt...","hiperson":"Wer bist du, wer ist Misa und wer ist Allie? Geben Sie uns die Details!","hiperson2":"Whoa da Christie, \u00fcberw\u00e4ltige sie nicht.","somebody2":"Oooh. Sind sie dann etwas Besonderes f\u00fcr Sie? Gibt es eine Dreiecksbeziehung? Komm schon! Wir m\u00fcssen wissen","hiperson5":"Oh, du kommst also aus Taba Town! Ordentlich!","hiperson6":"Nun, wer sind Misa und Allie?","nobody":"Ich wei\u00df es eigentlich nicht","somebody":"Ich m\u00f6chte lieber nicht \u00fcber sie sprechen","timeforround2":"${{name}}! Endlich! Du bist zur\u00fcck! Ich hatte Angst, dass Sie die Ank\u00fcndigung verpassen w\u00fcrden!","brokethegasp3":"Bitte, Miss Omnichannel Ma'am, ${{name}}'s Mutter wollte, dass sie an der Studie teilnehmen, um die gesamte Region zu sehen\\n${{name}} tut es nicht f\u00fcr den Job, sie tun es f\u00fcr die Erfahrung.","spyder_hospital_billie1":"${{name}}, deine Einmischung ist zu viel geworden! Lasst die Beh\u00f6rden einfach ihre Arbeit machen!","earthmover_key_description":"K\u00f6nnte hilfreich sein, falls eine gigantische Planierraupe den Weg versperrt.","spyder_greenwash_louis":"Louis","spyder_greenwash_dippel2":"Oder nicht weit genug! ","spyder_greenwash_aissa1":"Halt dich da raus - Greenwash hat das alles unter Kontrolle.","spyder_greenwash_aissa":"Aissa","ohnoes2":"Jetzt, wo das vorbei ist... wir brauchen noch Tr\u00e4nke aus dem Tuxemart.\\nStellen Sie sicher, dass Sie vor der Ausgangssperre zur\u00fcck sind!","depressedmom":"Warum sollte er so etwas tun... Ich dachte, er k\u00fcmmerte sich...","waterwater":"Das Wasser ist eiskalt und lecker!","professorexists1":"Danke Ben.","professorexists1.5":"Oh Hallo!","professorexists2":"Du musst Callies Kind sein! Ich habe so viel \u00fcber dich von deiner Mutter geh\u00f6rt.\\nWof\u00fcr kommen Sie hierher?\\n.... .... ....\\nTr\u00e4nke? Die braucht man nat\u00fcrlich immer!\\nHier, haben ein paar auf dem Haus, mit freundlicher Genehmigung von mir.","potions2":"2 Tr\u00e4nke erhalten!","theenergy":"Die Energie dieses Mannes ist grenzenlos...","37707_villager_male_missing":"00000: i W@$ n3v3R B0rN\\n${{name}} ${{name}} ${{name}} ${{name}} ${{name}} ${{name}} ${{name}} ${{name}} ${{name}} ${{name}}","spyder_route3_zoolander2":"Ah, ich hab meinen Vorschlaghammer fallen lassen!","spyder_route3_novak2":"Hmm, nicht schlau genug ...","spyder_route3_curie1":"Schau dir meine gro\u00dfartige Erfindung an!","spyder_route3_curie2":"Warum hast du das gemacht?","spyder_route3_connor2":"Ach je, die werden noch eine Menge dazulernen.","spyder_route3_roxby1":"Bring die Ramme hier r\u00fcber und beeil dich! Hey ... du siehst nicht aus wie ein Bergarbeiter. ","spyder_route3_roxby2":"Weg hier! ","spyder_dragonscave_benden4":"Bitte, ${{name}}. Wenn du diese Schurken nicht aufhalten kannst, ist alles verloren.","spyder_greenwash_looten1":"Tja, ich denke die Fusionstechnologie ist noch nicht so weit. Wir arbeiten schon seit Jahren daran!","spyder_papertown_daycare1":"Tuxemontagesst\u00e4tte: Im Bau.","spyder_citypark_achievement":"Achievement Maniac's House: Geschlossen.","spyder_nimrod_plaque":"Gesponsert von Nimrod. \\\"Wenn wir sie nicht verkaufen w\u00fcrden, w\u00fcrde es jemand anderes tun!\\\"","earthmover_key":"Planierraupenschl\u00fcssel","sledgehammer":"Vorschlaghammer","taba_greeting2b":"Ah! Ich sehe, Sie haben bereits welche. Du hast einen guten Kopf auf deinen Schultern ${{name}}, ich bin mir sicher, dass du in k\u00fcrzester Zeit ein Champion sein wirst.","taba_greeting3":"Viel Gl\u00fcck bei Ihren Abenteuern ${{name}}, und denken Sie daran, bei Tuxemart f\u00fcr alle Ihre Abenteuerbed\u00fcrfnisse einzukaufen!\\n...\\nSorry f\u00fcr das Verkaufsgespr\u00e4ch, es ist mein Job.","shop_buy_free":"FREI!","misaisleavingfornow2":"Viel Gl\u00fcck ${{name}}. Ich bin mir sicher, dass wir uns wiedersehen werden. ","sea_girdle_description":"Eine Schnur von Kugeln, weich und schleimig wie Seetang.","sweet_sand_description":"In Teilen der Welt reinigen sich die Menschen mit diesem duftenden, schaumigen Sand.","thunderstone_description":"Eine alte Steinreliquie, die jetzt zum Gl\u00fcck herumgetragen wird.","yesmaam":"Ja, Ma'am.","professorexists":"Ich nehme bitte 12 Tr\u00e4nke.","kylekindasucks6":"Oh, und ${{name}}?","welcometotaba6":"... .... ...","maple_bedroom_sign":"Es ist ein Kalender und der 27. April ist rosa eingekreist.","37707_exit_missing":": GR\u00dcSSE ${{name}}. BITTE HABEN SIE VERST\u00c4NDNIS DAF\u00dcR, DASS DIESER BEREICH NIE EXISTIERT HAT. ES IST EIN SYSTEMFEHLER AUFGETRETEN.\\n: DER FEHLER WURDE NUN BEHOBEN. SIE K\u00d6NNEN DAS SPIEL VON NUN AN NORMAL FORTSETZEN. VERSUCHEN SIE NICHT, HIERHER ZUR\u00dcCKZUKEHREN.\\n: WACH AUF. VERGISS ALLES. ALLES IST NUR EIN TRAUM...","taba_house4_client3a":"Zum Gl\u00fcck habe ich nicht daf\u00fcr bezahlt. Wie k\u00f6nnen Sie das bezahlen?","spyder_papertown_homemaker1":"Wie geht es dir, ${{name}}?\\nRuhig und feierlich wie immer, sehe ich.","spyder_cottonart_shopkeeper":"Willkommen in der Cotton Town Art Gallery. Ah - ich meine Art Shop!\\nSeit sie unsere Finanzierung gek\u00fcrzt haben, mussten wir die Kunstwerke verkaufen, anstatt sie nur auszustellen.\\nDer Eintrag ist ${{currency}}50. Er flie\u00dft in die j\u00e4hrliche Dividende des Unternehmens.","cotton_breeder5":"Hey ${{name}}, komm, um deinen Tuxemon zu \u00fcberpr\u00fcfen?","taba_greeting1":"Greeter Jaime: Hallo ${{name}}! Ich habe geh\u00f6rt, dass Sie ein Tuxemon haben, herzlichen Gl\u00fcckwunsch! Wenn Sie Ihre Gruppe vergr\u00f6\u00dfern m\u00f6chten, ben\u00f6tigen Sie Tuxeballs.","fire_booster_description":"Erm\u00f6glicht die Form\u00e4nderung von Feuer Tuxemon.","flintstone":"Feuerstein","lucky_bamboo":"Gl\u00fccksbambus","metal_booster":"Metall Booster","metal_booster_description":"Erm\u00f6glicht die Form\u00e4nderung von Metall Tuxemon.","miaow_milk":"Miau Milch","miaow_milk_description":"Katzen lieben den Geschmack von Miau Milch\u2122!","peace_lily":"Friedenslilie","petrified_dung":"Versteinerter Dung","pyramidion":"Pyramidion","sea_girdle":"Seegras","stovepipe":"Ofenrohr","tectonic_drill":"Tektonischer Bohrer","wood_booster":"Holz Booster","sweet_sand":"S\u00fc\u00dfer Sand","thunderstone":"Donnerstein","no_type":"Kein Typ","town":"Stadt","route":"Route","dungeon":"Verlies","center":"Zentrum","cannot_use_tech_monster":"{name} kann nicht benutzt werden.","combat_player_run_status":"Kann nicht entkommen.\\n{monster} ist {status}!","combat_player_forfeit_status":"Kann das Spiel nicht verlieren.\\n{monster} ist {status}!","combat_player_swap_status":"Monster k\u00f6nnen nicht gewechselt werden.\\n{monster} ist {status}!","attacks_rose":"Die Angriffsschadensarten von {user} stiegen.","combat_state_enraged_get":"{target} ist w\u00fctend.","combat_state_softened_get":"Die Panzerung von {target} wird weicher.","combat_state_spyderbite_get":"{target} beginnt zu schniefen.","combat_state_stuck_get":"{target} bleibt an Ort und Stelle h\u00e4ngen.","combat_state_tired_get":"{target} ist abgenutzt.","status_sniping":"Wegputzend","status_softened":"Aufgeweicht","status_stuck":"Eingeklemmt","lust":"Lust","magma":"Magma","maori":"Maori","mobbing":"Mobbing","negation":"Negation","nest":"Nest","platinum":"Platin","acid":"S\u00e4ure","ring":"Ring","welcome_location_city":"Willkommen in ${{map_name}} City: ${{map_desc}}\\nNord: ${{north}} \/ S\u00fcd: ${{south}} \/ West: ${{west}} \/ Ost: ${{east}}","welcome_location_route":"Willkommen in ${{map_name}}: ${{map_desc}}\\nNord: ${{north}} \/ S\u00fcd: ${{south}} \/ West: ${{west}} \/ Ost: ${{east}}","welcome_location_town":"Willkommen in ${{map_name}} Town: ${{map_desc}}\\nNord: ${{north}} \/ S\u00fcd: ${{south}} \/ West: ${{west}} \/ Ost: ${{east}}","grimachin_description":"Es wurde von einer Spielzeugfirma als Haustier hergestellt, war aber zu gef\u00e4hrlich.","grinflare_description":"Es wird erz\u00e4hlt, dass jedes das wandelnde Herz eines Vulkans sei.","grintrock_description":"Es ern\u00e4hrt sich dadurch bei Gewitter drau\u00dfen zu sitzen und darauf zu warten vom Blitz getroffen zu werden.","pairagrin_description":"Die junge Form von Pairagrim, es ist eine allgemein gl\u00fcckliche Kreatur. Es k\u00e4mpft zu fliegen, bis die beiden K\u00f6pfe lernen, zusammenzuarbeiten.","pantherafira_description":"Jedes Mitglied des Rudels z\u00fcndet seine M\u00e4hne von einem gemeinsamen Lagerfeuer an. Solange dieses Feuer brennt, wird ihre St\u00e4rke geteilt.","announcement2":"WIR LIEBEN DICH ABLE!","welcometotaba9":"Ihre Papiere scheinen in Ordnung zu sein. Erst einmal.","kylereallysucks3":"Oh, und Speck? Ich genoss die Schreie","toodles":"Auf Wiedersehen!","spyder_route3_surat1":" Sie nennen es die \\\"dunkle Arterie\\\" - versteinertes Blut und Knochen von pr\u00e4historischen Tuxemon unter der Erde.\\nUnd wir d\u00fcrfen es ausgraben!","spyder_route3_surat2":"Ich wusste du w\u00fcrdest es nicht verstehen. ","spyder_wayfarer1_morningstar1":"Ich bin nicht \u00fcberrascht dich hier zu sehen. ","spyder_wayfarer1_james1":"Ich frage mich wie die Verst\u00e4rkung so schnell hier sein konnte! Schwester Jessie muss sie gerufen haben.","omnichannelarrives":"STOP!","spyder_route4_beck2":"Spiel, Satz, Sieg.","darnitjohn4":"J-Ja Fr\u00e4ulein?"} \ No newline at end of file +{"translation_missing":"\u00dcbersetzung fehlt","game:battle:money:get":"{amount} Geld erhalten!","game:battle:defeat":"Kampf verloren!","game:battle:defeat:recovery_price":"{amount} f\u00fcr vollst\u00e4ndige Heilung in {name} gezahlt!","game:battle:technique:attempt":"{} versucht {} zu verwenden!","game:battle:technique:attempt:fail:recharge":"Aber muss nachladen!","game:battle:technique:attempt:fail:noddingoff":"Aber schl\u00e4ft!","game:battle:technique:attempt:fail:miss":"Aber hat verfehlt!","game:battle:technique:use":"{} verwendet {}!","game:battle:technique:use:damage":"F\u00fcgt {name} {amount} Schaden zu!","game:battle:technique:use:healing":"Heilt {amount}!","game:battle:technique:use:status":"{} ist jetzt {}!","game:battle:status_effect:is":"{} ist {}!","game:battle:status_effect:removed":"{} ist nicht mehr {}!","game:catch:ball:throw":"Werfe {ball}!","game:catch:attempt":"Versuche einzufangen!","game:catch:attempt:nr:success":"Ausbruchversuch {nr}: erfolgreich!","game:catch:broke_free":"{monster} ist ausgebrochen!","game:catch:attempt:nr:fail":"Ausbruchversuch {nr}: fehlgeschlagen!","game:catch:caught":"{monster} gefangen!","game:catch:to_party":"{monster} wurde zum Team hinzugef\u00fcgt!","game:catch:to_box":"{monster} wurde in die Box transferiert!","ui:healing_center:heal:price_description":"Preis f\u00fcr Heilung pro Tuxemon","ui:healing_center:heal:select":"Ausw\u00e4hlen zum heilen","ui:healing_center:box:withdraw":"Box Mitnahme","ui:healing_center:box:withdraw:no_tuxemon_in_box":"Keine Tuxemon in der Box!","ui:healing_center:box:withdraw:no_space_in_party":"Nicht genug Platz im Team!","ui:healing_center:box:deposit":"Box Ablage","ui:healing_center:box:deposit:last_tuxemon":"Letztes Tuxemon kann nicht abgelegt werden!","ui:healing_center:box:view":"Box Anschauen","ui:healing_center:box:view:no_tuxemon_in_box":"Keine Tuxemon in der Box!","ui:shop:mode:buy":"Kaufen","ui:shop:mode:info":"Info","ui:status:area:title":"Areal","ui:next_trainer":"N\u00e4chster Trainer","ui:change_area":"Areal wechseln","ui:no_applicable_monsters":"Keine entsprechenden Monster vorhanden.","ui:starter_monster_selection:title":"W\u00e4hle dein Tuxemon!","ui:party_monsters:mode:select":"Ausw\u00e4hlen","ui:party_monsters:mode:stats":"Status","ui:party_monsters:mode:techniques":"Techniken","ui:inventory:tab:heal":"Heal","ui:inventory:tab:stats":"Stats","ui:inventory:tab:balls":"B\u00e4lle","ui:inventory:tab:techniques":"Techniken","ui:inventory:tab:other":"Andere","ui:inventory:tab:key_items":"Key Items","ui:inventory:mode:use":"Verwenden","ui:inventory:mode:info":"Info","ui:save_load:save_to_clipboard":"In Zwischenablage speichern","ui:load:loading":"Lade...","ui:settings:name:label":"Name","ui:settings:language:label":"Sprache","ui:settings:currency:label":"W\u00e4hrung","ui:settings:currency:last_updated":"Letzte Aktualisierung","ui:settings:highlight_interactive_elements":"Interaktive Elemente hervorheben","ui:settings:clear_local_save_data:button":"Lokale Speicherdaten l\u00f6schen","ui:settings:clear_local_save_data:confirm":"Lokale Speicherdaten l\u00f6schen?","ui:story:next":"Weiter","story:introduction:monster_selection:title":"W\u00e4hle dein Tuxemon!","story:select_starter_monster:monster_selection:title":"W\u00e4hle dein tats\u00e4chliches Tuxemon!","omnichannel-ceo":"Omnichannel CEO","tuxemart-keeper":"Tuxemart Verwalter","dryadsgrove":"Nymphenhain","spyder_intro00":"Hallo! Ich bin der CEO von Omnichannel. Wir betreiben die Zeitungen, Fernsehsender und Radio Stationen in dieser Region.\\nEs ist meine Pflicht euch zu informieren.","spyder_intro01":"Tuxemon sind die Tiere, die in dieser Welt leben.\\nSie lieben es gefangen zu werden, sodass ihre Meister sie f\u00fcr Spa\u00df und Profit k\u00e4mpfen lassen k\u00f6nnen.\\nDie st\u00e4rksten gewinnen, genau wie in der Welt der Unternehmen.\\nDie meisten Monster lassen sich in der Wildnis finden. Sie entwickeln sich weiter, wenn sie Erfahrung sammeln.\\nAber die f\u00fcnf S\u00e4ulen, die die Kathedrale formen, also, die f\u00fcnf allierten Firmen, die in dieser Region agieren,\\nhaben die Natur verbessert. Diese Saison bietet wir f\u00fcnf deluxe Tuxemon an!","spyder_intro_shopkeeper1":"Was f\u00fcr eine gro\u00dfartige Pr\u00e4sentation von unserem CEO! Alle Gold Mitglieder bekommen ein kostenloses Tuxemon geboten.","spyder_intro_shopkeeper4":"Tut mir Leid, aber du bist kein Gold Mitglied. Dieses Angebot gilt nur f\u00fcr Gold Mitlieder.","spyder_papertown_myfirstmon_notmet":"Ich erkenne dich wieder! Du bist das Kind, das keinen Gold Pass hat.\\nWei\u00dft du, ich k\u00f6nnte dir vielleicht helfen.\\nAls die neuen schmucken Tuxemon von der Kathedrale kamen, haben wir einfach alle alten in den M\u00fcll geschmissen!\\nDas f\u00fchlt sich nach so einer Verschwendung an, besonders wenn Kinder wie du keine haben!","spyder_papertown_myfirstmon1":"*w\u00fchl* *w\u00fchl*","spyder_papertown_myfirstmon2":"Sieht aus als w\u00e4ren Tuxemon in den meisten M\u00fclltonnen. \\n Mein Chef hat mich gerufen. Viel Gl\u00fcck!","spyder_papertown_firstfight":"Hey, warum w\u00fchlst du in den M\u00fclltonnen rum? Das ist eklig - und es ist gegen die Regeln!\\n...\\nWas? Es wurden komplett normale Tuxemon weggeworfen?\\n...\\nNun, wenn sie keine M\u00e4ngel gehabt h\u00e4tten, w\u00e4ren sie bestimmt nicht weggeworfen worden.\\nSie m\u00fcssen im Vergleich zu den neuen Modellen minderwertig sein. Hier, ich zeige es dir!","spyder_papertown_firstfight_win":"Hmm, das war wohl Gl\u00fcck. Unm\u00f6glich, dass das neue Modell schlechter als das alte ist!","spyder_papertown_firstfight_lose":"War zu erwarten! Alte Modelle k\u00f6nnen sich nicht mit neuen vergleichen!","spyder_papertown_firstfight_after":"Dieses mal heile ich deine Tuxemon, aber ich bin nicht die Wohlfahrt. Ruht euch das n\u00e4chste Mal zu Hause aus, wenn deine Monster ersch\u00f6pft sind.","apple":"Apfel","apple_description":"Heilt ein Monster um 10 HP.","berry":"Beere","berry_description":"Heilt ein Monster um 10 HP.","cherry":"Kirsche","cherry_description":"Heilt ein Monster um 10 HP.","orange":"Orange","orange_description":"Heilt ein Monster um 20 HP.","potion":"Trank","potion_description":"Heilt ein Monster um 50 HP.","super_potion":"Super Trank","super_potion_description":"Heilt ein Monster um 150 HP.","imperial_potion":"Imperial Trank","imperial_potion_description":"Heilt ein Monster um 350 HP.","capture_device":"Fangger\u00e4t","capture_device_description":"F\u00e4ngt ein Monster ein.","tm_avalanche":"TM: Lawine","tm_avalanche_description":"Technik-Manual, dass einem Wasser- oder Erde-Tuxemon die Lawinen-Technik beibringt.","tm_blossom":"TM: Erbl\u00fchen","tm_blossom_description":"Technik-Manual, dass einem Holz-Tuxemon die Erbl\u00fchen-Technik beibringt.","reg_papers":"Registrierungspapiere","reg_papers_description":"Ein Paket mit Registrierungspapieren f\u00fcr die Pr\u00fcfung","allies_address":"Allies Adresse","allies_address_description":"Raum 31, Block 2, Omnichannel-Turm, Cotton Town\\n\\nDa ist ein Lippenabdruck neben der Adresse","combat_used_x":"{user} benutzt {name}!","combat_run":"{user} ist geflohen!","combat_miss":"Es schlug fehl...","combat_can't_run_from_trainer":"Du kannst nicht fliehen!","combat_player_run":"Du bist geflohen!","combat_used_x_on_y":"{user} benutzt {name} auf {target}!","combat_swap":"{user} schickt {target} in den Kampf!","combat_call_tuxemon":"Los {name}!","combat_opponent_call_tuxemon":"{user} schickt {name} in den Kampf!","combat_state_poison_get":"{target} ist vergiftet.","combat_state_poison_damage":"Das Gift schadet {name}!","combat_state_lifeleech_get":"{user} saugt Leben von {target} ab.","dodge_increased":"{user}'s {stat} wurde erh\u00f6ht.","speed_halved":"{user}'s Geschwindigkeit wurde halbiert.","hp_restored":"{user}'s HP wurde wieder hergestellt.","combat_state_overfeed_get":"{user} hat {target} \u00fcberf\u00fcttert.","dodge_fell":"{user}'s Ausweichgeschick ist gesunken.","combat_levitate_get":"{user} stieg h\u00f6her in die Luft.","combat_amnesia_get":"{user} hat eine Amnesie bekommen.","combat_state_lifeleech_success":"{user} wurde Leben abgesaugt!","combat_state_lifeleech_failure":"{link} kann nicht weiter geheilt werden.","combat_state_recover_get":"{target} beginnt Leben zu regenerieren.","combat_state_recover_success":"{user} hat sie geheilt!","combat_state_recover_failure":"{link} kann nicht weiter geheilt werden.","combat_status_damage":"{name} erleidet Schaden durch {status}!","combat_trainer_appeared":"{name} m\u00f6chte k\u00e4mpfen!","combat_victory":"Du hast gewonnen!","combat_defeat":"Du wurdest geschlagen!","combat_draw":"Alle Beteiligten sind kampfunf\u00e4hig!","combat_capturing_success":"Du hast {name} gefangen!","combat_capturing_fail":"{name} ist ausgebrochen!","combat_recharging":"{name} braucht eine Pause, bevor {move} wieder eingesetzt werden kann...","combat_replacement":"W\u00e4hle einen Ersatz!","combat_replacement_is_fainted":"Dieses Monster ist ersch\u00f6pft!","combat_wild_appeared":"Ein wildes {name} erscheint!","combat_monster_choice":"Was soll {name} tun?","combat_fainted":"{name} ist ersch\u00f6pft!","combat_isactive":"{name} k\u00e4mpft bereits.","combat_target_itself":"{name} sollte sich nicht selbst angreifen.","not_implemented":"Diese Funktion ist noch nicht verf\u00fcgbar.","generic_success":"Es hat funktioniert!","generic_failure":"Es ist fehlgeschlagen!","empty_slot":"Leerer Slot","exit":"Verlassen","item_confirm_use":"Benutzen","item_confirm_cancel":"Abbrechen","item_success":"Es hat funktioniert!","item_failure":"Es hat nicht funktioniert!","attempting_capture":"Versuche zu fangen...","gotcha":"Geschnappt!","item_cannot_use_here":"{name} kann hier nicht benutzt werden!","receive_happiness":"5 Einfanger\u00e4te erhalten!","received_x":"{name} erhalten!","save_success":"Gespeichert!","save_failure":"Fehler beim Speichervorgang!","slot":"Slot","status_faint":"K.O.","status_poison":"Gift","status_lifeleech":"Energieabsorbtion","status_overfeed":"\u00dcbers\u00e4ttigt","status_recover":"Erholung","attack_very_effective":"Der Angriff macht viel Extraschaden!","attack_effective":"Der Angriff macht Extraschaden!","attack_resisted":"Dem Angriff wird widerstanden!","attack_weak":"Der Angriff ist fast wirkungslos!","bite":"Biss","fire_explosion":"Feuerexplosion","poison_string":"Giftstachel","pound":"Sto\u00df","swap":"Tausch","water_shot":"Wasserschuss","whirlwind":"Wirbelwind","all_in":"All In","amnesia":"Amnesie","avalanche":"Lawine","battery_acid":"Batteries\u00e4ure","battery_discharge":"Batterieentladung","beam":"Strahl","berserk":"Raserei","biting_winds":"Bei\u00dfende Winde","blade":"Klinge","blood_bond":"Blutsbund","blossom":"Bl\u00fcte","boulder":"Felsbrocken","breathe_fire":"Feuer speien","bubble_trap":"Blasenfalle","bullet":"Kugel","chill_mist":"Gefriernebel","clamp_on":"Festklammern","constrict":"Abdr\u00fccken","electrical_storm":"Stromsturm","energy_claws":"Energiekrallen","energy_field":"Energiefeld","eyebite":"B\u00f6ser Blick","feint":"Finte","fester":"Verfaulen","fire_ball":"Feuerball","fire_claw":"Feuerklaue","flamethrower":"Flammenwerfer","flood":"\u00dcberfluten","flow":"Flie\u00dfen","fluff_up":"Auflockern","font":"Font","frostbite":"Gefrierbrand","fume":"Rauch","give_all":"Alles geben","glower":"Finsterblick","goad":"Anspornen","headbutt":"Kopfnuss","hibernate":"Winterschlaf","ice_claw":"Eiskralle","icicle_spear":"Eiszapfenspeer","invictus":"Invictus","kindling_flame":"Z\u00fcndende Flamme","levitate":"Schweben","midnight_mantle":"Mittnachtsmantel","muddle":"Verwirren","mudslide":"Schlammrutsch","one_two":"Eins-Zwei","overgrowth":"\u00dcberwuchern","peck":"Picken","peregrine":"Wanderfalke","perfect_cut":"Sauberer Schnitt","petrify":"Versteinern","probiscus":"R\u00fcssel","pseudopod":"Pseudopod","quicksand":"Treibsand","ram":"Rammen","refresh":"Auffrischen","rock":"Stein","rot":"F\u00e4ule","rust_bomb":"Rostbombe","salamander":"Salamander","sand_spray":"Sandwirbel","shadow_boxing":"Schattenboxen","shrapnel":"Schrapnell","shuriken":"Shuriken","sleep_bomb":"Schlafbombe","sleeping_powder":"Schlafpulver","snowstorm":"Schneesturm","splinter":"Splitter","spray":"Spray","stampede":"Anstrum","starfall":"Sternfall","static_field":"Statisches Feld","sting":"Stich","stone_rot":"Steinf\u00e4ule","strike":"Schlag","suck_poison":"Sauggift","sudden_glow":"Blitzgl\u00fchen","supernova":"Supernova","surge":"Spannungssto\u00df","take_cover":"In Deckung","thunderball":"Donnerball","thunderclap":"Donnerschlag","tonguespear":"Zungenspeer","venomous_tentacle":"Giftige Tentakel","wall_of_steel":"Eiserner Vorhang","wallow":"Suhle","web":"Weben","wing_tip":"Fl\u00fcgelspitze","run":"Flucht","menu_alphabet":"A\u00c4BCDEFGHIJKLMNO\u00d6PQRS\\\\0TU\u00dcVWXYZa\u00e4bcdefghijklmno\u00f6pqrs\u00dftu\u00fcvwxyz1234567890.-!","menu_alphabet_n_columns":"15","monster_menu_info":"Info","monster_menu_move":"Bewegen","monster_menu_release":"Freilassen","cant_release":"Du kannst das einzige Tuxemon in deinem Team nicht freigelassen.","release_confirmation":"Bist du dir sicher, dass du {name} freilassen m\u00f6chtest?","tuxemon_released":"{name} wurde freigelassen.","log_off":"Ausloggen","menu_bag":"Tasche","menu_fight":"Kampf","menu_item":"Item","menu_items":"Items","menu_journal":"Tagebuch","menu_load":"Laden","menu_monster":"Tuxemon","menu_monsters":"Monster","menu_storage":"Tuxemon aufnehmen","menu_dropoff":"Tuxemon ablegen","menu_multiplayer":"Mehrspieler","menu_new_game":"Neues Spiel","menu_options":"Optionen","menu_player":"Spieler","menu_run":"Flucht","menu_save":"Speichern","menu_up_key":"Hochtaste","menu_left_key":"Linkstaste","menu_right_key":"Rechtstaste","menu_down_key":"Runtertaste","menu_primary_select_key":"Aktion-Taste","menu_secondary_select_key":"Abbruchtaste","menu_back_key":"Zur\u00fccktaste","options_new_input_key0":"Dr\u00fccke eine Taste, um sie als neue Eingabetaste festzulegen","options_new_input_key1":"Starte das Spiel neu, damit die \u00c4nderungen wirksam werden!","menu_storage_take_monster":"Du hast {name} deinem Team hinzugef\u00fcgt!","menu_storage_monsters_full":"Dein Team ist vollz\u00e4hlig, du kannst nicht noch weitere aus dem Lager nehmen.","menu_storage_empty_kennel":"Dieser Zwinger ist leer, es gibt dort keine Monster zu holen.","menu_dropoff_no_monsters":"Du kannst das letzte Tuxemon deines Teams nicht ablegen.","xero_campaign":"Tuxemon: Xero","spyder_campaign":"Tuxemon: Spyder und die Kathedrale","multiplayer_accept":"Akzeptieren","multiplayer_decline":"Ablehnen","multiplayer_duel":"{name} m\u00f6chte ein Duell!","multiplayer_host_game":"Spiel hosten","multiplayer_scan_games":"Suche nach Spielen","multiplayer_join_game":"Spiel beitreten","multiplayer_hosting_ready":"Bereit Clients anzunehmen!","multiplayer_already_hosting":"Spiel wird bereits gehostet!","multiplayer_no_servers":"Keine Server gefunden...","multiplayer_join_prompt":"Hostname oder IP?","aardart":"Aardart","aardart_description":"Es z\u00e4hlt s\u00e4mtliche Ameisen, die es verspeist hat und feiert hohe Essmeilensteine.","aardorn":"Aardorn","aardorn_description":"Nach seiner Geburt wird es in einem Ameisenhaufen ausgesetzt und frisst sich durch diesen.","abesnaki_description":"Jedes Gesicht ist ein unterschiedliches Muster, und manche sagen, dass die Symbole W\u00f6rter einer toten Sprache buchstabieren.","abesnaki":"Abesnaki","agnidon":"Agnidon","agnidon_description":"Obwohl es lieber auf allen Vieren l\u00e4uft, kann es auch zwei stehen um T\u00fcren zu \u00f6ffnen, B\u00e4ume umzuschmei\u00dfen oder Sachen zu halten.","agnigon":"Agnigon","agnigon_description":"Es wird als 'falscher Drache' bezeichnet, weil es wie ein Drache in Erscheinung tritt, aber sich tats\u00e4chlich aus einer anderen Linie antiker Reptile entwickelt hat.","agnite":"Agnite","agnite_description":"Es ist verspielt, aber ihm muss schon fr\u00fch beigebracht werden sein Feuer in Schach zu halten.","allagon":"Allagon","allagon_description":"ALLAGON werden von den Relikten angezogen, die aus dem zur\u00fcckgelassenen Metall ihrer Vorfahren gemacht wurden, und sie werden nicht vor Gewalt zur\u00fcckschrecken, um sie zur\u00fcckzubekommen.","altie_description":"ALTIE schwebte in einer Blase hinunter zur Erde. Jetzt ist seine Blase geplatzt, es kann nicht mehr als einige Meter in der Luft schweben.","altie":"Altie","angrito_description":"Es versteht nicht, warum Menschen Wut und Hass f\u00fchlen, aber ANGRITO f\u00fchlt diese Emotionen ebenfalls.","angrito":"Angrito","anoleaf":"Anoleaf","anoleaf_description":"Es betrachtet Pflanzen, die in seiner N\u00e4he wachsen, als B\u00fcder und Schwestern.","anu_description":"Es wird gesagt, dass es die Tr\u00e4ume anderer betritt auf der Suche nach seiner verlorenen Liebe.","anu":"Anu","apeoro_description":"Die K\u00f6nige der Alten benutzten psychische Kr\u00e4fte um ihre Seelen in diese goldenen verarbeitenden Maschinen zu transferieren. Nun leben sie weiter, unf\u00e4hig zu kommunizieren, aber immernoch von Imperien tr\u00e4umend.","apeoro":"Apeoro","araignee_description":"Pedanten, die sagen, dass Spinnen immer acht Beine haben, sind seltsam still wenn es um ARAIGNEE geht.","araignee":"Araignee","arthrobolt_description":"Es f\u00fchlt sich unwohl dabei seinen Gef\u00e4hrten NUT and BOLT Befehle zu erteilen, und l\u00e4uft \u00fcblicherweise davon. Aber dann haben NUT and BOLT niemanden, der ihnen Anweisungen gibt.","arthrobolt":"Arthrobolt","av8r_description":"Wenn die Sonne scheint kann es so hoch oder weit fliegen, wie es m\u00f6chte.","av8r":"Av8r","axylightl":"Axylightl","axylightl_description":"Mit seinem leuchtenden Schweif markiert es sichere Unterk\u00fcnfte f\u00fcr Fische in tiefen Gew\u00e4ssern.","b_ver_1_description":"Es ist daf\u00fcr f\u00fcr all die Zeiten gemacht, wenn du etwas von einem Roboter gebissen haben m\u00f6chtest.","b_ver_1":"B-Ver.1","bamboon":"Bamboon","bamboon_description":"Es k\u00e4mpft mit seinem Bambusstab, den er zus\u00e4tzlich f\u00fcr seine Balance nutzt.","banling_description":"Jedes BANLING wartet auf einen heimatlosen Geist, der sich an seine Zweige schmiegt.","banling":"Banling","baobaraffe_description":"Es speichert gewaltige Wassermassen in seinem riesigen K\u00f6rper, sodass es weite Strecken durch hei\u00dfe, trockene W\u00fcsten zur\u00fccklegen kann. Es teilt sein Wasser auch mit durstigen Kreaturen. Wenn es kein Wasser speichert, ist es d\u00fcnn.","baobaraffe":"Baobaraffe","baoby_description":"Sie wandern von Fluss zu Fluss auf der Suche nach Wasser zum trinken und speichern. Die belaubte Ossikone auf seinem Kopf verbergen bewegliche Punkte, die \u00e4hnlich wie eine W\u00fcnschelrute wirken. Viele Kreaturen folgen BAOBY in D\u00fcrren.","baoby":"Baoby","beenstalker_description":"Was BEENSTALKER an Sinnen und Anmut mangelt, gleichen sie mit schierem Enthusiasmus und Wohlwollen aus. Es erfreut sich daran Ungezieher zu verscheuchen, ohne sie aber jemals zu verletzen.","beenstalker":"Beenstalker","bigfin":"Bigfin","bigfin_description":"Ein ganzes \u00d6kosysem existiert auf seinem R\u00fccken, wodurch es das Tauchen meidet.","bolt":"Bolt","bolt_description":"Die Anwesenheit eines BOLT macht ein NUT h\u00e4rter und funkt mehr Energie.","boltnu_description":"Es verbringt die meiste Zeit damit einen Bau in den Boden zu graben. Die st\u00e4ndige Vibration und Bewegung, die sie dabei bewirken, sorgt daf\u00fcr, dass ihnen dauerhaft schwindelig ist.","boltnu":"Boltnu","botbot_description":"Es ist ein universeller Roboter, der f\u00fcr jeden Zweck angepasst werden kann.","botbot":"Botbot","boxali_description":"Mit seinem langen blauen Umhang kann BOXALI \u00fcber den Boden gleiten - was es ihm erm\u00f6glicht Stunts und Luftattacken durchf\u00fchren.","boxali":"Boxali","brewdin_description":"Geboren in vernachl\u00e4ssigten, einst gesch\u00e4tzten T\u00f6pferwaren und \u00e4hnlichen Sch\u00e4tzen. Es hei\u00dft, dass es jenen W\u00fcnsche erf\u00fcllt, die es schaffen es zum l\u00e4cheln zu bringen.","brewdin":"Brewdin","budaye_description":"Es kann jede Gruppe mit etwas ermutigendem Maunzen und Winken davon \u00fcberzeugen f\u00fcr das Allgemeinwohl zu kooperieren.","budaye":"Budaye","bugnin_description":"Sein Schwert ist eigentlich eine Antenne, die daf\u00fcr gewachsen und abgebrochen wurde.","bugnin":"Bugnin","bumbulus_description":"BUMBULUS ist ein fliegendes Wesen, das eine Wolke aus Rauch produziert, um sich als Wolke zu tarnen. Niemand hat je seinen wahren K\u00f6rper gesehen.","bumbulus":"Bumbulus","bursa_description":"Es lehnt Feuer als solches ab und produziert nur das Feuer des Verstandes.","bursa":"Bursa","cairfrey":"Cairfrey","cairfrey_description":"Ein vergn\u00fcgtes St\u00fcck M\u00f6bel, das eines Morgens aufwachte und sich entschied auf Entdeckungstour zu gehen.","capiti":"Capiti","capiti_description":"Es ist aus wie ein Baby, aber es wurden Exemplare gefunden, die Hunderte Jahre alt sind.","cardiling":"Cardiling","cardiling_description":"Man w\u00fcrde von ihm nicht erwarten, dass es Feuer spukt, bis es dies tut.","cardinale":"Cardinale","cardinale_description":"Es hasst alle Raubtiere mit Leidenschaft. Es f\u00fchrt Krieg mit ihnen und mit seinem Jungtier, wenn es dies kann.","cardiwing":"Cardiwing","cardiwing_description":"Sein Gesang ist bemerkenswert, aber nur wenige wagen es, sich einen explosiven Singvogel zu halten.","cataspike_description":"Es lernt durch Beobachtung wie man k\u00e4mpft. Sich selbst \u00fcberlassen benutzt es seinen seinen Stachel, um Abfall aufzuheben.","cataspike":"Cataspike","cateye_description":"Sie sagen, es blinzelt einmal im Jahr, um das Ende des Sommers zu ehren.","cateye":"Cateye","chenipode_description":"Es knabbert an Schn\u00fcrsenkeln und Hosenbeinen wenn es reisen will.","chenipode":"Chenipode","chibiro_description":"Es wird in W\u00e4ldern und auf Feldern gefunden, wo es h\u00e4ufig mit einer R\u00fcbe verwechselt wird.","chibiro":"Chibiro","chillimp":"Chillimp","chillimp_description":"Es geht das Ger\u00fccht um, dass es auf dem Gipfel verschneiter Berge lebt, allerdings hat niemand je ein deutliches Foto von ihm machen k\u00f6nnen.","chloragon":"Chloragon","chloragon_description":"Es schl\u00fcpft, wenn es in fruchtbarer Erde gepflanzt wurde. Wenn die Eier ausgehen, wird es keine CHLORAGON mehr geben.","chromeye_description":"CHROMEYE wurde erschaffen, um zu beobachten und zu lernen, wie Menschen denken und f\u00fchlen.","chromeye":"Chromeye","cochini_description":"Es ist so intelligent und bewusst wie ein drei Jahre altes Kind. Es schmeckt k\u00f6stlich.","cochini":"Cochini","coleorus_description":"Es hat, unver\u00e4ndert, f\u00fcr Millionen von Jahren existiert.","coleorus":"Coleorus","conifrost":"Conifrost","conifrost_description":"Wenn es niest l\u00f6st es eine Lawine aus. Es hat st\u00e4ndig Schnupfen.","conileaf_description":"Essen, das in seinem Krug plaziert wird, wird gemischt und in Essig eingelegt. Sie werden dazu verwendet, um Essen zu lagern, ohne das dieses verdirbt.","conileaf":"Conileaf","coproblight_description":"Geboren in den F\u00e4kalien prehistorischer Tuxemon, es benutzte die Knochensplitter in sich zur Verteidigung.","coproblight":"Coproblight","corvix":"Corvix","corvix_description":"Es bewaffnet seine Schwingen mit den Knochensplittern seiner Opfer.","cowpignon_description":"Einige Leute lassen es austrocknen und essen es als eine medizinische Verbesserung.","cowpignon":"Cowpignon","criniotherme_description":"Seine M\u00e4hne leuchtet am Tag, wird gro\u00df und rot w\u00e4hrend des Sonnenuntergangs und verweht als Asche bei Nacht.","criniotherme":"Criniotherme","dandicub_description":"Nachdem ein Wurf zur Welt gekommen ist, schweben sie \u00fcber die ganze Welt und sehen ihre Familie nie wieder.","dandicub":"Dandicub","dandylion":"Dandylion","dandylion_description":"Es hat einen Wurf in seinem Leben. Dann wandert es durch die Welt, um sie wieder zu finden.","dinoflop_description":"DINOFLOP erg\u00f6tzt sich daran sich schnell von seinen Angreifern abzuwenden, sodass deren Schl\u00e4ge auf seinem abgeschirmten und stacheligen R\u00fccken landen.","dinoflop":"Dinoflop","djinnbo":"Djinnbo","djinnbo_description":"F\u00e4lschlicherweise glaubt man, dass dies ein Mensch sei, welcher im Feuer starb. Eigentlich, waren es seine Verwandten.","dollfin":"Dollfin","dollfin_description":"Jeder einzelne folgt einem Schiff von Ort zu Ort, die Welt entdeckend.","dracune":"Dracune","dracune_description":"Bei Tage ist es unbeweglich, bei Nacht allerdings kann es zappeln und bei\u00dfen.","dragarbor":"Dragarbor","dragarbor_description":"Wenn es sp\u00fcrt, dass das Ende seines Lebens naht, reist es zu einem Friedhof, wo es sich selbst einpflanzt. Seine Schwanzblume w\u00e4chst ewig.","drokoro_description":"Es hatte einmal eine Familie, aber es hat seine Eltern gefressen, seine Kinder und seinen Partner, und alle seiner Art.","drokoro":"Drokoro","dune_pincher":"Dune Pincher","dune_pincher_description":"Diese Einsiedler werden sich einwickeln in was auch immer in greifbarer N\u00e4he ist. In der W\u00fcste sind das die Leichent\u00fccher l\u00e4ngst verstorbener Pharaohnen.","eaglace":"Eaglace","eaglace_description":"Wenn es abfliegt, formen sich Wolken. Wenn es mit seinen Fl\u00fcgeln schl\u00e4gt, f\u00e4llt Hagel.","elofly_description":"Ein ELOFLY auf sich allein gestellt ist geduldig und weise, aber wenn sie gro\u00dfe Schw\u00e4rme bilden werden sie gewaltt\u00e4tig und impulsiv.","elofly":"Elofly","elostorm_description":"K\u00f6nige und K\u00f6niginnen, die ELOSTORM herrschen \u00fcber Ihresgleichen und haben gro\u00dfe Ambitionen.","elostorm":"Elostorm","elowind_description":"Als die Leutnants der ELOFLY Familie f\u00fchren die ELOWIND die Herde und halten sie konzentriert.","elowind":"Elowind","embazook_description":"Es wurde f\u00fcr den Krieg trainiert und kennt kein anderes Leben.","embazook":"Embazook","embra_description":"Es frisst alles, was es kann, um gro\u00df genug zu werden, damit es zu einem RUPTION wird.","embra":"Embra","enduros_description":"ENDUROS ist ein agressiver Raufer, der sich nicht mit seinen Schl\u00e4gen zur\u00fcckh\u00e4lt. Au\u00dferhalb des Rings ist es ganz gesellig.","enduros":"Enduros","eruptibus_description":"Schmiede arbeiten mit ihm, indem sie Metall in seiner Caldera erhitzen.","eruptibus":"Eruptibus","exapode_description":"Es winkt mit seinen Beinen, um auf sich aufmerksam zu machen, aber meisten laufen die Leute einfach weg.","exapode":"Exapode","exclawvate_description":"Sie werden oft auf Baustellen gesehen, wo sie mit ihren riesigen H\u00e4nden und ihrem Schwanz Dreck und Schutt aufschaufeln. Unterhalb sind diese Tuxemon Raupenreifen, was ihnen eine bessere Balance gibt sowie eine bessere Griffigkeit w\u00e4hrend sie Schutthaufen emporklettern.","exclawvate":"Exclawvate","eyenemy":"Eyenemy","eyenemy_description":"Es n\u00e4hrt sich von sch\u00f6ner Aussicht und anderen spektakul\u00e4ren Besichtigungen.","eyesore_description":"Es kann sich an alles erinnern, was es jemals gesehen hat, nur nicht, in welcher Reihenfolge.","eyesore":"Eyesore","fancair_description":"Wenn jemand seinen L\u00fcfter laufen l\u00e4sst, obwohl er nicht gebraucht wird, dann erwacht er zum Leben und fliegt aus dem Fenster, um jemanden zu finden, der tats\u00e4chlich gek\u00fchlt werden muss.","fancair":"Fancair","falcono":"Falcono","falcono_description":"Es ist vollkommen furchtlos gegen\u00fcber Widersachern und wird jeden Gegner ohne zu z\u00f6gern angreifen, ungeachtet seiner Gr\u00f6\u00dfe.","ferricran":"Ferricran","ferricran_description":"Einst waren die FERRICRAN vollst\u00e4ndig mit unzerst\u00f6rbaren Schuppen bedeckt und hatten Fl\u00fcgel aus Mithril.","firomenis":"Firomenis","firomenis_description":"<>","fluttaflap":"Fluttaflap","fluttaflap_description":"Es ern\u00e4hrt sich von Verunreinigungen, deshalb gibt es gereinigtes Blut an jene zur\u00fcck, von denen es das Blut absaugt.","fruitera":"Fruitera","fruitera_description":"FRUITERA ist hungrig nach Obst und tr\u00e4gt alles, was es kann. Als er \u00fcberrascht ist, l\u00e4sst er alle seine Fr\u00fcchte fallen, sammelt sie wieder auf und flieht dann.","gectile":"Gectile","gectile_description":"Es ist so schnell und leicht, dass es auf Bl\u00e4ttern gehen kann.","heronquak":"Heronquak","heronquak_description":"Der Kristall auf seiner Brust wird von Wilderern mit einem Diamanten verwechselt. Es schmilzt, sobald es von HERONQUAK's k\u00f6rper entfernt wird.","hydrone":"Hydrone","hydrone_description":"Es nutzt eine experimentelle Technologie, die Strom aus Wasser erzeugt.","katacoon_description":"Es verbleibt in einer meditativen Pose f\u00fcr seine Verpuppung und bewegt sich nur, um Feine zu stechen.","katacoon":"Katacoon","lambert":"Lambert","lambert_description":"Die Eltern legen es in die Nuss und schicken es hinaus in die Welt.","legko":"Legko","legko_description":"Lange wurde angenommen, dass es keine Beine habe, dabei sind seine Bl\u00e4tter tats\u00e4chlich verk\u00fcmmerte Gliedma\u00dfen.","magmaturtle":"Magmaturtle","magmaturtle_description":"<>","merlicun":"Merlicun","merlicun_description":"<>","moloch":"Moloch","moloch_description":"Es kann seine Haut verh\u00e4rten und weich machen, um damit auf Freunde und Feine zu reagieren.","noctalo":"Noctalo","noctalo_description":"Es bewohnt nur menschenverlassene Orte - Schl\u00f6sser, Friedh\u00f6fe und Abwasserkan\u00e4le.","noctula":"Noctula","noctula_description":"Es isst K\u00e4fer und PIPIS Essfrucht, somit konkurrieren sich nicht miteinander und das, obwohl sie so nah beieinander leben.","nostray":"Nostray","nostray_description":"Es kann alles im Ozean riechen, egal wie weit entfernt es auch sein mag.","nudiflot":"Nudiflot","nudiflot_description":"Es frisst Seekreaturen und speichert das Gift jener in seinem K\u00f6rper.","nut":"Nut","nut_description":"In den gro\u00dfen Schiffen, die die Ozeane \u00fcberqueren, liefern Tausende von NUT und BOLT Strom und halten die Stahlbeschichtung zusammen.","onaclov":"Onaclov","onaclov_description":"<>","pigabyte":"Pigabyte","pigabyte_description":"Wissenschaftler fanden heraus, dass die besten Computer organische Implantate haben.","possessun":"Possessun","possessun_description":"Es ist ein Geist, das tote CAIRFREY bewohnt.","propellercat":"Propellercat","propellercat_description":"Ist es eine neue Spezies oder nur das Haustier eines Erfinders?","rockat":"Rockat","rockat_description":"Trotz seines betr\u00e4chtlichen Gewichts sind seine Schritte lautlos.","rockitten":"Rockitten","rockitten_description":"Er nutzt seine winzigen Felsenohren zum Kuscheln.","sapragon":"Sapragon","sapragon_description":"In alten Zeiten gab es f\u00fcr jedes Element einen m\u00e4chtigen Drachen - aber diese Kreaturen wurden immer weniger und sind heutzutage nur noch selten zu finden.","selket":"Selket","selket_description":"Sie liegen unter dem Sand und k\u00f6nnen ihre Beute durch die Vibrationen ihrer Schritte sp\u00fcren.","selmatek":"Selmatek","selmatek_description":"Von den alten K\u00f6nigen der W\u00fcsten gehalten, diente SELMATEK als Wachhunde, Jagdgef\u00e4hrten und - jetzt - Verteidiger gegen Grabr\u00e4uber.","simba":"Simba","simba_description":"<>","sludgehog":"Sludgehog","sludgehog_description":"Es lebt im M\u00fcll und frisst es auch. Seine Stacheln scheinen scharf zu sein, aber es kann sie nach Belieben mildern.","sharpfin":"Sharpfin","sharpfin_description":"Im Wasser ist es unsichtbar. Sichtbar ist es nur, wenn es aus dem Wasser springt, um Tiere vom Ufer in die Tiefe zur\u00fcckzuziehen.","snowrilla":"Snowrilla","snowrilla_description":"Es erfreut sich daran mit Skiern auf verlassenen H\u00e4ngen fangen zu spielen.","spycozeus":"Spycozeus","spycozeus_description":"Die gefl\u00fcsterten Kommunikationen des Waldes erhalten in SPYCOZEUS, der wie die B\u00e4ume denkt, physische Form.","sumobug":"Sumobug","sumobug_description":"Es nutzt sein Gewicht um viel gr\u00f6\u00dfere Gegner zu st\u00fcrzen. Seine Dichte gleicht einem Stern.","tigrock":"Tigrock","tigrock_description":"Man sagt dass es sich selbst erfand, da eine Evolution nicht erdacht wurde.","tumblecoon":"Tumblecoon","tumblecoon_description":"<>","tumbleworm":"Tumbleworm","tumbleworm_description":"Wenn sie ihrem Bienenwabenei entwachsen sind, fallen sie mit dem Gesicht zuerst auf den Boden.","tux":"Tux","tux_description":"<>","tweesher":"Tweesher","tweesher_description":"Je k\u00e4lter das Wetter, umso h\u00e4rter wird sein Schnabel. Bei unter 0 Grad ist sein Schnabel h\u00e4rter als Diamant.","vamporm":"Vamporm","vamporm_description":"Es durstet nach Blut, muss sich aber mit Braumsaft begn\u00fcgen.","velocitile":"Velocitile","velocitile_description":"Es kann sogar eine Kugel \u00fcberholen, muss dazu aber erst aufgew\u00e4rmt sein.","wrougon":"Wrougon","wrougon_description":"Jedes WROUGON wird mit einem Rostfleck geboren, der gr\u00f6\u00dfer ist als der seiner Eltern.","zunna":"Zunna","zunna_description":"Das heitere ZUNNA saugt alles Futter, dass es finden kann, auf in seinen Magen.","anteater":"Ameisenfresser","snout":"Schnauze","false_dragon":"Falscher Drache","dragon":"Drache","sprout":"Spr\u00f6ssling","inchoate":"Inchoate","prehensile":"Prehensile","island":"Insel","host":"Host","woodwose":"Woodwose","firebird":"Feuervogel","frost_ape":"Frostaffe","taiga":"Taiga","horned_raptor":"Geh\u00f6rnter Raubvogel","lions_tooth":"L\u00f6wenzahn","vengeance":"Vengeance","joyful":"Joyful","cloaked":"Getarnt","cirrus":"Zirrus","pupil":"Pupille","fire":"Feuer","sanguine":"Sanguine","wood":"Holz","climbing":"Climbing","crested":"Crested","metal_water":"Metall, Wasser","gumnut":"Gumnut","lizard":"Eidechse","earth_fire":"Erde, Feuer","devil":"Teufel","nightcrawler":"Nachtfalter","flopped":"Flopped","metal":"Metall","visitor":"Besucher","earth":"Erde","rip":"Rip","yeti":"Yeti","ex_machina":"Ex Machina","water":"Wasser","clot":"Clot","restless":"Ruhelos","slurpy":"Slurpy","aeble":"Aeble","allie":"Allie","cottonnurse":"Cotton Krankenschwester","karrianna":"Karrianna","knight1":"Ritter I","knight2":"Ritter II","liela":"Liela","maple_girl":"Maple","misa":"Misa","npc_wife":"Ehefrau NPC","professor":"Professor","npc_red":"Rot","tabanurse":"Taba Krankenschwester","tuxemart_keeper":"Tuxemart Ladenbesitzer","tuxemart_aide":"Tuxemart Mitarbeiter","xerogrund1":"Team Xero R\u00fcpel I","xerogrund2":"Team Xero R\u00fcpel II","xerogrunt2":"Team Xero R\u00fcpel II","xerogrunt3":"Team Xero R\u00fcpel III","xerogrunt4":"Team Xero R\u00fcpel IV","xerogrunt5":"Team Xero R\u00fcpel V","xerogrunt6":"Team Xero R\u00fcpel VI","xerogrunt7":"Team Xero R\u00fcpel VII","xerogrunt8":"Team Xero R\u00fcpel VIII","xerogrunt9":"Team Xero R\u00fcpel IX","xerogrunt10":"Team Xero R\u00fcpel X","healmytuxemon":"M\u00f6chtest du deine Tuxemon heilen?","haveagoodday":"Sch\u00f6nen Tag noch!","yes":"Ja","no":"Nein","door_problems":"Die T\u00fcr klemmt und wird sich nicht \u00f6ffnen...","empty_pot":"Ein leerer Blumentopf, vielleicht pflanzt jemand hier etwas.","purple_flowers":"Jemand hat hier s\u00fc\u00df-riechende lila Blumen gepflanzt!","orange_flowers":"Jemand hat hier wundersch\u00f6ne orangene Blumen gepflanzt!","famous_statue":"Eine Statur eines ehemaligen Tuxemon-Meisters. Der Name ist verwittert...","famous_statue2":"Dort steht: F\u00fcr unsere geliebten Freunde und Helden von allen, die Wywen","cotton_town_fountain":"Ein Springbrunnen. Eine Menge M\u00fcnzen liegen auf dem Grund.","tree":"Dieser Baum sieht fr\u00f6hlich und gesund aus!","route_2":"Route 2","sure_i_do":"Nat\u00fcrlich werde ich.","not_really":"Nicht wirklich.","professor_dialog\\n":"Professor: \\n Ah, ja. Genau die Person, die ich schon seit langem treffen wollte.\\nIch habe geh\u00f6rt du m\u00f6chtest mehr \u00fcber Tuxemon lernen.\\nTuxemon sind kleine Tiere, manche nennen sie Monster, mit denen wir befreundet sind und um gegen andere Tuxemon zu k\u00e4mpfen.\\nIch habe mich gefragt, ich habe drei neue Tuxemon f\u00fcr Forschungen bekommen und ich w\u00fcrde dir eines geben.\\nWelches m\u00f6chtes du haben?\\n","professor_dialog6.1":"Professor: Eine hervorragende Wahl! Hydrone ist ein Wasser-Tuxemon","professor_dialog6.2":"Professor: Eine spitzen Wahl! Rockitten ist ein Erde-Tuxemon","professor_dialog6.3":"Professor: Eine tolle Wahl! Fruitera ist ein Holz-Tuxemon","professor_dialog7":"Professor: Ich hoffe dich wieder zu sehen! Ich werde mich bald auf eine Reise begeben, also sieht man sich vielleicht irgendwann.","karrianna_dialog1":"Karrianna: Ich habe die letzten Monate trainiert! Keiner hat mich bischer geschlagen!","karrianna_dialog2":"Nun... du warst der erste Trainer, dem ich begegnet bin...","xero_hideout1":"Xero Institut f\u00fcr Tuxemon-Forschungen und -F\u00f6rderung geradeaus.","xero_grunt1":"Hallo, willkommen im Xero Institut f\u00fcr Tuxemon-Forschungen und -F\u00f6rderung, wir haben gerade geschlossen f\u00fcr Umbauarbeiten.","xero_grunt2":"Ich bin bereit dich herreinzulassen, falls du eine Kirsche hast, mein Tuxemon liebt sie!","xero_grunt3":"Normalerwei\u00dfe k\u00f6nnen die auf dem Boden eines Baumes gefunden werden.","cherry_found":"Du hast eine Kirsche gefunden.","xero_grunt4":"Ich sehe du hast eine Kirsche, Ich nehme sie mal... Nun werde ich dich mal hinein bringen.","xero_grunts_block":"In diesem Bereich sind gerade Bauarbeiten im Gange, diese sollten aber bald fertig sein.","waiting_for_misa":"Unsere Anf\u00fchrerin w\u00fcrde gern mit dir sprechen. Wenn du bereit bist, sprich mit meinem Freund hier neben mir.","teleport?":"Bist du bereit dich mit unserem Anf\u00fchrer zu treffen?","ouch":"Tut mir Leid, aber das k\u00f6nnte ein bisschen wehtun...","maybe_sometime_again?":"Okay, Ich werde hier sein, sobald du bereit bist.","youcantleave":"Die T\u00fcren sind von Au\u00dfen verschlossen... Ist hier irgendwo ein Schl\u00fcssel?","discovered_a_person":"Du hast mich gefunden! Haha!","a_serious_discussion\\n":"Ich beobachte dich jetzt schon eine Weile, ich bin froh, dass meine Anh\u00e4nger es geschafft haben, dich ohne Schaden zu packen.\\nOh, wo sind meine Manieren!\\nIch bin Misa, Premierminister des Xero Institute for Tuxemon Research and Advancement.\\nWie hie\u00dfen Sie nochmal?\\n.... ..... ....\\n${{name}}?\\nKein gro\u00dfer Name f\u00fcr jemanden, der illegal einen Tuxemon besitzt.\\n","oops\\n":"Oh. Ich sch\u00e4tze, du hast das nicht gewusst...\\nDu solltest keine Angst haben, ein Tuxemon an seiner Seite zu haben ist das Beste, was dir passen kann.\\n","backstory\\n":"Vor etwa drei\u00dfig Jahren begann eine Gruppe namens Omnichannel, die Medien zu kontrollieren.\\nBald darauf wurde die Meinungsfreiheit fast unm\u00f6glich.\\nSo beschlossen die Menschen, Tuxemon als Boten zu benutzen und Streitigkeiten beizulegen.\\nVor etwa zehn Jahren wurde das harte Vorgehen gegen Tuxemon eingeleitet.\\nJetzt k\u00f6nnen nur zugelassene Personen Tuxemon besitzen und aufziehen.\\nMeine Gruppe verwendet Tuxemon f\u00fcr die Forschung, deshalb haben wir sie alle.\\nSie sind ungew\u00f6hnlich, Sie sind nicht von Omnichannel zugelassen.\\nDu k\u00f6nntest der Trainer sein, auf den wir gewartet haben.\\nOmnichannel, so r\u00fccksichtslos sie auch sind, sind nicht die einzige Bedrohung, die wir hier haben.\\nEs gibt eine andere Organisation namens Spyder.\\nSie sollten sich nicht zu viele Sorgen um sie machen m\u00fcssen, sie sind hier nicht zu aktiv.\\nJetzt schicken wir Sie zur\u00fcck auf Ihre Reise.\\nAber nur, wenn Sie sich bereit erkl\u00e4ren, uns gegen Omnichannel zu helfen.\\nAndernfalls melden wir Sie selbst an Omnichannel.\\nUnd du wirst alles verlieren.\\nWir beobachten immer.\\n","backstory9":"Was wirst du tun? Wirst du uns helfen?","sorryfurthis":"Gute Entscheidung. Tut mir Leid, das wird ein bisschen stechen.","mwah\\n":"???: Was willst du? ... ... ... Nun, zu schade. Du kommst hier nicht hinein, obwohl deine Kleidung geschmackvoll gemacht ist.\\nIch bin Allie nebenbei.\\nAllie: Ja, dies ist der Omnichannel, ich bin jedoch nur eine niedrigrangige Wache. Wer bist du?\\n${{name}}...\\nHmm. Ein starker Name. Mein Haus ist nicht weit von hier, vielleicht... nach der Arbeit... k\u00f6nntest du mir deine St\u00e4rke zeigen?\\n... ... Nein! Was meinst du mit nein? Es sei denn... ... Du bist Jess's neuer Freund nicht wahr! Sie hat die ganze Zeit mit mir gespielt!\\n","mwah2":"JESS!!!","itslockedboi":"Allie hat die T\u00fcr hinter sich verschlossen...","hellothere":"???: Hallo!","kmere":"Warum kommst du nicht hier r\u00fcber und redest mit mir?","theinfo\\n":"Mir tut die Szene da Leid, Allie ist manchmal nicht einfach, im Gegensatz zu meiner Tochter Jess.\\nOh! Wo sind blo\u00df meine Manieren. Mein Name ist Ae... Wei\u00dft du was? Ich werde es einfach aufschreiben.\\nAeble\\nEs wird ahbluh ausgesprochen, aber jeder nennt mich Able. Du kannst mich so nennen, sch\u00e4tze ich...\\nAeble: Ich bin der CEO hier beim Omnichannel, jeder Rundfunk, den du siehst, wird von mir genehmigt.\\nJetzt bin ich aber nicht der Einzige, der seinen Teil beitr\u00e4gt, wir haben einen Vorstand, der uns hilft die Distrikte zu administrieren\\nDer Vorstand wurde seit der Gr\u00fcndung wiedergew\u00e4hlt. Sie haben jedoch einen gro\u00dfartigen Job gemacht, so macht es Sinn.\\nOmnichannel's Ziel ist es die Welt f\u00fcr alle zu \u00f6ffnen. Der einzige Weg um dies zu erreichen jedoch, um alle gleich zu stellen,\\nwar es n\u00f6tig die Tuxemon einzuschr\u00e4nken.\\nWir haben mit Beschlagnahmung angefangen, aber die meisten Tuxemon haben es geschafft zu entkommen. Also gingen wir zu extremen Ma\u00dfnahmen \u00fcber.\\nUnsere Schwesterorganisation hat eine Droge entwickelt, die die Tuxemon ver\u00e4ndern konnte.\\nEs isolierte einen Teil des Gehirns, das jedes Tuxemon mysteri\u00f6serweise besitzt und \u00fcberlud es.\\nSobald die Gage Paludal Lamina mit Elektrizit\u00e4t \u00fcberladen wurde, verschwand deren Wille zu widerstehen und sie wurden f\u00fcgsam.\\nDeswegen sind einige Spezies tot,\\nbesonders Rockitten, Fruitera, und Hydrone.\\nDas ist jedoch nicht mehr von Bedeutung. Diese Generation wei\u00df nicht mal wer was Tuxemon sind, es sei denn sie arbeiten f\u00fcr uns.\\nDie Geburtenrate ist auf einem Allzeithoch, und die Genehmigung der Omnichannel wurde seit dem Jahr der Einschr\u00e4nkung nicht gest\u00fcrzt\\nTuxemon sind ein perverser Fluch, der die ganze Menschheit zerst\u00f6rt. Omnichannel hat das Problem gel\u00f6st und Ordnung gebracht.\\nTuxemon zerst\u00f6ren und jeder, der was anderes behauptet, l\u00fcgt. Entschuldigung, aber ich muss mich wieder an die Arbeit machen.\\n","liela_goes_to_battle":"Wenn du mich st\u00f6rst w\u00e4hrend ich Beeren pfl\u00fccke, dann werde ich dich herausfordern m\u00fcssen!","Cathedral_Center":"Kathedralencenter: We leben um zu dienen.","Cotton_Mart":"Hol dir den Scoop beim Scoop-Gesch\u00e4ft!","Cotton_Town_Sign\\n":"Willkommen in Cotton Town: Eine Wachsende Macht \\n \\n^ Cotton Town --- Route 1 v","column1":"Eine seltene und antike S\u00e4ule. Dies war mal ein Tempel.","column2":"Eine seltene und antike S\u00e4ule. Andere Ruinen von der selben Kultur k\u00f6nnen auf Route 3 gefunden werden. ","cityparksign\\n":"Willkommen in City Park: Eine Kostprobe von der Wildnis\\n^ City Park --- Route 2 v\\n","route2speech":"EEK!!!","route2speech2\\n":"Oh. Du bist es nur, ${{name}}...\\nSei das n\u00e4chste Mal etwas r\u00fccksichtsvoller wenn du jemanden schubst. Die Klippe geht weiter runter als es aussieht...\\n","route2speech3\\n":"Obwohl das keine schlechte Sache ist...\\nIch wei\u00df, jeder braucht mich zum Anf\u00fchren, aber mit allem, was vor sich geht...\\nAber du willst mir gar nicht zuh\u00f6ren... oder?\\n","yestalk":"Wirklich? Danke...","notalk":"Du unsensible Person! Du wirst mir sowieso zuh\u00f6ren!","spillit\\n":"Du wei\u00dft, dass ich das Xero institut leite und dass ich dich rekrutiert habe, um sie zu bek\u00e4mpfen. Aber sonst wei\u00dft du nichts weiter.\\nAllie, die, die du zuvor kennengelernt hast... Was? Ich habe dir gesagt, dass wir beobachten, du brauchst nicht so \u00fcberrascht dar\u00fcber zu sein.\\n","spillit3":"Wie auch immer... Allie ist meine Schwester und bedeutet mir die Welt, deshalb war ich am Boden zerst\u00f6rt, als ich herausgefunden habe, dass er sie ins HQ gebracht hat.","spillit4":"Es mag vielleicht nicht den Eindruck von etwas Schlechtem zu machen, aber es ist etwas Schlechtes. Wei\u00dft du, was die ihnen antun? Wei\u00dft du es!?","spillit5":"Denn ich auch nicht... Alles, was ich wei\u00df, ist, dass niemand jemals Omnichannel nach der Rekrutierung verlassen hat.","spillit6":"Wie auch immer... Es betrifft dich nicht. Alles, was gerade wichtig ist, ist, dass Omnichannel zu Fall gebracht wird.","spillit7":"Tut mir Leid, dass ich dich mit meinen Problemen belaste. City Park ist weter vorne, wenn du weitergehen m\u00f6chtest","leavemealone":"Wir haben hier fr\u00fcher immer gespielt als wir noch j\u00fcnger waren...","iamknight\\n":"Was machst du denn hier? Du wei\u00dft doch, dass nur Ritter in City Park erlaubt sind.\\n... ... ... Hmm... Du versuchst also nach Leather Town zu kommen...\\nNun, ich sch\u00e4tze du k\u00f6nntest an der Herausforderung teilnehmen, wenn du m\u00f6chtest. Das einzige Problem ist, dass du ein Tuxemon brauchen wirst...\\nIch bin sicher, dass wir dir eins leihen k\u00f6nnen. Bist du bereit f\u00fcr die Herausforderung?\\n","sorry":"Okay, gut... wenn du bereit bist werde ich immer noch hier sein...","splendid\\n":"Du wirst? Hervorragend! Jetzt, um ein passendes Tuxemon f\u00fcr dich zu finden...\\n... ... Du hast schon ein Tuxemon? Nun, ich bin sicher, dass du dann ganz gut selbst zurechtkommen wirst...\\n","cottonnurse_dialog":"Willkommen im Cotton Town Tuxecenter!","tabanurse_dialog\\n":"Willkommen im ${{map_name}} Tuxecenter!\\nM\u00f6chtest du deine Tuxemon heilen?\\n","okaythen":"Okay! Gib mir nur ein paar Sekunden und ich werde dein Tuxemon heilen!","okaythen2":"Gut, ich denke deine Tuxemon sind wieder bei voller Energie! Hier hast du sie wieder!","input_name":"Name?","hey":"Hey!","spyder_route4_rosamund2":"Rache wird am besten kalt serviert. ","spyder_greenwash_aissa2":"Wir werden alle sterben!","spyder_timber_dante1":"Hey Kumpel! Sch\u00f6n dich wieder zu sehen. ","darnitjohn5":"Warum bist du noch immer hier?","revive":"Wiederbeleben","item_no_available_target":"{name} kann gerade nicht mit einem deiner Tuxemon benutzt werden.","spyder_scoop_lapinou2":"Mhm ah!","spyder_tunnelb_tommy1":"Hast du mein Sandwich gesehen?","revive_description":"Belebt das \u00f6hn\u00e4chtige Tuxemon wieder und stellt 20 HP wieder her.","spyder_greenwash_moreau1":"Du solltest nicht hier sein! ","thats_me":"Das bin ich!","spyder_nimrod_thatcher2":"Kein Kommentar. ","spyder_scoop_landrace2":"Ufff.","item_used_wrong_location_inside":"{name} kann nur {here} verwendet werden!","outside":"au\u00dfen","route1_sanglorian":"Sanglorian Allee","here_to_west":"Von ${{map_name}} nach ${{west}}","here_to_north":"Von ${{map_name}} nach ${{north}}","here_to_east":"Von ${{map_name}} nach ${{east}}","got_new_tuxemon":"Ein neuer Tuxemon ist geboren! Willkommen {monster_name}!","spyder_greenwash_chip2":"Braucht mehr Leistung!","spyder_greenwash_louis2":"Darf ich euch die Gaia-Hypothese vorstellen?","spyder_greenwash_louis1":"Die Regeln dieser Schlacht sind die einfachen Gesetze der nat\u00fcrlichen Selektion: Nur die Starken \u00fcberleben!","spyder_greenwash_gregor1":"Ich verbringe den ganzen Tag damit, mein CATEYE zu beobachten - ich werde es blinken sehen!","inside":"innen","item_used_wrong_location_type":"{name} kann nur in einem {here} verwendet werden!","here_to_south":"Von ${{map_name}} nach ${{south}}","evolution_confirmation":"{name} versucht, sich zu {evolve} zu entwickeln. Evolution zulassen?","tuxemon_stat1":"ID {txmn}, {type}, vor {doc} Tagen\\n{exp}xp, {exp_lv}xp nach Lv {lv}\\nK\u00f6rper: {weight} {unit_weight} {height} {unit_height}","tuxemon_stat2":"{desc}","spyder_greenwash_guard":"Okay, okay, hier gibt es nichts zu sehen.","spyder_greenwash_chip1":"Ich habe eine un\u00fcbertroffene Rechenleistung entwickelt!","spyder_greenwash_clarence1":"Meine tuxemon sind im Sonnenlicht nicht aufzuhalten!","spyder_greenwash_gregor2":"Ugh, es blinzelte nicht einmal, als es ohnm\u00e4chtig wurde!","spyder_greenwash_clarence2":"Da war eine Wolke!","vivipere":"Vivipere","viviphyta":"Viviphyta","vivisource":"Vivisource","vividactil":"Vividactil","viviteel":"Viviteel","birdling":"Birdling","pythock":"Pythock","pipis":"Pipis","ouroboutlet":"Ouroboutlet","pilthropus":"Pilthropus","rosarin":"Rosarin","ruption":"Ruption","sadito":"Sadito","sampsack":"Sampsack","teddisun":"Teddisun","fishing_rod":"Angelrute","fishing_rod_description":"F\u00e4ngt Fische.","grumpi":"Grumpi","skwib":"Skwib","taba_town_sign_profhouse":"Haus des Professors Tuxemon","taba_town_sign_tuxemart":"Tuxemart - Ein Ort zum Kaufen und Verkaufen von Artikeln","taba_town_sign_tuxecenter":"Tuxecenter - Ein Ort, um Ihre tuxemon zu heilen","leather_town_open_air":"Open Air Cafe und Marktplatz","taba_town_homeplace":"${{name}}'s Haus","taba_town_sign_proflab":"Labor des Professors Tuxemon","shammer_fossil":"Shammer Fossil","rhincus_fossil":"Rhincus Fossil","drashimi":"Drashimi","furnursus":"Furnursus","ghosteeth":"Ghosteeth","galnec":"Galnec","flacono":"Flacono","flambear":"Flambear","fluoresfin":"Fluoresfin","foofle":"Foofle","fordin":"Fordin","forturtle":"Forturtle","foxfire":"Foxfire","frondly":"Frondly","furnursus_description":"FURNURSUS sind freundlich und vergessen oft, dass ihre K\u00f6rper zu hei\u00df sind, als dass andere sie ber\u00fchren k\u00f6nnten.","ghosteeth_description":"Er l\u00e4chelt, weil er wei\u00df, wie jeder, den er trifft, sterben wird.","graffiki":"Graffiki","grimachin":"Grimachin","grinflare":"Grinflare","grintot":"Grintot","grintrock":"Grintrock","gryfix":"Gryfix","hampotamos":"Hampotamos","happito":"Happito","hatchling":"Hatchling","grintot_description":"Es ist ein GRINTROCK oder GRINFLARE, der Erosion erfahren hat.","ignibus":"Ignibus","incandesfin":"Incandesfin","jelillow":"Jelillow","jemuar":"Jemuar","k9":"K9","katapill":"Katapill","komodraw":"Komodraw","lapinou":"Lapinou","lightmare":"Lightmare","loliferno":"Loliferno","lunight":"Lunight","manosting":"Manosting","masknake":"Masknake","medushock":"Medushock","memnomnom":"Memnomnom","metesaur":"Metesaur","miaownolith":"Miaownolith","mrmoswitch":"Mrmoswitch","mystikapi":"Mystikapi","narcileaf":"Narcileaf","neutrito":"Neutrito","nudiflot_female":"Nudiflot","nudikill":"Nudikill","nudimind":"Nudimind","nuenflu":"Nuenflu","octabode":"Octabode","pairagrim":"Pairagrim","nudiflot_male":"Nudiflot","pairagrin":"Pairagrin","pantherafira":"Pantherafira","pharfan":"Pharfan","picc":"Picc","poinchin":"Poinchin","polyrock":"Polyrock","prophetoise":"Prophetoise","puparmor":"Puparmor","pyraminx":"Pyraminx","pythwire":"Pythwire","qetzlrokilus":"Qetzlrokilus","rabbitosaur":"Rabbitosaur","rhincus":"Rhincus","sampsage":"Sampsage","sapsnap":"Sapsnap","saurchin":"Saurchin","sclairus":"Sclairus","seirein":"Seirein","shammer":"Shammer","shelagu":"Shelagu","shnark":"Shnark","shybulb":"Shybulb","snaki":"Snaki","snarlon":"Snarlon","snock":"Snock","snokari":"Snokari","sockeserp":"Sockeserp","solight":"Solight","spighter":"Spighter","spoilurm":"Spoilurm","squabbit":"Squabbit","statursus":"Statursus","strella":"Strella","sumchon":"Sumchon","tarpeur":"Tarpeur","taupypus":"Taupypus","tetrchimp":"Tetrchimp","tikoal":"Tikoal","tikorch":"Tikorch","tobishimi":"Tobishimi","toufigel":"Toufigel","tourbidi":"Tourbidi","urcine":"Urcine","vigueur":"Vigueur","vivicinder":"Vivicinder","vivitrans":"Vivitrans","vivitron":"Vivitron","volcoli":"Volcoli","trapsnap":"Trapsnap","tsushimi":"Tsushimi","tumblebee":"Tumblebee","tumblequill":"Tumblequill","turnipper":"Turnipper","weavifly":"Weavifly","windeye":"Windeye","chrome_robo":"Chrome Robo","yiinaang":"Yiinaang","dark_robo":"Dark Robo","birb_robo":"Birb Robo","xeon":"Xeon","xeon_2":"Xeon-2","mk01_beta":"Mk01 Beta","mk01_alpha":"MK01 Alpha","earthquake":"Erdbeben","evasion":"Umgehung","feline":"Katzenartig","fire_shield":"Feuerschild","firestorm":"Feuersbrunst","fledgling":"K\u00fcken","gold_digger":"Goldgr\u00e4ber","grinding":"Reibend","gust":"Gust","gyser":"Gyser","hawk":"Habicht","ice_storm":"Eissturm","insanity":"Wahnsinn","kraken":"Krake","lantern":"Laterne","oedipus":"\u00d6dipus","glitch":"Glitch","aether":"\u00c4ther","normal":"Normal","demiurge":"Demiurg","fiery":"Feurig","save_keep":"Nein, Speicherung behalten.","kennel_label":"{box} ({qty})","taba_house2_sign":"Legacy-Bibliothek","taba_house1_sign":"Herr und Frau Clawbrew Haus","taba_house1_calendar":"Es ist ein Kalender und der 30. September und der 12. Februar sind rot eingekreist.","taba_house1_husband1":"Tuxemon! Ich geh\u00f6rte zu den erfahrensten Trainern!","taba_house1_wife1":"Trainer? Mein Mann ist wahnhaft.","taba_house2_reading1":"Das Buch ist Visiting The King von Manolo Qai.","taba_house1_reading":"Das Buch ist Philosophy of Illusionary Studies von Jaiden Gemrevenza.","taba_house2_reading3":"Das Buch ist Children Without Honor von Leslie Greninza.","taba_house2_reading4":"Das Buch ist Sailing Into Eternitys von Laurine Doprachuld.","taba_house2_owner1":"Willkommen in der Legacy-Bibliothek! F\u00fchlen Sie sich frei, sich umzusehen, aber bitte ruhig.","taba_house2_reader4a":"Lesen stimuliert meinen Geist auf eine Weise, die Fernsehen und Filme niemals tun k\u00f6nnen.","taba_house2_reader1a":"Ich f\u00fchle mich besser beim Anblick eines Buches oder einer Buchhandlung.","taba_house2_reader2a":"Es regt meine Fantasie an.","taba_house2_reader3a":"So kann ich tausend verschiedene Leben leben.","taba_house2_reading2":"Das Buch ist Raised By Dreams von Louis Etrergo.","taba_house2_books":"000 - Informatik, Information und allgemeine Werke, 100 - Philosophie und Psychologie\\n200 - Religion, 300 - Sozialwissenschaften, 400 - Sprache, 500 - Reine Wissenschaft, 600 - Technologie\\n700 - Kunst und Erholung, 800 - Literatur, 900 - Geschichte und Geographie","taba_house3_client1a":"Ich ruhe mich aus, w\u00e4hrend meine Schwester wahrscheinlich ein paar B\u00fccher liest.","taba_house3_client2a":"Zu viel Denken kann uns schaden.","taba_house4_dish1":"Es ist braun, dicht, aber es sieht nicht aus wie Pudding...","taba_house3_client3a":"Es l\u00e4sst mich an das Haus meiner Mutter denken.","taba_house4_client1a":"Meine Oma hat fr\u00fcher ein \u00e4hnliches Gericht zubereitet!","taba_house4_client2a":"Gell? Einfach einen leeren Magen f\u00fcllen.","taba_house1_watching":"Es ist ein Dokumentarfilm \u00fcber die seltsamsten und wunderbarsten Tuxemon der Region,\\n\u00a0sowie die seltsamen Verhaltensweisen, die sie angenommen haben.","taba_house4_owner1":"Willkommen im Honorable Seagulls Pub!","taba_house3_owner1":"Willkommen im Thoughtful Leaf Inn!","wall_fire":"Feuerwand","sledgehammer_description":"Zerbricht graue Felsbrocken.","scoop_badge":"Abzeichen: Scoop","shaft_badge":"Abzeichen: Shaft","shaft_badge_description":"Bei Shaft gekaufte Tuxemon ben\u00f6tigen dieses Abzeichen um sich zu verwandeln.","booster_tech_description":"Open Source Technilogie welche die Form\u00e4nderung von Tuxemon erm\u00f6glicht.","earth_booster":"Erd Booster","nimrod_badge":"Abzeichen: Nimrod","rhincus_fossil_description":"Sieht aus wie der versteinerte Sch\u00e4del pr\u00e4historischen Zahnvogels.","shammer_fossil_description":"Sieht aus wie der versteinerte Sch\u00e4del pr\u00e4historischen Hundes.","nimrod_badge_description":"Bei Nimrod gekaufte Tuxemon ben\u00f6tigen dieses Abzeichen um sich zu verwandeln.","omnichannel_badge_description":"Bei Omnichannel gekaufte Tuxemon ben\u00f6tigen dieses Abzeichen um sich zu verwandeln.","booster_tech":"Technologie Booster","greenwash_badge":"Abzeichen: Greenwash","omnichannel_badge":"Abzeichen: Omnichannel","greenwash_badge_description":"Bei Greenwash gekaufte Tuxemon ben\u00f6tigen dieses Abzeichen um sich zu verwandeln.","scoop_badge_description":"Bei Scoop gekaufte Tuxemon ben\u00f6tigen dieses Abzeichen um sich zu verwandeln.","walls":"W\u00e4nde","flower_city":"Blume","earth_booster_description":"Erm\u00f6glicht die Form\u00e4nderung von Erd Tuxemon.","fire_booster":"Feuer Booster","flintstone_description":"Ein Stein der f\u00fcr Steinwerkzeuge und zum Feuermachen verwendet werden kann. Allerdings nicht f\u00fcr beides gleichzeitig.","lucky_bamboo_description":"Es ist zwar kein echter Bambus und auch nicht sonderlich gl\u00fccklich, aber es macht sich gut als Zimmerpflanze.","peace_lily_description":"Eine robuste Zimmerpflanze f\u00fcr jemand besonderen.","petrified_dung_description":"Es sieht aus wie Kacke ... aber es ist hart wie Stein.","pyramidion_description":"Ein goldenes Dreieck von dem ein Summen himmlischer Macht ausgeht.","water_booster":"Wasser Booster","water_booster_description":"Erm\u00f6glicht die Form\u00e4nderung von Wasser Tuxemon.","stovepipe_description":"Ein langes Eisenrohr. Nachdem du es in die Hand genommen hast sind deine H\u00e4nde voll Ru\u00df und Asche.","status_chargedup":"Aufgeladen","tectonic_drill_description":"Eine gro\u00dfe klick-klack Maschine mit der in die Erde gebohrt wird.","wood_booster_description":"Erm\u00f6glicht die Form\u00e4nderung von Holz Tuxemon.","combat_victory_trainer":"Du hast gegen {npc} gewonnen!\\nDu erh\u00e4ltst {currency}{prize}!","status_exhausted":"Ersch\u00f6pft","status_focused":"Fokussiert","spyder_citypark_edith1":"Hey, hast du gesagt ich sei wie mein Tuxemon? Daf\u00fcr k\u00e4mpfe ich mit dir!","combat_skip":"{user} \u00fcberspringt den Zug!","combat_state_chargedup_get":"{target} ist voll aufgeladen.","combat_state_charging_get":"{target} l\u00e4dt Energie auf.","shop":"Laden","player_wallet":"${{name}}'s Geldb\u00f6rse: ${{currency}}${{money}}","combat_forfeit":"Du hast versagt!\\n{npc} ist entt\u00e4uscht.","combat_state_blinded_get":"{target} ist geblendet.","combat_state_confused_get":"{target} ist verwirrt.","combat_state_diehard_get":"{target} k\u00e4mpft weiter.","combat_state_dozing_get":"{target} schl\u00e4ft.","combat_state_exhausted_get":"{target} ist ersch\u00f6pft.","combat_state_festering_get":"{target}'s wunden vereitern.","combat_state_focused_get":"{target} fokussiert sich.","combat_state_grabbed_get":"{target} wird festgehalten.","combat_state_hardshell_get":"{target} wird von einer harten Schale bedeckt.","combat_state_noddingoff_get":"{target} nickt ein und schl\u00e4ft.","combat_state_sniping_get":"{target} zielt.","alert_text":"Text ist zu lang!","status_eliminated":"Beseitigt","spyderbite":"Spinnenbiss","status_tired":"M\u00fcde","save_overwrite":"Ja, Speicherung \u00fcberschreiben.","status_dozing":"D\u00f6sen","status_enraged":"Berserker","status_festering":"Eiterig","status_grabbed":"Geschnappt","status_blinded":"Geblendet","status_charging":"Aufladen","status_diehard":"Stirb langsam","status_noddingoff":"Einnickend","status_confused":"Verwirrt","status_hardshell":"Harte Schale","stabilo":"Stabilo","terror":"Terror","time_crisis":"Zeitkrise","route1_description":"Sei vorsichtig!","spyder_citypark_maniac":"Puh, wir sind fix und fertig!","sword":"Schwert","ubuntu":"Ubuntu","viper":"Viper","candy_town":"S\u00fc\u00dfigkeiten","cotton_town_description":"Eine aufsteigende Macht!","monster_menu_tech":"F\u00e4higkeiten","menu_forfeit":"Nicht Antreten","slime":"Schleim","stonehenge":"Stonehenge","tsunami":"Tsunami","tux_attack":"Tux Angriff","undertaker":"Totengr\u00e4ber","tip":"Trinkgeld","torch":"Fackel","touch":"Ber\u00fchrung","wall_ice":"Eiswand","cotton_town":"Baumwolle","leather_town":"Leder","citypark":"Stadtpark","paper_town":"Papier","route2":"Route 2","monster_menu_desc":"Beschreibung","pick_up":"Aufheben","route1":"Route 1","leather_town_description":"Der Beweis, dass Sch\u00f6nheit und Bergbau koexistieren k\u00f6nnen!","paper_town_description":"Das Tor nach Fondent!","taba_town_description":"Eine friedliche Zuflucht!","spyder_route2_marion2":"Ich esse keine Ameisen.","neutrito_description":"NEUTRITO f\u00fchlt nichts. Die perfekte Maschine?","forturtle_description":"Es erhitzt seinen Panzer um aus den Rissen, die sich ergeben, die Zukunft zu lesen.","foxfire_description":"FOXFIRE Welpen werden in \u00fcber Nacht abgebrannten Feuerstellen gefunden. Niemand wei\u00df woher sie kommen.","nudikill_description":"Sie werden dunkle Bisch\u00f6ffe genannt, weil die Form ihrer K\u00f6pfe an Bischoffsm\u00fctzen erinnert.","spyder_citypark_frances2":"Du musst irgendwann mal vorbeikommen. ","spyder_citypark_granny":"Nach einer kleinen Pause gehen wir zur\u00fcck ins Leder Dorf.","spyder_citypark_edith2":"Hmm, da hast du vielleicht recht.","spyder_museum_entrance1":"Willkommen im Museum f\u00fcr Nationalgeschichte! Es ist kostenlos, aber auf Ihre gro\u00dfz\u00fcgige Spende angewiesen. K\u00f6nnen Sie sich vorstellen ${{currency}}50 zu spenden?","spyder_museum_entrance2":"Bitte erkunden Sie unsere f\u00fcnf Bereiche und lesen Sie \u00fcber unsere f\u00fcnf Sponsoren.","spyder_route3_roxby3":"Ich hoffe die Chefin ist nicht w\u00fctend - sie wird so schnell zornig,\\nAber sie ist ein netter Mensch und hat ein Herz aus Gold.","spyder_museum_entrance3":"Ungl\u00fccklicherweise m\u00fcssen wir jetzt Eintrittsgeld verlangen. ${{currency}}100 bitte.","spyder_greenwash_dippel1":"Vielleicht sind wir zu weit gegangen \u2026","spyder_museum_shopkeeper_chat":"Ich arbeite ehrenamtlich damit das Museum m\u00f6glichst erschwinglich bleiben kann. ","spyder_wayfarer1_james2":"Ich bin froh, dass Jessie nicht gesehen hat wie ich verloren habe!","spyder_greenwash_clarence":"Clarence","spyder_greenwash_chip":"Chip","spyder_greenwash_gregor":"Gregor","omnichannel_sign":"Omnichannel HQ: Wir machen Schlagzeilen","spyder_greenwash_dippel":"Dippel","spyder_greenwash_moreau":"Moreau","spyder_wayfarer1_bismuth2":"Mist!","announcement1":"HALLO B\u00dcRGERINNEN UND B\u00dcRGER DER FONDENT-REGION!\\nVIELEN DANK, DASS SIE SICH AUF DIESE OBLIGATORISCHE ANK\u00dcNDIGUNG EINGESTELLT HABEN.","thetvbescreamin":"Schatz, warte. Ich schaltete den Fernseher ein und eine Omnichannel-Pressekonferenz ert\u00f6nte.\\nWir sollten es beobachten.","ipausedit":"Ich habe den Fernseher pausiert, bitte schnapp mir ein Glas Wasser und dann k\u00f6nnen wir zusammen zuschauen.","waitdontgo":"${{name}}! Warte! Gehen Sie noch nicht!","announcement3":"Vielen Dank. Ich liebe dich auch\\nNun zur Sache.","announcement5":"Es war ein langer, harter Weg zu dem Frieden und der Ruhe, die jetzt in der Region Fondent herrscht.\\nEs ist mir jedoch eine Freude, an diesem Tag den 25. Jahrestag der Gr\u00fcndung von Omnichannel bekannt zu geben...\\nTUXEMON ARE CONTROLLED!\\n*ohrenbet\u00e4ubendes Geschrei*\\nBeruhigen Sie sich! Beruhigen Sie sich! Ihre Begeisterung ist ansteckend, muss ich sagen!\\nGemeinsam mit dem Xero-Institut haben wir ihnen den Angriffswillen genommen!\\nAus diesem Grund sind wir zuversichtlich, dass die Freilassung von Tuxemon in die Wildnis sicher ist.\\nAusgangssperren m\u00fcssen jedoch weiterhin durchgesetzt werden, wir sind schlie\u00dflich keine rechtsfreie Region.\\nLetztendlich... WIR SIND SICHERHEIT, WIR SIND ORDNUNG, WIR SIND OMNICHANNEL!","announcement4":"An ALLE B\u00fcrger der Fondent Region und dar\u00fcber hinaus, die sich einschalten, hei\u00dfe ich Sie willkommen.\\nMein Name ist Aeble, buchstabiert A-E-B-L-E f\u00fcr diejenigen, die sich wundern, und ich bin der CEO von Omnichannel!\\n","whythecheering":"Diese Omnichannel-Leute jubeln ihm zu. Ich frage mich, warum?","spyder_citypark_florist":"Genie\u00dfen Sie die Blumenausstellung! Es ist der ganze Stolz von Leder Dorf.","spyder_citypark2_florist":"Die Blumen sehen okay aus, oder? ... Seit Beginn des Bergbaus im Leder Dorf sind die Blumen dem Wetter ausgesetzt!","spyder_route2_graf2":"Ich wurde bedient.","spyder_citypark_frances1":"Ich habe die sch\u00f6nsten G\u00e4rten im ganzen Land. Deshalb tauchen immer wieder diese Shybulb auf.","spyder_citypark_bobette1":" Ich liebe Katzen. Ein Aardorn ist im Grunde eine Katze, richtig?","spyder_citypark_bobette2":" Eine Katze h\u00e4tte gewonnen \u2026","watchmewatchme":"Warum gehst du in die Stadt, du wei\u00dft, dass es eine fr\u00fche Ausgangssperre gibt.\\n... ... ... ...\\n... ... ... ...\\nDu scheinst keine Bedrohung zu sein, also kannst du in die Stadt gehen...\\nErz\u00e4hlen Sie einfach keinem dieser Omnichannel-Schl\u00e4ger, die ich Sie vorbeigelassen habe, okay?","bobtalk":"Es w\u00e4re sch\u00f6n, wenn mehr Leute wie Sie kommen w\u00fcrden, um Hallo zu sagen...\\n\u00dcbrigens, Hallo! Einen sch\u00f6nen Tag noch! Heute oder morgen oder jeder Tag wird gro\u00dfartig sein!","grumble":"Omnichannel ist ein Haufen Schl\u00e4ger, aber wir haben keine Wahl...\\nWie sie immer sagt, sch\u00e4tze, wir m\u00fcssen mit ihnen arbeiten...","professorexists3":"Oh! Entschuldigen Sie meine Manieren, ich kann nicht glauben, dass ich mich nie vorgestellt habe!\\nMein Name ist Kay Wren, besser bekannt als der Tuxemon Professor.\\nSeit Jahren bin ich die einzige Person in der Fondent Region, die Tuxemon erforschen darf.","professorexists4":"Nun, ich wei\u00df, was du denkst, warum sollten sie es mir erlauben?\\nUngl\u00fccklicherweise f\u00fcr dich, Dieses Geheimnis ist f\u00fcr mich und mich allein!\\nOmnichannel sollte jedoch bald eine neue Ank\u00fcndigung machen und ich denke, Sie werden es m\u00f6gen.\\nWir bringen Sie besser nach Hause und schauen uns die zweite Ank\u00fcndigung an: Komm schon!","spyder_papertown_grannypiper1":"Oh hallo ${{name}}, ich habe dich dort zwischen all dem Trubel und Schutt nicht gesehen!\\nIch kann es kaum erwarten, bis die Tuxemontagesst\u00e4tte installiert ist!","spyder_flower_muse2":"Was? Sie haben ein Gem\u00e4lde. Oooh - w\u00fcrdest du mich es kaufen lassen? Ich habe ${{currency}}2.000.","ohnoes":"Gut... Ich wei\u00df nicht, wie ich mich dabei f\u00fchlen soll...","hiperson3":"Wie w\u00e4re es, wenn wir mit einem Namen beginnen und woher Sie kommen?","hiperson4":".... ... ....","nobody2":"Ok! Bewahren Sie Ihre Geheimnisse!","iknowyou":"Hallo Callie, hallo ${{name}}, bin gerade vorbeigekommen, um Hallo zu sagen, als ich geh\u00f6rt habe, wie du \u00fcber die Ank\u00fcndigung gesprochen hast.","brokethegasp":"Nun, Fr\u00e4ulein, wenn ich darf, ${{name}} macht es f\u00fcr mehr als einen Job.","goodbye2":"So lange ${{name}}! Und viel Gl\u00fcck in der Probe, du wirst es brauchen.","picc_description":"Es begleitet Taucher und liefert dringend ben\u00f6tigten Sauerstoff.","poinchin_description":"POINCHIN bauen Nester in der Koralle und k\u00f6nnen durch Brot und Milch verf\u00fchrt werden.","pairagrim_description":"Einer von PAIRAGRIMs K\u00f6pfen ist immer auf der Suche nach Beute, w\u00e4hrend der andere sich darauf konzentriert, mit gro\u00dfer Geschwindigkeit zu fliegen.","pharfan_description":"An der Wasserstelle h\u00e4lt er seine Freunde RINOCEREED und HAMPOTAMOS gut bew\u00e4ssert.","pilthropus_description":"PILTHROPUS wurde neben Smokings wie RHINCUS gefunden und war einer der \u00e4ltesten Tuxemon, der seine eigenen Werkzeuge herstellen konnte.","pipis_description":"Seine Schreie gelten als schlechtes Omen, aber es ist eine sanfte Kreatur.","quicklyknight4":"Tut mir leid, aber ich sollte jetzt gehen.","quicklyknight2":"Zwei Personen steuern Omnichannel. Das Board ist ein Witz.\\n","hellolovelypeople5":"Nein... Warte... Uns fehlt eine Person...\\nDer einsame Tuxemon-Z\u00fcchter verlie\u00df die Region Fondent. Derjenige, der sich Tuxemon Professor nennt","welcometotaba3":"Sind wir nicht nur zu dritt? Es scheint, als w\u00fcrden wir uns kaum als \\\"Gruppe\\\" qualifizieren.","welcometotaba4":"Um ehrlich zu sein, dachte ich, mehr w\u00fcrde die Bewertung bestehen...","oopsie2":"Warum warten wir nicht auf die R\u00fcckkehr meiner Ritter?\\nIch hasse es, nur schlechte Nachrichten zu verk\u00fcnden.","knight4ispoor":"Sie ist wirklich kein schlechter Mensch.","welcometotaba7":"Ich werde nicht l\u00fcgen, ich habe mehr Begeisterung von den ersten Trial-Mitgliedern erwartet.","welcometotaba8":"Du bist das Ding, an dem Misa hing. Wie bist du \u00fcberhaupt hierher gekommen? Hat sie Ihre Papiere gef\u00e4lscht, um Sie hinein zu bekommen?\\n... .... ... ...\\nAllie hat Ihre Papiere unterschrieben? Interessant...","welcometotaba5":"Unabh\u00e4ngig davon ist mein Name Kyle und ich bin der leitende Architekt hinter den Battle Areas.\\nIch bin hier, um das erste Kampfgebiet der Fondent-Region einzuweihen und zu erkl\u00e4ren, dass...\\nDER TRIAL HAT BEGONNEN!","welcometotaba10":"Dies erkl\u00e4rt jedoch immer noch nicht den Mangel an Begeisterung. Das ist eine gro\u00dfe Ehre!\\nSie und Misas Spielzeug dort dr\u00fcben repr\u00e4sentieren die besten und kl\u00fcgsten Jugendlichen der Fondent-Region!","welcometotaba11":"Tut mir leid, Sir, aber wie ist das eine Ehre? Ich wurde dazu gezwungen. Ich habe mir nicht ausgesucht, Teil des Trial zu sein.","welcometotaba12":"Zugegeben, wir haben einige vielversprechende Omnichannel-Rekruten genommen und sie in ein Probetraining geschickt, also entschuldige ich mich, wenn das der Fall ist.","welcometotaba13":"Nein, Sir, Sie haben meine Familie eingesperrt und mich und meinen Bruder gezwungen, sich dem Prozess anzuschlie\u00dfen.\\nVerzeihen Sie mir, wenn es mir \\\"an Begeisterung mangelt\\\", wenn Sie \u00fcber den Prozess sprechen.","welcometotaba15":"Mein Name ist Speck, Sir.","welcometotaba14":"Ahh, du bist das Flower City, von dem ich so viel geh\u00f6rt habe. \\\"Die Zukunft des Omnichannel.\\\" Wie hei\u00dfen Sie?","kylereallysucks":"Nun, Speck, wenn es ein Trost ist, war ich derjenige, der den Befehl zum Angriff gab.","kylereallysucks2":"Viel Gl\u00fcck allerseits! Ich erwarte voll und ganz, dass keiner von euch es schafft!","dowehavetogoin":"Wei\u00dft du, du musst nicht hineingehen. Gehen Sie einfach das Standard-Trainingsprogramm durch und \u00fcberspringen Sie die Trial.","dowehavetogoin2":"Nein, das verstehst du nicht. Der einzige Weg, wie ich meine Familie aus dem Gef\u00e4ngnis holen kann, ist, wenn ich einen ausreichend hohen Rang im Omnichannel erreiche.\\nDas Beenden der Studie w\u00fcrde mich in eine Position direkt unter dem CEO bringen. Ich w\u00e4re in der Lage, Dinge zu \u00e4ndern.\\nWenn ich das beende, kann ich meine Familie retten...","dowehavetogoin3":"Ich muss hineingehen, egal wie sehr ich es nicht will, ich muss den Menschen helfen, die ich liebe.","dowehavetogoin4":"Wer wei\u00df, vielleicht kann ich selbst gegen ihn k\u00e4mpfen!","dowehavetogoin5":"\u00dcbrigens, wie ist dein Name? Kyle schien dich \u00fcberhaupt nicht anzusprechen.","hichristie":"Oh, mein Name ist Christie! Entschuldigung, das h\u00e4tte ich vorher erw\u00e4hnen sollen.","hichristie2":"Hallo Christie. Wie Sie wissen, bin ich Speck. Es ist sch\u00f6n, Sie kennenzulernen.\\nJetzt...","hiperson":"Wer bist du, wer ist Misa und wer ist Allie? Geben Sie uns die Details!","hiperson2":"Whoa da Christie, \u00fcberw\u00e4ltige sie nicht.","somebody2":"Oooh. Sind sie dann etwas Besonderes f\u00fcr Sie? Gibt es eine Dreiecksbeziehung? Komm schon! Wir m\u00fcssen wissen","hiperson5":"Oh, du kommst also aus Taba Town! Ordentlich!","hiperson6":"Nun, wer sind Misa und Allie?","nobody":"Ich wei\u00df es eigentlich nicht","somebody":"Ich m\u00f6chte lieber nicht \u00fcber sie sprechen","timeforround2":"${{name}}! Endlich! Du bist zur\u00fcck! Ich hatte Angst, dass Sie die Ank\u00fcndigung verpassen w\u00fcrden!","brokethegasp3":"Bitte, Miss Omnichannel Ma'am, ${{name}}'s Mutter wollte, dass sie an der Studie teilnehmen, um die gesamte Region zu sehen\\n${{name}} tut es nicht f\u00fcr den Job, sie tun es f\u00fcr die Erfahrung.","spyder_hospital_billie1":"${{name}}, deine Einmischung ist zu viel geworden! Lasst die Beh\u00f6rden einfach ihre Arbeit machen!","earthmover_key_description":"K\u00f6nnte hilfreich sein, falls eine gigantische Planierraupe den Weg versperrt.","spyder_greenwash_louis":"Louis","spyder_greenwash_dippel2":"Oder nicht weit genug! ","spyder_greenwash_aissa1":"Halt dich da raus - Greenwash hat das alles unter Kontrolle.","spyder_greenwash_aissa":"Aissa","ohnoes2":"Jetzt, wo das vorbei ist... wir brauchen noch Tr\u00e4nke aus dem Tuxemart.\\nStellen Sie sicher, dass Sie vor der Ausgangssperre zur\u00fcck sind!","depressedmom":"Warum sollte er so etwas tun... Ich dachte, er k\u00fcmmerte sich...","waterwater":"Das Wasser ist eiskalt und lecker!","professorexists1":"Danke Ben.","professorexists1.5":"Oh Hallo!","professorexists2":"Du musst Callies Kind sein! Ich habe so viel \u00fcber dich von deiner Mutter geh\u00f6rt.\\nWof\u00fcr kommen Sie hierher?\\n.... .... ....\\nTr\u00e4nke? Die braucht man nat\u00fcrlich immer!\\nHier, haben ein paar auf dem Haus, mit freundlicher Genehmigung von mir.","potions2":"2 Tr\u00e4nke erhalten!","theenergy":"Die Energie dieses Mannes ist grenzenlos...","37707_villager_male_missing":"00000: i W@$ n3v3R B0rN\\n${{name}} ${{name}} ${{name}} ${{name}} ${{name}} ${{name}} ${{name}} ${{name}} ${{name}} ${{name}}","spyder_route3_zoolander2":"Ah, ich hab meinen Vorschlaghammer fallen lassen!","spyder_route3_novak2":"Hmm, nicht schlau genug ...","spyder_route3_curie1":"Schau dir meine gro\u00dfartige Erfindung an!","spyder_route3_curie2":"Warum hast du das gemacht?","spyder_route3_connor2":"Ach je, die werden noch eine Menge dazulernen.","spyder_route3_roxby1":"Bring die Ramme hier r\u00fcber und beeil dich! Hey ... du siehst nicht aus wie ein Bergarbeiter. ","spyder_route3_roxby2":"Weg hier! ","spyder_dragonscave_benden4":"Bitte, ${{name}}. Wenn du diese Schurken nicht aufhalten kannst, ist alles verloren.","spyder_greenwash_looten1":"Tja, ich denke die Fusionstechnologie ist noch nicht so weit. Wir arbeiten schon seit Jahren daran!","spyder_papertown_daycare1":"Tuxemontagesst\u00e4tte: Im Bau.","spyder_citypark_achievement":"Achievement Maniac's House: Geschlossen.","spyder_nimrod_plaque":"Gesponsert von Nimrod. \\\"Wenn wir sie nicht verkaufen w\u00fcrden, w\u00fcrde es jemand anderes tun!\\\"","earthmover_key":"Planierraupenschl\u00fcssel","sledgehammer":"Vorschlaghammer","taba_greeting2b":"Ah! Ich sehe, Sie haben bereits welche. Du hast einen guten Kopf auf deinen Schultern ${{name}}, ich bin mir sicher, dass du in k\u00fcrzester Zeit ein Champion sein wirst.","taba_greeting3":"Viel Gl\u00fcck bei Ihren Abenteuern ${{name}}, und denken Sie daran, bei Tuxemart f\u00fcr alle Ihre Abenteuerbed\u00fcrfnisse einzukaufen!\\n...\\nSorry f\u00fcr das Verkaufsgespr\u00e4ch, es ist mein Job.","shop_buy_free":"FREI!","misaisleavingfornow2":"Viel Gl\u00fcck ${{name}}. Ich bin mir sicher, dass wir uns wiedersehen werden. ","sea_girdle_description":"Eine Schnur von Kugeln, weich und schleimig wie Seetang.","sweet_sand_description":"In Teilen der Welt reinigen sich die Menschen mit diesem duftenden, schaumigen Sand.","thunderstone_description":"Eine alte Steinreliquie, die jetzt zum Gl\u00fcck herumgetragen wird.","yesmaam":"Ja, Ma'am.","professorexists":"Ich nehme bitte 12 Tr\u00e4nke.","kylekindasucks6":"Oh, und ${{name}}?","welcometotaba6":"... .... ...","maple_bedroom_sign":"Es ist ein Kalender und der 27. April ist rosa eingekreist.","37707_exit_missing":": GR\u00dcSSE ${{name}}. BITTE HABEN SIE VERST\u00c4NDNIS DAF\u00dcR, DASS DIESER BEREICH NIE EXISTIERT HAT. ES IST EIN SYSTEMFEHLER AUFGETRETEN.\\n: DER FEHLER WURDE NUN BEHOBEN. SIE K\u00d6NNEN DAS SPIEL VON NUN AN NORMAL FORTSETZEN. VERSUCHEN SIE NICHT, HIERHER ZUR\u00dcCKZUKEHREN.\\n: WACH AUF. VERGISS ALLES. ALLES IST NUR EIN TRAUM...","taba_house4_client3a":"Zum Gl\u00fcck habe ich nicht daf\u00fcr bezahlt. Wie k\u00f6nnen Sie das bezahlen?","spyder_papertown_homemaker1":"Wie geht es dir, ${{name}}?\\nRuhig und feierlich wie immer, sehe ich.","spyder_cottonart_shopkeeper":"Willkommen in der Cotton Town Art Gallery. Ah - ich meine Art Shop!\\nSeit sie unsere Finanzierung gek\u00fcrzt haben, mussten wir die Kunstwerke verkaufen, anstatt sie nur auszustellen.\\nDer Eintrag ist ${{currency}}50. Er flie\u00dft in die j\u00e4hrliche Dividende des Unternehmens.","cotton_breeder5":"Hey ${{name}}, komm, um deinen Tuxemon zu \u00fcberpr\u00fcfen?","taba_greeting1":"Greeter Jaime: Hallo ${{name}}! Ich habe geh\u00f6rt, dass Sie ein Tuxemon haben, herzlichen Gl\u00fcckwunsch! Wenn Sie Ihre Gruppe vergr\u00f6\u00dfern m\u00f6chten, ben\u00f6tigen Sie Tuxeballs.","fire_booster_description":"Erm\u00f6glicht die Form\u00e4nderung von Feuer Tuxemon.","flintstone":"Feuerstein","lucky_bamboo":"Gl\u00fccksbambus","metal_booster":"Metall Booster","metal_booster_description":"Erm\u00f6glicht die Form\u00e4nderung von Metall Tuxemon.","miaow_milk":"Miau Milch","miaow_milk_description":"Katzen lieben den Geschmack von Miau Milch\u2122!","peace_lily":"Friedenslilie","petrified_dung":"Versteinerter Dung","pyramidion":"Pyramidion","sea_girdle":"Seegras","stovepipe":"Ofenrohr","tectonic_drill":"Tektonischer Bohrer","wood_booster":"Holz Booster","sweet_sand":"S\u00fc\u00dfer Sand","thunderstone":"Donnerstein","no_type":"Kein Typ","town":"Stadt","route":"Route","dungeon":"Verlies","center":"Zentrum","cannot_use_tech_monster":"{name} kann nicht benutzt werden.","combat_player_run_status":"Kann nicht entkommen.\\n{monster} ist {status}!","combat_player_forfeit_status":"Kann das Spiel nicht verlieren.\\n{monster} ist {status}!","combat_player_swap_status":"Monster k\u00f6nnen nicht gewechselt werden.\\n{monster} ist {status}!","attacks_rose":"Die Angriffsschadensarten von {user} stiegen.","combat_state_enraged_get":"{target} ist w\u00fctend.","combat_state_softened_get":"Die Panzerung von {target} wird weicher.","combat_state_spyderbite_get":"{target} beginnt zu schniefen.","combat_state_stuck_get":"{target} bleibt an Ort und Stelle h\u00e4ngen.","combat_state_tired_get":"{target} ist abgenutzt.","status_sniping":"Wegputzend","status_softened":"Aufgeweicht","status_stuck":"Eingeklemmt","lust":"Lust","magma":"Magma","maori":"Maori","mobbing":"Mobbing","negation":"Negation","nest":"Nest","platinum":"Platin","acid":"S\u00e4ure","ring":"Ring","welcome_location_city":"Willkommen in ${{map_name}} City: ${{map_desc}}\\nNord: ${{north}} \/ S\u00fcd: ${{south}} \/ West: ${{west}} \/ Ost: ${{east}}","welcome_location_route":"Willkommen in ${{map_name}}: ${{map_desc}}\\nNord: ${{north}} \/ S\u00fcd: ${{south}} \/ West: ${{west}} \/ Ost: ${{east}}","welcome_location_town":"Willkommen in ${{map_name}} Town: ${{map_desc}}\\nNord: ${{north}} \/ S\u00fcd: ${{south}} \/ West: ${{west}} \/ Ost: ${{east}}","grimachin_description":"Es wurde von einer Spielzeugfirma als Haustier hergestellt, war aber zu gef\u00e4hrlich.","grinflare_description":"Es wird erz\u00e4hlt, dass jedes das wandelnde Herz eines Vulkans sei.","grintrock_description":"Es ern\u00e4hrt sich dadurch bei Gewitter drau\u00dfen zu sitzen und darauf zu warten vom Blitz getroffen zu werden.","pairagrin_description":"Die junge Form von Pairagrim, es ist eine allgemein gl\u00fcckliche Kreatur. Es k\u00e4mpft zu fliegen, bis die beiden K\u00f6pfe lernen, zusammenzuarbeiten.","pantherafira_description":"Jedes Mitglied des Rudels z\u00fcndet seine M\u00e4hne von einem gemeinsamen Lagerfeuer an. Solange dieses Feuer brennt, wird ihre St\u00e4rke geteilt.","announcement2":"WIR LIEBEN DICH ABLE!","welcometotaba9":"Ihre Papiere scheinen in Ordnung zu sein. Erst einmal.","kylereallysucks3":"Oh, und Speck? Ich genoss die Schreie","toodles":"Auf Wiedersehen!","spyder_route3_surat1":" Sie nennen es die \\\"dunkle Arterie\\\" - versteinertes Blut und Knochen von pr\u00e4historischen Tuxemon unter der Erde.\\nUnd wir d\u00fcrfen es ausgraben!","spyder_route3_surat2":"Ich wusste du w\u00fcrdest es nicht verstehen. ","spyder_wayfarer1_morningstar1":"Ich bin nicht \u00fcberrascht dich hier zu sehen. ","spyder_wayfarer1_james1":"Ich frage mich wie die Verst\u00e4rkung so schnell hier sein konnte! Schwester Jessie muss sie gerufen haben.","omnichannelarrives":"STOP!","spyder_route4_beck2":"Spiel, Satz, Sieg.","darnitjohn4":"J-Ja Fr\u00e4ulein?"} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/db/_generated/i18n/en_US.json b/db/_generated/i18n/en_US.json index 6bf0156..cf7a775 100644 --- a/db/_generated/i18n/en_US.json +++ b/db/_generated/i18n/en_US.json @@ -1 +1 @@ -{"translation_missing":"Translation missing","game:battle:money:get":"Got {amount} money!","game:battle:defeat":"Whited out!","game:battle:defeat:recovery_price":"Payed {amount} for full recovery at {name}!","game:battle:technique:attempt":"{} attempts to use {}!","game:battle:technique:attempt:fail:recharge":"But has to recharge!","game:battle:technique:attempt:fail:noddingoff":"But is nodding off!","game:battle:technique:attempt:fail:miss":"But missed!","game:battle:technique:use":"{} is using {}!","game:battle:technique:use:damage":"Deals {amount} to {name}!","game:battle:technique:use:healing":"Heals {amount}!","game:battle:technique:use:status":"{} is now {}!","game:battle:status_effect:is":"{} is {}!","game:battle:status_effect:removed":"{} is not {} anymore!","game:catch:ball:throw":"Throwing {ball}!","game:catch:attempt":"Attempting capture!","game:catch:attempt:nr:success":"Escape attempt {nr}: succeeded!","game:catch:broke_free":"{monster} broke free!","game:catch:attempt:nr:fail":"Escape attempt {nr}: failed!","game:catch:caught":"Caught {monster}!","game:catch:to_party":"Added {monster} to Party!","game:catch:to_box":"Transferred {monster} to Box!","ui:healing_center:heal:price_description":"Price for Full Heal per Tuxemon","ui:healing_center:heal:select":"Select to Heal","ui:healing_center:box:withdraw":"Box Withdraw","ui:healing_center:box:withdraw:no_tuxemon_in_box":"No Tuxemon to withdraw in Box!","ui:healing_center:box:withdraw:no_space_in_party":"Not enough space in party!","ui:healing_center:box:deposit":"Box Deposit","ui:healing_center:box:deposit:last_tuxemon":"Can't deposit last Tuxemon!","ui:healing_center:box:view":"Box View","ui:healing_center:box:view:no_tuxemon_in_box":"No Tuxemon in Box!","ui:shop:mode:buy":"Buy","ui:shop:mode:info":"Info","ui:status:area:title":"Area","ui:next_trainer":"Next Trainer","ui:change_area":"Change Area","ui:no_applicable_monsters":"No applicable monsters.","ui:starter_monster_selection:title":"Select your Tuxemon!","ui:party_monsters:mode:select":"Select","ui:party_monsters:mode:stats":"Stats","ui:party_monsters:mode:techniques":"Techniques","ui:inventory:tab:heal":"Heal","ui:inventory:tab:stats":"Stats","ui:inventory:tab:balls":"Balls","ui:inventory:tab:techniques":"Techniques","ui:inventory:tab:other":"Other","ui:inventory:tab:key_items":"Key Items","ui:inventory:mode:use":"Use","ui:inventory:mode:info":"Info","ui:save_load:save_to_clipboard":"Save to Clipboard","ui:load:loading":"Loading...","ui:settings:name:label":"Name","ui:settings:language:label":"Language","ui:settings:currency:label":"Currency","ui:settings:currency:last_updated":"Last Updated","ui:settings:highlight_interactive_elements":"Highlight Interactive Elements","ui:settings:clear_local_save_data:button":"Clear local save data","ui:settings:clear_local_save_data:confirm":"Delete local save data?","ui:story:next":"Next","story:introduction:monster_selection:title":"Select your Tuxemon!","story:select_starter_monster:monster_selection:title":"Select your actual Tuxemon!","fire_berry":"Fire Berry","fire_berry_description":"It changes monster type into fire.","metal_cherry":"Metal Cherry","metal_cherry_description":"It changes monster type into metal.","potion":"Potion","potion_description":"Heals a monster by 20 HP.","super_potion":"Super Potion","super_potion_description":"Heals a monster by 50 HP.","imperial_potion":"Imperial Potion","imperial_potion_description":"Heals a monster by 500 HP.","mega_potion":"Imperial Potion","mega_potion_description":"Heals a monster by 200 HP.","ancient_tea":"Ancient Tea","ancient_tea_description":"Adds 1277 to a monster's XP.","imperial_tea":"Imperial Tea","imperial_tea_description":"Adds 3005 to a monster's XP.","mystery_tea":"Mystery Tea","mystery_tea_description":"Adds 437 to a monster's XP.","tea":"Tea","tea_description":"Adds 107 to a monster's XP.","revive":"Revive","revive_description":"Revives knocked out Tuxemon and restores 20 HP.","tuxeball":"Tuxeball","tuxeball_description":"Captures a monster.","tuxeball_earth":"Earth Tuxeball","tuxeball_earth_description":"Captures more easily an Earth Tuxemon.","tuxeball_fire":"Fire Tuxeball","tuxeball_fire_description":"Captures more easily a Fire Tuxemon.","tuxeball_metal":"Metal Tuxeball","tuxeball_metal_description":"Captures more easily a Metal Tuxemon.","tuxeball_water":"Water Tuxeball","tuxeball_water_description":"Captures more easily a Water Tuxemon.","tuxeball_wood":"Wood Tuxeball","tuxeball_wood_description":"Captures more easily a Wood Tuxemon.","tuxeball_male":"Male Tuxeball","tuxeball_male_description":"Captures more easily a Male Tuxemon.","tuxeball_female":"Female Tuxeball","tuxeball_female_description":"Captures more easily a Female Tuxemon.","tuxeball_neuter":"Neuter Tuxeball","tuxeball_neuter_description":"Captures more easily a Neuter Tuxemon.","tuxeball_candy":"Candy Tuxeball","tuxeball_candy_description":"Captures Tuxemon and increases its level (+1) upon capture.","tuxeball_lavish":"Lavish Tuxeball","tuxeball_lavish_description":"The capture has a higher chance of succeeding.","tuxeball_ancient":"Ancient Tuxeball","tuxeball_ancient_description":"This Tuxeball was made a long time ago and is capable of catching any Tuxemon without fail.","tuxeball_crusher":"Crusher Tuxeball","tuxeball_crusher_description":"This Tuxeball breaks through defenses and increases the catch rate the higher the opposing Tuxemon's defense is. It will fail to catch if a protection move is used.","tuxeball_xero":"Xero Tuxeball","tuxeball_xero_description":"This odd Tuxeball increases the chance of succeeding if the opposing Tuxemon is a different type than yours, but has a decreased chance if they are the same type.","tuxeball_omni":"Omni Tuxeball","tuxeball_omni_description":"This odd Tuxeball increases the chance of succeeding if the opposing Tuxemon is the same type as yours, but has a decreased chance if they are different types.","tuxeball_hardened":"Hardened Tuxeball","tuxeball_hardened_description":"Captures Tuxemon and it doesn't break when it fails.","tuxeball_hearty":"Hearty Tuxeball","tuxeball_hearty_description":"Upon capture, the tuxemon's positive taste changes to hearty.","tuxeball_peppy":"Peppy Tuxeball","tuxeball_peppy_description":"Upon capture, the tuxemon's positive taste changes to peppy.","tuxeball_refined":"Refined Tuxeball","tuxeball_refined_description":"Upon capture, the tuxemon's positive taste changes to refined.","tuxeball_salty":"Salty Tuxeball","tuxeball_salty_description":"Upon capture, the tuxemon's positive taste changes to salty.","tuxeball_zesty":"Zesty Tuxeball","tuxeball_zesty_description":"Upon capture, the tuxemon's positive taste changes to zesty.","boost_armour":"Boost Armour","boost_armour_description":"For the rest of the combat, increase Armour by 20%.","boost_dodge":"Boost Dodge","boost_dodge_description":"For the rest of the combat, increase Dodge by 20%.","boost_melee":"Boost Melee","boost_melee_description":"For the rest of the combat, increase Melee by 20%.","boost_ranged":"Boost Ranged","boost_ranged_description":"For the rest of the combat, increase Ranged by 20%.","boost_speed":"Boost Speed","boost_speed_description":"For the rest of the combat, increase Speed by 20%.","raise_armour":"Raise Armour","raise_armour_description":"Learn the hardness of the diamond. Increase Armour by 5%.","raise_dodge":"Raise Dodge","raise_dodge_description":"Learn the iridescence of the opal. Increase Dodge by 5%.","raise_hp":"Raise HP","raise_hp_description":"Learn the bulk and abundance of quartz. Increase HP by 5%.","raise_melee":"Raise Melee","raise_melee_description":"Learn the anger of the ruby. Increase Melee by 5%.","raise_ranged":"Raise Ranged","raise_ranged_description":"Learn the aim of the emerald. Increase Ranged by 5%.","raise_speed":"Raise Speed","raise_speed_description":"Learn the reflexes of the spinel. Increase Speed by 5%.","fishing_rod":"Fishing Rod","fishing_rod_description":"Catch fish.","poseidon":"Poseidon","poseidon_description":"Professional fishing rod.","neptune":"Neptune","neptune_description":"Advanced fishing rod.","hatchet":"Hatchet","hatchet_description":"Cut down pesky logs with the Hatchet.","surfboard":"Surfboard","surfboard_description":"From your Mom. It lets you travel faster.","gold_pass":"Gold Pass","gold_pass_description":"Enjoy the Cathedral's deluxe services.","dojo_pass":"Dojo Pass","dojo_pass_description":"Admit one to the Dojo of the Five Elements.","earthmover_key":"Earthmover Key","earthmover_key_description":"Could come in handy if there's a giant earthmover blocking the path.","sledgehammer":"Sledgehammer","sledgehammer_description":"Smash apart grey boulders.","shammer_fossil":"Shammer Fossil","shammer_fossil_description":"It looks like the skull of an ancient dog, but it's hard as stone.","rhincus_fossil":"Rhincus Fossil","rhincus_fossil_description":"It looks like the skull of a toothed bird, but it's hard as stone.","nu_phone":"Nu Phone","nu_phone_description":"You can do a lot with this, e.g. phone home.","spyder_pass":"Spyder Pass","spyder_pass_description":"This should let you in to places only Spyder conspirators are meant to go.","app_banking":"Bank App","app_banking_description":"Access your funds here whenever you're in a town.","app_contacts":"Contacts App","app_contacts_description":"Call your friends and battle the people of your choice.","app_map":"Map App","app_map_description":"Use this on your phone to see where you are.","app_tuxepedia":"Tuxepedia App","app_tuxepedia_description":"Keep track of information about Tuxemon here, and share it with the world.","p_trepidation":"Trepidation","p_trepidation_description":"Painting 'Trepidation', medium: oil on canvas. Hand-signed by the artist.","p_starry_night":"Starry Night","p_starry_night_description":"Painting 'Starry, Starry, Starry Night', medium: oil on canvas. Hand-signed by the artist.","p_monsters_eyes":"Eyes Meet","p_monsters_eyes_description":"Painting 'Monsters' Eyes Meet', medium: oil on canvas. Hand-signed by the artist.","ancient_egg":"Ancient Egg","ancient_egg_description":"A peculiar egg. If you plant it, maybe it will hatch.","restoration":"Restoration","restoration_description":"Remove any condition currently affecting the target.","cureall":"Cureall","cureall_description":"Heals your tuxemon to full health and removes any conditions.","tm_avalanche":"TM: Avalanche","tm_avalanche_description":"Technique Manual that teaches a Water or Earth Tuxemon the Avalanche technique.","tm_blossom":"TM: Blossom","tm_blossom_description":"Technique Manual that teaches a Wood Tuxemon the Blossom technique.","tm_surf":"TM: Surf","tm_surf_description":"Technique Manual that teaches a Water Tuxemon the Surf technique.","tm_earth":"Technical Manual (Earth)","tm_earth_description":"Learn the particular Earth type technique in this TM.","tm_fire":"Technical Manual (Fire)","tm_fire_description":"Learn the particular Fire type technique in this TM.","tm_metal":"Technical Manual (Metal)","tm_metal_description":"Learn the particular Metal type technique in this TM.","tm_water":"Technical Manual (Water)","tm_water_description":"Learn the particular Water type technique in this TM.","tm_wood":"Technical Manual (Wood)","tm_wood_description":"Learn the particular Wood type technique in this TM.","mm_earth":"Move Module (Earth)","mm_earth_description":"Learn the particular Earth type technique in this MM. Then it is consumed.","mm_fire":"Move Module (Fire)","mm_fire_description":"Learn the particular Fire type technique in this MM. Then it is consumed.","mm_metal":"Move Module (Metal)","mm_metal_description":"Learn the particular Metal type technique in this MM. Then it is consumed.","mm_water":"Move Module (Water)","mm_water_description":"Learn the particular Water type technique in this MM. Then it is consumed.","mm_wood":"Move Module (Wood)","mm_wood_description":"Learn the particular Wood type technique in this MM. Then it is consumed.","aardant":"Aardant","aardant_description":"","greenwash_badge":"Badge: Greenwash","greenwash_badge_description":"Tuxemon purchased from Greenwash require this badge to morph.","nimrod_badge":"Badge: Nimrod","nimrod_badge_description":"Tuxemon purchased from Nimrod require this badge to morph.","omnichannel_badge":"Badge: Omnichannel","omnichannel_badge_description":"Tuxemon purchased from Omnichannel require this badge to morph.","scoop_badge":"Badge: Scoop","scoop_badge_description":"Tuxemon purchased from Scoop require this badge to morph.","shaft_badge":"Badge: Shaft","shaft_badge_description":"Tuxemon purchased from Shaft require this badge to morph.","booster_tech":"Tech Booster","booster_tech_description":"An open source technology that allows to morph tuxemon into a different form.","earth_booster":"Earth Booster","earth_booster_description":"It allows to morph an Earth type tuxemon into a different form.","fire_booster":"Fire Booster","fire_booster_description":"It allows to morph a Fire type tuxemon into a different form.","flintstone":"Flintstone","flintstone_description":"A flaky stone used to make stone tools and start fires. Not at the same time.","lucky_bamboo":"Lucky Bamboo","lucky_bamboo_description":"Technically, it's not bamboo at all. Nor is it particularly lucky. But it makes a nice indoor plant.","metal_booster":"Metal Booster","metal_booster_description":"It allows to morph a Metal type tuxemon into a different form.","miaow_milk":"Miaow Milk","miaow_milk_description":"Cats love the taste of Miaow Milk\u2122!","ox_stick":"Ox Stick","ox_stick_description":"An inspiring weapon for an ancient tuxemon.","peace_lily":"Peace Lily","peace_lily_description":"A hardy indoor plant for someone special.","petrified_dung":"Petrified Dung","petrified_dung_description":"It looks like, well, poo ... but it's hard as stone.","pyramidion":"Pyramidion","pyramidion_description":"A golden triangle that hums with celestial power.","sea_girdle":"Sea Girdle","sea_girdle_description":"A string of baubles, soft and slimy like kelp.","stovepipe":"Stovepipe","stovepipe_description":"A long iron pipe. Handling it leaves your hands sooty and ashen.","sweet_sand":"Sweet Sand","sweet_sand_description":"In parts of the world, people clean themselves with this fragrant, sudsy sand.","tectonic_drill":"Tectonic Drill","tectonic_drill_description":"A big click-clack machine used to drill into the earth.","thunderstone":"Thunderstone","thunderstone_description":"An old stone relic, now carried about for good luck.","water_booster":"Water Booster","water_booster_description":"It allows to morph a Water type tuxemon into a different form.","wood_booster":"Wood Booster","wood_booster_description":"It allows to morph a Wood type tuxemon into a different form.","no_type":"no type","town":"town","route":"route","dungeon":"dungeon","clinic":"clinic","shop":"shop","inside":"inside","outside":"outside","item_cannot_use_here":"{name} cannot be used here!","item_used_wrong_location_inside":"{name} can only be used {here}!","item_used_wrong_location_type":"{name} can only be used in a {here}!","item_no_available_target":"{name} cannot be used on any of your Tuxemon right now.","technique_description":"ID.{id} ({types}) - Accuracy {acc}%, Potency {pot}%, Power {pow}\/3, Recharge {rec} turns - Successful: {sus}%","reg_papers":"Registration Papers","reg_papers_description":"A packet of registration papers for The Trial","allies_address":"Allie's Address","allies_address_description":"Room 31, Block 2, Omnichannel Tower, Cotton Town\\n\\nThere's a kiss mark next to the address","player_wallet":"${{name}}'s wallet: ${{currency}}${{money}}","wallet":"Wallet","bank":"Bank","deposit":"Deposit","withdraw":"Withdraw","no_money_operation":"{operation} not possible!","action_call":"Call","phone_no_answer":"Phone keeps ringing but no answer!","combat_scope":"AR:{AR} DE:{DE} ME:{ME} RD:{RD} SD:{SD}","combat_gain_exp":"{name} gains {xp}px","tuxemon_new_tech":"{name} learned technique {tech}!","combat_none":" ","combat_miss":"It missed...","combat_full_health":"But it's already at full health.","combat_forfeit":"You have forfeited!\\n{npc} is disappointed.","combat_cannot_run_away":"But can't run away!","combat_forfeit_trainer":"Can't forfeit!","combat_player_run":"You have run away!","combat_player_run_status":"Can't escape.\\n{monster} is {status}!","combat_player_forfeit_status":"Can't forfeit the match.\\n{monster} is {status}!","combat_player_swap_status":"Can't switch monsters.\\n{monster} is {status}!","cannot_use_tech_monster":"{name} can't be used.","combat_used_x":"{user} used {name}!","combat_used_x_on_y":"{user} used {name} on {target}!","combat_swap":"{user} sent out {target}!","combat_skip":"{user} skips the turn!","combat_call_tuxemon":"Go {name}!","dodge_increased":"{user}'s {stat} increased.","speed_halved":"{user}'s speed was halved.","hp_restored":"{user}'s hp was restored.","dodge_fell":"{user}'s dodge fell.","attacks_rose":"{user}'s attack damage types rose.","combat_levitate_get":"{user} rose higher into the air.","combat_amnesia_get":"{user} has gotten amnesia.","combat_status_damage":"{name} took {status} damage!","combat_trainer_appeared":"{name} wants to battle!","combat_victory":"You have won!","combat_victory_trainer":"You have won against {npc}!\\n You get {currency}{prize}!","combat_defeat":"You've been defeated!","combat_draw":"All parties have fainted!","combat_capturing_success":"You captured {name}!","combat_capturing_fail":"{name} broke free!","combat_recharging":"{name} needs a break before using {move} again...","combat_replacement":"Choose a replacement!","combat_replacement_is_fainted":"That monster has fainted already!","combat_wild_appeared":"A wild {name} appeared!","combat_monster_choice":"What will {name} do?","combat_fainted":"{name} fainted!","combat_isactive":"{name} is already in play.","combat_target_itself":"{name} shouldn't attack itself.","attack_very_effective":"The attack did a lot of extra damage!","attack_effective":"The attack did extra damage!","attack_resisted":"The attack was resisted!","attack_weak":"The attack was strongly resisted!","combat_state_blinded_get":"{target} is blinded.","combat_state_burn_end":"{target} takes damage from burns.","combat_state_burn_get":"{target} is burned.","combat_state_chargedup_get":"{target} is fully charged.","combat_state_charging_get":"{target} is charging power.","combat_state_confused_get":"{target} is confused.","combat_state_confused_tech":"{target} gets muddled and uses {name} instead!","combat_state_gold":"{name} gets {symbol}{gold}!","combat_state_switch":"{target} is {types} type!","combat_state_switch_both":"{user} is {type1} type, while {target} is {type2} type!","combat_state_diehard_get":"{target} will keep fighting.","combat_state_diehard_tech":"{target} fights through the pain.","combat_state_dozing_get":"{target} is asleep.","combat_state_dozing_end":"{target} dozes off!","combat_state_enraged_get":"{target} is enraged.","combat_state_exhausted_get":"{target} is exhausted.","combat_state_festering_get":"{target}'s wounds fester.","combat_state_festering_item":"The healing fails. The wound festers.","combat_state_focused_get":"{target} becomes focused.","combat_state_grabbed_get":"{target} is held tight.","combat_state_hardshell_get":"{target} is covered in hard shell.","combat_state_lifeleech_get":"{target}'s lifeforce is being leeched.","combat_state_lifeleech_end":"{target} is having their lifeforce stolen.","combat_state_noddingoff_get":"{target} is nodding off to sleep.","combat_state_slow_get":"{target} has been slowed down.","combat_state_poison_get":"{target} is poisoned.","combat_state_poison_end":"{target} takes damage from the poison.","combat_state_recover_failure":"{target} can't heal any further.","combat_state_recover_get":"{target} is regenerating.","combat_state_recover_end":"{target} recovers its lifeforce.","combat_state_sniping_get":"{target} takes aim.","combat_state_softened_get":"{target}'s armour softens.","combat_state_stuck_get":"{target} is stuck in place.","combat_state_tired_get":"{target} is worn out.","combat_state_tired_end":"{target} shakes off its tiredness.","combat_state_plague0":"{target} begins to sniffle.","combat_state_plague1":"Ah ... Ah. {target} held in a sneeze.","combat_state_plague2":"Ah ... Ahchoo! {user} sneezed on {target}.","combat_state_plague3":"{target} wiped it off.","combat_state_lockdown_get":"Items will not affect {target}.","combat_state_wasting_get":"{target} is afflicted by a wasting condition.","combat_state_wasting_end":"{target} is wasting away.","combat_state_flinching_get":"{target} flinches and may not act.","combat_state_wild_get":"{target} has gone wild.","combat_state_wild_end":"{target} is still wild.","combat_state_harpooned_get":"{target} risks injury if it backs away.","combat_state_elemental_shield_get":"{target} puts up a flame shield.","combat_state_prickly_get":"{target} is harmful to make contact with.","combat_state_feedback_get":"{target} is turning ranged attacks back on the attacker.","empty_slot":"Empty Slot","exit":"Exit","item_confirm_use":"Use","item_confirm_cancel":"Cancel","generic_success":"It worked!","generic_failure":"It failed!","who_is_that":"Name That Tuxemon","generic_right":"Correct!","generic_wrong":"Wrong!","attempting_capture":"Attempting capture...","captured_failed":"Not this time! The capture failed!","gotcha":"Gotcha!","gotcha_kennel":"{name} has been put in the kennel!","gotcha_team":"{name} has joined the team!","not_implemented":"This feature is not yet implemented.","alert_text":"Text too long!","receive_happiness":"Received 5 Tuxeballs!","received_x":"Received {name}!","save_success":"Saved!","save_failure":"There was a problem saving!","save_overwrite":"Yes, overwrite this save.","save_keep":"No, keep this save.","slot":"Slot","status_blinded":"Blinded","status_burn":"Burn","status_chargedup":"Charged Up","status_charging":"Charging","status_confused":"Confused","status_diehard":"Die Hard","status_dozing":"Dozing","status_elementalshield":"Elemental Shield","status_eliminated":"Eliminated","status_enraged":"Berserk","status_exhausted":"Exhausted","status_faint":"Faint","status_feedback":"Feedback","status_festering":"Festering","status_flinching":"Flinching","status_focused":"Focused","status_grabbed":"Grabbed","status_hardshell":"Hard Shell","status_harpooned":"Harpooned","status_lifeleech":"Lifeleech","status_lockdown":"Lockdown","status_noddingoff":"Nodding Off","status_poison":"Poison","status_prickly":"Prickly","status_recover":"Recover","status_slow":"Slow","status_sniping":"Sniping","status_softened":"Softened","spyderbite":"Spyder Bite","status_stuck":"Stuck","status_tired":"Tired","status_wasting":"Wasting","status_wild":"Wild","acid_description":"","acid":"Acid","adamantine_description":"","adamantine":"Adamantine","air_chain_description":"","air_chain":"Air Chain","all_in_description":"The user draws on their last ounce of strength, striking hard and getting their second wind.","all_in":"All In","amnesia_description":"The combatants' minds touch, leaving both befuddled.","amnesia":"Amnesia","ants_description":"","ants":"Ants","arcane_eye_description":"An arcane veil lashes at those that would curse the user.","arcane_eye":"Arcane Eye","assault_description":"","assault":"Assault","avalanche_description":"","avalanche":"Avalanche","barking_description":"","barking":"Barking","battery_acid_description":"","battery_acid":"Battery Acid","battery_discharge_description":"","battery_discharge":"Battery Discharge","beam_description":"","beam":"Beam","berserk_description":"","berserk":"Berserk","biting_winds_description":"A chill wind leaves the target weak and exposed.","biting_winds":"Biting Winds","blade_description":"A lightning-fast cut.","blade":"Blade","blood_bond_description":"The user sucks the target's blood, but leaves something of themselves behind.","blood_bond":"Blood Bond","blood_nets_description":"","blood_nets":"Blood Nets","blossom_description":"Carnivorous plants grow around the target, drawing away nutrients for the user's benefit.","blossom":"Blossom","boulder_description":"The user shelters beneath a rocky shell.","boulder":"Boulder","breath_description":"","breath":"Breath","breathe_fire_description":"Fire bursts from the user's mouth, scorching the target.","breathe_fire":"Breathe Fire","bubble_trap_description":"","bubble_trap":"Bubble Trap","bullet_description":"A piece of metal is flung at the target with great alacrity.","bullet":"Bullet","canine_description":"","canine":"Canine","cat_calling_description":"","cat_calling":"Cat Calling","cavity_description":"","cavity":"Cavity","chameleon_description":"","chameleon":"Chameleon","chill_mist_description":"","chill_mist":"Chill Mist","clairaudience_description":"","clairaudience":"Clairaudience","clamp_on_description":"","clamp_on":"Clamp On","clock_description":"","clock":"Clock","cloud_aether_description":"","cloud_aether":"Cloud Aether","conjurer_description":"","conjurer":"Conjurer","constrict_description":"","constrict":"Constrict","crystal_description":"","crystal":"Crystal","demiurge_description":"","demiurge":"Demiurge","earthquake_description":"","earthquake":"Earthquake","electrical_storm_description":"","electrical_storm":"Electrical Storm","electroplate_description":"","electroplate":"Electroplate","energy_claws_description":"","energy_claws":"Energy Claws","energy_field_description":"The device saps the target's energy, empowering the user.","energy_field":"Energy Field","evasion_description":"","evasion":"Evasion","eyebite_description":"A glance from the user saps the target of its vim and vigor.","eyebite":"Eyebite","feint_description":"","feint":"Feint","feline_description":"","feline":"Feline","fester_description":"A foul smell washes across the battlefield, hindering the recovery of all combatants.","fester":"Fester","fiery_description":"","fiery":"Fiery","fire_ball_description":"An orb of scorching fire is flung at the target.","fire_ball":"Fire Ball","fire_claw_description":"","fire_claw":"Fire Claw","fire_shield_description":"","fire_shield":"Fire Shield","firestorm_description":"","firestorm":"Firestorm","flamethrower_description":"","flamethrower":"Flamethrower","fledgling_description":"","fledgling":"Fledgling","flood_description":"","flood":"Flood","flow_description":"","flow":"Flow","fluff_up_description":"","fluff_up":"Fluff Up","font_description":"","font":"Font","frostbite_description":"","frostbite":"Frostbite","fume_description":"","fume":"Fume","give_all_description":"","give_all":"Give All","glower_description":"At the user's glare, the target grows weak and vulnerable.","glower":"Glower","goad_description":"","goad":"Goad","gold_digger_description":"","gold_digger":"Gold Digger","grinding_description":"","grinding":"Grinding","gust_description":"","gust":"Gust","gyser_description":"","gyser":"Gyser","hawk_description":"","hawk":"Hawk","headbutt_description":"","headbutt":"Headbutt","hibernate_description":"The user falls into a restorative sleep.","hibernate":"Hibernate","ice_claw_description":"","ice_claw":"Ice Claw","ice_shield_description":"","ice_shield":"Ice Shield","ice_storm_description":"","ice_storm":"Ice Storm","icicle_spear_description":"","icicle_spear":"Icicle Spear","insanity_description":"","insanity":"Insanity","invictus_description":"","invictus":"Invictus","kindling_flame_description":"","kindling_flame":"Kindling Flame","kraken_description":"","kraken":"Kraken","lantern_description":"","lantern":"Lantern","lava_description":"","lava":"Lava","levitate_description":"Combatants float into the air, giving them a vantage point but leaving both struggling to connect with their hand-to-hand attacks.","levitate":"Levitate","life_surge_description":"An eruption of life charges the monster, but at the expense of healing its opponent.","life_surge":"Life Surge","lightning_spheres_description":"","lightning_spheres":"Lightning Spheres","lineage_description":"","lineage":"Lineage","lust_description":"","lust":"Lust","magma_description":"","magma":"Magma","maori_description":"","maori":"Maori","meltdown_description":"","meltdown":"Meltdown","mending_description":"","mending":"Mending","midnight_mantle_description":"","midnight_mantle":"Midnight Mantle","mobbing_description":"","mobbing":"Mobbing","muck_description":"","muck":"Muck","muddle_description":"A haze over the battlefield makes it harder for attacks to connect.","muddle":"Muddle","mudslide_description":"","mudslide":"Mudslide","mystic_blending_description":"","mystic_blending":"Mystic Blending","negation_description":"","negation":"Negation","nest_description":"","nest":"Nest","neutralize_description":"The battlefield is reset, with all conditions and other changes cleared.","neutralize":"Neutralize","oedipus_description":"","oedipus":"Oedipus","one_two_description":"Two decisive strikes bring the target to its knees.","one_two":"One-Two","orbs_description":"The user undergoes a magical transformation, firing off an energy ball of a random element.","orbs":"Orbs","overfeed_description":"","overfeed":"Overfeed","overgrowth_description":"Vines lash the target, locking them in place.","overgrowth":"Overgrowth","panjandrum_description":"A reliable technique that hurts any monster in proportion to its HP.","panjandrum":"Panjandrum","peck_description":"","peck":"Peck","peregrine_description":"","peregrine":"Peregrine","perfect_cut_description":"","perfect_cut":"Perfect Cut","petrify_description":"","petrify":"Petrify","phantasmal_force_description":"","phantasmal_force":"Phantasmal 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weaknesses.","scope":"Scope","shadow_boxing_description":"A flurry of punches strikes the target.","shadow_boxing":"Shadow Boxing","shapechange_description":"","shapechange":"Shapechange","shrapnel_description":"","shrapnel":"Shrapnel","shuriken_description":"","shuriken":"Shuriken","sleep_bomb_description":"A violent explosion of sleeping powder threatens to send both combatants into a doze.","sleep_bomb":"Sleep Bomb","sleeping_powder_description":"","sleeping_powder":"Sleeping Powder","slime_description":"","slime":"Slime","snowstorm_description":"","snowstorm":"Snowstorm","splinter_description":"","splinter":"Splinter","spray_description":"Liquid death sprays from the user's venom sacs.","spray":"Spray","stabilo_description":"","stabilo":"Stabilo","stampede_description":"","stampede":"Stampede","starfall_description":"","starfall":"Starfall","static_field_description":"","static_field":"Static Field","sting_description":"","sting":"Sting","stone_rot_description":"A sickness quickly befalls the target.","stone_rot":"Stone Rot","stonehenge_description":"","stonehenge":"Stonehenge","strangulation_description":"","strangulation":"Strangulation","strike_description":"","strike":"Strike","suck_poison_description":"","suck_poison":"Suck Poison","sudden_glow_description":"","sudden_glow":"Sudden Glow","sunburst_description":"","sunburst":"Sunburst","supernova_description":"","supernova":"Supernova","surf_description":"","surf":"Surf","surge_description":"","surge":"Surge","sword_description":"","sword":"Sword","sylvan_description":"","sylvan":"Sylvan","take_cover_description":"","take_cover":"Take Cover","terror_description":"","terror":"Terror","thunderball_description":"","thunderball":"Thunderball","thunderclap_description":"","thunderclap":"Thunderclap","time_crisis_description":"","time_crisis":"Time Crisis","tinder_description":"The target is set alight.","tinder":"Tinder","tip_description":"","tip":"Tip","tonguespear_description":"The tongue is jabbed into the opponent, and their blood drained.","tonguespear":"Tonguespear","torch_description":"","torch":"Torch","tsunami_description":"","tsunami":"Tsunami","tux_attack_description":"","tux_attack":"Tux Attack","ubuntu_description":"","ubuntu":"Ubuntu","undertaker_description":"","undertaker":"Undertaker","venom_description":"","venom":"Venom","venomous_tentacle_description":"","venomous_tentacle":"Venomous Tentacle","viper_description":"","viper":"Viper","vorpal_description":"","vorpal":"Vorpal","wall_fire_description":"","wall_fire":"Wall Fire","wall_of_steel_description":"The user spins about, creating a biting, shielding wall of steel.","wall_of_steel":"Wall of Steel","wallow_description":"","wallow":"Wallow","walls_description":"","walls":"Walls","web_description":"","web":"Web","webs_wind_description":"","webs_wind":"Webs Wind","whirlwind_description":"","whirlwind":"Whirlwind","wing_tip_description":"","wing_tip":"Wing Tip","lion_mountain":"Lion 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Prominence 3,776 m (12,388 ft)!","candy_town_description":"Pushing the bounds of possibility - with biology!","citypark_description":"A Taste of the Wild!","cotton_town_description":"A growing force!","flower_city_description":"Uniforms that guard you while you sleep!","leather_town_description":"Proof that beauty and mining can co-exist!","paper_town_description":"The gateway to Fondent!","routea_description":"A private grotto given over to the wilds!","routeb_description":"The winding path to instantaneous communication!","routec_description":"Home is just over the horizon!","routee_description":"Do not swim downstream of the pump site!","route1_description":"Take care!","route2_description":"The historic path!","route3_description":"Enjoy the scenic beauty of this 'artificial canyon'.","route4_description":"Up and down the road again!","route5_description":"The memorial passage to Timber Town!","route6_description":"A playful meander along the river!","route7_description":"The Ascension Trail on the slopes of Lion Mountain!","sphalian_town_description":"The highest settlement in the Fondent Region!","taba_town_description":"A peaceful refuge!","timber_town_description":"Breadbasket of Fondant!","tunnel_description":"The dark expanse - watch your step!","welcome_location_city":"Welcome to ${{map_name}} City: ${{map_desc}}\\nNorth: ${{north}} \/ South: ${{south}} \/ West: ${{west}} \/ East: ${{east}}","welcome_location_route":"Welcome to ${{map_name}}: ${{map_desc}}\\nNorth: ${{north}} \/ South: ${{south}} \/ West: ${{west}} \/ East: ${{east}}","welcome_location_town":"Welcome to ${{map_name}} Town: ${{map_desc}}\\nNorth: ${{north}} \/ South: ${{south}} \/ West: ${{west}} \/ East: ${{east}}","here_to_north":"From ${{map_name}} to ${{north}}","here_to_south":"From ${{map_name}} to ${{south}}","here_to_west":"From ${{map_name}} to ${{west}}","here_to_east":"From ${{map_name}} to ${{east}}","menu_alphabet":"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890.-!","menu_alphabet_n_columns":"13","dont_care":"DON'T CARE","random_names_male":"Jarrod\\nEdwardson\\nLothair\\nAndrea\\nBrady\\nDemarcus\\nBrady\\nFarant\\nBirch\\nJustin\\nColbey\\nEfrem\\nGarnier\\nFlorentus\\nAlvyn\\nHadden\\nJulianus\\nHugh","random_names_female":"Robine\\nMagnolia\\nSvana\\nSimone\\nEila\\nKrimhild\\nCharlot\\nYara\\nGracie\\nAnke\\nTheresia\\nDiana\\nKathrin\\nAnne\\nMadita\\nSlainie\\nNastasia\\nNelly","random_names":"Beep-beep\\nToast\\nChair\\nLizard\\nChris\\nCarter\\nKyndi\\nWednesday\\nTapioca\\nPom\\nIndiana\\nKansas\\nDont Care","monster_menu_info":"Info","monster_menu_move":"Move","monster_menu_tech":"Techniques","monster_menu_desc":"Description","monster_menu_type":"Type(s)","monster_menu_species":"Species","monster_menu_shape":"Body Type","monster_menu_release":"Release","shop_buy_free":"FREE!","shop_buy_soldout":"Sold Out!","cant_release":"Can't release only Tuxemon in party.","release_confirmation":"Are you sure you would like to release {name}?","tuxemon_released":"{name} has been released.","new_tech_delete":"{name} has too many techniques.\\nWhich technique do you want to delete?","evolution_confirmation":"{name} is trying to evolve into {evolve}. Allow evolution?","no_signal":"No Signal","omnichannel_mobile":"Omnichannel Mobile 4G","max_moves_alert":"{name} has too many techniques.\\nWhich do you want to overwrite for learning {tech}?","uninstall_app":"Unable to uninstall the app.","tuxepedia_progress":"Tuxepedia: {value}%!","tuxepedia_data_seen":"Seen {param} out of {all} Tuxemon","tuxepedia_data_caught":"Caught {param} out of {all} Tuxemon","player_start_adventure":"The adventure began {date} days ago.","player_walked":"Walked {distance} {unit}","player_battles":"Battles: {tot} (W{won} D{draw} L{lost})","page_tuxepedia":"From id {a} to id {b}","no_evolution":"No evolution","yes_evolution":"Evolution","yes_evolutions":"Evolutions","tuxepedia_capture":"Captured {doc} days ago","tuxepedia_exp":"{exp_lv}xp to Lv {lv}","log_off":"Log Off","menu_bag":"Bag","menu_fight":"Fight","menu_item":"Item","menu_items":"Items","menu_journal":"Journal","menu_tuxepedia":"Tuxepedia","menu_load":"Load","menu_monster":"Tuxemon","menu_storage":"Pick Up Tuxemon","menu_dropoff":"Drop Off Tuxemon","menu_item_storage":"Pick Up Item","menu_item_dropoff":"Drop Off Item","menu_multiplayer":"Multiplayer","menu_new_game":"New Game","menu_options":"Options","menu_minigame":"Minigame","menu_player":"Player","menu_run":"Run","menu_forfeit":"Forfeit","menu_save":"Save","menu_up_key":"Up Key","menu_left_key":"Left Key","menu_right_key":"Right Key","menu_down_key":"Down Key","menu_primary_select_key":"Action Key","menu_secondary_select_key":"Cancel Key","menu_back_key":"Back Key","menu_music_daynight":"Day \/ Night","enable":"Enable","disable":"Disable","menu_music_volume":"Music Volume","menu_sound_volume":"Sound Volume","menu_units":"Unit","menu_units_metric":"Metric","menu_units_imperial":"Imperial","menu_hemisphere":"Hemisphere","menu_hemisphere_north":"Northern","menu_hemisphere_south":"Southern","options_new_input_key0":"Press a key to set your new input key","options_new_input_key1":"Restart your game for changes to take effect!","menu_storage_infected_monster":"Virus detected. For the safety of all tuxemon in our system, you cannot store an infected tuxemon.","menu_storage_take_monster":"You added {name} into your party!","menu_storage_take_item":"You added {nr} {name} into your bag!","menu_storage_monsters_full":"Your party is full, you cannot take any more from storage.","menu_storage_items_full":"Your bag is full, you cannot take any more from storage.","menu_storage_empty_kennel":"This shelter is empty, there are no monsters to take.","menu_storage_full_kennel":"This shelter is full.","menu_storage_hidden_kennel":"Unable to access the hidden storage.","menu_storage_empty_locker":"This locker is empty, there are no items to take.","item_menu_disband":"Disband","item_disbanded":"{nr} {name} have been disbanded.","menu_dropoff_no_monsters":"Can't drop off the last Tuxemon in your party.","pick_up":"pick up","move_to_kennel":"move to {box}","Kennel":"shelter","Locker":"locker","quarantine":"Quarantine","xero_campaign":"Tuxemon: Xero","spyder_campaign":"Tuxemon: Spyder and the Cathedral","multiplayer_accept":"Accept","multiplayer_decline":"Decline","multiplayer_duel":"{name} would like to Duel!","multiplayer_host_game":"Host Game","multiplayer_scan_games":"Scan for Games","multiplayer_join_game":"Join Game","multiplayer_hosting_ready":"Ready to accept clients!","multiplayer_already_hosting":"Already hosting!","multiplayer_no_servers":"No servers found...","multiplayer_join_prompt":"Hostname or IP?","swap":"Swap","skip":"Skip","empty":"Empty","aardart_description":"It keeps count of every ant it has eaten, and celebrates significant numbers.","aardart":"Aardart","aardorn_description":"When born it is placed in an anthill and left to eat its way out.","aardorn":"Aardorn","abesnaki_description":"Each face is a different pattern, and some say the symbols spell out words in a dead language.","abesnaki":"Abesnaki","agnidon_description":"It prefers four legs, but can stand on two to open doors, push over trees or hold things.","agnidon":"Agnidon","agnigon_description":"It is called a 'false dragon', because it appears to be a dragon, but actually evolved from a different line of ancient reptiles.","agnigon":"Agnigon","agnite_description":"It is playful, but must be taught early on to keep its fire in check.","agnite":"Agnite","allagon_description":"ALLAGON are drawn to relics made from the metals left behind by their ancestors, and will be violent to retrieve them.","allagon":"Allagon","altie_description":"ALTIE floated down to earth in a bubble. Now its bubble has popped, it cannot float more than a few metres in the air.","altie":"Altie","ambuwl_description":"The egg in its pouch does not hatch. Instead, it secretes a delicious drink with restorative powers.","ambuwl":"Ambuwl","angesnow_description":"Those who survive getting lost in hostile, icy conditions often mention a mysterious presence guiding them even when the snow is too heavy to see through.","angesnow":"Angesnow","angrito_description":"It cannot understand why humans feel rage and hatred, but ANGRITO feels these urges too.","angrito":"Angrito","anoleaf_description":"It considers the plants growing near it to be its brothers and sisters.","anoleaf":"Anoleaf","anu_description":"It is said that it enters others' dreams to search for its lost love.","anu":"Anu","apeoro_description":"The kings of old used psychic powers to transfer their souls into these golden computing machines. Now they live on, unable to communicate but still dreaming of empires.","apeoro":"Apeoro","araignee_description":"Pedants who say all spiders have eight legs are strangely quiet on the case of ARAIGNEE.","araignee":"Araignee","arthrobolt_description":"It feels uncomfortable commanding its fellow NUT and BOLT, and usually runs away. But then the NUT and BOLT have no one to instruct them.","arthrobolt":"Arthrobolt","av8r_description":"If the sun is out, it can fly as far or as high as it likes.","av8r":"Av8r","axylightl_description":"It lights the deep waters with its tail, marking a safe shelter for fish.","axylightl":"Axylightl","b_ver_1_description":"It is designed for all those times you need something to be bitten by a robot.","b_ver_1":"B-Ver.1","bamboon_description":"It fights with its bamboo staff, which it also uses for balance.","bamboon":"Bamboon","banling_description":"Each BANLING is waiting for a homeless spirit to nestle in its branches.","banling":"Banling","baobaraffe_description":"It stores mass amounts of water in its huge body so that it can travel long distances across hot, dry deserts. It will also share water with thirsty creatures. When it has no water stored it is skinny.","baobaraffe":"Baobaraffe","baoby_description":"They travel from river to river in search of water to drink and store. The leafy ossicones on its head conceal movable points that act similar to a dowsing rod. Many creatures follow BAOBY in droughts.","baoby":"Baoby","beenstalker_description":"What BEENSTALKER lacks in sense and grace, it makes up for in sheer enthusiasm and goodwill. It delights in scaring off vermin, but never harming them.","beenstalker":"Beenstalker","bigfin_description":"A whole ecosystem exists on its back, so it tries not to go underwater.","bigfin":"Bigfin","birdling_description":"The ignorant believe that it carries its own egg upon its back. It is the guard for a far more important egg than that.","birdling":"Birdling","blasdoor_description":"BLASDOOR shield those they care about behind their impenetrable bulk, but macerate unwanted intruders and scrap machines between their steel teeth.","blasdoor":"Blasdoor","bolt_description":"The presence of a BOLT makes a NUT clamp down harder and spark more energy.","bolt":"Bolt","boltnu_description":"It spends most of its time digging burrows into the ground, it remains dizzy from the constant vibrations and movement caused by them digging into the soil.","boltnu":"Boltnu","botbot_description":"It is a universal robot that can be adapted for any purpose.","botbot":"Botbot","boxali_description":"With its long blue cape, BOXALI can glide above the ground - allowing it to perform stunts and aerial attacks.","boxali":"Boxali","brewdin_description":"Born in neglected, once prized, pottery and similar treasures. Rumored to grants wishes to those who can make it smile.","brewdin":"Brewdin","bricgard_description":"When the winter comes, IMBRICKCILE builds a defensive cocoon of bricks to protect it from predators.","bricgard":"Bricgard","brickhemoth_description":"Be wary when kicking a BRICGARD's nest, because percussive force is the trigger the tuxemon needs to burst forth once it has formed into a BRICKHEMOTH.","brickhemoth":"Brickhemoth","budaye_description":"It can convince any group to cooperate for the common good with some encouraging mewls and waves.","budaye":"Budaye","bugnin_description":"Its sword is actually an antenna grown and snapped off for that purpose.","bugnin":"Bugnin","bumbulus_description":"BUMBULUS is a flying being that produces a cloud of smoke to disguise itself as a cloud. No one has ever seen its true body.","bumbulus":"Bumbulus","bursa_description":"It rejects fire as basic, and produces only the fire of the mind.","bursa":"Bursa","cairfrey_description":"A jolly piece of furniture who awoke one morning and decided to explore.","cairfrey":"Cairfrey","capinyah_description":"Only after intense training in the jungles, lifting logs and river boulders, can CAPITI graduate to become CAPINYAH.","capinyah":"Capinyah","capiti_description":"It looks like a baby, but some specimens have been found that are hundreds of years old.","capiti":"Capiti","cardiling_description":"One wouldn't expect it to breathe fire, until it does.","cardiling":"Cardiling","cardinale_description":"It hates all predators with a passion, and makes war with them and their young when it can.","cardinale":"Cardinale","cardiwing_description":"Its song is remarkable, but few dare keep an explosive songbird.","cardiwing":"Cardiwing","cataspike_description":"It learns to fight from observation. Left to its own devices, it uses its spike to pick up rubbish.","cataspike":"Cataspike","cateye_description":"They say it blinks once a year, in honour of summer's end.","cateye":"Cateye","chenipode_description":"It bites onto shoelaces and trouser legs when it wants to travel.","chenipode":"Chenipode","cherubat_description":"These inquisitive bats are drawn by the heady emotions of people in love, and carry back unsupervised bouquets and chocolate boxes to build their nests.","cherubat":"Cherubat","chibiro_description":"It is found in forests and fields, where it is often mistaken for a turnip.","chibiro":"Chibiro","chillimp_description":"It is rumoured to live atop snowy mountains, but no clear photo of it has ever been taken.","chillimp":"Chillimp","chloragon_description":"It hatches when an ancient egg is planted in fertile soil. When the eggs run out, there will be no more CHLORAGON.","chloragon":"Chloragon","chromeye_description":"CHROMEYE was created to observe and learn how humans think and feel.","chromeye":"Chromeye","cochini_description":"It is as intelligent and aware as a three-year old child. It tastes delicious.","cochini":"Cochini","coleorus_description":"It has existed, unchanged, for millions of years.","coleorus":"Coleorus","conglolem_description":"The gel has long ago dried out, but CONGLOLEM continues.","conglolem":"Conglolem","conifrost_description":"If it sneezes, an avalanche occurs. It has a permanent sniffle.","conifrost":"Conifrost","conileaf_description":"Foods placed in its pitcher are blended and pickled. They are used to store food without it going off.","conileaf":"Conileaf","coproblight_description":"Born from the feces of prehistoric Tuxemon, it used the shards of bone within itself for defense.","coproblight":"Coproblight","corvix_description":"It arms its wings with bone shards from its victims.","corvix":"Corvix","cowpignon_description":"Some people dry it out and eat it as a medicinal enhancement.","cowpignon":"Cowpignon","criniotherme_description":"Its mane shines during the day, grows big and red at sunset, and blows away as ash at night.","criniotherme":"Criniotherme","dandicub_description":"After a litter is born, they float all over the world and never see their family again.","dandicub":"Dandicub","dandylion_description":"It gives birth to one litter in its life. Then it wanders the world trying to find them.","dandylion":"Dandylion","dankush_description":"A DANKUSH can stop itself from burning by holding its breath, causing plumes of smoke to billow forth from each leaf.","dankush":"Dankush","demosnow_description":"DEMOSNOW delight in luring travelers deeper into the wilderness than is strictly safe, promising them glory and adventure.","demosnow":"Demosnow","dinoflop_description":"DINOFLOP delights in quickly turning away from its attackers so their blows land on its shielded and spiny back.","dinoflop":"Dinoflop","djinnbo_description":"It is mistakenly believed that it is a human who died in a fire. Actually, its relatives did.","djinnbo":"Djinnbo","dollfin_description":"Each one follows a ship from place to place, exploring the world.","dollfin":"Dollfin","dracune_description":"It is immobile during the day, but can wriggle and bite at night.","dracune":"Dracune","dragarbor_description":"When it feels it is coming to the end of its life, it travels to a graveyard where it plants itself. Its tail flower grows forever.","dragarbor":"Dragarbor","drashimi_description":"It lies on the ground, smelling delicious and tempting monsters to take a bite - but when they approach, it bites them first.","drashimi":"Drashimi","drokoro_description":"Once it had a family, but it ate its parents, and it ate its children, and it ate its mate, and it ate all of its kind.","drokoro":"Drokoro","dune_pincher_description":"These hermits will wrap themselves in whatever is closest. In the desert, that is the burial shrouds of long-dead pharaohs.","dune_pincher":"Dune Pincher","eaglace_description":"When it takes flight, clouds form. When it claps its wings, hail falls.","eaglace":"Eaglace","elofly_description":"An ELOFLY on its own is patient and wise, but when it flocks in great numbers it becomes violent and impulsive.","elofly":"Elofly","elostorm_description":"Kings and queens, the ELOSTORM rule their people and have great ambition.","elostorm":"Elostorm","elowind_description":"The lieutenants of the ELOFLY family, ELOWIND shepherd the flock and keep it focused.","elowind":"Elowind","embazook_description":"It is trained for use in war and it knows no other life.","embazook":"Embazook","embra_description":"It eats everything it can to grow big enough to become a RUPTION.","embra":"Embra","enduros_description":"ENDUROS is an aggressive brawler that does not pull its blows. Out of the ring, it is quite sociable.","enduros":"Enduros","eruptibus_description":"Smiths work with it, heating up metals in its caldera.","eruptibus":"Eruptibus","exapode_description":"It waves its legs to attract attention, but mostly people just run away.","exapode":"Exapode","exclawvate_description":"Often seen on construction sites, they can use their huge hands and tail to scoop up dirt and rubble. Underneath the Tuxemon are caterpillar tires, giving them a better balance and grip while climbing heaps of rubble.","exclawvate":"Exclawvate","eyenemy_description":"It feeds on beautiful views and other spectacular sights.","eyenemy":"Eyenemy","eyesore_description":"It remembers everything it has ever seen, but not the order that it has seen it in.","eyesore":"Eyesore","fancair_description":"If someone leaves their fan running when they do not need it, it comes alive and flies out the window to find someone who actually needs to be cooled.","fancair":"Fancair","ferricran_description":"Once, the FERRICRAN were covered all over with adamantine scales, and had wings of mithril.","ferricran":"Ferricran","firomenis_description":"These tuxemon are large and tough from the many years spent as a MERLICUN. Their jaws can crush through trees and bones, and their flight is strong enough to carry people.","firomenis":"Firomenis","flacono_description":"It is totally unafraid of adversaries, and will attack an enemy of any size without hesitation.","flacono":"Flacono","flambear_description":"It can be tracked from the trail of boiled berry bushes and roasted trout it leaves in its wake.","flambear":"Flambear","flisces_description":"It skims the surface of the water, evading detection until a powerful leap brings its sharp fins into play.","flisces":"Flisces","fluoresfin_description":"When threatened, it huddles together with other FLUORESFIN to create a large blinding light to disorientate predators.","fluoresfin":"Fluoresfin","fluttaflap_description":"It feeds on impurities, so it returns purified blood to those it sucks on.","fluttaflap":"Fluttaflap","foofle_description":"When one is in danger, all FOOFLE hear its cries, wherever they are.","foofle":"Foofle","fordin_description":"When threatened, it curls into a ball and bounces away.","fordin":"Fordin","forturtle_description":"It heats its shell to read the future from the cracks that emerge.","forturtle":"Forturtle","foxfire_description":"FOXFIRE cubs are found in fires that burned out overnight. No one knows where they come from.","foxfire":"Foxfire","fribbit_description":"It is said that it was once a boy who licked a freezing lamp post.","fribbit":"Fribbit","frondly_description":"It can do anything with its prehensile tail, even shake hands and pick fruit.","frondly":"Frondly","fruitera_description":"FRUITERA is greedy for fruit, and carries as much as it can. When startled, it drops all its fruit, gathers it all up again, and only then runs away.","fruitera":"Fruitera","furnursus_description":"FURNURSUS are friendly, and often forget that their bodies are too hot for others to touch.","furnursus":"Furnursus","fuzzina_description":"When the child that abandoned a FUZZLET needs it again, it becomes a FUZZINA, a brave protector and nurturer of the small and the weak.","fuzzina":"Fuzzina","fuzzlet_description":"When a child is no longer around to play with their toys, they sometimes come to life.","fuzzlet":"Fuzzlet","galnec_description":"GALNEC buries itself deep in the hot sands of the desert, only its stony tail above ground. In packs, they look like gardens of stone.","galnec":"Galnec","gectile_description":"It is so quick and light that it can walk on leaves.","gectile":"Gectile","ghosteeth_description":"It smiles because it knows how everyone it meets is going to die.","ghosteeth":"Ghosteeth","glombroc_description":"It stores its memories in its rocky shell. If some fall off, it is forgetful.","glombroc":"Glombroc","graffiki_description":"GRAFFIKI are as at home in cities as they are in the jungle, tagging their territory with elaborate paintings.","graffiki":"Graffiki","grimachin_description":"It was made by a toy company to be a pet, but was too dangerous.","grimachin":"Grimachin","grinflare_description":"It is said that each is the walking heart of a volcano.","grinflare":"Grinflare","grintot_description":"It is a GRINTROCK or GRINFLARE that has experienced erosion.","grintot":"Grintot","grintrock_description":"It feeds by sitting out in thunderstorms, waiting to be struck by lightning.","grintrock":"Grintrock","grumpi_description":"Once grabbed by a GRUMPI, its sticky tacky body is impossible to escape from.","grumpi":"Grumpi","gryfix_description":"Bone armor protects GRYFIX from all but the most powerful of attacks.","gryfix":"Gryfix","hampotamos_description":"It nibbles on RINOCEREED, clearing away dead skin, moss and weeds.","hampotamos":"Hampotamos","happito_description":"Why can't people always be happy? HAPPITO will give them exactly what they want, even if it is not what they need.","happito":"Happito","hatchling_description":"When an egg does not want to hatch and begin its next life stage, it becomes a HATCHLING.","hatchling":"Hatchling","hectapod_description":"When it inflates its dome, it floats to the top of oceans, or even through mist and clouds.","hectapod":"Hectapod","heronquak_description":"The crystal on its chest is mistaken for a diamond by poachers. It melts when it is removed from HERONQUAK's body.","heronquak":"Heronquak","hotline_description":"These curious creatures can leap great distances, letting out a strange, tinny cry that cannot be escaped however far their prey runs.","hotline":"Hotline","howl_description":"HOWL's foolish exterior hides deep wisdom - if only it could communicate it, but its words come out as hoots and howls.","howl":"Howl","hydrone_description":"It utilises an experimental technology that creates power from water.","hydrone":"Hydrone","ignibus_description":"When threatened it retreats into its shell and cools down dramatically by venting steam. It could be mistaken for a rock.","ignibus":"Ignibus","imbrickcile_description":"IMBRICKCILE shelter inside a single brick, emerging only to lift it to build their strength.","imbrickcile":"Imbrickcile","incandesfin_description":"Its entire body has massively grown in size. However, its light is still the exact same.","incandesfin":"Incandesfin","jelillow_description":"When a person rests their head on JELILLOW, its jelly-like skin causes them to fall into a deep sleep. If someone is having sleeping problems, then this monster will be used to help them.","jelillow":"Jelillow","jemuar_description":"The gems on its back are the type found when it was born. There are extensive ROCKITTEN breeding facilities over diamond veins.","jemuar":"Jemuar","joulraton_description":"Its static coat of bristly fur attracts seeds, flowers and feathers, which it uses for food or nesting materials.","joulraton":"Joulraton","k9_description":"It is a helpful companion that can pull a tonne of weight.","k9":"K9","katacoon_description":"It stays in a meditative pose for its chrysalis, moving only to jab enemies.","katacoon":"Katacoon","katapill_description":"It is born fighting. It has to punch out of its eggshell or be trapped.","katapill":"Katapill","kernel_description":"KERNEL is a core component of the monster system (kennel) and item system (locker), and serves as the main interface between the computer's physical hardware and the processes running on it. Known as JAS-KERI-BIT from its creators.","kernel":"Kernel","komodraw_description":"It uses its claws to carve its firearm out of wood, and uses it for powerful ranged attacks.","komodraw":"Komodraw","lambert_description":"It is placed in its nut by its parent, who then sends it into the world.","lambert":"Lambert","lapinou_description":"When SQUABBITS were taken as fashionable pets, they adapted to domestic life and lost their violent natures.","lapinou":"Lapinou","legko_description":"Long thought to be legless, its leaves are actually vestigial limbs.","legko":"Legko","lendos_description":"When two UNEYE become tangled, they form a single unified LENDOS.","lendos":"Lendos","lightmare_description":"It lurks in the depths of the ocean, luring any unsuspecting prey using its light right into its large, gaping mouth.","lightmare":"Lightmare","loliferno_description":"It is said that the LOLIFERNO's fire could not be extinguished. Yet, despite its power, LOLIFERNO has a playful side, and is known to dance among the flames it creates.","loliferno":"Loliferno","lucifice_description":"Is it the wind howling through the trees, or LUCIFICE calling the dark spirits of the night to join its hunt?","lucifice":"Lucifice","lunight_description":"LUNIGHT is the guardian of the night, and can control the moon and its phases.","lunight":"Lunight","magmaturtle_description":"When threatened it retreats into its shell and cools down dramatically by venting steam. It could be mistaken for a rock.","magmaturtle":"Magmaturtle","manosting_description":"It floats across the tops of cities, contemplating sharks.","manosting":"Manosting","masknake_description":"When frightened or aggressive, it flashes a beautiful pattern with its tail.","masknake":"Masknake","mauai_description":"MAUAI gives itself over to the spirits of lost warriors trapped inside its weapon.","mauai":"Mauai","medushock_description":"Tend to stay away from shore and known to be aggressive to people. Stingers are used to stun its prey. Swim safely.","medushock":"Medushock","memnomnom_description":"It is said that each one's mask is the face of a different dead king.","memnomnom":"Memnomnom","merlicun_description":"Merlicun is a hardy insect that has evolved to be efficient at both attack and defense. They gather in the tree canopies of ancient forests to feed on fruits and leaves.","merlicun":"Merlicun","metesaur_description":"This Tuxemon would enjoy diving into the ground and leaving marks. Sometimes, the Tuxemon would misjudge the hit and land in trees, starting huge and dangerous forest fires","metesaur":"Metesaur","miaownolith_description":"It can speak the human tongue, but only to say cryptic riddles.","miaownolith":"Miaownolith","mingdyn_description":"Every 12 years, a single MINGDYN egg is laid. Its discovery marks a time of renewal and upheaval across the land.","mingdyn":"Mingdyn","moloch_description":"It can stiffen or soften its skin to respond to friends and foes.","moloch":"Moloch","mrmoswitch_description":"These cheeky robots are used for their fine motor skills, but they love pranks.","mrmoswitch":"Mrmoswitch","mystikapi_description":"The MYSTIKAPI's saliva augments psychic powers. It licks its eyes and ears to heighten its senses.","mystikapi":"Mystikapi","narcileaf_description":"When a SHYBULB has restored a garden to glory, it morphs and proudly takes credit for its work.","narcileaf":"Narcileaf","neutrito_description":"NEUTRITO feels nothing. The perfect machine?","neutrito":"Neutrito","nimbulex_description":"NIMBULEX dresses itself in sparks and storm clouds to protect its delicate inner core.","nimbulex":"Nimbulex","noctalo_description":"It inhabits only places abandoned by humans - castles, graveyards and sewers.","noctalo":"Noctalo","noctula_description":"It eats bugs and PIPIS eat fruit, so despite living in close proximity they do not compete.","noctula":"Noctula","nostray_description":"It can smell anything in the ocean, no matter how far away.","nostray":"Nostray","nudiflot_female_description":"It eats and stores the poison of the sea creatures that it feeds upon.","nudiflot_female":"Nudiflot","nudiflot_male_description":"Its feathery antennas snap off if it is attacked, confusing the predator.","nudiflot_male":"Nudiflot","nudikill_description":"They are called Dark Bishops because their heads are reminiscent of a bishop's hat.","nudikill":"Nudikill","nudimind_description":"It dreams of oceans under other skies.","nudimind":"Nudimind","nuenflu_description":"It snuggles in homes in the winter months, spreading diseases.","nuenflu":"Nuenflu","nut_description":"In the great ships that cross the oceans, thousands of NUT and BOLT provide power and hold the steel plating together.","nut":"Nut","octabode_description":"OCTABODE make ancient vessels and artifacts their homes, dreaming of the lives of those who used the relics before them.","octabode":"Octabode","ouroboutlet_description":"The circuit focuses energy, creating a new type of electricity called griefed-lightning.","ouroboutlet":"Ouroboutlet","pairagrim_description":"One of PAIRAGRIM's heads is always searching for prey, while the other focuses on flying at great speed.","pairagrim":"Pairagrim","pairagrin_description":"The young form of Pairagrim, it is a generally happy creature. It struggles to fly until the two heads learn to work together.","pairagrin":"Pairagrin","pantherafira_description":"Each member of the pride lights their mane from a shared bonfire. As long as that fire burns, their strength is shared.","pantherafira":"Pantherafira","pharfan_description":"At the watering hole it keeps its friends RINOCEREED and HAMPOTAMOS well watered.","pharfan":"Pharfan","picc_description":"It accompanies divers, providing much needed oxygen.","picc":"Picc","pigabyte_description":"Scientists found that the best computers have organic implants.","pigabyte":"Pigabyte","pilthropus_description":"Found alongside Tuxemon such as RHINCUS, PILTHROPUS was one of the oldest Tuxemon able to create its own tools.","pilthropus":"Pilthropus","pipis_description":"Its cries are considered a bad omen, but it is a gentle creature.","pipis":"Pipis","poinchin_description":"POINCHIN make nests in the coral and can be tempted out by bread and milk.","poinchin":"Poinchin","polyrock_description":"It disguises itself as a human child to sneak into dojos and learn from martial arts masters.","polyrock":"Polyrock","possessun_description":"It is a ghost that inhabits a dead CAIRFREY.","possessun":"Possessun","potturmeist_description":"POTTURMEIST are spirits of the dead that take refuge in empty vessels. In ancient temples, acolytes must distract the monsters lest they interrupt important ceremonies.","potturmeist":"Potturmeist","potturney_description":"By the time a POTTURMEIST has reached its maturity, its protective urn has so changed shape that it resembles no pottery made by human hands. Some insist that the designs on a POTTURMEIST's urn are writings from the far future.","potturney":"Potturney","propellercat_description":"Is it a new species, or just the pet of an inventor?","propellercat":"Propellercat","prophetoise_description":"Its heavenly fire is something foes rarely see coming.","prophetoise":"Prophetoise","puparmor_description":"Its cocoon is so hard, people are knocked out if a PUPARMOR is dropped on them. They were once loaded into cannons and catapults.","puparmor":"Puparmor","pyraminx_description":"It has a tomb hidden somewhere in the land. If it finds it, it can sleep.","pyraminx":"Pyraminx","pythock_description":"Using its shadow puppets, it can use them to fight its opponent with great accuracy and speed. They are much more confident, and will sometimes even use their shadow puppets to entertain small children at puppet shows.","pythock":"Pythock","pythwire_description":"Observations of wild PYTHWIRE inspired the inventor of the first electrical outlet.","pythwire":"Pythwire","qetzlrokilus_description":"This Tuxemon would dive into groups of other dinosaur Tuxemon and burn them. They also enjoy setting forests alight and dropping their ashes into water to spoil its purity.","qetzlrokilus":"Qetzlrokilus","rabbitosaur_description":"Its tunnels are extensive and wide, the site of tremendous wars between burrows.","rabbitosaur":"Rabbitosaur","rhincus_description":"It has some properties of a reptile and some of a bird.","rhincus":"Rhincus","rhinocarpe_description":"RHINOCARPE are territorial, charging headfirst at any who swim too near to their coral fortresses.","rhinocarpe":"Rhinocarpe","rinocereed_description":"It is voraciously hungry because it grows so quickly - and it does not limit itself to plants.","rinocereed":"Rinocereed","rockat_description":"Despite its considerable weight, its footfalls are silent.","rockat":"Rockat","rockitten_description":"It uses its tiny rock ears for snuggling.","rockitten":"Rockitten","rosarin_description":"ROSARIN's love is incredible, he's only asking some affection.","rosarin":"Rosarin","ruption_description":"Once EMBRA's flame becomes hot enough, it engulfs its entire body, essentially replacing it in the process.","ruption":"Ruption","sadito_description":"When a person is feeling too sad, SADITO will carry that burden for them.","sadito":"Sadito","sampsack_description":"A scientist wanted to separate his personalities, but he split his body.","sampsack":"Sampsack","sampsage_description":"A scientist took a drug that made him clever by day and violent by night.","sampsage":"Sampsage","sapragon_description":"In olden times, each element had a mighty dragon - but those creatures have diminished and are rare in these days.","sapragon":"Sapragon","sapsnap_description":"Its terrific anger is off putting, but it passes quickly.","sapsnap":"Sapsnap","saurchin_description":"By night, SAURCHIN emerge from the coral reefs to hunt bigger prey on land.","saurchin":"Saurchin","sclairus_description":"When a crop is left unharvested - be it from laziness or disaster - its scarecrow becomes a dark and living creature.","sclairus":"Sclairus","seirein_description":"It grows lonely in the swamps, so it burns brightly to draw travellers near - but it is painfully shy and flits away when they approach.","seirein":"Seirein","selket_description":"Lying in wait beneath the sand, they can feel their prey through the vibrations of their footsteps.","selket":"Selket","selmatek_description":"Kept by the ancient kings of the deserts, SELMATEK served as watchdogs, hunting companions and - now - defenders against grave robbers.","selmatek":"Selmatek","seraphice_description":"SERAPHICE can freeze in ice moments of great courage and joy, stored away in deep vaults beneath the mountains for the days when humanity will need them most.","seraphice":"Seraphice","shammer_description":"In ancient times it hunted RHINCUS beneath ashen skies.","shammer":"Shammer","sharpfin_description":"It is invisible in the water, being visible only when it leaps out of the water to drag animals on the shore back into the deep.","sharpfin":"Sharpfin","shelagu_description":"It wards off attackers by poisoning its spiky shell with goo spat from its mouth.","shelagu":"Shelagu","shnark_description":"SHNARK wears its last meal's flesh as a disguise so it can get close to its trusting prey.","shnark":"Shnark","shybulb_description":"When a garden is neglected, a SHYBULB moves in and quietly tends the droopy plants.","shybulb":"Shybulb","skwib_description":"The SKWIB contentedly floats through the ocean, examining potential shell-homes. It has to fear for its life before it will finally make a choice.","skwib":"Skwib","slichen_description":"It is a gel that sparked to life and begins making a body for itself of stone and rock.","slichen":"Slichen","sludgehog_description":"It lives in rubbish, and eats it too. Its spikes seem sharp, but it can soften them at will.","sludgehog":"Sludgehog","snaki_description":"SNAKI is a snake that has learned to grow legs by examining the motion of lizards and crocodiles.","snaki":"Snaki","snarlon_description":"It does not fly, but its feet never touch the ground. The king of paradox.","snarlon":"Snarlon","snock_description":"The snake-like creature hides under the safety of its sock cover. If startled, it will flail and lie very still on the ground to avoid attention.","snock":"Snock","snokari_description":"The two heads of SNOKARI each hold great wisdom, but they never agree.","snokari":"Snokari","snowrilla_description":"It delights in playing tag with skiers on desolate slopes.","snowrilla":"Snowrilla","sockeserp_description":"An otherwise formidable enemy, SOCKESERP is easily dispatched if it gets tangled up.","sockeserp":"Sockeserp","solight_description":"A villainous team is plotting to use SOLIGHT to create a miniature sun in order to create a new planet.","solight":"Solight","spighter_description":"It's not fair that something so good at sneaking up on people, can't be snuck up on itself.","spighter":"Spighter","spoilurm_description":"SPOILURM disguise themselves as apples, and wait in trees to eat the unexpecting.","spoilurm":"Spoilurm","spycozeus_description":"The whispered communications of the forest are given physical form in SPYCOZEUS, which thinks like the trees.","spycozeus":"Spycozeus","squabbit_description":"To prove themselves, they will fight tooth and nail over even the smallest thing.","squabbit":"Squabbit","squink_description":"It is named for the noise it makes when it is all out of ink.","squink":"Squink","statursus_description":"STATURSUS has learned to channel its emotions into a single pure flame. The mere sight of it sends others into a trance.","statursus":"Statursus","strella_description":"Its tails are lures to convince bugs to bite them and be trapped.","strella":"Strella","sumchon_description":"It uses its weight to trip much larger enemies. It is as dense as a star.","sumchon":"Sumchon","tadcool_description":"It croaks to warn people when they are walking near thin ice.","tadcool":"Tadcool","tarpeur_description":"They rest and grow. They also grow and rest. Rarely, they rest without growing or grow without resting.","tarpeur":"Tarpeur","taupypus_description":"Upon their birth, a TAUPYPUS' eyes are burst by its mother. That way, their eyes will never sting when they dive into the water.","taupypus":"Taupypus","teddisun_description":"TEDDISUN worships the sun - they're always seen carrying their sun toy.","teddisun":"Teddisun","tetrchimp_description":"They absorb any information they come across. Their constant chatter communicates everything they have learned in order.","tetrchimp":"Tetrchimp","tigrock_description":"It is said that it had to invent itself because an evolution was not designed.","tigrock":"Tigrock","tikoal_description":"The guardian of a forest-dwelling people, it keeps guard and resolves disputes.","tikoal":"Tikoal","tikorch_description":"It is the intermediary between forest and volcano, between sun and earth.","tikorch":"Tikorch","tobishimi_description":"TOBISHIMI spawn eggs in vast numbers, and carry them about under their chins for safekeeping until the next full moon - when they hatch.","tobishimi":"Tobishimi","toufigel_description":"It appears to be a fluffy insect, but it is actually a reptile coated in soft snow.","toufigel":"Toufigel","tourbidi_description":"If you find a circle of mushrooms or clover, it is a place where TOURBIDI dance.","tourbidi":"Tourbidi","trapsnap_description":"Its head is the only part of its body that doesn't grow as it ages.","trapsnap":"Trapsnap","tsushimi_description":"While sometimes referred to as its armor, the fleshy plates on TSUSHIMI are softer than its skin. Their purpose remains unknown.","tsushimi":"Tsushimi","tumblebee_description":"It builds hives that are perfect spheres, with the TUMBLEBEE inside just rolling about and buzzing with laughter.","tumblebee":"Tumblebee","tumbledillo_description":"Tumbledillo have a mystical connection to a particular road, and they guard it from people who would interfere with it - even pothole repair crews!","tumbledillo":"Tumbledillo","tumblequill_description":"Tumblequill rolls along the highways, gathering up useful items for its nests from the rubbish left by the side of the road.","tumblequill":"Tumblequill","tumbleworm_description":"When they have outgrown their honeycomb eggs, they drop to the ground face first.","tumbleworm":"Tumbleworm","turnipper_description":"When a field is abandoned to the crows, locusts and mice, a TURNIPPER will sometimes dig itself out of the ground to defend the crops.","turnipper":"Turnipper","tux_description":"Most comfortable in arctic climes, TUX hunt weaker prey by leaping upon it, and crack open the shells or armor of stronger prey by sliding it along the ice into hard rocks.","tux":"Tux","tweesher_description":"The colder the weather, the harder its beak. At below 0 degrees, it is harder than diamond.","tweesher":"Tweesher","uf0_description":"This strange creature seems to be drawn by sounds that are too high for human ears to hear.","uf0":"UF0","uglip_description":"When it is pulled up too quick from its home in the deep waters, UGLIP becomes puffy and pained.","uglip":"Uglip","uneye_description":"Uneye lurks in the shadows, and on the edge of vision.","uneye":"Uneye","urcheedle_description":"It can't move or attack, so it sits still and prays that the opponent damages itself on its many needles.","urcheedle":"Urcheedle","urcine_description":"When a FURNURSUS is born without the fire inside, it is abandoned in the forests as an URCINE.","urcine":"Urcine","vamporm_description":"It thirsts for blood, but must make do with tree sap.","vamporm":"Vamporm","velocitile_description":"It can outrun a bullet, but only when it has warmed up.","velocitile":"Velocitile","vigueur_description":"VIGUEUR compete to see who can lift the heaviest rocks. When they lift one that is too heavy, it squashes them and scatters TARPEUR seeds.","vigueur":"Vigueur","vivicinder_description":"It makes its nest in long-burning fires, either of its own creation or in memorials, smithies and glassworks.","vivicinder":"Vivicinder","vividactil_description":"In ancient times, the Year of the VIVIDACTIL marked a time of renewal and the restoration of authority.","vividactil":"Vividactil","vivipere_description":"It hatches in great numbers in the summer, but the rest of its lifespan is a mystery.","vivipere":"Vivipere","viviphyta_description":"It is the king of snakes - or at least believes itself to be such.","viviphyta":"Viviphyta","vivisource_description":"The spring it chooses for its home always has a peculiar oniony taste.","vivisource":"Vivisource","viviteel_description":"It takes the armour of a fallen warrior and repurposes it for a shell.","viviteel":"Viviteel","vivitrans_description":"The cold focuses VIVITRANS' mind to a keen edge.","vivitrans":"Vivitrans","vivitron_description":"Early philosophers used VIVITRON as evidence that natural forces can be tamed and controlled.","vivitron":"Vivitron","volcoli_description":"It is the spirit of a forest. Its hair changes with the seasons.","volcoli":"Volcoli","waysprite_description":"WAYSPRITE are said to form when a person faces a difficult decision.","waysprite":"Waysprite","weavifly_description":"When it is heavy with egg, it becomes unable to fly.","weavifly":"Weavifly","windeye_description":"Like a mighty tree, WINDEYE plants itself on the top of hills to soak in the sun and wind. Recharged, it then leaves to find another place under the sky.","windeye":"Windeye","woodoor_description":"When a haunted house burns to the ground, sometimes all that is left is the front door. It hops away to find its next home.","woodoor":"Woodoor","wrougon_description":"Each WROUGON is born with a patch of rust larger than the patch of its parents.","wrougon":"Wrougon","yiinaang_description":"It was born the first time a star fell into a black hole.","yiinaang":"Yiinaang","ziggurat_description":"No labyrinth that can contain ZIGGURAT. It decorates its nests with carvings of all the mazes it has traversed over the years.","ziggurat":"Ziggurat","zunna_description":"Cheerful ZUNNA sucks up all the food it can find into its stomach.","zunna":"Zunna","agnsher_description":"A fusion of two tuxemon.","agnsher":"Agnsher","bearloch_description":"A fusion of two tuxemon.","bearloch":"Bearloch","chrome_robo_description":"A hostile robot.","chrome_robo":"Chrome Robo","dark_robo_description":"A hostile robot.","dark_robo":"Dark Robo","foxko_description":"A fusion of two tuxemon.","foxko":"Foxko","mk01_alpha_description":"A killer robot fused with a dragon. Don't ask us how.","mk01_alpha":"MK01 Alpha","mk01_beta_description":"A killer robot fused with a dragon. Don't ask us how.","mk01_beta":"Mk01 Beta","mk01_delta_description":"A killer robot fused with a dragon. Don't ask us how.","mk01_delta":"Mk01 Delta","mk01_gamma_description":"A killer robot fused with a dragon. Don't ask us how.","mk01_gamma":"Mk01 Gamma","mk01_omega_description":"A killer robot fused with a dragon. Don't ask us how.","mk01_omega":"Mk01 Omega","mk01_proto_description":"A killer robot fused with a dragon. Don't ask us how.","mk01_proto":"Mk01 Proto","rocktot_description":"A fusion of two tuxemon.","rocktot":"Rocktot","xeon_description":"A hostile robot.","xeon":"Xeon","xeon_2_description":"A hostile robot.","xeon_2":"Xeon-2","cat_aggregate":"Aggregatecat_alarmAlarmcat_alienAliencat_ampedAmpedcat_anteaterAnteatercat_anubisAnubiscat_athenaAthenacat_balanceBalancecat_balloonBallooncat_barbBarbcat_barbedBarbedcat_beatBeatcat_big_frightfearBig Frightfearcat_big_headBig Headcat_birdBirdcat_bird_brainBird Braincat_bladderBladdercat_bonfireBonfirecat_brainsBrainscat_brawnBrawncat_brickBrickcat_brick_wallBrick Wallcat_broodBroodcat_buzzkillBuzzkillcat_calfCalfcat_calm_emotionCalm Emotioncat_carolCarolcat_cheshireCheshirecat_chipChipcat_cirrusCirruscat_climbingClimbingcat_cloakedCloakedcat_clotClotcat_cloudburstCloudburstcat_crestedCrestedcat_cuteCutecat_cute_boulderCute Bouldercat_cute_teddyCute Teddycat_cypselurusCypseluruscat_dark_bishopDark Bishopcat_deadly_fanDeadly Fancat_deepseaDeep-Seacat_defensiveDefensivecat_desolateDesolatecat_detritusDetrituscat_devilDevilcat_diggerDiggercat_disguisedDisguisedcat_dragonDragoncat_dragon_boneDragon Bonecat_dragon_mothDragon Mothcat_dragon_rollDragon Rollcat_dragon_wormDragon Wormcat_dream_foxDream Foxcat_driven_snowDriven Snowcat_droneDronecat_dry_desertDry Desertcat_echoEchocat_ecstatic_emotionEcstatic Emotioncat_eggEggcat_electric_pigElectric Pigcat_elf_ringElf Ringcat_energisedEnergisedcat_enhancementEnhancementcat_enraged_emotionEnraged Emotioncat_ermineErminecat_eurekaEurekacat_every_thornEvery Thorncat_ex_machinaEx Machinacat_exhumedExhumedcat_eyerachnidEyerachnidcat_fallowFallowcat_false_dragonFalse Dragoncat_false_serpentFalse Serpentcat_false_turnipFalse Turnipcat_firebirdFirebirdcat_fireplaceFireplacecat_flatfootFlatfootcat_flickerFlickercat_floppedFloppedcat_floretFloretcat_flotsamFlotsamcat_foremanForemancat_fortifiedFortifiedcat_fossilFossilcat_frost_apeFrost Apecat_galvanisedGalvanisedcat_gamutGamutcat_garbageGarbagecat_gardenerGardenercat_gelGelcat_genieGeniecat_germinatedGerminatedcat_glitchedGlitchedcat_gnawerGnawercat_golemGolemcat_grasshopperGrasshoppercat_gremlinGremlincat_gummyGummycat_gumnutGumnutcat_gunnerGunnercat_halcyonHalcyoncat_hardwareHardwarecat_heliotropeHeliotropecat_helping_handHelping Handcat_hermitHermitcat_honourHonourcat_horned_raptorHorned Raptorcat_hostHostcat_hot_rockHot Rockcat_hungryHungrycat_hydraHydracat_igneousIgneouscat_inchoateInchoatecat_infinite_energyInfinite Energycat_inner_fireInner Firecat_islandIslandcat_jelly_pillowJelly Pillowcat_jellyfishJellyfishcat_joyfulJoyfulcat_lamenting_emotionLamenting Emotioncat_light_finLight Fincat_lions_toothLion's Toothcat_litLitcat_little_elephantLittle Elephantcat_lizardLizardcat_long_wingedLong Wingedcat_ma_bellMa Bellcat_macropodMacropodcat_mazerunnerMazerunnercat_mercuryMercurycat_meteorMeteorcat_missing_linkMissing Linkcat_mixed_emotionMixed Emotioncat_mutualMutualcat_naiveNaivecat_nightcrawlerNightcrawlercat_nightmare_fuelNightmare Fuelcat_ninth_circleNinth Circlecat_nobleNoblecat_old_blockOld Blockcat_oracle_boneOracle Bonecat_overseerOverseercat_patuPatucat_pebblePebblecat_penguinPenguincat_petrifiedPetrifiedcat_pitcherPitchercat_pointyPointycat_portalPortalcat_potentiaPotentiacat_potteryPotterycat_powderPowdercat_power_socketPower Socketcat_power_socket_snakePower Socket Snakecat_precious_boulderPrecious Bouldercat_prehensilePrehensilecat_prescientPrescientcat_probiscusProbiscuscat_pulsarPulsarcat_pupilPupilcat_puppet_masterPuppet Mastercat_purifiedPurifiedcat_quasarQuasarcat_quickdrawQuickdrawcat_rabbitRabbitcat_relicReliccat_restfulRestfulcat_restlessRestlesscat_restorativeRestorativecat_reverieReveriecat_ripRipcat_ruefulRuefulcat_sand_scorpionSand Scorpioncat_sand_steedSand Steedcat_sanguineSanguinecat_scarytaleScarytalecat_screwdriverScrewdrivercat_seasonalSeasonalcat_sea_spraySea Spraycat_sea_stormSea Stormcat_sentinelSentinelcat_sepulchreSepulchrecat_serpents_toothSerpent's Toothcat_shelteringShelteringcat_shield-maskShield-Maskcat_short_circuitShort Circuitcat_skull_pooSkull Poocat_sleek_boulderSleek Bouldercat_slurpySlurpycat_smokeSmokecat_snoutSnoutcat_snowballSnowballcat_sockSockcat_socketSocketcat_space_cutieSpace Cutiecat_sparkedSparkedcat_spikedSpikedcat_spinySpinycat_spirit_fireSpirit Firecat_spookSpookcat_sproutSproutcat_stanceStancecat_sublimatedSublimatedcat_tabooTaboocat_taigaTaigacat_tastyTastycat_temperTempercat_temptedTemptedcat_thirsty_okapiThirsty Okapicat_thlayThlaycat_threatThreatcat_thunderstoneThunderstonecat_timelessTimelesscat_tiny_batTiny Batcat_too_hotToo Hotcat_tool_makerTool Makercat_towerTowercat_toyToycat_trailingTrailingcat_trapdoorTrapdoorcat_travel_bugTravel Bugcat_tree_giraffeTree Giraffecat_unknownUnknowncat_urchinUrchincat_veiledVeiledcat_vengeanceVengeancecat_virtualVirtualcat_visionVisioncat_visitorVisitorcat_volte-faceVolte Facecat_waveringWaveringcat_weaverWeavercat_westerlyWesterlycat_willpowerWillpowercat_woodwoseWoodwosecat_woollyWoollycat_wrestlingWrestlingcat_yetiYeticat_zazaZaza","gender_male":"Male","gender_neuter":"Neuter","gender_female":"Female","aether":"Aether","wood":"Wood","fire":"Fire","earth":"Earth","metal":"Metal","water":"Water","glitch":"Glitch","normal":"Normal","taste":"Taste","tastes":"Tastes","taste_warm":"Taste Warm","taste_cold":"Taste Cold","taste_peppy":"Peppy","taste_mild":"Mild","taste_salty":"Salty","taste_sweet":"Sweet","taste_hearty":"Hearty","taste_soft":"Soft","taste_zesty":"Zesty","taste_flakey":"Flakey","taste_refined":"Refined","taste_dry":"Dry","armour":"Armour","dodge":"Dodge","hp":"Hit Points","melee":"Melee","ranged":"Ranged","speed":"Speed","touch":"Touch","short_armour":"AR","short_dodge":"DE","short_hp":"HP","short_melee":"ME","short_ranged":"RD","short_speed":"SD","blob":"Blob","brute":"Brute","dragon":"Dragon","flier":"Flier","grub":"Grub","humanoid":"Humanoid","hunter":"Hunter","landrace":"Landrace","leviathan":"Leviathan","piscine":"Piscine","polliwog":"Polliwog","serpent":"Serpent","sprite":"Sprite","varmint":"Varmint","aeble":"Aeble","allie":"Allie","knight1":"Knight I","knight2":"Knight II","liela":"Liela","maple_girl":"Maple","misa":"Misa","timmy":"Timmy","npc_wife":"Wife NPC","professor":"Professor","npc_red":"Red","m_default1":"Jimmy","m_default2":"Linus","m_default3":"Richard","f_default1":"Ada","f_default2":"Christine","f_default3":"Hawthorn","tabanurse":"Taba Nurse","tuxemart_keeper":"Tuxemart Shopkeeper","tuxemart_aide":"Tuxemart Employee","xerogrund1":"Team Xero Grunt I","xerogrund2":"Team Xero Grunt II","xerogrunt2":"Team Xero Grunt II","xerogrunt3":"Team Xero Grunt III","xerogrunt4":"Team Xero Grunt IV","xerogrunt5":"Team Xero Grunt V","xerogrunt6":"Team Xero Grunt VI","xerogrunt7":"Team Xero Grunt VII","xerogrunt8":"Team Xero Grunt VIII","xerogrunt9":"Team Xero Grunt IX","xerogrunt10":"Team Xero Grunt X","acolyte":"Acolyte Corren","fishing_rod_failure":"The water ripples, but nothing bites.","itsswimmingtime":"Do you want to swim?","haveagoodday":"Have a good day!","yes":"Yes","no":"No","hey":"Hey!","door_problems":"The door is stuck and won't open...","empty_pot":"It's an empty pot, maybe someone will plant something here.","purple_flowers":"Somebody planted some sweet smelling purple flowers!","orange_flowers":"Someone planted some beautiful orange flowers!","famous_statue":"It's a statue of a former Tuxemon master. The name is weathered away...","famous_statue2":"It says: For our beloved friends and heroes of all, the wywen","cotton_town_fountain":"It's a fountain. A lot of coins are at the bottom.","tree":"This tree looks happy and healthy!","strategy":"Strategy","strength":"Strength","sure_i_do":"Sure I do.","not_really":"Not really.","mistaken":"You're mistaken.","thats_me":"That's me!","cash_register":"It's a cash register, looks relatively new.","potions_in_shop":"The display case seems to have a lot of potions, must be pretty popular around here.","capture_devices_in_shop":"Tuxeballs. How do they make these?","xero_intro_1":"Welcome to the Fondent Region!\\nThe Fondent Region is a wonderful place filled with all sorts of wonderful people!\\nYou're sure to love it here!\\nThe Fondent Region is run by the benevolent Omnichannel Corporation.\\nThey make sure everyone's needs are met and that everyone is protected from the fearsome Tuxemon!","xero_intro_2":"The great and benevolent Omnichannel Corporation has been led by one man since its inception 25 years ago:\\nAeble Flisk! Along with the Omni-Council and the Omnigrunts.\\nHe has brought stability and prosperity to the Fondent Region!","xero_intro_3":"Thank you for visiting the Fondent Region!\\nWe hope you enjoy your stay, whether it's for a few days, or for a lifetime!","xero_intro_question":"What's your name?","xero_hideout1":"Xero Institute for Tuxemon Research and Advancement ahead.","cherry_found":"You found a cherry.","youcantleave":"The doors are locked from the outside... Is there a key somewhere?","discovered_a_person":"You found me! Haha!","a_serious_discussion\\n":"I have been observing you for a while now, I'm glad my followers managed to grab you without harm.\\nOh, where are my manners! \\nI am Misa, Premier of the Xero Institute for Tuxemon Research and Advancement.\\nWhat was your name again? \\n.... ..... ....\\n${{name}}?\\nNot much of a name for someone who illegally owns a Tuxemon.\\n","oops\\n":"Oh. I guess you didn't know that...\\nYou shouldn't be afraid, having a Tuxemon by your side is the best thing ever to happen to you.\\n","backstory\\n":"About thirty years ago, a group called Omnichannel started controlling the media.\\nSoon after, freedom of expression became nearly impossible.\\nSo people decided to use Tuxemon as messengers and to settle disputes. \\nAbout ten years ago, the crackdown on Tuxemon was initiated.\\nNow, only approved persons can own and raise Tuxemon. \\nMy group uses Tuxemon for research, that's why we all have them. \\nYou are unusual, you are not approved by Omnichannel. \\nYou might be the trainer we have been waiting for.\\nOmnichannel, as ruthless as they are, are not the only threat we have here. \\nThere is another organization called Spyder.\\nYou shouldn't have to worry too much about them, they aren't too active around here. \\nNow, we'll send you back on your journey. \\nBut only if you agree to help us against Omnichannel.\\nOtherwise, we will report you to Omnichannel ourselves. \\nAnd you will lose everything. \\nWe are always watching.\\n","backstory9":"What do you say? Will you help us?","sorryfurthis":"Good Choice. Sorry, this will only sting a little.","mwah\\n":"???: What do you want? ... ... ... Well too bad. You're not getting in here even though if you meet the dresscode.\\nI'm Allie by the way.\\nAllie: Yes, this is the Omnichannel, I'm just a lowly guard though. Who are you?\\n${{name}}...\\nHmm. A strong name. My house is not too far, maybe... after work... you could show me your strength?\\n... ... No! what do you mean no? Unless... ... You're Jess's new boyfriend aren't you! She played me this whole time!\\n","mwah2":"JESS!!!","itslockedboi":"Allie locked the door behind her...","hellothere":"???: Hello there!","kmere":"Why don't you come over here and talk to me?","theinfo\\n":"I'm sorry about that scene, Allie is sometimes hard to deal with, unlike my daughter Jess.\\nOh! Where are my manners. My name is Ae... You know what? I'll just write it.\\nAeble\\nIt's pronounced ahbluh, but everyone just calls me Able. You can call me that, I guess...\\nAeble: I'm the CEO here at the Omnichannel, every broadcast you see, gets approved by me.\\nNow, I'm not the only one that does their part. Omnichannel has a board that helps administrate the various districts.\\nAnd what do you know...the board keeps getting reelected every year!\\nOmnichannel's goal is to open up the world to all. The only way to do that though, to make everyone equal,\\nWas to restrict Tuxemon.\\nWe started with confiscation, but most Tuxemon managed to escape. So we were forced to resort to extreme measures.\\nOur sister organization Spyder developed a drug that could change Tuxemon.\\nIt isolated a portion of the brain that every Tuxemon mysteriously has and overloaded it.\\nOnce the Gage Paludal Lamina was overloaded with electricity, their will to resist faded and they became docile.\\nBecause of some unexpected and tragic side effects, sadly, a few species are now effectively extinct,\\nRockitten, Fruitera, and Hydrone specifically.\\nNow, outside of a few stragglers in the wild, this generation only interacts with Tuxemon when they work for us.\\nThe birthrate is at an all time high, and approval of the Omnichannel has not fallen since the year before the restrictions.\\nWild Tuxemon were a pervasive curse, threatening to destroying humanity. Omnichannel has fixed that and imposed order.\\nUnchecked, Tuxemon are a force of destruction and anyone who says otherwise is lying. Sorry, I must head to work.\\n","liela_goes_to_battle":"If you are going to disturb me while I pick berries, I'm just going to have to challenge you!","Cathedral_Center":"Cathedral Center: We Live to Serve.","Cotton_Mart":"Get the scoop at the Scoop Store!","column1":"A rare and ancient column. This used to be part of a temple.","column2":"A rare and ancient column. Other ruins from the same culture can be found on Route 3. ","route2speech":"EEK!!!","route2speech2\\n":"Oh. It's just you ${{name}}...\\nBe more considerate the next time you push someone. The cliff is higher than it looks...\\n","route2speech3\\n":"Although that may not be a bad thing...\\nI know, everyone needs me to lead, but with everything going on...\\nBut you don't want to listen to me... do you?\\n","yestalk":"Really? Thanks...","notalk":"How insensitive of you! Too bad, you'll have to listen to me anyway!","spillit\\n":"You know that I am the leader of the Xero institute and that I recruited you to fight them. But you don't know something else.\\nAllie, who you met before... What? I told you we would be watching, you don't have to be surprised by it.\\n","spillit3":"Whatever... Allie is my sister and means the world to me, so it destroyed me when I found out he had taken her to HQ.","spillit4":"It may not seem like a bad thing, but it is. Do you know what they do to their recruits? DO YOU!?","spillit5":"Because neither do I... All I know is that no one has ever left Omnichannel after being recruited.","spillit6":"Anyways... it doesn't concern you. All that matters is bringing down Omnichannel.","spillit7":"I'm sorry for troubling you with my issues. City Park is up ahead when you want to move on","leavemealone":"We used to play here all the time when we were younger...","iamknight":"AHHH!!!\\nI thought you were someone else. I'm sorry for shouting.","iamknight2":"Wait, you're the one they whisper about right? The one with the illegal Tuxemon?","mistakenknight":"Nope, there's no way I'm wrong. It's you!\\nDon't worry, I won't tell anyone.","thatsmeknight":"Oh, Splendid! I knew from the beginning it had to be you\\nDon't worry, I won't tell anyone.","quicklyknight":"I don't have much time left. Omnichannel is coming...\\nI was supposed to meet a contact, but you'll have to do. They're coming.","quicklyknight2":"Two people control Omnichannel. The board is a joke.","quicklyknight3":"Allie. Allie is the one they don't want you to know about.","quicklyknight4":"Sorry, but I should leave now.","omnichannelarrives":"STOP!","omnichannelarrives2":"","yesmaam":"Yes Ma'am.","firsts":"\u266a Watch me whip \u266a\\n\u266a Watch me nae nae \u266a\\nThis song is pretty great right?","nopenotyet":"Sorry, someone got injured on the route. It's closed right now.","bothofyou":"Both of you, come outside. An Omnnichannel representative wants to address the town.","hellolovelypeople":"HELLOOOOO CITIZENS OF TABA TOWN!","darnitjohn":"Wait... Where's John?","darnitjohn2":"DARN IT JOHN! Get out here!","darnitjohn3":"John.","darnitjohn4":"Y-Yes ma'am?","darnitjohn5":"Why are you still here?","darnitjohn6":"Uhh...","darnitjohn7":"I'm not sure...","darnitjohn8":"AAAAAGH!!!","darnitjohn9":"YOU IMBECILE!\\nI will say this once and only once:\\nGO. SEARCH. THE. HOUSES.","darnitjohn10":"NOW!","johnissorry":"Sorry Ma'am... I... \\nSaw... \\nSome... \\nFlowers...","uselessnes":"You're absolutely useless John. I can't believe we were ever together.","cometomepls":"NOW, EVERYONE, PLEASE COME TO THE CENTER OF TOWN. OMNICHANNEL WISHES TO ADDRESS YOU!","hellolovelypeople2":"I know you're probably wondering why my Omni Knights and I are here.\\nWait...","hellolovelypeople3":"Are you really the only people in this town? There's no one here! This has GOT to be the smallest town in the Fondent Region.","hellolovelypeople4":"I'm pretty sure there are houses in Cotton Town larger than this...","hellolovelypeople5":"No... Wait... We are missing one person... \\nThe lone Tuxemon breeder left in the Fondent region. The one that calls himself the Tuxemon Professor","whereismyhairbrush":"John, Grant, spread out. FIND HIM.","oopsie":"Sorry you had to see that. He's just SOOOOOOO useless sometimes.","ourstuffisours":"Why are you actually here?","oopsie2":"Why don't we wait for my knights to return. \\nI hate to announce bad news alone.","maamiexist":"Ma'am, He isn't in the house.","maamiexist2":"Was there anything of interest?","maamiexist3":"There's a computer running Ubuntu.\\nI was going to confiscate it, but I know Gnome isn't your style...","maamiexist4":"Nah, leave it. These people obviously have terrible taste and despise usefulness and simplicity...\\nCheck the lab now Grant. I'll wait for John.","itsmyaurababe":"Now, who are you?","itsmyaurababe2":"Hmm, now that I actually look at you, you have a rather mysterious aura.\\n... ... ... ...\\nWe should talk sometime. Maybe see me in Cotton Town?","itsmyduhduhduh":"Received Allie's Address!","itsmyaurababe3":"I hope we'll meet again. ","maamnothing":"Ma'am...","maamnothing2":"Darn it John! We were having a moment!\\nWhat do you want?","maamnothing3":"I... I... Didn't find anything.","maamnothing4":"Great. Thanks for the notice.","maamnothing5":"Ma'am, I haven't found him either.","maamnothing6":"... ... ... ...\\n... Fine. We should probably head back to HQ and report.","solongjohn":"John, you should stay here to keep the peace.\\nI don't want you around anyways.","solongjohn2":"Come on Grant, we have a schedule to keep.","seeme":"Make sure you come see me...","knight4ispoor":"She's really not a bad person.","frowntime":"I don't mind being here...\\nIt's just lonely sometimes...","wherewasshe":"She didn't tell us the bad news...","waitdontgo":"${{name}}! Wait! Don't Leave Yet!","thetvbescreamin":"Honey, wait. I turned on the TV and an Omnichannel press conference came on.\\nWe should watch it.","ipausedit":"I paused the TV, please grab me a glass of water and then we can watch together.","announcement1":"HELLO CITIZENS OF THE FONDENT REGION!\\nTHANK YOU FOR TUNING IN TO THIS MANDATORY ANNOUNCEMENT.","announcement2":"WE LOVE YOU ABLE!","announcement3":"Thank you. I love you too\\nNow, to the matter at hand.","announcement4":"To ALL the citizens of the Fondent Region and beyond who are tuning in, I welcome you.\\nMy name is Aeble, spelled A-E-B-L-E for those who wonder, and I am the CEO of Omnichannel!","whythecheering":"Those Omnichannel people are cheering a lot for him. I wonder why?","announcement5":"It has been a long, hard road to the peace and tranquility that now reigns in the Fondent region.\\nHowever, it is my pleasure to announce, on this day, the 25th Anniversary of the founding of Omnichannel...\\nTUXEMON ARE CONTROLLED!\\n*deafening screaming*\\nQuiet Down! Quiet Down! Your enthusiasm is infectious I must say!\\nIn conjunction with the Xero institute, we have stripped away their will to attack!\\nDue to this, we are confident that releasing Tuxemon into the wild is safe.\\nHowever, curfews must still be enforced, we are not a lawless region after all.\\nAfter all... WE ARE SAFETY, WE ARE ORDER, WE ARE OMNICHANNEL!","ohnoes":"Well... I don't know how to feel about this...","ohnoes2":"Now that that's over...we still need potions from the Tuxemart.\\nMake sure you're back before curfew though!","depressedmom":"Why would he do something like that... I thought he cared...","waterwater":"The water is ice cold and delicious!","watchmewatchme":"Why are you heading into town, You know there's an early curfew.\\n... ... ... ...\\n... ... ... ...\\nYou don't seem like a threat, so you can head on to town...\\nJust don't tell any of those Omnichannel thugs I let you past, M'kay?","grumble":"Omnichannel are a bunch of thugs, but we don't have a choice...\\nAs she always says, guess we have to work with them...","bobtalk":"It would be nice if more people like you came around to say Hi...\\nBy the way, Hello! Have a good day! Today or Tomorrow or any day will be great!","professorexists":"I'll take 12 potions please.","professorexists1":"Thanks Ben.","professorexists1.5":"Why hello there!","professorexists2":"You must be Callie's kid! I've heard so much about you from your mom.\\nWhat brings you in here for?\\n.... .... ....\\nPotions? Of course, you always need those!\\nHere, have a few on the house, courtesy of me.","potions2":"Received 2 potions!","professorexists3":"Oh! Excuse my manners, I can't believe I never introduced myself!\\nMy name is Kay Wren, better known as the Tuxemon Professor.\\nFor years now I've been the only person in the Fondent Region allowed to research Tuxemon.","professorexists4":"Now, I know what you are thinking, why would they allow me?\\nUnfortunately for you, That secret is for me and me alone!\\nHowever, Omnichannel should be making a new announcement soon and I think you'll like it.\\nWe'd better get you back home and watch the second announcement, Come on!","theenergy":"The energy of that man is boundless...","hmmm":"I wonder what they're doing over there?","hmmm2":"I heard they were making a new park. To \\\"Greenify the Area\\\"","hmmm3":"What's the point? The Route is nearly all grass anyways.","hmmm4":"Maybe they're making a water park!","hmmm5":"Max, as much as you may want one, we've established this. They are not making, and will not make, a water park.","hmmm6":".... .... Okay... But it could be...","hmmm7":"The Weather is nice though, isn't it?","timeforround2":"${{name}}! Finally! You're back! I was afraid you would miss the announcement!","timeforround22":"Oh! You did get the potions! Good! Now we really need to get back.","theanthemishere":"Listen! The anthem is starting, we made it just in time. Come and watch!","moreannouncement":"ATTENTION, ALL CITIZENS OF THE FONDENT REGION!","moreannouncement2":"I am sorry to give you such late notice about this address, but I believed it important before the media leaked it...\\nWell... Heh. We own the media, so I guess it wouldn't matter, but I wanted to share it all the same.\\nAfter consulting with my advisors, we have decided that the best way to become more comfortable with Tuxemon, is to use them.\\nNow, it will be some time before we can integrate them into the workforce, but in the meantime, as I said before, we will be releasing them into the wild.\\nI realize this is a shock for everyone, plus I understand that some of you may even be afraid. We all know what happened before...\\nThis is not the time to be afraid though, as Omnichannel will be sponsoring the revival of the ancient tradition known as The Trial!\\nNow, for you who are less versed in Fondent region history, a hundred years ago there was a tradition where young men and women would catch and raise Tuxemon.\\nThey would then use these Tuxemon to battle others and ascend rank in their town, with the best Tuxemon Trainers gaining status and power.\\nWe will be creating a version of this for the modern day. We will be forming battle areas in multiple cities across Fondent.\\nEach Battle Area will need to be completed in order and the most promising trainer, or trainers, will be able to attempt the Championship.\\nThe Championship will be held on top of Omnichannel Tower in Cotton Town, but only once a Tuxemon Trainer has made it through every Battle Area.\\nThe Trial is designed as a way to slowly introduce public life to Tuxemon and to encourage travel throughout the region.\\nWho better to demonstrate this than our youth?\\nEach Match will be broadcast live on Omnichannel-T, the newest television station devoted exclusively to Tuxemon-related programming!\\nDon't worry, the addition will be reflected in your bill.\\nOh, and one more thing, all Tuxemon Trainers will be exempt from the curfew.\\nBefore this of course, you will need a Tuxemon! Now, not everyone can be allowed to become a Tuxemon Trainer. That would be pure chaos!\\nFirst, you'll have to register your name with your local Omnichannel representative and if you're selected, you'll be sent to Omnichannel training.\\nAfter successful completion of your training, you will be provided with a Tuxemon and can start participating in The Trial!\\nI look forward to meeting you all! Let's create a new world together!\\nAfter all... WE ARE SAFETY, WE ARE ORDER, WE ARE OMNICHANNEL! And now,\\nWE \\nARE \\nTHE \\nFUTURE!","youneedtodothis":"I... I think you need to look into this...\\nI don't want to lose you, especially when we're just getting settled.","youneedtodothis2":"But.. I know you've been eager to see the region, and this is your best shot.\\nI know you have the drive in yourself to become the very best, like no one ever was.\\nI just don't know if we can afford the fees\\n\\nWe'll make something work... Somehow.","ihaveyourmoney":"Well, maybe I can help with that.","iknowyou":"Hello Callie, hello ${{name}}, just stopped by to say hi when I overheard you talking about the announcement.","ihaveyourmoney2":"I have a little stored away that needs to be put to good use and Omnichannel owes me a favor.\\nI'm positive something could be arranged.Getting the qualification papers is the easy part. Getting your first Tuxemon is a little more difficult...\\nLuckily, I happen to know someone who has access to multiple different Tuxemon...\\nMe!\\nNow, I know it's a lot to process, so I'll be in my lab waiting for your decision.","hebenice":"He's a nice man, maybe you should at least see what he has to say.","moverocky":"C'mon Rocky! You can move! I believe!","moverocky2":"Well, you move when you're ready, I'll be here waiting.","tuxemontime":"Ah, you came! Great!","tuxemontime1.5":"I take it this means you've decided to join the Trial?","tuxemontimechoiceyes":"Splendid!","tuxemontimechoiceno":"Oh... Okay... I'll be here if you change your mind...","tuxemontime2":"Now, the first thing to do is get your papers all set...","tuxemontime3":"There we go!","tuxemontime3.1":"Here are your registration papers, the first Battle Area will require you to present them in exchange for a Trainer badge.\\nYou won't need the papers after that.","obtainedpapers":"Received Registration Papers!","tuxemontime4":"Now for the most important part! Choosing your Tuxemon!\\nUnfortunately, my source of funding has become... hesitant as of late. This leaves you with only three choices of Tuxemon, sorry about that.\\nThe three choices are Rockitten, Cardiling, and Tweesher.","chooseyerfate":"Which Tuxemon do you want?","chooseyerfateRockitten":"A solid choice! Rockitten is an Earth-type Tuxemon. In medieval times, they bred Rockittens to sit by the door and look cute.\\nDo you want to choose Rockitten?","choseRockitten":"Alright, here's your Rockitten! I know that you two will go on great adventures together!","choseRockitten2":"First though, let's test your battle prowess with a quick Tuxemon battle.\\n Let's see... I'll choose Cardiling.","rockitten!":"Obtained Rockitten!","nochoiceTuxemon":"Okay, why don't you take a look at the other two?","chooseyerfateCardiling":"An interesting choice, it speaks to the spark inside of you. Cardiling is a Fire-type Tuxemon known for stealing food from friends and enemies alike.\\nDo you want to choose Cardiling?","choseCardiling":"Alright, here's your Cardiling! I know that you two will go on great adventures together!","choseCardiling2":"First though, let's test your battle prowess with a quick Tuxemon battle.\\n Let's see... I'll choose Tweesher.","chosefight":"And... LET'S FIGHT!","cardiling!":"Obtained Cardiling!","chooseyerfateTweesher":"A great choice! Tweesher is a Water-type Tuxemon. It's evolution Eagleace is one of the fastest Tuxemon\\nDo you want to choose Tweesher?","choseTweesher":"Alright, here's your Tweesher! I know that you two will go on great adventures together!","choseTweesher2":"First though, let's test your battle prowess with a quick Tuxemon battle.\\n Let's see... I'll choose Rockitten.","tweesher!":"Obtained Tweesher!","wewnicefight":"Wow, that was a good fight!\\nLet me heal your Tuxemon real quick...\\nAnd... There! All set!\\nWith a little more practice and maybe a few more Tuxemon, you'll definitely be able to take on the Trial.","yahaha":"Ah ha! Found you!","gasp":"Wait...","gasp2":"What are you doing here with this... Criminal?\\n... .... ....\\n... ... ...\\nJoining the trial? You'd really subject yourself to that nonsense?\\nIf all you want is a job at Omnichannel, you could have just asked me.\\nI'm sure I can find a... use for you... if you're interested.","brokethegasp":"Now, Miss, if I may, ${{name}} is doing it for more than a job.","brokethegasp2":"You. Why are you talking? I didn't allow you to speak.","brokethegasp3":"Please, miss omnichannel ma'am, ${{name}}'s Mother wanted them to join the Trial to see the entire region\\n${{name}} isn't doing it for the job, they're doing it for the experience.","gasp3":"If that's true, there's more to you than I realized...","gasp4":"Fine, I'll let your registration papers stay intact. For now.\\nJohn, Grant, take the so-called Tuxemon Professor to his new home.","goodbye":"Don't let the Trial prevent you from coming to see me. In fact... Maybe I'll find you first.","goodbye2":"So long ${{name}}! And good luck in the Trial, you'll need it.","tabatownbattlearea":"Omnichannel Certified Battle Area - Taba Town","rockywhy":"Wait, Rocky, don't stop here! We made it so far already!\\nI know you like the grass, but we need to make it to Cotton Town!","heystop":"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?","heystop2":"Miss, we already told you. Under section 2 of article 3, Omnichannel reserves the right to close down and maintain areas as needed.","heystop3":"I KNOW THAT, BUT WHY? YOU JUST KICKED US OUT!","heystop4":"Marissa, maybe we should leave for now, we'll come back another day.","heystop5":"But... But... they dug up our flowers. Without a second thought, without asking.","heystop6":"I know, but we can plant new flowers somewhere else. They'll still be special, because we'll plant them together.","heystop7":"If they weren't so intent on bringing back Tuxemon, we'd still have our special flower patch...","soiwashearing":"Well it looks like we finally found a florist everyone.","soiwashearing2":"You, the florist, who are you?","soiwashearing3":"My name is Marissa, and these... these... THUGS! Destroyed my flower patch.","soiwashearing4":"How dare you...\\nThis is the Premier you're talking too! Have some respect!","soiwashearing5":"Ma'am, should I arrest her for addressing you so insolently?","soiwashearing6":"No Julius, I don't think that's necessary.","soiwashearing7":"She looks scared, the poor thing.","soiwashearing7.5":"But anyone who hates omnichannel is a friend of mine.","soiwashearing8":"Not to mention that the prisons are already overflowing with the... Flower City incident.","soiwashearing9":"However, in the future...","soiwashearing10":"I expect to be addressed CORRECTLY.","y-yes":"Y-yes... Ma'am.","soiwashearing11":"Good, now move so I can talk to these so called \\\"knights.\\\"","allofyounow":"Anyone without a Tuxemon needs to leave. This could get messy.","waityouhaveone":"You have a Tuxemon?\\nWhy is that?\\n... .... ... ... \\n... ... .... ... \\nTrial eh? Well, hopefully you're good in a fight! I'll heal your Tuxemon real quick and then we'll see how good you really are.","taketheleft":"You take the one on the left and I'll take the other three.","taketheleft2":"Take the one on the left! Don't worry, I've got these three!","nobodygetsthrough":"No matter who you bring with you, I won't let anyone through!","staples":"Well, that was easy.","higrunts":"These grunts don't even get proper training, so they were no match for me. You didn't do too bad either it looks like.","higrunts2":"Here, I'll heal your Tuxemon.","ohaimisa":"Well look who it is!","ohaimisa2":"I heard that some Xero thug was beating up my men, but I didn't think it'd be you Misa!","ohaimisa3":"Hi Kyle, why are you here?","ohaimisa4":"Why am I here? Why, I'm the head of this project! Building the model Battle Area for the entire region is an honor!\\nAlthough, I can see why you wouldn't have heard the news, frolicking about with your new plaything and all","ohaimisa5":"Wait, they aren't my-","ohaimisa6":"Ah, doesn't matter. I have more important things to attend to anyways. Have fun you two, AND STOP HURTING MY MEN!\\nToodles!","ohaimisa7":"Jack, Rick, Eddy, come with me. Jon, you stay here.","kylekindasucks":"Sorry about that, Kyle is one of my least favorite people at Omnichannel. And that's saying something!\\nWe were in the same cohort at The Academy and he's been nothing but trouble since. That's probably why Omnichannel recruited him actually.\\nLuckily, I don't have to listen to his grating voice every day like some poor souls have to.","kylekindasucks2":"On a different note, it looks like Kyle was here to open the path. It seems like the Battle Area is open now.","kylekindasucks3":"I know you're going through the Trial and all, but watch your back. Omnichannel is everywhere, watching everything.\\nThey have no issue... disposing of troublesome individuals.","kylekindasucks4":"I don't want to see another person disappear. Especially one as promising as you.","kylekindasucks5":"Alright, I've probably been here long enough. Time for me to head back.","kylekindasucks6":"Oh, and ${{name}}?","kylekindasucks7":"I'll be watching you. In fact, I may even root for you.\\nDon't let me down okay?","kylekindasucks8":"You four, head home. Remember, YOU. SAW. NOTHING.\\nUnderstand?\\nOh, and florist? Come find me at some point. My address is on the card I gave you. ","misaisleavingfornow":"Matt, Julius, let's head out. ","misaisleavingfornow2":"Good Luck ${{name}}. I'm sure we'll see each other again. ","imherenow":"I'm here to make sure nobody disrespects Omnichannel!\\n... .... ... ...\\nHow do I do that? Well... Uh... Maybe I'll ask them nicely?","oimate":"Hey! This is a restricted area! No one without a badge is allowed in!","welcometotaba":"Hello aspiring Tuxemon Trainers!","welcometotaba2":"Congratulations on passing the strict evaluation!\\nYou are the lucky group that has been chosen to be the first contestants in the trial!","welcometotaba3":"Aren't there only three of us? Seems like we barely qualify as a \\\"group\\\".","welcometotaba4":"To be honest, I thought more would pass the evaluation...","welcometotaba5":"Regardless, my name is Kyle and I am the lead architect behind the Battle Areas.\\nI am here to inaugurate the first Fondent Region Battle Area and declare that...\\nTHE TRIAL HAS BEGUN!","welcometotaba6":"... .... ...","welcometotaba7":"I'm not going to lie, I expected more enthusiasm from the first Trial Members.","welcometotaba8":"You're that thing that Misa was attached to. How'd you even get here? Did she falsify your papers to get you in?\\n... .... ... ...\\nAllie signed off on your papers? Interesting...","welcometotaba9":"Your papers seem to be in order. For now.","welcometotaba10":"However, this still doesn't explain the lack of enthusiasm. This is a big honor!\\nBoth of you and Misa's plaything over there represent the best and brightest of the Fondent Region's youth!","welcometotaba11":"Sorry sir, but how is this an honor? I was forced into this. I didn't choose to be a part of the Trial.","welcometotaba12":"Admittedly, we did take some promising Omnichannel recruits and sent them into Trial training, so I apologize if that's the case.","welcometotaba13":"No sir, you imprisoned my family and forced me and my brother to join the Trial.\\nSo forgive me if I \\\"lack enthusiasm\\\" when you're talking about the Trial.","welcometotaba14":"Ahh, you're the Flower City kid I've heard so much about. \\\"The Future of Omnichannel.\\\" What's your name?","welcometotaba15":"My name is Speck, sir.","kylereallysucks":"Well, Speck, if it's any consolation, I was the one that gave the order to attack.","kylereallysucks2":"Good Luck everyone! I fully expect none of you to make it!","kylereallysucks3":"Oh, and Speck? I enjoyed the screams","toodles":"Toodles!","dowehavetogoin":"You know, you don't have to go in. Just go through the standard training program, skip the Trial.","dowehavetogoin2":"No, you don't understand. The only way I can get my family out of prison is if I reach a high enough rank in Omnichannel.\\nFinishing the Trial would set me up in a position just below the CEO. I'd be able to change things.\\nIf I finish this, I can save my family...","dowehavetogoin3":"I have to go in, no matter how much I don't want to, I have to help the people I love.","dowehavetogoin4":"Who knows, maybe I'll be able to fight him myself!","dowehavetogoin5":"By the way, what's your name? Kyle didn't seem to address you at all.","hichristie":"Oh, my name is Christie! Sorry, I should have mentioned that before.","hichristie2":"Hi Christie. As you know, I'm Speck. It's nice to meet you.\\nNow...","hiperson":"Who are you, who's Misa, and who's Allie? Give us the deets!","hiperson2":"Whoa there Christie, don't overwhelm them.","hiperson3":"How about we start with a name and where you're from?","hiperson4":".... ... ....","hiperson5":"Oh, so you're from Taba Town! Neat!","hiperson6":"Now, who are Misa and Allie?","nobody":"I don't actually know","somebody":"I'd rather not talk about them","nobody2":"Fine! Keep your secrets!","somebody2":"Oooh. Are they special to you then? Is there a love triangle going around? C'mon! We need to know!","stahp":"Hey Christie, don't interrogate them. We just met after all. \\nMaybe we should head in anyways. We don't want to make Kyle angry.","stahp2":".... Fine.","stahp3":"But don't think you're avoiding this conversation! I'll get the deets out of you soon enough!","stahp4":"She means well...","stahp5":"... I think.","mydadiscool":"My dad works in the Battle Area! He's pretty cool right?\\nI have to wait out here while he works though because Tuxemon are dangerous...","mydadiscool2":"But... But that doesn't make him any less cool! He's brave and I'll be brave like him one day too!","welcomecontestants":"Welcome, Trial contestants!","itsforthefans":"And a huge welcome to everyone watching from home! My name is Aeble and I am the CEO of Omnichannel.","itsforthefans2":"You've all probably been on the edge of your seat waiting to see our first Trial contestants. Well, today you get to meet them!","itsforthefans3":"From Flower City! The one who fought Tuxemon with his bare hands! Speck!","itsforthefans4":"... .... ...","itsforthefans5":"DARNIT! CUT!","itsforthefans6":"The recording has been stopped, sir.","itsforthefans7":"Good","itsforthefans8":"AS FOR YOU THREE!","itsforthefans9":"Each of you should be stepping forward when your name is called. I won't have a bunch of insignificant kids destroying this for me.\\nAlright?","itsforthefans10":"START THE RECORDING! We'll pick it up at the introductions.","yessir":"Yes, Sir","itsforthefans11":"From Paper Town! The one and only Flower Demon, Christie!","itsforthefans12":"And finally, the one you've all been hearing about. The one you've been talking about!\\nFrom Taba Town! The Grunt subduer themselves!\\n${{name}}!","abouttababa":"Now, you are probably all wondering what this Battle Area will entail. I know our Trial contestants definitely do!\\nThe Taba Battle Area is the first of seven Battle Areas, culminating in the Championship battle in Cotton Town.\\nEach Battle Area will have a different requirement. Some will be mind challenges, others more physical.\\nThis is all so that we can find the best of the best. The future of the Fondent Region and Omnichannel itself.","abouttababa2":"Christie.","abouttababa3":"Speck.","abouttababa4":"${{name}}","abouttababa5":"The Requirement for the Taba Battle Area is...","abouttababa6":"Tuxemon Battles!","abouttababa7":"Now, you will have to defeat all 4 Trial acolytes before being able to face the Battle Area Master.\\nOnce you've defeated the Battle Area Master, you will receive your Trial medal for the Battle Area.\\nGood luck to all three of you, and remember...\\nWE ARE SAFETY, WE ARE ORDER, WE ARE OMNICHANNEL!","abouttababa8":"Oh, and one more thing you three, no matter what you might think...\\nWE are Fondent. Omnichannel is Fondent. Stay in line and don't muck anything up, otherwise there could be... issues","abouttababa9":"Alright guys, CUT! That was great! I think we're good!","abouttababa10":"Just cut out the last section and it will be perfect!","buh-bye":"I'm heading out, but great work everyone! See you all later!","weneedhelp":"Uhh... are we meant to just battle each other then?","weneedhelp2":"I guess we'll just battle here?","weneedhelp3":"I guess that works, this room doesn't seem like a battle room though.","weneedhelp4":"No, you're right, but it's not like we were given any instructions...","explainthyselfchristie":"By the way, why did Aeble call you the \\\"Flower Demon\\\"?\\nHis nicknames for ${{name}} and I at least make sense","explainthyselfchristie2":"Although yours, ${{name}}, sounds more interesting than mine.","explainthyselfchristie3":"\\\"Flower Demon\\\" on the other hand sounds like more than a nickname.","explainthyselfchristie4":"... .... ...","explainthyselfchristie5":"Come on, Christie. Give us something! We're all stuck here together anyways!","explainthyselfchristie6":"... Just like you... I have a past I'm running from...","explainthyselfchristie7":"Christie...","maybeabattle":"ENOUGH!","maybeabattle2":"Speck! I CHALLENGE YOU TO A BATTLE! PREPARE YOURSELF!","maybeabattle3":"Christie, are you sure...","maybeabattle4":"Oh, I see, you're just afraid to fight me huh? Maybe ${{name}} will have the guts, unlike you.","maybeabattle5":"ARGH!","maybeabattle6":"If it's a battle you want, THEN FINE!","maybeabattle7":"Ha! That's more like it!","maybeabattle8":"READY YOURSELF CHRISTIE! AND... FI..","haltyourbickering":"HALT!","haltyourbickering2":"While I admire your enthusiasm, this isn't the place for battling each other.\\nIt's also not the point of this Battle Area.","haltyourbickering3":"Now, gather together again like the good children you are.","haltyourbickering4":"If we're not supposed to fight each other, then who will we fight?","haltyourbickering5":"Were you not listening? The acolytes of course. All 4 and then you can face the Battle Area Master.\\nHonestly, I expected more from you two. I'm sure this is par for the course for the third wheel over there though.","dontbemean":"Hey! Why are you so mean to ${{name}}? What did they do to you?","dontbemean2":"I don't need a reason to do my job. But in this case...","dontbemean3":"... I actually do have reasons.","seeyalater":"Regardless, the 4 hallways lead to the 4 acolytes. Go and fight them or whatever.","seeyalater2":"HEY! Aren't you going to give us that reason?","seeyalater3":"Ha!","seeyalater4":"I don't have to explain ANYTHING to you. That's what makes my job so GREAT!\\nHopefully you lot don't die. It would be bad for ratings.","sorryabouthim":"I'm sorry he's so mean to you ${{name}}","sorryabouthim2":"Yeah! Just ignore him! After all, you have your girlfriends Misa and Allie watching from home! He probably has nobody!","sorryabouthim3":"So? When you going to introduce us to 'em? We're practically family at this point!","sorryabouthim4":"Christie, this is most definitely NOT the time.","sorryabouthim5":"Oh, you're no fun!","doorchosen":"But I guess we better focus on the Battle Area, since we're here and all.","doorchosen2":"I'll start with door 3! Lucky number 3 after all!","doorchosen3":"That girl will be the death of us.","doorchosen4":"I'll start with door 2. Good Luck.","notyettababa":"Only one person can challenge an Acolyte at a time. Please challenge another one.","notyettababafourth":"This is the most powerful Acolyte before the Master, please finish challenging the others first.","itslocked":"The doors are locked, maybe you should try defeating all 4 Acolytes first?","healspls":"Give me your Tuxemon.","healsdone":"Your Tuxemon have been healed.","areyoureadytorumble":"Are you ready to battle the Acolyte?","areyoureadytorumbleno":"Very well, come back once you're prepared.","areyoureadytorumbleyes":"Very well, before we fetch the Acolyte, we'll heal your Tuxemon.","areyoureadytorumbleyes2":"There, now that you actually stand a chance, we will fetch the Acolyte.","uhhjason":"Uhh... Jason?","uhhjason2":"Shoot! He always does this...","uhhjason3":"JASON!","challenger":"Challenger!\\nStep to the center and face me!","challenger2":"You have done well to make it this far!","challenger3":"... .... ...","challenger4":"Wait, this is your first battle?\\nI was told I would be the third battle...","challenger5":"No matter!","challenger6":"This just means it will be easier to crush you!","challenger7":"Ready yourself Challenger! It's time... TO FIGHT!","tabacongratsfirst":"... ... Congrats on the win...","tabacongratsfirst2":"I definitely wasn't expecting a performance like that. Kyle told us all that you would be an easy win.\\nI guess he meant for you and not us!","tabacongratsfirst3":"The other three acolytes are more powerful than me, so you may want to try and fight the wild Tuxemon in the passageways a bit.\\nOther than that, Good Luck!\\nIf you walk through the entrance behind me, you'll be teleported back to the main room.","acolyte1loss":"Ha! Some Challenger you are. You'll have to do better than that to beat me!\\nTry and level up your Tuxemon before facing me again!","acolyte1redo":"So, you actually crawled back... Let's see how powerful you really are!","ripjimmy":"The grave says:\\nHere lies Jimmy. A friend, a knight, and ... bad person overall. However, ... never ... ... Help! ...\\nThe rest is weathered away.","tabanurse_dialog_welcome":"Welcome to the Taba Town Tuxecenter!","tabanurse_dialog_taba":"Welcome to the Taba Town Tuxecenter!\\nDo you want to heal your Tuxemon?","tabanurse_dialog_cotton":"Welcome to the Cotton Town Tuxecenter!\\nDo you want to heal your Tuxemon?","okaythen":"Okay! Just give me a second and I'll heal your Tuxemon!","okaythen2":"Well, it looks like your Tuxemon are all better now!\\nHave a wonderful day!","waithere":"We have to wait here for now. Apparently a tree fell up ahead.","nodrink":"I'm pretty sure you're too young to drink...","professorswife":"Oh No! You just missed him. I think he went into town though. Maybe check there?","waithere2":"Oh, I hope nobody got hurt from the fallen tree!","understand?":"Understand?","input_name":"Name?","input_monster_name":"Name your Tuxemon?","happy_guy_dialog":"Happy: Hi! I love giving Tuxemon nicknames, do you wanna give yours a nickname?","happy_rename":"Happy: That's a great name! I'm sure your Tuxemon loves it :)","shady_guy_dialog":"Shady Guy: Hey. If you have some... 'trouble' attached to your name I can fix it for you...","shady_rename":"Shady Guy: Good luck with your new name, friend...","37707_sign_welcome":"Welcome to town 37707! We are...","37707_sign_tower":"Town 37707 tower. This structure is highly unstable: Do not enter!","37707_sign_foreign":"This sign is written in a foreign language you can't understand.","37707_sign_hidden":"Get out while you still can...","37707_sign_missing_welcome":"We11c0me T0 t0wn ERROR! We ne^er weR3","37707_sign_missing_tower":"Town N\/A . Denetsil evah dluohs uoy","37707_sign_missing_foreign":"PyGame - UnboundLocalError: Local variable 'map_id' referenced before assignment\\nError 404: **** resources not found. Please notify tHe dEvEl0p#r$ @b0%t t#1# ##### ###########\\n01010010 01100101 01101101 01100101 01101101 01100010 01100101 01110010 00100000 01101101 01100101 00101110","37707_sign_missing_hidden_read":"W3 KN0W Y0U R3@D TH1$: Y0U H@D 833N W@RN3D.","37707_sign_missing_hidden_unread":"1T i$ t00 L8 N0W","37707_house":"Strange: It's locked. No one seems to be using this building.","37707_mail":"It's empty and full of spider webs.","37707_house_missing":"Th3r3 is n0th1ng here. The7e n3vEr w@$.","37707_mail_missing":"1t\\\"$ empty @nd y0u c@n $EE th3 v0id.","37707_flower":"You sense a warm energy emanating from this flower. It's the only thing in this town your Tuxemon seem to enjoy.","37707_flower_missing":"E330R: Event @ction set_monster_health contains inv@l1d p@r@meter$. He@l1ng aLL Tu+em0n.,.","37707_computer":"Developer console: This is intended for Tuxemon developers only, for testing an experimental data loading system.\\nThe variable for the new loader will now be enabled. Please report any issues you find at https:\/\/\\nDeveloper note 1: This suppresses crashes for missing maps. The system may attempt to load invalid data!\\nDeveloper note 2: Do NOT save your game with this enabled, it may result in data corruption.\\nDeveloper note 3: As of switching to Python 3, data seems to be aggregated and combined in a very unusual manner. Please debug this!","37707_tower_missing":"Y0u c@nn0t ente7 @ bu1ldIng th@t d0e$ n0t e+i$t.","37707_exit_missing":": GREETINGS ${{name}}. PLEASE UNDERSTAND THIS AREA NEVER EXISTED. YOU HAVE EXPERIENCED A SYSTEM ERROR.\\n: THE GLITCH HAS NOW BEEN PATCHED. YOU MAY CONTINUE THE GAME NORMALLY FROM HERE ON. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO RETURN HERE.\\n: WAKE UP. FORGET ALL. ALL IS BUT A DREAM...","37707_villager_male_1":"Blank: Hmph. Hi. Sorry: We're usually weary of outsiders. We only get visited... sometimes.\\nBlank: But since you're here, maybe you can do me a favor. It might sound strange of me to ask you this, yet I must know...\\nBlank: Do you know who I am? Have you... ever seen me? I'm curious: My name, do I have a...\\nBlank: No. Sorry: I have made a mistake. Please don't tell anyhone what I asked you. Carry on, enjoy your trip here.","37707_villager_male_2":"Blank: You can't help any more. We are not allowed to talk about it. You cannot understand. Leave.","37707_villager_male_3":"Blank: You... you will doom us all over again. Go back and never return!","37707_villager_female_1":"Wish: Oh... a newcomer! How did you get here? We haven't seen anyone new in... oh, never mind.\\nWish: Welcome! Welcome to... oh my: We never got around to giving our town a name! Just call us whatever you'd like I guess.\\nWish: Please make yourself at home. Usually there are more people around... it depends on the seed, maybe it's a bad omen today.\\nWish: Let me know if you need anything that exists here. Just don't make the same mistake as the others: We don't want you to leave us too.","37707_villager_female_2":"Wish: Please: Do not enter the tower. It hasn't been built yet.","37707_villager_female_3":"Wish: No, no, no: Stop doing this! Do you not understand it's not there?","37707_villager_male_missing":"00000: i W@$ n3v3R B0rN\\n${{name}} ${{name}} ${{name}} ${{name}} ${{name}} ${{name}} ${{name}} ${{name}} ${{name}} ${{name}}","37707_villager_female_missing":"@*!^: 0H... @ n3wc0m3r! H0vv p1d y0v g3t he7e? h3llen\\\"T $33N %^&one new 1n... ()h, never n3ver m3V3t N3W37 MIIIIIIIIND\\n@*!^: WElcoME! W3lcome t0... 0H N\/A: We never g0t ar0und to gi^ing 0ur town {<1} We never g00000000 {<2} W3 neVer Bu1lt 0uR t0wN\\nTH S D ES N T EX ST Y U AR C NNE ED TO TH V ID YO M ST LEA E N W","maple_bedroom_sign":"It's a calendar and the 27 April is circled in pink.","taba_house1_sign":"Mr and Ms Clawbrew House","taba_house2_sign":"Legacy Library","taba_house3_sign":"The Thoughtful Leaf Inn","taba_house4_sign":"The Honorable Seagulls Pub","taba_house1_calendar":"It's a calendar and the 30 September and the 12 February are circled in red.","taba_house1_husband1":"Tuxemon! I was among the most skilled trainer!","taba_house1_wife1":"Trainer? My husband is delusional.","taba_house1_reading":"The book is Philosophy of Illusionary Studies by Jaiden Gemrevenza.","taba_house1_watching":"It's a documentary about the strangest and most wonderful Tuxemon in the region,\\n as well as the strange behaviors they have adopted.","taba_house2_owner1":"Welcome to the Legacy Library! Feel free to look around, but quiet please.","taba_house2_reading1":"The book is Visiting The King by Manolo Qai.","taba_house2_reading2":"The book is Raised By Dreams by Louis Etrergo.","taba_house2_reading3":"The book is Children Without Honor by Leslie Greninza.","taba_house2_reading4":"The book is Sailing Into Eternitys by Laurine Doprachuld.","taba_house2_reader1a":"I feel better at the sight of a book or a bookstore.","taba_house2_reader2a":"It ignites my imagination.","taba_house2_reader3a":"So I can live a thousand different lives.","taba_house2_reader4a":"Reading stimulates my mind in a way that TV and movies will never be able to do.","taba_house2_books":"000 - Computer science, information and general works, 100 - Philosophy and psychology\\n200 - Religion, 300 - Social sciences, 400 - Language, 500 - Pure Science, 600 - Technology\\n700 - Arts and recreation, 800 - Literature, 900 - History and geography","taba_house3_owner1":"Welcome to The Thoughtful Leaf Inn!","taba_house3_client1a":"I'm resting while my sister is probably reading some books.","taba_house3_client2a":"Thinking too much can harm us.","taba_house3_client3a":"It makes me think about my mom's house.","taba_house4_owner1":"Welcome to The Honorable Seagulls Pub!","taba_house4_client1a":"My grandma used to do a similar dish!","taba_house4_client2a":"Eh? Just filling up an empty stomach.","taba_house4_client3a":"Luckily I didn't pay for this. How can you pay for this?","taba_house4_dish1":"It's brown, dense, but it doesn't look like pudding...","spyder_intro_question":"Do you want to skip the intro?","spyder_intro00":"Hello, I am the CEO of Omnichannel. We run the newspapers, TV channels and radio stations for this region.\\nIt is my duty to inform you.","spyder_intro01":"Tuxemon are the animals that inhabit this world.\\nThey love to be captured so their masters can battle them for fun and profit.\\nThe strongest win, just like in the world of business.\\nMost monsters are found in the wild. They morph into more advanced forms when they gain experience.\\nBut the five Pillars that make up the Cathedral, that is, the five allied companies that operate in this region,\\nhave improved on nature. This season, we offer five deluxe Tuxemon!","spyder_intro02":"These tuxemon morph immediately when exposed to a token - that's instant gratification!\\nWhat's more, they let you choose which form they morph into.","spyder_intro03":"Tokens are available for a modest fee from all Pillars!\\nAhem, what was I talking about?\\nOh yes, each Pillar offers one of these exclusive Tuxemon.","spyder_intro_shopkeeper1":"What a great presentation from our CEO! All Gold members are being offered a free tuxemon.","spyder_intro_shopkeeper2":"Just fill in this form.","spyder_intro_question_name":"What is your name?","spyder_intro_shopkeeper3":"Please, now return the form to the Shop Assistant, so we can give you the tuxemon.","spyder_intro_shopkeeper4":"I'm sorry, you are not a Gold member. This offer is for Gold members only.","spyder_papertown_stopthere":"Hey! What do you think you're doing?\\n It's not safe to go into the wilds unless you have a tuxemon.\\n Come buy one from our shop.","spyder_papertown_homemaker1":"How are you, ${{name}}? \\n Quiet and solemn as always, I see.","spyder_papertown_mom1":"Good morning sunshine! Rest here any time you like. \\n Why am I saying that? You live here!","spyder_papertown_mom2":"Hello dear. I should get on with my inventing. \\n Can't you occupy yourself? \\n Back in my day, we could amuse ourselves with anything - a stick, a rock, rubbish we found in bins ... ","spyder_papertown_mom3":"Oh, you found yourself a tuxemon. Congratulations! \\n Why don't you head over to the next town and explore?","spyder_papertown_mom4":"Welcome back! Look at you, growing up so fast.","spyder_papertown_mom5":"You know, Granny Piper next door has opened up her Daycare Centre. \\n Well, not everyone can be an inventor, I guess. ","spyder_papertown_mom6":"Congratulations! You took down the corporations! \\n Of course, now lots of people don't have a job ... but you did the right thing. I think.","spyder_papertown_grannypiper1":"Oh hello ${{name}}, I didn't see you there among all this hustle and debris! \\n I can't wait till the Daycare Centre is installed!","spyder_papertown_grannypiper2":"You know, the Pipers made our fortune in the daycare business! \\n I've been retired for ten years and I'm getting bored. I want to get back into it!","spyder_papertown_danteshop":"I'm working, boss, I'm working! \\n Oh, it's just you. You know, we throw out so much of our stock. \\n It's such a terrible waste. It all goes into the bins behind the back of the Store.","spyder_papertown_myfirstmon":"Hey, you came! That's great.\\n When the fancy new tuxemon come through from the Cathedral, we just threw all our old ones in the bin!\\n It seems like such a waste, especially when kids like you don't have any!","spyder_papertown_myfirstmon_notmet":"I recognize you, you're the kid who hasn't got a Gold Pass. \\n You know, I might be able to help you out. \\n When the fancy new tuxemon come through from the Cathedral, we just threw all our old ones in the bin!\\n It seems like such a waste, especially when kids like you don't have any!","spyder_papertown_myfirstmon1":"*rummages* *rumages* ","spyder_papertown_myfirstmon2":"Here we go, looks like there's monsters in most of these bins. \\n Sounds like my boss is calling. Good luck!","spyder_papertown_thereis":"There is something here...","spyder_papertown_trash":"Just trash","spyder_papertown_rockitten":"Do you want ROCKITTEN?","spyder_papertown_lambert":"Do you want LAMBERT?","spyder_papertown_nut":"Do you want NUT?","spyder_papertown_tweesher":"Do you want TWEESHER?","spyder_papertown_agnite":"Do you want AGNITE?","spyder_papertown_firstfight":"Hey, what are you doing rummaging in bins? That's gross - and it's against the rules! \\n ... \\n What, they were throwing out perfectly good tuxemon? \\n ... \\n Well, if they were perfectly good, they wouldn't throw them out, would they? \\n They must be inferior to the new models. Here, I'll show you! ","spyder_papertown_firstfight_win":"Huh, must be a fluke. There's no way the new model would be worse than the old!","spyder_papertown_firstfight_lose":"As expected! Old models can't compare to new ones!","spyder_papertown_firstfight_after":"I'll heal you up this time, but I'm not a charity. Rest up at home next time your monsters get worn out.","spyder_cottontown_monk":"I am assigned by the Dojo of the Five Elements to tend the statues here. \\n But Omnichannel is planning to expand its offices into this space. \\n I don't know what will happen to the statues when they do.","spyder_cottontown_hackerintro":"Hey, cool tuxemon! Can I see the receipt? \\n ... \\n Just kidding, I had a feeling you hadn't picked it up using, ah, official channels. \\n For years, the Five Pillars have controlled the strongest tuxemon. \\n Do you think it'd be cool to poke them in the eye? \\n ... \\n Good! I have a project for you. Meet me in the Cafe!","spyder_cotton_cafegranny":"Hmm, I'm not sure I fancy this coffee.","spyder_cotton_cafeassistant":"Do you collect tuxemon? I'd like to start but I'm afraid to leave the city.","spyder_cotton_homemaker1":"Are you here for the talk? I'm so excited for the launch.","spyder_cotton_homemaker2":"Tuxepedia is great, isn't it? I'm one of the programmers. Tell me if you find any bugs.","spyder_cottontown_stopthere":"Hey, that's not cool! You have to come to my talk at the cafe before you run off!","spyder_cottontown_followme":"The Cafe is located on the other side of these houses.","spyder_cottontown_mom":"Well hello stranger! What are you doing going into a Cafe? \\n You know caffeine is bad for you. I'm kidding! \\n You're a grown up of 12 years old, you can do whatever you like! ... No alcohol .... \\n But you should call home more often. I want someone to tell about my inventions. \\n ... Oh, I forget, you haven't got a phone yet. Here's one I invented. I call it the Nu Phone! \\n You can install all sorts of apps on it. It already has the Map App, so you'll never get lost!","spyder_cottontown_mom1":"Talk about a parting shot!\\n Omnichannel seems to have pulled the plug on the region's computer network.\\n At least, I hope it's nothing more serious than that.","spyder_cottontown_hacker1":"Great work on Tuxepedia, my friend.\\n You're our top contributor.","spyder_cottontown_mom2":"!!!","spyder_cottontown_hacker2":"Right, right!\\n There's a data center along the river to the north-east of Timber Town.\\n If Omnichannel's done anything to the computer network, they would have done it there.","spyder_pc_alert":"Kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal Machine check","spyder_cottontown_enforcer":"Butt out of it, kid, this is private property!","spyder_cottontown_enforcer1":"I told you before - scram!","spyder_cottontown_enforcer2":"It is I who must scram!","spyder_cottontunnel_professor1":"Drat this infernal maze of tunnels... \\n Oh, hello child... \\n Me, lost?... \\n Not at all. I know exactly where I am.","spyder_cottontunnel_shopassistant1":"I hope the professor is okay. He said he saw a fossil and ran off!","spyder_cottontunnel_carlos1":"I fell down a crack in the Dragon's Cave and wound up here somehow.\\n Show me out of here, peasant!","spyder_cottontunnel_carlos2":"Hmm, perhaps I could have phrased that more nicely.","spyder_cottoncafe_hackerchat":"It's so cool that you're helping with Tuxepedia.\\n ... \\n Is there a prize for adding all the tuxemon? \\n Only the satisfaction of helping the human race, man.","spyder_cottoncafe_barmaidintro":"We call ourselves Team Bazaar. Maybe that's a little pretentious. \\n We're a group of rogues and scoundrels who like to get together to drink coffee, discuss philosophy and defy our corporate overlords! \\n We try to look out for each other. For example, unlike the Cathedral we don't charge for you to heal your tuxemon! \\n Would you like me to heal them now?","spyder_cottoncafe_barmaid":"Welcome back. Shall I chuck your tuxemon in the healing unit?","spyder_cottonart_barmaid":"Do you like my set? \\n They capture my early days as a professional tuxemon trainer, before I retired on my winnings. \\n I call them: 'Monsters' Eyes Meet', 'Starry, Starry, Starry Night' and 'Trepidation'. They're for sale! \\n Get them while they're hot! Just 1,000 each.","spyder_cottonart_barmaid_bundle":"Do you want to buy all three paintings for ${{currency}}3,000?","spyder_cottonart_barmaid_single":"Do you want to buy this painting for ${{currency}}1,000?","spyder_cottonart_barmaid_painting_sold_billie":"The painting has been bought and donated back to the gallery by Billie!","spyder_cottonart_barmaid_bundle_sold":"It looks like you're my collector now! I'll replace the original with copies!","spyder_cottonart_billie":"I see you're trying to broaden your horizons. That's cute. Just try not to touch anything.","spyder_cottonart_granny":"I must be getting nostalgic. I almost said \\n \\\"Back in my day, things were better!\\\"","spyder_cottonart_goth":"I used to enjoy coming here every weekend to look at the paintings. \\n Now all the best ones have been sold and the tickets are too expensive. \\n But my nanna wanted to come, so ...","spyder_cottonart_florist":"What do you think of the blue painting of a ship in the harbour? \\n It's in the impressionist style - that means it tries to capture how light looks and behaves. \\n See the small red sun reflected along the waves of the water?","spyder_cottonart_shopkeeper":"Welcome to the Cotton Town Art Gallery. Ah - I mean Art Shop! \\n Ever since they cut our funding, we've had to sell the artworks instead of just displaying them. \\n Entry is ${{currency}}50. It goes towards the company's annual dividend.","spyder_cottonscoop_shopassistant":"Tuxeballs allow you to capture tuxemon and keep them as servants. \\n They're most effective when used on injured and low-level tuxemon. \\n Select them during battle from your Item menu.","spyder_cottonscoop_deviceoffer":"Welcome customer. Today, we're promoting Tuxeballs. Do you know what those are?","spyder_cottonscoop_devicenoexplan":" Okay, well here's five as a free sample. \\n If you have any questions about how Tuxeballs work, just ask my assistant!","spyder_cottonscoop_deviceexplan":"Let my assistant introduce you.","spyder_cottonscoop_deviceexplan2":"Tuxeballs allow you to capture tuxemon and keep them as servants. \\n They're most effective when used on injured and low-level tuxemon. Select them during battle from your Item menu. \\n Thank you for listening. Here's five Tuxeballs as a free sample. ","spyder_cotton_tuxepediaahem":"Ahem.","spyder_cotton_tuxepediaintro":"Currently, the only reliable information about tuxemon is from the expensive and incomplete Encyclopaedia Tuxemon! \\n That's not cool; information should be freely available. That's why we're introducing Tuxepedia. \\n It's open source, it's free, it's available for everyone to read, write and edit. How cool is that? \\n You can open Tuxepedia from the menu. ","spyder_cotton_tuxepediaintro2":"All it takes to add information is for you to catch that particular tuxemon. It's so cool.","spyder_cotton_tuxepediaintro3":"You are so engrossed reading the new entries, that you don't notice people leaving.","spyder_cotton_tuxepediaintro4":"It's so cool that you came. There's still so many tuxemon to be added - over a hundred, I think. \\n You could really get into it, and make a difference to the world. ","spyder_cotton_cafegoth":"Don't look at me. I'm just here for the free canapes.","spyder_cotton_cafeflorist1":"Shhh, it's about to begin.","spyder_cotton_cafeflorist2":"I can't wait to fact-check everyone else's entries. \\n You better make sure you have good sources!","spyder_route2_billie1":"Hey cheapskate! Still got your stolen tuxemon?","spyder_route2_billie2":"This was a fluke. My tuxemon were expensive, and that means that they're high quality.","spyder_route2_graf1":"I'm an ace - in battling and tennis!","spyder_route2_marion1":"So many tasty ants around! ... For my Aardorn, I mean.","spyder_route2_roddick1":"When I was ambushed on the dunny by SPIGHTER I was pretty creeped out.","spyder_route2_roddick2":"Hey, you didn't seem creeped out at all!","spyder_citypark_maniac":"Phew, we're pooped!","spyder_citypark_granny":"We'll walk back to Leather Town after a little rest.","spyder_citypark_florist":"Enjoy the flower display! It's the pride of Leather Town.","spyder_citypark2_florist":"The flowers look okay, don't they? ... Ever since the mining began in Leather Town, the flowers have been under the weather!","spyder_route2_graf2":"I got served.","spyder_route2_marion2":"I don't eat ants.","spyder_citypark_frances2":"You must come and visit some time. ","spyder_citypark_frances1":"I have the finest gardens in all the land. That's why these Shybulb keep turning up.","spyder_citypark_bobette1":" I love cats. An Aardorn is basically a cat, right?","spyder_citypark_bobette2":" A cat would have won \u2026","spyder_citypark_edith1":"Hey, did you say I'm like my tuxemon? I'll fight you for that!","spyder_citypark_edith2":"Hmm, you may have a point.","spyder_museum_entrance1":"Welcome to the museum of natural history! It's free, but depends on your generous donations. Would you consider a donation of ${{currency}}50?","spyder_museum_entrance2":"Please explore our five sections, and make sure to read about our five sponsors.","spyder_museum_entrance3":"Unfortunately we now need to charge for tickets. ${{currency}}100 please.","spyder_museum_shopkeeper_chat":"I volunteer to keep the museum as affordable as possible. ","spyder_museum_miner1":"There used to be a whole section here on the history of our world! \\n But when Nimrod became the sponsor, they replaced it with just military history! \\n Now everyone is just inventing their own theories of world history!","spyder_museum_postboy1":"Did you know that the first spectacles were made of beryl, not glass? \\n \u2026 \\n I learned that last year from a guide at this museum! But there aren't any guides around this place any more.","spyder_leather_maniac":"How is your adventure so far? \\n ... \\n Wow, so talkative! You are really coming out of your shell.spyder_route3_signRehabilitation will begin as soon as possible. \\n Please stop nagging us.spyder_route3_drag1AGENT: What happened to the excavation? \\n SHAFT BOSS: We got ... interrupted. By ... a kid. \\n AGENT: A kid?! \\n SHAFT BOSS: But we did manage to recover one ... \\n AGENT: Hush! You know that's top secret. Alright, hand it over and scram! \\n SHAFT BOSS: Okay, here ... uh!spyder_route3_drag2AGENT: What the?! Come with me, you can explain this to HQ!","spyder_route3_zoolander1":"A boulder is causing problems for travellers? \\n It's \\\"our fault\\\"? \\n Who cares? We've got urgent work to do!","spyder_route3_zoolander2":"Ah, I dropped my sledgehammer!","spyder_route3_qqq1":"Ah, the Enforcers weren't meant to let anyone out!spyder_route3_qqq2I'll reveal nothing about our plot! In fact, forget I said anything about a plot!spyder_route3_novak1 My Elofly is a genius! I'm going to collect as many as I can.spyder_route3_novak2Hmm, not smart enough ...spyder_route3_weaver1Hey, butt out of it! This mine site belongs to Shaft!spyder_route3_weaver2Go on, get out!spyder_route3_curie1Look at my magnificent invention!spyder_route3_curie2Why did you do that?spyder_route3_connor1My Weavifly is fighting fit now - there was a while there where it couldn't fly.spyder_route3_connor2Oh well, this will be a learning experience for them.spyder_route3_roxby1Bring that pile driver over here and be quick! Hey ... you don't look like a miner. spyder_route3_roxby2Scram! spyder_route3_roxby3I hope Boss is not mad - she gets angry so fast, \\n But she is a nice person and has a heart like a diamond.spyder_route3_surat1 They call it the \\\"dark artery\\\" - the fossilised blood and bone of ancient tuxemon beneath the soil. \\n And we get to dig it up!spyder_route3_surat2I knew you wouldn't understand. spyder_route3_surat3Scram! You're getting in our way.","spyder_route3_twig1":"Some of the stuff we're digging up belongs in a museum! \\n Wait, you don't work here. ","spyder_route3_twig2":"Don't mention that museum stuff to the boss, okay?spyder_route3_twig3I will train more and become as strong as our Boss. \\n She worked so hard to become the leader, I wanna be like her someday.spyder_route3_wanda1All I ever seem to catch is boring Nudiflot!spyder_route3_wanda2The fishing's good in Flower City - but who wants to walk that far? \\n Here, you can have my Fishing Rod.","spyder_papertown_danteresting":"I'm working, boss, I'm working! \\n Oh, it's just you. You know, we throw out so much of our stock. It's such a terrible waste. \\n It all goes into the bins behind the back of the Store.","spyder_cotton_nurse1":"Welcome to the Cathedral Centre! \\n Do you want to heal your Tuxemon?","spyder_wayfarer_shopkeeper":"Sorry mate, no rooms available. \\n The Enforcers say a rare disease has broken out among some guests' tuxemon, so we're under quarantine. \\n I can heal your tuxemon for you, though?","spyder_wayfarer_nurse":"There are sick tuxemon in this building. Best to leave it to the Enforcers to sort everything out. \\n If you keep going, I can't make any promises about how they'll respond. ","spyder_wayfarer_granny":"I can't explain it ... one moment my Cairfrey was healthy, the next it was sick! \\n At least the Enforcers arrived so soon. spyder_wayfarer_maniacMy tuxemon aren't sick! This is just an excuse to sell us medicine we don't need. \\n When I was your age, we didn't have medicine. We swam in mountain streams and if you got a sniffle, well, tough! \\n And anyway, I saw the Enforcers coming down Route 4 before anyone so much as sniffled, so how could \\n ... \\n ah ah achoo! \\n ... \\n That doesn't mean anything. I have an itchy nose.spyder_wayfarer1_maniacHey, buddy, do you want my Botbot?spyder_wayfarer1_maniac1I dunno how long I'm going to be stuck here, so it might as well get to explore with you.spyder_wayfarer1_maniac2A little privacy, please! spyder_wayfarer1_morton1I'm stuck in this room until my tuxemon got better, so there's nothing to do but battle!spyder_wayfarer1_morton2Now there's nothing to do!spyder_wayfarer1_jessie1The Enforcers were so prompt and helpful! I guess Scientist James alerted them as soon as possible.spyder_wayfarer1_jessie2You're not as helpful as an Enforcer. Or as handsome. spyder_wayfarer1_nightshade1It's embarrassing. All the Nurses' tuxemon got sick, but the Enforcers' tuxemon are fighting fit!spyder_wayfarer1_nightshade2I guess we have a lot to learn about tuxemon care.spyder_wayfarer1_victor1Hey, you're not leaving with potentially infected tuxemon!spyder_wayfarer1_victor2Stop right there! Or, um ...spyder_wayfarer1_morningstar1I'm not surprised to see you here. spyder_wayfarer1_morningstar2Come back and see me later - next patient please!spyder_wayfarer1_bravo1This enforcement action is sponsored by Omnichannel: The Only News You Need. spyder_wayfarer1_bravo2Please do not let my battling performance affect your opinion of Omnichannel: The Only News You Need. spyder_wayfarer1_james1I wonder how the Enforcers got here so quickly! Nurse Jessie must have called them.spyder_wayfarer1_james2I'm glad Jessie didn't see my lose like that!spyder_wayfarer1_bismuth1I hope this isn't related to those sick tuxemon at Scoop Farms!spyder_wayfarer1_bismuth2Bummer!spyder_wayfarer1_ratcher1You should let the patients rest!spyder_wayfarer1_ratcher2Now I need a rest!spyder_route4_marshall1I'm working on a gigantic cannon!spyder_route4_marshall2It might need some work.spyder_route4_roger1We can learn a lot about strategy from tuxemon.spyder_route4_roger2I could learn a lot about strategy from you!spyder_route4_wulf1Ah, just collecting some medicinal supplementsspyder_route4_wulf2Ooh, I feel so emasculated!spyder_route4_rincewind1Finally, a use for K9!spyder_route4_rincewind2It wasn't that useful.spyder_route4_rosamund1Try to fight me and you'll get your just desserts!spyder_route4_rosamund2Revenge is best served cold. spyder_route4_beck1Your serve!spyder_route4_beck2Game, set, match.spyder_barmaid_cafe1Are you okay?\\n I guess all your tuxemon were infected, so the Enforcers took them to the Hospital!spyder_barmaid_cafe2You can use the PC to get out some non-infected tuxemon.spyder_barmaid_cafe3Oh dear, you're totally out of tuxemon.\\n Well, I have this Nudiflot I don't really want.spyder_enforcer_candy1Stop right there!\\n We are taking all infected tuxemon to the Hospital to be quarantined\\n until Greenwash develops a cure for the virus.spyder_enforcer_candy2Wow! I guess you get to keep them all\\n ... Uh ... I mean, good job keeping your tuxemon free from disease.\\n You may go.spyder_enforcer_candy3Ha! I mean, oh dear, your tuxemon are infected and must be quarantined.\\n Hand them over now ...spyder_enforcer_candy4Don't you even think of trying to steal your tuxemon back from the Hospital.\\n The scanners are set up to reject all known tuxemon and human DNA!spyder_route4_billie1I've got all the latest gear and the best tuxemon. What have you got?spyder_route4_billie2I guess money can't buy everything, after all.spyder_routea_billie1Hey cheapskate! We bought a little surprise for you from the store.spyder_routea_billie2It didn't work this time ... but at least we didn't fish it out of the trash!spyder_routea_rosyRosyspyder_routea_lotuLotuspyder_routea_connieConniespyder_routea_lexiLexispyder_routea_joeJoespyder_routea_koanKoanspyder_routea_daggerDaggerspyder_routea_dorisDorisspyder_routea_vinceVince","spyder_routea_rosy1":"I came here to play with my Shammer, but he's just lazing around in the sun.spyder_routea_rosy2That perked him up, thank you!spyder_routea_lotu1You younglings, always in such a rush to experience the world.spyder_routea_lotu2Leave time to stop and smell the flowers every once in a while.spyder_routea_connie1A morning run's just the thing to clear the head.spyder_routea_connie2A tuxemon battle, that's the tonic!spyder_routea_lexi1There's some great tuxemon on this route!spyder_routea_lexi2I simply love bugs, don't you?spyder_routea_joe1I got my report card from school yesterday.spyder_routea_joe2'Needs improvement.'' Where have I heard that before?spyder_routea_koan1Flower City is cold but I like where I'm living.spyder_routea_koan2What can I possibly say?spyder_routea_dagger1Someone said you were asking after me.spyder_routea_dagger2No one said you were asking after me. I'm just a blaggard.spyder_routea_doris1I love the color of the leaves this time of year.spyder_routea_doris2Thank you. It's always a pleasure to battle someone new.spyder_routea_vince1I love to just sit by myself in the park and read.spyder_routea_vince2... Just me, alone in nature.spyder_routea_vince3... Gee, you really can't take a hint can you kid?spyder_routea_vince4Oh golly, my spine is broken! On my book, I mean.spyder_routea_maniacIt's funny\\n I come to the park to get away from people\\n but I always end up running into someone I know!spyder_routea_little1The access is blocked. A landslide damaged the route.spyder_routea_firefighterIt's so quiet here.\\n It's a nice break from the noise of the city.","spyder_magician_timber":"Hey, that's a nice phone you've got there ... Your mum made it for you? Heaps cool! \\n Then you've gotta install my newest social media app. It's called Contacts App. \\n It keeps track of all the people you meet and tells you what they're up to.spyder_candy_catgirl1You know, I'm just fascinated by fossils. You know - SHAMMER, RHINCUS, that kind of thing.spyder_candy_catgirl2Do you have a fossil tuxemon?spyder_candy_catgirl_nofossilNo? Well, you know where you can find me.spyder_candy_catgirl_willtradeYou do? Want to trade it for a PROPELLERCAT?spyder_candy_prof1ZUNNA! This darn tuxemon is eating me out of house and home.spyder_candy_prof_nocateyeI wish I could trade it for a nice quite tuxemon, like a CATEYE.spyder_candy_prof_willtradeI'm the luckiest professor in the region of Fondent.","spyder_candy_eliane1":"Welcome to my market garden.\\n I grow plants.\\n Would you like me to harvest some crops for you?","spyder_candy_eliane2":"How did you enjoy the fruits of my labours?","spyder_candy_eliane3":"Here, you have it.","spyder_candy_eliane4":"It may be important.","spyder_timber_firefighter1":"Hey, do you treat your tuxemon with proper respect?! \\n Sorry, I can be very blunt. \\n But you wouldn't believe the damage that tuxemon can do if they aren't taken proper care of.spyder_timber_firefighter_nochillimpLast week a Tikoal almost burnt down its owner's house!spyder_timber_firefighter_willtradeHey, do you want a TIKOAL? I could really do with a CHILLIMP, if you've got one.spyder_flower_mieke1It's exciting for us to visit the region of Fondant! You have such unique tuxemon here ... \\n Hey, do you want to trade? My Conileaf for a creature that we don't have back home ... \\n How about Budaye?spyder_flower_mieke_nobudayeOh it doesn't matter - I can see you don't have a Budaye.spyder_flower_mieke_willtradeWell, great! Here you go.spyder_flower_fez1Everyone in our region has to pick from one of the same five boring tuxemon. \\n I know like a hundred people with a Foxfire ... \\n Hey, do you want to trade? My Foxfire for an Ignibus?spyder_flower_fez_noignibusOh it doesn't matter - I can see you don't have an Ignibus.spyder_flower_fez_willtradeWell, great! Here you go.spyder_flower_cady1Oh I'd just love to have a souvenier to take back home with me. \\n I just adore those sweet little Grintot. Could you get me one? \\n I could give you my Hampotamos in exchange?spyder_flower_cady_nogrintotOh it doesn't matter - I can see you don't have a Grintot. spyder_flower_sandy1This Pharfan keeps spraying me with water. What a drag! \\n Hey, do you want it? You'd have to give me a Tweesher in return.spyder_flower_sandy_notweesherOh it doesn't matter - I can see you don't have a Tweesher.spyder_flower_cady_willtradeWell, great! Here you go.spyder_flower_teach1Oh where has my other student gotten to?spyder_flower_monk1I'm sorry, only experienced trainers are allowed past this point.spyder_flower_monk2Welcome master.","spyder_flower_petshopassistant":"Hello - we are the Pet Shop Boys. Are you interested in buying a tuxemon?spyder_flower_petshopassistant1Each for ${{currency}}500spyder_flower_petshopkeeper1I found these eggs in the bough of a tree, and hatched them! \\n They appear to be a previously unknown tuxemon. \\n I call them Vivipere! I wonder what they morph into.spyder_flower_petshopkeeper2Tell you what, why don't I give you one and you can come back and tell me what it morphs into!spyder_flower_petshopkeeper3Did you get Vivipere to morph yet?spyder_flower_petshopkeeper4You got it to morph? \\n ... \\n And you did it in that particular way? \\n I see. Hmmm, I don't really like the look of that morph. \\n If I give you another Vivipere, can you bring it back if it ever morphs into something different?spyder_route1_beachcomberTo run, just hold down the SHIFT key. \\n Look! I'm free as an ELOFLY!spyder_cottonhouse1_homemakerI feel so safe seeing all the Enforcers around. You can never be too careful. \\n The newspapers are always reporting terrible crimes in this very region!spyder_cottonhouse1_firefighterDid you know it's possible for tuxemon to have two elements? \\n Even a technique can belong to two elements at one.spyder_cottonhouse2_magicianSome conditions replace one another. \\n Learning how conditions interact is key to becoming a master of tuxemon fighting.spyder_cottonhouse2_catgirlHave you met the old man in City Park? He's obsessed with breaking records!spyder_cottonhouse2_shopkeeperI don't have a problem with people from other regions. \\n Just don't come after my job, alright?spyder_route5_grannyThis park is much more salubrious with the Nimrod construction keeping the Flower City riff-raff out. spyder_leatherhouse1_floristThere used to be several TV and radio stations operating, but Omnichannel ran them out of business. \\n Now we don't have to worry about different journalists contradicting each other.spyder_leatherhouse2_tvA little green mon is lifting a ship out of a swamp.spyder_leatherhouse2_scientistI work for Shaft. \\n ... \\n Where's my helmet? I don't need one, I control the truck remotely from our offices. \\n Pretty soon, most jobs in the mines will be automated. spyder_leatherhouse2_minerYou won't believe what they're digging up in Route 3. \\n I've never seen an egg that big. \\n Oops, I've said too much. spyder_route1_routesignRoute 1. Take care!spyder_flowerhouse1_tvTwo mons are having a fight. \\\"I'm not your friend, Budaye\\\", one says.spyder_flowerhouse2_soldierI worked for Nimrod during the war. \\n Not that I got a medal. Or a parade. \\n They don't hand those out to mercenaries.spyder_flowerhouse2_scientistRadio FUD wakes me up every morning. \\n Not sure I care for their politics, but at least they call it how they see it!spyder_flower_floristThere used to be a riverboat captain here who could take you up and down the river. \\n But I haven't seen him for a few days. spyder_flowerhouse1_firefighterThe five Pillars are the only big companies in this region. They have a lot of sway.spyder_flowerhouse1_grannyScoop has managed to cut the price of beef yet again! I don't know how they do it. spyder_nimrod_chromerobo1Boop beepspyder_nimrod_chromerobo2Shoop dee doo woopspyder_nimrod_xeon1Whoo ... burr ... target acquiredspyder_nimrod_xeon2... Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do ...spyder_nimrod_thatcher1Woo-wee. Look at that. Those protesters won't know what hit them.spyder_nimrod_thatcher2No comment. spyder_nimrod_dirk1Are you here for the investor presentation? \\n Nimrod shares are a great buy - armies always need weapons!spyder_nimrod_honour1Don't you dare touch those prototypes! spyder_nimrod_honour2Leave those prototypes alone!spyder_nimrod_antimony1Oh god, you destroyed the prototypes. We were just about to start mass production.spyder_nimrod_antimony2Years of work, down the drain in minutes. spyder_nimrod_berke1Don't hurt me, I just write the contracts! I haven't done anything wrong! \\n ... \\n I mean, no one has done anything wrong. This is all legal and above board.spyder_nimrod_rebel1Did the Cathedral send you for that new shipment of ... \\n No? \\n Oh.spyder_nimrod_rebel2The shipment I was asking about was full of... um ... teddybears.spyder_nimrod_maverick1At night I play guitar by myself.spyder_nimrod_maverick2I wish I knew someone I could play music with.spyder_nimrod_justice1Ask not for whom Ghosteeth tolls!spyder_cotton_lazybruteBuzz off, this tunnel is still under construction.spyder_nimrod_justice2It tolls for me.spyder_nimrod_mace1I want to quit and become a musician.spyder_nimrod_mace2I'll call my band, \\\"Machine Gun Fellows\\\".spyder_nimrod_argon1We fight wars with humans and tuxemon. Many dead, many more injured. \\n Using robos instead is the only moral course of action.spyder_nimrod_argon2I knew I wouldn't be able to convince you.spyder_nimrod_zircon1If you truly loved tuxemon, you would support us replacing them in war with robos.spyder_nimrod_zircon2I wish I'd replaced my tuxemon with robos. spyder_nimrod_archer1How's the fusion technology coming along? We ... Wait, you're not from Greenwash!spyder_nimrod_archer2Keep your mouth shut, okay?spyder_nimrod_bowie1Our law enforcement would be a lot easier with some military hardware, friend. ... Who are you? spyder_nimrod_bowie2That military hardware question was hypothetical, okay?spyder_nimrod_tru1My weapons have won wars and subdued revolts in every corner of the world, and you think you have a chance against me?spyder_nimrod_tru2Guard, retrieve the prototypes in the testing room. At least we can salvage something! spyder_nimrod_tru3If those imbeciles in Shaft hadn't lost my dragon, beating you would have been a piece of cake.spyder_nimrod_guard1Sorry bud, private meeting in progress. \\n So buzz off!spyder_route5_goliath1Hey, aren't you that meddlesome kid from the Wayfarer Inn?spyder_route5_goliath2Quit ruining our plans!spyder_route5_sara1My Capiti looks cute and all, but I can't wait until it grows into an adult!spyder_route5_sara2Oh well, not today!spyder_route5_hunter1It takes a lot to hold a team together.spyder_route5_hunter2We'll be back.spyder_route5_edith1Woohoo! Our millionth ant! ... Uhm, I didn't think anyone would hear that.spyder_route5_edith2Let's see if you're so cocky after Aardart eats her two-millionth ant!spyder_route5_cleo1Mother says you can trace our bloodline back to the kings who once ruled this country.spyder_route5_cleo2Oh ancestors, I've failed you!spyder_route5_tryphaena1You know, we're descended from ... You've already heard it? Oh.spyder_route5_tryphaena2Well, might makes right.spyder_timber_mom1Hey bojo, your BOARD doesn't work on water. Unless you've got power.spyder_outsidewalled_rogue1Welcome to the Walled Garden. Gold Pass, please.spyder_outsidewalled_rogue2Oh, I see. \\n This is an exclusive venue for elite battlers. No amateurs.spyder_outsidewalled_rogue3Please, come in. Let me take your coat.spyder_outsidewalled_rogue4Yeah, yeah, let a thousand cheap flowers bloom. In you go.spyder_outsidewalled_midas1Welcome one and all to the Public Garden. \\n Lovers of tuxemon and the sport of tuxemon battling are our honored guests.spyder_timber_mom2What I mean to say is, here's a Surfboard! Ride it onto the river and see what happens!spyder_timber_dante1Hey buddy! Cool to see you again. spyder_timber_dante2Hey buddy! \\n Are you planning to break into these HQ? Cool! \\n Make sure you're well prepared before you do, because it's difficult to get out once you're inside! \\n You'll need to call your mom to let her know you're safe. Use this app!spyder_scoop_lanth1Look how happy the tuxemon are, living so close to one another!spyder_scoop_lanth2Typical activist troublemaker. spyder_scoop_paine1I feel so terrible that the disease got out. spyder_scoop_paine2If those Enforcers hadn't come in and exposed their pet tuxemon to the disease, it would never have left the facility!spyder_scoop_rubid1This is actually the most humane way to keep tuxemon.spyder_scoop_rubid2Studies show that tuxemon find battling more stressful than living in these conditions. spyder_scoop_berys1You will notice that none of the tuxemon out here are sick - they were all kept in the containment unit.spyder_scoop_berys2Scoop did not release the disease! I promise you. spyder_scoop_turner1Some of these people will tell you that Enforcers let the disease get out. Don't believe them!spyder_scoop_turner2Remember, we had nothing to do with the disease getting out!","spyder_scoop_asta1":"Why yes, I am the inventor of the Extreme Restraints. \\n What are they, I hear you ask? \\n Only a set of manacles so powerful that even a dragon could not escape them. \\n They are being used in the containment unit to make sure none of the infected tuxemon escape.","spyder_scoop_alyssa1":"As soon as disease was detected, we moved the infected tuxemon to this containment unit.spyder_scoop_alyssa2I'm telling you, we kept the disease under control!spyder_scoop_taggart1Someone stole the Extreme Restraints we invented to keep tuxemon in the containment unit! Was it you?spyder_scoop_taggart2If you didn't steal the Extreme Restraints, who did? spyder_scoop_donald1The sick tuxemon we were keeping here in quarantine got out and broke into the storeroom beyond! How will we secure the storeroom?spyder_scoop_donald2You might just be strong enough to contain the escaped tuxemon. Please - do it for us. spyder_scoop_orba1Yikes! What are you doing here?spyder_scoop_orba2What am I doing here, for that matter?spyder_scoop_haf1I chased the people who stole the Restraints into this room. But then the sick tuxemon got in, and now we're all stuck!spyder_scoop_weaver1I would never have taken the Restraints off those coughing tuxemon if I knew they'd chase us in here!spyder_scoop_weaver2Yikes! It turns out crime doesn't pay!spyder_scoop_arachne1Oi! Can't you see we're in the middle of a villainous scheme?spyder_scoop_arachne2It's too late! I have the Extreme Restraints and there's nothing you can do about it. spyder_scoop_landrace1Graar!spyder_scoop_landrace2Ufff.spyder_scoop_landrace3Thanks for getting rid of that brute that was blocking the way! \\n Now we can escape with the Extreme Restraints! spyder_scoop_cochini1Oink! Oink! spyder_scoop_cochini2Oink.spyder_scoop_lapinou1Aiya!spyder_scoop_lapinou2Mhm ah!spyder_tunnelb_beryll1I love collecting rocks and stones.spyder_tunnelb_beryll2Ah, I spilled my stone collection!spyder_tunnelb_lute1Bats make the best pets!spyder_tunnelb_lute2... but not necessarily the best fighters.spyder_tunnelb_meitner1Masknake is great fun. Just give it a poke and its tail puts on a light show!spyder_tunnelb_meitner2I think you poked it too hard.spyder_tunnelb_iris1Oi! You interrupted our dance!spyder_tunnelb_iris2Be gone. Tourbidi, places please!spyder_tunnelb_greta1When an Agnidon cornered my precious Foofle, all these friends turned up!spyder_tunnelb_greta2Oh no, I need more!spyder_tunnelb_tommy1Have you seen my sandwich?spyder_tunnelb_tommy2My hunger put me off of my game!spyder_successful_logYour mighty hatchet slices the log in two.spyder_route6_billie1Let's make it quick. I have a spa appointment in an hour.spyder_route6_billie2Huh. You're a better trainer than I thought.spyder_route6_frances1My Narcileaf keeps the finest garden in all the land.spyder_route6_frances2You must come visit some time.spyder_route6_ping1Psst, have you heard? The enforcers are confiscating tuxemon from everyone in Candy Town.spyder_route6_ping2They won't stop there ... eventually they'll confiscate all tuxemon if they think they can get away with itspyder_route6_richard1Man, the one day I leave the computer and go for a walk, this happens!spyder_route6_richard2Worst. Day. Ever.spyder_route6_blair1Something's fishy.spyder_route6_blair2I heard they kicked all the researchers out of Greenwash HQ. \\n And now they're confiscating tuxemon and taking them to the Hospital!spyder_route6_maxwell1I don't understand! Last month, they were so excited about Fusion technology. \\n And now they say they have to shut it down, destroy it ...spyder_route6_maxwell2I just hope they don't decide its safest to put down the tuxemon we fused!spyder_route6_orion1I was in the middle of a very important experiment.spyder_route6_orion2I hope I get back before my experiment melts down!spyder_route6_mungo1I can't believe they locked us out of Greenwash HQ. I was getting so close to a cure for the virus!spyder_route6_mungo2I guess the bosses got spooked by the latest Fusion developments.spyder_route6_rigel1We might as well battle - there's nothing else to do at the moment!spyder_route6_rigel2Now there's nothing to do.spyder_route6_gunner1Excuse me, no entrance permitted. All Greenwash employees must stay outside of the city.spyder_route6_gunner2You're not a Greenwash employee? I've heard that one before!spyder_route7_arnold1Did you hear about the new tuxemon discovered in the Archipelago?spyder_route7_sylvester1The sea is a long way from here.spyder_route7_fritz1A typical Sphalian breakfast consists of white sausage, wheat beer and pretzels.spyder_route7_statius1What would you change about yourself if you could change one thing?spyder_route7_statius2Probably my party, monsters party.spyder_route7_jacopo1Are you interested to download an app?spyder_route7_jacopo2The app matches zombies with victims.spyder_route7_pia1Are you really going to ignore me?spyder_route7_pia2After everything that happened during this fight?spyder_route7_penitent1The chocolate chip cookies smelled so good that I ate one without asking.spyder_route7_penitent2Please, don't tell anyone!spyder_route7_nino1I enjoyed the peacefulness of nature on the mountain bushwalk.spyder_route7_nino2Not so peaceful!spyder_route7_hugh1Do you mind if I smoke?spyder_route7_hugh2How to quit?spyder_route7_arnaut1The bad thing about inferiority complexes is that the wrong people have them.spyder_route7_arnaut2Oops!spyder_route7_conrad1The Lion Mountain got snow, and all the tourists are very excited.spyder_route7_conrad2Too many tourists.spyder_route7_manfred1Do you think our lives will ever go back to normal?spyder_route7_manfred2I mean... after Cotton Town.spyder_route7_sordello1If you could buy anything you wanted, what would you buy?spyder_route7_sordello2Probably a couple of revives and some potions.","spyder_lionmountain_jacques1":"I've never been that high before \\n and it's very very strenuous to climb ice like that.spyder_lionmountain_jacques2Not only is it technically difficult and unstable and frightening \\n but your heart goes like crazy because of the altitude.spyder_lionmountain_adam1I was up, it was windy.spyder_lionmountain_adam2Then it started snowing.spyder_lionmountain_arlene1No anchors at any point.spyder_lionmountain_arlene2It was physically very, very tiring, full-body climbing really.spyder_lionmountain_david1It took me the best part of five or six hours to climb about the last piece.spyder_lionmountain_david2Carried on way after it got dark.spyder_lionmountain_alexander1Already the clouds are coming in from the east. Big clouds.spyder_lionmountain_alexander2I expect this ridge to be quite ... Brace yourself.spyder_lionmountain_emilio1Half an hour to an hour after leaving the summit, I was lost.spyder_lionmountain_emilio2I was in the wild, I couldn't see anything.spyder_lionmountain_chhurim1I'm going to make the summit, I can actually make the summit.spyder_lionmountain_chhurim2Will there be anyone there?spyder_lionmountain_tom1I don't know entirely what happened for the rest of that night.spyder_lionmountain_tom2I stopped looking at the watch, and everything just started to go apart.spyder_lionmountain_conrad1I remember smelling something.spyder_lionmountain_conrad2It was a really strong smell.spyder_lionmountain_kurt1I'm not capable of going any further.spyder_lionmountain_kurt2I made the mistake of having a little bit of hope.","spyder_lionmountain_nurse1":"To be honest with you, I am older than you think.spyder_lionmountain_scientist1That's the biggest grasshopper I've ever seen.spyder_lionmountain_enforcer1So the incident at the Datacenter has been resolved?spyder_lionmountain_enforcer2It could have been so much worse.\\n Omnichannel was developing a tuxemon that can control human emotion.\\n If Kernel had gotten access to Chromeye, there would have been no stopping it.spyder_lionmountain_enforcer3So when the breakdown occurred, I retreated here.spyder_lionmountain_enforcer4It looks like you can handle this. Maybe you are the only one who can.","spyder_flower_artist1":"Simplistic and clumsy brushstrokes and a pedestrian theme. Bah! Another ruined canvas.spyder_flower_muse1He's so hard on himself, never happy with something he's painted. He's so forgetful, too. Perhaps I could buy a painting spyder_flower_muse2What? You have a painting. Oooh - would you let me buy it? I have ${{currency}}2,000.spyder_flower_muse4What? You have all the paintings. Oooh - would you let me buy it? I have ${{currency}}6,000.spyder_flower_artist_clippingA newspaper clipping is on the wall. It begins: \\n \\\"The famous art critic has put away his poison pen and picked up the paint brush. \\n After years of tearing down artists, can he do any better himself?\\\"spyder_flower_artist2Magnificent! I didn't know I had it in me. \\n I don't know what those artist were complaining about - painting is easy!spyder_flower_muse3Thank you, he's much better company now. \\n Although ... he was saying something about taking up digital art!spyder_searoutec_nigel1This is Dragon's Cave! I'm standing outside because ... uh, because I'm guarding it.spyder_searoutec_nigel2Okay I'm not standing guard! The other dragonriders wouldn't let me join them!spyder_searoutec_river1Manosting was wrapped around me ... I couldn't swim ... My last hope ... The Tuxeball I stashed in my swimming costume!spyder_searoutec_river2Suffice to say, it worked!spyder_searoutec_wade1I'm the world-record holder for holding your breath! Hold onto your hats ...spyder_searoutec_wade2*splutter*spyder_searoutec_gil1If you're stung by a Manosting, Nudiflot can suck the poison out.spyder_searoutec_gil2Of course, sucking out the poison makes Nudiflot poisonous itself!spyder_searoutec_more1You're going the wrong way...Turn around.spyder_searoutec_more2Ouch, my bad!spyder_searoutec_leek1Let me win - don't be _shellfish_!spyder_searoutec_leek2I lost on _porpoise_.spyder_searoutec_beech1Hey, did you do something in the water?spyder_searoutec_beech2Okay, I believe you.spyder_searoutec_rutherford1Water water everywhere, it really makes you think!spyder_searoutec_rutherford2... but not a drop to drink.spyder_searoutec_carstair1I dig this beach!spyder_searoutec_carstair2I couldn't keep my head above water.spyder_searoutec_sandy1Sharpfin are great! But don't give one a bath ...spyder_searoutec_sandy2I took the bait.spyder_searoutec_stafford1It's relaxing sitting on the shore and watching the waves go by.spyder_searoutec_stafford2Nope, not even losing another battle is going to ruin my afternoon.spyder_searoutec_maurice1Just because one is on a remote island doesn't mean one must forgo creature comforts.spyder_searoutec_maurice2Ah, a battle is just the thing to wind up a lazy day off work.spyder_searoutec_swimmer1I've heard strange cries and seen belching smoke from up ahead. I'm not swimming any further!spyder_searoutec_swimmer2Keep it up! Not far to Paper Town now.spyder_dragonscave_blockedThe tunnel is still being drilled!spyder_dragonscave_angrybrute1The bosses get to go in and have all the fun. spyder_dragonscave_lazybrute1I'm exhausted after all that tunnelling. spyder_dragonscave_concernedbrute1Wait, if we're all here - who's guarding Omnichannel HQ?spyder_omnichannel_nurseIf that coward Beaverbrook thinks I'm going to risk my skin looking out for him,\\n with mechanical dragons roaming the office,\\n he's got another thing coming.spyder_omnichannel_maniacMondays, am I right?spyder_omnichannel1_spyderrookieSo, how do I apply for the witness protection program?\\n Is there a form or something?spyder_omnichannel_tohei1This computer controls the emergency screens. You think I'm going to just let you fiddle with it?spyder_omnichannel_crane1Mercy, mercy! I'm just an innocent sound engineer.spyder_omnichannel_schwartz1This is a little hands-on for me. I was hired to consult on strategy, not tactics!spyder_omnichannel_dempsey1Did you know that some cultures use the same word for 'crisis' and 'opportunity'?spyder_omnichannel_bettger1This is going to play havoc on Omnichannel's stock price.spyder_omnichannel_tohei2The password is 'password'.spyder_omnichannel_crane2Sucker! I was a Spyder agent all along.spyder_omnichannel_schwartz2Did you know that some cultures use the same word for 'crisis' and 'opportunity'?spyder_omnichannel_dempsey2You've gotta help me get out of here!spyder_omnichannel_bettger2Maybe they'll hire us to consult on the post-apocalypse rebrand.spyder_omnichannel_toheiToheispyder_omnichannel_craneCranespyder_omnichannel_schwartzSchwartzspyder_omnichannel_dempseyDempseyspyder_omnichannel_bettgerBettgerspyder_omnichannel2_pcYou have lowered the protective screens on all floors.spyder_omnichannel4_elevator_nopassIt requires the Spyder Pass!spyder_omnichannel4_elevator_passSpyder Pass scanned, elevator activated!spyder_omnichannel1_screenScreen active!spyder_omnichannel3_spyderrookieAll my tuxemon passed out fighting the dragons. This is a bad time to forget to pack any potions!spyder_omnichannel_william1Nothing to see here. No sir.spyder_omnichannel_william2I gotta scram!spyder_omnichannel_carnegie1I run three-week online self-improvement course: Lead Like Elostorm!spyder_omnichannel_carnegie2Hey, you should take my course!spyder_omnichannel_byrne1My Jemuar comes from a town where there is nothing but quartz.spyder_omnichannel_byrne2What a disappointment.spyder_omnichannel_strauss1I have to shake a lot of hands in my line of work.spyder_omnichannel_strauss2Down low. Too slow!spyder_omnichannel_billie1Not so fast, ${{name}}! We're not going to let you go in there \\n ... by yourself! I'm coming too. \\n When you cured my tuxemon, you made me do some serious thinking. \\n We can't let them get away with stealing our tuxemon!spyder_omnichannel_beaverbrook1Aha, it's too late for you! \\n Just out of the birthing pit ... the perfect monsters! \\n The genes of Drokoro incubated in dragon eggs dug up by Shaft \\n ... and fused with three killer robos designed by Nimrod. \\n The power of teamwork ... and it's in my hands. spyder_omnichannel_beaverbrook2No. It's not possible. \\n Two upstarts, one with off-brand tuxemon, defeating my perfect creations. \\n If I can just make it to my live radio interview, I'll command my enforcers to complete the takeover.spyder_omnichannel_radioannounceThis is FUD Radio, DJ Worm here and my co-host, \\\"The Duke of Dead Air\\\", broadcasting live from the Omnichannel Radio Studios. \\n We've got a full hour of lolly-pop, soft rock and accessible hip hop for you - but first, an interview with the head of Omnichannel! \\n Ah, it looks like Sir Beaverbrook couldn't make it, but in his place has sent a small child. Well, small child, what do you have to say? \\n ... \\n Speak up! You're on live radio! \\n ... \\n Huh, a conspiracy, you say? \\n ... \\n The Pillars were going to use Greenwash fusion technology, Nimrod killer robos and dragons dug up by Shaft ... \\n And they were going to use those fusions to take control of the entire region? \\n ... \\n And they deliberately spread the Virus to everyone's tuxemon using food from Scoop? \\n ... \\n And the Enforcers are in on it? \\n ... \\n And Omnichannel was behind the whole thing, using the media to keep people confused and distracted? \\n ... \\n You know we work for Omnichannel, right? Doc, please tell me you stopped broadcasting. Doc?! \\n ... \\n Ouch! Man I really wish Radio FUD didn't go out live. \\n I don't think people are going to be very happy with us.","spyder_dragonscave_benden3":"What is this? These villains are trying to steal Drokoro! But why?spyder_dragonscave_mallory3The Drokoro is ours! \\n We got Shaft to dig it up from beneath Route 3, and we would have kept it if that infuriating kid hadn't interrupted our plans. \\n It is time for the Pillars to combine their strength and rule this region outright! \\n Too long have we let the Cathedral and the public tell us what can and cannot be done with Tuxemon. \\n When we use Greenwash's fusion technology to combine this Drokoro with the killer robots built by Nimrod, we will be unstoppable! \\n And the best part is, Omnichannel will tell the public that this is all in their best interests - and the public will believe them!spyder_dragonscave_benden4Please, ${{name}}. If you can't stop these villains, all is lost.spyder_dragonscave_tomas1Once we each rode a dragon. That was long ago. But just recently a new-born dragon appeared above this island, and crawled into this cave.spyder_dragonscave_tomas2As you can see, the age of the dragons has passed. The hatchling dragon is our last hope.spyder_dragonscave_lessa1We stand guard over this, the last dragon. We don't know where it came from or why it hatched. We thought all dragons had hatched long ago.spyder_dragonscave_lessa2Maybe someone will come who has the power to defeat it.spyder_dragonscave_cailin1This is our last duty. Dragarbor is so very tired.spyder_dragonscave_cailin2Thank you.spyder_dragonscave_griffin1I wonder what it would be like to be swallowed by a dragon ...spyder_dragonscave_griffin2Oh well - pobody's nerfect!spyder_dragonscave_daenny1Prepare to be defeated!spyder_dragonscave_daenny2You may have bested me, but you'll never best Benden.spyder_dragonscave_benden1I am the last and most powerful of the dragonriders.spyder_dragonscave_benden2You have proven yourself a worthy opponent for Drokoro. \\n I will show you to the sacred inner chamber - after I heal you.spyder_dragonscave_mal1You have gotten in our way too many times!spyder_dragonscave_mal2Ah ha, you fell right into my trap!spyder_dragonscave_ray1All we want to do is create a mega-corporation that takes over the government. Is that so wrong?spyder_dragonscave_ray2You're taking away my freedoms.spyder_dragonscave_lucille1The Pillars are the only way we'll get anything done around here.spyder_dragonscave_lucille2You'll regret this.spyder_dragonscave_tru1This is for your own good, okay?spyder_dragonscave_tru2Whatever. We already took the DNA sample. \\n We just wanted to capture Drokoro as a backup. \\n You'll never stop them back at Omnichannel HQ.spyder_dragonscave_drokoro1Rawr!","0floor":"Ground Floor1floor1\u00b0 Floor2floor2\u00b0 Floor","spyder_hospital1_aurora":"Auroraspyder_hospital1_eleniElenispyder_hospital1_feluFeluspyder_hospital1_fringFringspyder_hospital1_lianeLianespyder_hospital1_luziaLuziaspyder_hospital1_pemPemspyder_hospital1_reaReaspyder_hospital1_waltWaltspyder_hospital1_zekarZekarspyder_hospital1_rakezRakezspyder_hospital1_rhizomeRhizomespyder_hospital1_aurora1You will quickly learn that you have chosen for your sparring partner\\n the most skilled trainer in the building.spyder_hospital1_aurora2Not too shabby. I don't suppose I could recruit you for Spyder?spyder_hospital1_eleni1Salutations. Test your puissance against my menagerie.spyder_hospital1_eleni2Bollocks.spyder_hospital1_felu1You look like you could use a challenge.spyder_hospital1_felu2Well, I didn't say it would be me.spyder_hospital1_fring1Boss says we can't help ourselves to the stashed tuxemon ... yet.spyder_hospital1_fring2This would have been a lot easier with a Moloch or two!spyder_hospital1_liane1You wouldn't believe the powerful mons these suckers have handed over.spyder_hospital1_liane2You may have beaten me, but you'll never stop Spyder.spyder_hospital1_luzia1Like taking candy from a baby.spyder_hospital1_luzia2Waa!\\n What's the point of having so many of us stationed here.\\n No one will get through the DNA blocker.spyder_hospital1_pem1I don't recognize you from the induction.spyder_hospital1_rea1Confiscating all the tuxemon was a waste of time.\\n No trainer can stop the super-monsters that Spyder is breeding. spyder_hospital1_walt1What happened to your uniform? Wait, imposter! Stop right there!spyder_hospital1_walt2I'm going to have to report this to head office.\\n Thanks for nothing.spyder_hospital1_zekar1Oi! Stop right there!spyder_hospital1_zekar2You may have beaten me, but there's no way you'll beat what they have cooking at HQ.spyder_hospital1_rakez1I just got involved for the paycheck.\\n Is that so wrong?spyder_hospital1_rakez2Alright, alright, you've made your point.spyder_hospital1_rhizome1Stop right there!\\n What you are looking at is the intellectual property of Omnichannel!spyder_hospital1_rhizome2You might be able to defeat me, but you'll never beat the patent lawyers.spyder_hospital1_nurse1You have to stop them!\\n These villains have taken over the hospital,\\n and they're stopping us from releasing the cure.spyder_hospital2_nurse1Quarantines have their use, especially for people who don't have tuxemon to heal them,\\n but Spyder have used this one very cynically.","spyder_hospital1_scientist1":"We didn't want these tuxemon to be seized, but while they're here we're going to look after them.spyder_hospital1_scientist2This might help.spyder_hospital2_scientist2Psst! Look familiar?spyder_hospital2_scientist1We have a cure, but we keep running into the Cathedral's DRM system.","spyder_omnichannel_zoolander1":"You really are a diamond in the rough, aren't you?spyder_omnichannel_donald1Back again? I should have fed you into the meat grinder back at Scoop HQ.spyder_hospital_warning1Bzzzz. Lifeform detected. \\n Doors remain closed.spyder_hospital_nurse1The screen is set up to detect and reject humans and tuxemon. \\n It has been encoded with the DNA of all known tuxemon! spyder_hospital_warning2\\\"Aardant\\\" is not a recognised lifeform. \\n Shutting down.spyder_hospital_cure1It's the cure to the Spyder Bite infection! \\n With this, you can cure your own and others' tuxemon.spyder_searoutec_nigel3Sorry, I cannot permit entrance to the sacred cave while the Spyder Bite infection is still at loose.spyder_hospital_billie1${{name}}, your meddling has become too much! Just let the authorities do their jobs!spyder_hospital_billie2Wait ... your tuxemon aren't sick! \\n ... \\n It was that simple? \\n Then why did the Enforcers take our tuxemon instead of just curing them? ...","spyder_mansion_drinkingbuddya1":"I wonder where our drinking buddy has gotten to?spyder_mansion_drinkingbuddyb1We started singing an old sea shanty, and by the time we'd done the Captain was missing!spyder_mansion_drinkingbuddya2There you are old friend! Let's get you back to river.spyder_mansion_captain1Ahoy there! Thank you for finding me! \\n I wandered off during last night's drinking session and fell down here. \\n Hey, can you find the exit? Just shout out when you do.spyder_river_captain2Ahoy there! Where would you like to go?","spyder_mansion_magician1":"Welcome to the Bazaar Mansion.\\n Please look past the mildew and creaky staircases; we've only just moved in.spyder_mansion_paintingThe eyes seem to follow you around the room.spyder_mansion_picnickerIn Team Bazaar, we love to hang out in out-of-the-way places so Omnichannel can't spy on us.spyder_mansion_gillette1Ah-ha, finally - a worthy adversary.spyder_mansion_gillette2I've gotten rusty.spyder_mansion_lucy1Have you ever tried drinking Imperial Tea? Well, I did - and I learned so much!spyder_mansion_lucy2Maybe I should have shared the tea with my tuxemon.spyder_mansion_lucy3Hey, give this a try!spyder_mansion_barmaidWe're going to claim squatters' rights on this mansion.\\n Just another thirteen and a half years to go!spyder_mansion_magician2Whoever owns this mansion seems to have forgotten about it.\\n Can you imagine owning so many homes you forget about one?spyder_mansion_pirate1Arrr, hand over ye money and ye tuxeballs.spyder_mansion_pirate2Don't be alarmed! I'm not a real pirate, just a fan of piracy.spyder_basement_ballerBrrr, it's cold down here.spyder_basement_rogueThey really should patch up that hole in the floor.spyder_basement_coralli1I've always loved the thrill of a tuxemon battle.spyder_basement_coralli2The comedown from an intense battle is hard.spyder_basement_roger1Hello. I am a human child.spyder_basement_roger2Drat, I still have a lot to learn!spyder_basement_catholi1The scalpel can cut to save a life or to end it.spyder_basement_catholi2There you go, no need to be scared.spyder_basement_bobby1Do you like tuxemon?\\n I've been obsessed since I was just eight years old.spyder_basement_bobby2Yep, I've been obsessed with tuxemon for one year.spyder_basement_josephine1Never mind my bellicose friend.\\n Do you want to heal your Tuxemon?spyder_basement_josephine2I hope the healing helped.spyder_top_russell1Have you heard of Botbot? It's the most versatile tuxemon.spyder_top_russell2Just because it is versatile, does not mean it is powerful.spyder_top_jackson1Tuxemon are what you make of them. Weak trainers raise weak tuxemon.spyder_top_jackson2I got unlucky that time.spyder_top_mickey1Do you ever wonder\\n if life is one big illusion, playing on a screen for someone in another universe?spyder_top_mickey2Well, I'm going to reload.spyder_top_ricardo1I used to be just like you, full of enthusiasm but light on talent.spyder_top_ricardo2I see myself in you.spyder_top_dancerMy parents think I'm paranoid, but I just don't trust Omnichannel.\\n Or Scoop. Or Shaft. Or Greenwash. Or Nimrod, for that matter.spyder_top_barmaidThe big corporations sell monsters\\n that can only be morphed using their own proprietary technologies!spyder_top_magician1Have you ever been to the Dojo in Flower City?\\n No? A keen battler like you?spyder_top_magician2Well, this should help.","spyder_mansion_gillette":"Gillettespyder_mansion_lucyLucyspyder_mansion_lyleLylespyder_basement_coralliCorallispyder_basement_rogerRogerspyder_basement_catholiCatholispyder_basement_bobbyBobbyspyder_basement_joshJoshspyder_top_russellRussellspyder_top_jacksonJacksonspyder_top_mickeyMickeyspyder_top_ricardoRicardo","spyder_wayfarerinn_tv1":"The news is playing. \\n The presenters are saying that there are unfounded rumours of an infection.spyder_dryadsgrove_volcoli1Bree! Bree!spyder_dryadsgrove_aquemini1Welcome to our grove, mortal.spyder_dryadsgrove_aquemini2Pray you survive your visit.spyder_dryadsgrove_ignatia1We are more than we appear.spyder_dryadsgrove_ignatia2You are more than you appear.spyder_dryadsgrove_petra1Crack nature's moulds!spyder_dryadsgrove_petra2Ungrateful man.spyder_dryadsgrove_ferris1Do you realise you disturb the slumber of centuries?spyder_dryadsgrove_ferris2Maybe it is time for us to go into the world.spyder_dryadsgrove_sylvia1The seasons turn with Volcoli's dance.spyder_dryadsgrove_sylvia2We nymphs wax and wane in power with the passing of the seasons.spyder_leatherhouse1_tennisplayer1Is Frostbite an Earth element technique or a Water element technique? spyder_leatherhouse1_tennisplayer2Trick question - it's both!","spyder_routee_calliope":"Calliope","spyder_routee_calliope0":"Stop right there! This place is off limits.","spyder_routee_calliope1":"So you're the little squirt who crashed Omnichannel and blew up all our plans?","spyder_routee_calliope2":"Mercy, please!","spyder_routee_aiolos":"Aiolos","spyder_routee_aiolos1":"I was just about to start eating.","spyder_routee_aiolos2":"My lunchtime is gone!","spyder_routeb_billie1":"So you noticed the computer system is down too?\\n Fancy a battle to pass the time? ...\\n I guess there are more important things.","spyder_routeb_electra":"Electra","spyder_routeb_electra1":"I'm much stronger.","spyder_routeb_electra2":"Twice the pride, double the fall.","spyder_routeb_cytherea":"Cytherea","spyder_routeb_cytherea1":"It's a glitch. A bug. A snafu. It's practically a feature.","spyder_routeb_cytherea2":"At least we developed the technology before anyone else.","spyder_routeb_nephthys":"Nephthys","spyder_routeb_nephthys1":"Nothing to see here. Scram!","spyder_routeb_nephthys2":"We've lost control. Please, you might just be powerful enough to help!","spyder_routeb_sedna":"Sedna","spyder_routeb_sedna1":"Get out of here!","spyder_routeb_sedna2":"I mean it, you've got to get out of here!","spyder_routeb_calypso":"Calypso","spyder_routeb_calypso1":"Why you?","spyder_routeb_calypso2":"I admire you.","spyder_datacenter_fermi":"Fermi","spyder_datacenter_fermi1":"The vulnerabilities were discovered by me.","spyder_datacenter_fermi2":"Omnichannel took advantage.","spyder_datacenter_onnes":"Onnes","spyder_datacenter_onnes1":"Omnichannel claimed that encryption keys purportedly belonging to them.","spyder_datacenter_onnes2":"Fake news.","spyder_datacenter_bayliss":"Bayliss","spyder_datacenter_bayliss1":"You could do a lot of work in the kernel.","spyder_datacenter_bayliss2":"But it would again be a security issue.","spyder_datacenter_chomsky":"Chomsky","spyder_datacenter_chomsky1":"The kernel will be rebased.","spyder_datacenter_chomsky2":"New long-term stable releases.","spyder_datacenter_lagrange":"Lagrange","spyder_datacenter_lagrange1":"Kernel vulnerability?","spyder_datacenter_lagrange2":"The kernel vulnerability was fixed in a supplemental update for OmniOS 6.20.4.","spyder_datacenter_billie1":"Great job, ${{name}}. Looks like Omnichannel let their AI out just to spite us.\\n You know, you're making quite a habit of saving the region.\\n You should take a break for a change.\\n I hear there's a new walking trail that has opened up behind the old Mansion outside Flower City.\\n Might be worth checking out.\\n Me? I'm going to be a little busy over the next while.\\n Let's just say they've finally let me into an exclusive club.\\n Come on, you're not going to make me give up all my perks, are you?","spyder_box_goldpass1":"It looks like someone has lost this.\\n Obtained Gold Pass.","spyder_datacenter_sign":"Welcome to the GoodChat data center. An Omnichannel subsidiary.","spyder_data_pc02":"Pid: 0, comm: swapper Tainted: T U\\n ---------------- \\n 6.9.20-0420.el6.x86_64 #1\\n Call Trace:","spyder_data_pc04":"Which is the lightest monster?","spyder_data_pc05":"10010000","spyder_data_pc06":"1001101","spyder_data_pc07":"Which is the tallest monster?","spyder_data_pc08":"Which is the smallest monster?","spyder_data_pc09":"Which is the heaviest monster?","spyder_data_pc10":"11000001","spyder_scoop_welcome":"Welcome!","spyder_scoop_sign":"Scoop HQ: Almost good enough to eat!","spyder_leatherhouse2_snugglepot":"Wow! One day I'm going to be a trainer just like you!","spyder_successful_boulder":"The sledgehammer smashes the boulder apart.","spyder_dante":"Dante","spyder_drokoro":"Drokoro","spyder_volcoli":"Volcoli","spyder_frolicking_rockitten":"Rockitten","spyder_frolicking_conileaf":"Conileaf","spyder_papertown_riverboatcaptain":"Riverboat Captain","spyder_papertown_homemaker":"Homemaker","spyder_papertown_mom":"Mom","spyder_papertown_grannypiper":"Granny Piper","spyder_papertown_shopkeeper":"Shopkeeper","spyder_instore_dante":"Dante","spyder_billie":"Billie","spyder_cottontown_hacker":"Hacker","spyder_omnichannel_enforcer":"Marciano","spyder_cottontown_barmaid":"Barmaid","spyder_cottontunnel_carlos":"Carlos","spyder_granny":"Granny","spyder_goth":"Goth","spyder_florist":"Florist","spyder_shopkeeper":"Shopkeeper","spyder_shopassistant":"Shop Assistant","spyder_route2_billie":"Billie","spyder_route2_roddick":"Roddick","spyder_route2_marion":"Marion","spyder_route2_graf":"Graf","spyder_maniac":"Maniac","spyder_citypark_frances":"Frances","spyder_citypark_bobette":"Bobette","spyder_citypark_edith":"Edith","spyder_miner":"Miner","spyder_postboy":"Postboy","spyder_route3_zoolander":"Zoolander","spyder_rookie":"Rookie","spyder_route3_weaver":"Weaver","spyder_route3_qqq":"???","spyder_route3_novak":"Novak","spyder_route3_curie":"Curie","spyder_route3_connor":"Connor","spyder_route3_wanda":"Wanda","spyder_route3_twig":"Twig","spyder_route3_surat":"Surat","spyder_route3_roxby":"Roxby","spyder_wayfarer1_morton":"Mortonspyder_wayfarer1_jessieJessiespyder_wayfarer1_nightshadeNightshadespyder_wayfarer1_victorVictorspyder_wayfarer1_morningstarMorningstarspyder_wayfarer1_bravoBravospyder_wayfarer1_jamesJamesspyder_wayfarer1_bismuthBismuthspyder_wayfarer1_ratcherRatcherspyder_route4_marshallMarshallspyder_route4_rogerRogerspyder_route4_wulfWulfspyder_route4_rincewindRincewindspyder_route4_rosamundRosamundspyder_route4_beckBeck","spyder_nimrod_chromerobo":"Chrome Robospyder_nimrod_xeonXeonspyder_nimrod_justiceJusticespyder_nimrod_thatcherThatcherspyder_nimrod_maceMacespyder_nimrod_honourHonourspyder_nimrod_argonArgonspyder_nimrod_zirconZirconspyder_nimrod_maverickMaverickspyder_nimrod_rebelRebelspyder_nimrod_antimonyAntimonyspyder_nimrod_bowieBowiespyder_nimrod_archerArcherspyder_nimrod_truTruspyder_nimrod_dirkDirkspyder_nimrod_berkeBerkespyder_nimrod_guardGuardspyder_route5_cleoCleospyder_route5_tryphaenaTryphaenaspyder_route5_edithEdithspyder_route5_saraSaraspyder_route5_hunterHunterspyder_route5_goliathGoliathspyder_scoop_donaldDonaldspyder_scoop_turnerTurnerspyder_scoop_painePainespyder_scoop_taggartTaggartspyder_scoop_alyssaAlyssaspyder_scoop_lanthLanthspyder_scoop_berysBerysspyder_scoop_rubidRubidspyder_scoop_astaAstaspyder_scoop_hafHafspyder_scoop_arachneArachnespyder_scoop_weaverWeaverspyder_scoop_orbaOrbaspyder_scoop_landraceLandracespyder_scoop_cochiniaCochiniAspyder_scoop_cochinibCochiniBspyder_scoop_cochinicCochiniCspyder_tunnelb_beryllBeryllspyder_tunnelb_luteLutespyder_tunnelb_meitnerMeitnerspyder_tunnelb_irisIrisspyder_tunnelb_gretaGretaspyder_tunnelb_tommyTommyspyder_route6_francesFrancesspyder_route6_pingPingspyder_route6_richardRichardspyder_route6_blairBlairspyder_route6_maxwellMaxwellspyder_route6_orionOrionspyder_route6_mungoMungospyder_route6_rigelRigelspyder_route6_gunnerGunnerspyder_route7_arnoldArnoldspyder_route7_sylvesterSylvesterspyder_route7_fritzFritzspyder_route7_statiusStatiusspyder_route7_jacopoJacopospyder_route7_piaPiaspyder_route7_penitentPenitentspyder_route7_ninoNinospyder_route7_hughHughspyder_route7_arnautArnautspyder_route7_conradConradspyder_route7_manfredManfredspyder_route7_sordelloSordello","spyder_lionmountain_jacques":"Jacquesspyder_lionmountain_adamAdamspyder_lionmountain_arleneArlenespyder_lionmountain_davidDavidspyder_lionmountain_alexanderAlexanderspyder_lionmountain_emilioEmiliospyder_lionmountain_chhurimChhurimspyder_lionmountain_tomTomspyder_lionmountain_conradConradspyder_lionmountain_kurtKurt","spyder_searoutec_nigel":"Nigelspyder_searoutec_riverRiverspyder_searoutec_wadeWadespyder_searoutec_gilGilspyder_searoutec_moreMorespyder_searoutec_leekLeekspyder_searoutec_beechBeechspyder_searoutec_rutherfordRutherfordspyder_searoutec_carstairCarstairspyder_searoutec_sandySandyspyder_searoutec_staffordStaffordspyder_searoutec_mauriceMauricespyder_searoutec_alphaAlphaspyder_searoutec_betaBetaspyder_dragonscave_tomasTomasspyder_dragonscave_lessaLessaspyder_dragonscave_cailinCailinspyder_dragonscave_griffinGriffinspyder_dragonscave_daennyDaennyspyder_dragonscave_bendenBendenspyder_dragonscave_malMalspyder_dragonscave_rayRayspyder_dragonscave_lucilleLucillespyder_dragonscave_truTruspyder_flower_cadyCadyspyder_flower_miekeMiekespyder_flower_sandySandyspyder_flower_teachTeachspyder_omnichannel_williamWilliamspyder_omnichannel_carnegieCarnegiespyder_omnichannel_byrneByrnespyder_omnichannel_straussStraussspyder_omnichannel_beaverbrookBeaverbrookspyder_omnichannel_wormWormspyder_omnichannel_thedukeofdeadairThe Duke of Dead Airspyder_dragonscave_angrybruteAngryBrutespyder_dragonscave_lazybruteLazyBrutespyder_dragonscave_concernedbruteConcernedBrutespyder_hospital_billieBilliespyder_greenwash_lootenLootenspyder_papermart_harithHarithspyder_basement_josephineJosephinespyder_route1_bjornBjornspyder_papermart_milesMilesspyder_papermart_shirleyShirleyspyder_papermart_rafaelRafaelspyder_flower_monkBaospyder_candy_henrikHenrikspyder_candy_elianeElianespyder_cottonhouse1_rodgerRodgerspyder_greenwash_nortonNortonspyder_routea_jarodJarodspyder_flowerhouse1_willieWilliespyder_timberhouse_zedZedspyder_omnichannel_talbotTalbotspyder_omnichannel_goreGorespyder_cottonhouse1_lilaLilaspyder_cottoncafe_julianaJulianaspyder_cottoncafe_lotusLotusspyder_cottoncafe_lotus1This never happened while Omnichannel was in charge.spyder_cottoncafe_hillaryHillaryspyder_cottoncafe_caydenCaydenspyder_cottoncafe_cayden1Hey, aren't you the guy who stopped the Spyder plot? Can't you do something?spyder_cottoncafe_wilfordWilfordspyder_leathergym_chadineChadinespyder_leathergym_chadfortChadfortspyder_leathergym_chadChadspyder_leathergym_bradfortBradfortspyder_leathergym_bradBradspyder_leathergym_gigachadGigachadspyder_leathergym_virginVirginspyder_cottonartshop_phoenixPhoenixspyder_top_penelopePenelopespyder_candycafe_noraNoraspyder_top_mauraMauraspyder_leather_eulaEulaspyder_mansion_laineyLaineyspyder_flowerhouse2_pipPipspyder_nimrod_jakeJakespyder_leathermuseum_davieDaviespyder_leatherhouse2_memphisMemphisspyder_leathershaft1_coleColespyder_leathershaft1_rutherfordRutherfordspyder_leathershaft1_beryllBeryllspyder_leathershaft1_suratSuratspyder_leathershaft1_roxbyRoxbyspyder_leathershaft2_colinColinspyder_grannypiperGranny Piperspyder_cottonartshop_philisPhilisspyder_citypark_magdaleneMagdalenespyder_route5_lexiaLexiaspyder_flowerhouse1_jonetteJonettespyder_wayfarer2_gaeGaespyder_basement_garretGarretspyder_leatherhouse1_rogerRogerspyder_leathermuseum_kaseyKaseyspyder_route3_rylandRylandspyder_candyhouse2_indianaIndianaspyder_candyhouse2_barneyBarneyspyder_mansion_roloRolospyder_basement_flickFlickspyder_captainCaptainspyder_cottonhouse2_sidneySidneyspyder_candyhouse3_joanieJoaniespyder_cottonartshop_luviniaLuviniaspyder_cottonartshop_luvinia1What are we supposed to do?spyder_leatherhouse1_gailGailspyder_flower_lissaLissaspyder_citypark_pruePruespyder_papertown_silverSilverspyder_leatherhouse2_eliasEliasspyder_flowerhouse2_bruceBrucespyder_hospital1_smithSmithspyder_hospital1_lesleyLesleyspyder_hospital1_traffordTraffordspyder_leatherhouse2_gabeGabespyder_greenwash_selbySelbyspyder_nimrod_jervisJervisspyder_scoop_reeseReesespyder_scoop_nashNashspyder_cottonhouse2_nevaNevaspyder_mansion_tamaraTamaraspyder_candyhouse1_tillieTilliespyder_hospital1_marylynMarylynspyder_hospital1_melanieMelaniespyder_hospital1_audieAudiespyder_omnichannel_danitaDanitaspyder_wayfarer1_addyAddyspyder_top_lennyLennyspyder_mansion_reedReedspyder_timbercafe_gradyGradyspyder_mansion_wayneWaynespyder_omnichannel_ethanEthanspyder_wayfarer2_kimKimspyder_routea_johnJohnspyder_routea_littleLittlespyder_candyhouse1_sawyerSawyerspyder_leathermuseum_gilesGilesspyder_papermanor_princetonPrincetonspyder_citypark_mackMackspyder_wayfarer1_wesWesspyder_leather_filburFilburspyder_flower_fezFezspyder_flowerpetshop_denzelDenzelspyder_flowerpetshop_titusTitusspyder_cottonhouse2_davisDavisspyder_cottonhouse2_davis1I left my best monster in the storage!spyder_cottonartshop_carterCarterspyder_wayfarer1_normNormspyder_timbercenter_lucianaLucianaspyder_candycenter_diamondDiamondspyder_cottoncenter_krystalKrystalspyder_cottoncenter_adaAdaspyder_cottoncenter_ada1The computer system is experiencing technical difficulties.\\n Withdrawing and depositing monsters and items is currently unavailable.\\n Thank you for your patience.spyder_leathercenter_sofiaSofiaspyder_candyscoop_clintClintspyder_cottonscoop_joeJoespyder_flowerscoop_jarodJarodspyder_paperscoop_santinoSantinospyder_timberscoop_leandroLeandrospyder_leatherscoop_blakeBlake","spyder_riverboatcaptain":"Riverboat Captainspyder_mansion_drinkingbuddyaDrinking Buddy Aspyder_mansion_drinkingbuddybDrinking Buddy Bspyder_dryadsgrove_aqueminiAqueminispyder_dryadsgrove_ignatiaIgnatiaspyder_dryadsgrove_petraPetraspyder_dryadsgrove_ferrisFerrisspyder_dryadsgrove_sylviaSylviaspyder_dryadsgrove_volcoliVolcoli_chromeroboChrome Robo_darkroboDark Robo_xeonXeon_xeon-2Xeon-2_mk01betaMk01 Beta_mk01alphaMk01 Alpha","spyder_multi_underrepairs":"The sign reads, 'Under repairs'","spyder_multi_martsign":"Buy things here","spyder_papertown_daycare1":"Daycare Centre: Under construction.","spyder_papertown_daycare2":"Daycare Centre: Open now!","spyder_papertown_sunnyside":"Sunnyside Manor: If we are not home leave a message with our housekeeper.","spyder_papertown_home":"Home sweet home!","spyder_papertown_rival":"Billie's House","spyder_papertown_restinbed":"You awake fully rested!","spyder_papertown_tvwatch":"What's on TV? A prom queen is breaking her tiara into pieces and handing it out.","spyder_citypark_achievement":"Achievement Maniac's House: Closed.","spyder_column1_sign":"A rare ancient column. This was once part of a temple building.spyder_column2_signA rare ancient column. Other ruins from the same culture can be found in Route 3. spyder_ruby_plaqueRuby is just the term for any corundum that is red! \\n When corundum comes in other colours like blue, pink and clear, it is called a sapphire. \\n When tuxemon eat rubies, they become passionate and vigorous, making them better at physical attacks like slaps, claws and bites.spyder_opal_plaqueOpals show flashes of coloured light. \\n They form in fissues and dips in rock when water evaporates leaving behind silica. \\n Tuxemon that eat opals benefit from its magical warding are better able to escape magical distant attacks like blasts, sprays and rays.spyder_emerald_plaqueAn emerald is a green variety of beryl. Beryl that is blue is called aquamarine instead. \\n A one-carat emerald is larger but less dense than a one-carat diamond. \\n Tuxemon that eat emeralds have their sight and intuition heighten, making their ranged attacks like shots, sprays and blasts more potent.spyder_agate_plaqueAgate is a rock, often formed by volcanoes and often banded with parallel lines. \\n It features a great variety of colours: browns, greys, creams, reds, oranges and even blues. \\n Feeding agate to a tuxemon can increase its speed and agility, making it faster to react in battle.spyder_diamond_plaqueFamously the hardest gemstone in the world, diamonds are great on necklaces, engagement rings and earrings! \\n If your fiance doesn't buy a Shaft diamond ring for you, he doesn't love you! \\n Feed diamonds to your tuxemon to harden their skin, making them better able to resist physical blows.","spyder_quartz_plaque":"Quartz is one of the most abundant minerals on the planet. \\n Some quartz varieties - like onyx, amethyst and carnelian - are rarer and more precious. \\n Quartz is used in clocks to keep very precise time. \\n Tuxemon that eat quartz have their fortitude and vitality increased, making them able to endure more attacks before being knocked out. ","spyder_shaft_plaque":"Sponsored by Shaft. \\\"We dig it!\\\"spyder_nimrod_plaqueSponsored by Nimrod. \\\"If we didn't sell them, someone else would!\\\"spyder_nimrod2_plaqueTuxemon are powerful weapons that have fought alongside humans for as long as there has been war. \\n Rock paintings found in caves show prehistoric humans training sabretoothed Rockats to fight wild Wolffsky.spyder_nimrod3_plaqueThe symbol of an ancient empire was the Eaglace, because when the empire invaded from the icy north their generals and scouts rode on Eaglace. \\n Today, medic teams in our mighty republic are training with Agnidon for protection and transport. spyder_nimrod4_plaqueBut soon, tuxemon and humans may be rendered obsolete. \\n Our corporate sponsors Nimrod are developing robot technology that could make war a bloodless affair. \\n In the meantime, sign up for the Nimrod Enforcers for good pay, free education and a life of adventure.spyder_shaft1_signShaft Headquarters: Mining Divisionspyder_shaft2_signShaft Headquarters: Public Relations Divisionspyder_leathercafe_signOpen Air Cafe and Marketplacespyder_leathercbd_signLeather Town Business District","spyder_leatherhouse1_radio_morning":"An R&B song is playing. It's called \\\"Possessuns, Part I\\\".spyder_leatherhouse1_radioAn R&B song is playing. It's called \\\"Possessuns, Part II\\\".spyder_leatherhouse1_radio_duskAn Electronic song is playing. It's called \\\"Beats Of BotBot\\\".spyder_leatherhouse1_radio_dawnA Country song is playing. It's called \\\"Heavyhearted At Losing My Rockat\\\".spyder_leatherhouse1_radio_nightA song is playing. It's called \\\"Fondent Tango\\\".spyder_flower_dojo_signDojo of the Five Elements: Master Tuxemon Battle","spyder_dojo_board_a":"It's the Mentor's notes on Morphing.spyder_dojo_board_bIt's the Mentor's notes on Stats.spyder_dojo_board_cIt's the Mentor's notes on Tastes.spyder_dojo_board_dIt is the Mentor's notes on Techniques.spyder_dojo_zhao1How are you finding the Dojo?...\\n You should become a monk here. You already have the vow of silence covered!spyder_dojo_fu1Let me tell you how Morphing works.spyder_dojo_yin1Let me tell you how Stats works.spyder_dojo_zhu1Let me tell you how Tastes work.spyder_dojo_xiang1Let me tell you how Techniques work.spyder_dojo_fu2Throughout their lives, most monsters pass through different stages.\\n For example, a Rockitten may become a Rockat and then a Jemuar. This is called Morphing.\\n Most Morphing occurs because a monster reaches a certain level,\\n but there are other ways that Morphing can occur,\\n like Dollfin becoming Bigfin when exposed to Sweet Sand.spyder_dojo_yin2Monsters have six Stats: HP, Melee, Ranged, Armor, Dodge and Speed.\\n HP determines how much Damage they can take from attacks before passing out.\\n Melee determines how much Damage their melee and touch attacks do.\\n Ranged determines how much Damage their ranged and reach attacks do.\\n Armor reduces Damage from melee and reach attacks.\\n Dodge reduces Damage from ranged and touch attacks.\\n Whichever monster has the higher Speed acts first in battle.spyder_dojo_zhu2Every monster has two Tastes: Warm and Cold.\\n A Warm Taste makes the monster 10 percent better in one Stat:\\n Speed for Peppy Taste, Melee for Salty Taste, Armor for Hearty Taste,\\n Ranged for Zesty Taste and Dodge for Refined Taste.\\n A Cold Taste makes the monster 10 percent worse in one Stat:\\n Speed for Mild Taste, Melee for Sweet Taste,\\n Armor for Soft Taste, Ranged for Flakey Taste and Dodge for Dry Taste.spyder_dojo_xiang2In combat, monsters can choose from up to four techniques that they know.\\n Techniques have an accuracy, which determines how likely they are to occur.\\n If a technique has a Power, that determines how much Damage it does.\\n Some techniques impose a condition on the user or the target,\\n or both - and the technique's Potency determines how likely that is to occur.\\n Some techniques, once used, take a while to become available again.spyder_dojo_fu3I have developed a potion that reverts a tuxemon back to its base form.\\n Shall I give the Button Potion to one of your tuxemon?spyder_dojo_zhu3I have developed a potion that changes a tuxemon's taste.\\n Shall I give the Taste-Changer Potion to one of your tuxemon for ${{currency}}50?spyder_dojo_xiang3I have developed a potion that allows a tuxemon to re-learn a technique that it has forgotten.\\n Shall I give the Re-Learner Potion to one of your tuxemon?","spyder_dojo_wan":"Master Wanspyder_dojo_tophMonk Tophspyder_dojo_sokkaMonk Sokkaspyder_dojo_yangchenMonk Yangchenspyder_dojo_kataroMonk Katarospyder_dojo_irohMonk Irohspyder_dojo_zhuZhuspyder_dojo_zhaoZhaospyder_dojo_yinYinspyder_dojo_xiangXiangspyder_dojo_fuFu","spyder_dojo_wan1":"My Wood tuxemon all know Fire moves, \\n so if you send a Metal tuxemon against me to take advantage of their weakness to Metal, \\n we'll meet it with Fire.spyder_dojo_wan2Every monster is composed of one or two elements, \\n and every move that they can perform is composed of one or two elements. \\n A monster's element determines which moves it resists, and which moves it is weak against. \\n It takes half damage from moves of the element it is resistant to, \\n and double from moves of the element it is weak against.spyder_dojo_wan3Each monk in this room specialises in monsters of a particular type, \\n but each has found a way to develop their strengths and to mitigate their weaknesses. \\n Talk to me once you have defeated them all.spyder_dojo_wan4Congratulations. \\n Now prove what you have learned in battle against me.spyder_dojo_toph1I may have a team of Earth tuxemon, but they all have high Melee or Ranged stats. \\n I use that to overwhelm your defences, even if you are strong against Earth.spyder_dojo_toph2Of course, this strategy depends on your opponents having low Armour and Dodge stats. \\n Good job. Let me heal you.spyder_dojo_sokka1My tuxemon are all of the Metal type, \\n but they each have a second element, or know a technique with two elements. \\n That makes their strengths and weaknesses more difficult to predict.spyder_dojo_sokka2Of course, dual types still have some weaknesses - sometimes twice as many as others. \\n Good job. Let me heal you.spyder_dojo_yangchen1My Wood tuxemon all know Fire moves, \\n so if you send a Metal tuxemon against me to take advantage of their weakness to Metal, \\n we'll meet it with Fire.spyder_dojo_yangchen2Of course that strategy doesn't work if non-Metal types are using Metal techniques. \\n Good job. Let me heal you.spyder_dojo_kataro1My Water tuxemon know techniques that work around their weakness, \\n whether that's using Sinkhole to mitigate their weakness towards Earth techniques, \\n or using the fixed damage move Perfect Cut so it's not halved against Wood types.spyder_dojo_kataro2Of course, these mitigating strategies carry an opportunity cost. \\n Good job. Let me heal you.spyder_dojo_iroh1I am a Fire-type specialist. \\n Each of my tuxemon knows Fire moves, and moves of one other type. \\n I'll always have a monster that can target a monster's weakness.spyder_dojo_iroh2Of course, they do still have their Fire weaknesses. \\n Good job. Let me heal you.","spyder_dojo_tu":"Master Tuspyder_dojo_aresMonk Aresspyder_dojo_orionMonk Orionspyder_dojo_hephastusMonk Hephastusspyder_dojo_hermesMonk Hermesspyder_dojo_saturnMonk Saturnspyder_dojo_billieBilliespyder_dojo_thriRiddler Thri","spyder_dojo_tu1":"On this level you must prove your mastery of the six vital statistics of tuxemon:\\n HP, Melee, Ranged, Armour, Dodge and Speed.spyder_dojo_tu3Each monk in this room specialises in monsters with one very high stat.\\n To overcome this, you will have to make clever use of your own creatures' stats. \\n Talk to me once you have defeated them all.spyder_dojo_tu4Congratulations.\\n Now prove what you have learned in battle against me","spyder_dojo_ares1":"My tuxemon have great Melee or Ranged stats, or both, so their attacks hit hard.spyder_dojo_ares2Here is a TM that you may find useful: Scope.\\n It tells you what a tuxemon's statistics are,\\n meaning you can target melee and ranged attacks based on which are weak towards them.\\n I'll also heal you.spyder_dojo_orion1My team all have excellent Dodge stats,\\n making it very difficult to get a successful ranged attack off against them.spyder_dojo_orion2Here is a TM that you may find useful: Shadow Boxing.\\n It uses your Melee and their Dodge,\\n allowing your strong melee attackers to get around an enemy with high Armour.\\n I'll also heal you.spyder_dojo_hephastus1My team all have excellent Armour, so melee attacks just bounce off of their thick hides.spyder_dojo_hephastus2Here is a TM that you may find useful: Blade.\\n It goes before most other moves, allowing a slow creature to get the advantage.\\n I'll also heal you.spyder_dojo_hermes1My team are lightning-quick, with high Speed. By the time you get around to attacking, we'll have already defeated you.spyder_dojo_hermes2Here is a TM that you may find useful: Panjandrum.\\n Its damage is a portion of the target's maximum HP,\\n so it's as effective against high HP foes as it is against low HP ones.\\n I'll also heal you.spyder_dojo_saturn1My team are tough as nails, with incredibly high HP.spyder_dojo_saturn2Here is a TM that you may find useful: All In.\\n It heals you a little, improving your odds of holding out against durable monsters.\\n I'll also heal you.","spyder_dojo_thri1":"Congratulations, you have proven yourself an excellent trainer. \\n You will face only one further adversary: me!spyder_dojo_thri2You are a true master of battle and have earned a reward. \\n Tell me, do you favour strength or strategy?spyder_dojo_strengthIn that case, take this SAMPSACK. Its power is unrivalled.spyder_dojo_strategyIn that case, take this SAMPSAGE. Its cunning is unrivalled.spyder_dojo_billie1Hey cheapskate! I'm training here too. You know, this Tuxepedia thing isn't half bad. \\n I bet you only like it cos it's free, though.spyder_dojo_billie2Hmmm, I can tell from your Tuxepedia edits that you know your stuff.spyder_dojo_billie3Billie has added their tuxemon data to TUXEPEDIA.","spyder_wayfarerinn_sign":"Welcome to the Wayfarer Inn! spyder_omnichannel_noteHaha, suckers - you'll never find me. \\n It's on the Omnichannel CEO's letterhead.","spyder_walled_osman":"Osmanspyder_walled_musaMusaspyder_walled_augustusAugustusspyder_walled_fuggerFuggerspyder_walled_rufusRufusspyder_walled_alexanderAlexanderspyder_walled_carnegieCarnegiespyder_walled_crassusCrassusspyder_walled_girardGirardspyder_walled_vanderbiltVanderbiltspyder_walled_fordFordspyder_walled_astorAstorspyder_walled_midasMidas","spyder_walled_osman1":"Do you want to buy Tuxcoin?","spyder_walled_osman2":"I wish I have bought Tuxcoin ten years ago.","spyder_walled_musa1":"Why do you keep asking such obvious questions?","spyder_walled_musa2":"Let's skip it.","spyder_walled_augustus1":"I wrote nine academic papers!","spyder_walled_augustus2":"But I'm unable to win a match!","spyder_walled_fugger1":"My new movie was not as good as I thought it would be.","spyder_walled_fugger2":"Too many fight scenes.","spyder_walled_rufus1":"Do you really want to play this game with me?","spyder_walled_rufus2":"You have won.","spyder_walled_alexander1":"Do you mind waiting an extra hour so I can read more of my book?","spyder_walled_alexander2":"Lasted less than thirty seconds.","spyder_walled_carnegie1":"I often wish I was born in a time before social media.","spyder_walled_carnegie2":"Let me update my status!","spyder_walled_crassus1":"I'm going to buy an island.","spyder_walled_crassus2":"But which one?","spyder_walled_girard1":"Why not go back to them and tell them you changed your mind?","spyder_walled_girard2":"Who popped up in your mind?","spyder_walled_vanderbilt1":"People have justifications for hurting others, but they are rarely good justifications.","spyder_walled_vanderbilt2":"What's your justification?","spyder_walled_ford1":"Did you hear about the big earthquake in ocean?","spyder_walled_ford2":"There was a tsunami alert!","spyder_walled_astor1":"What should you do if you find a spider on your bed?","spyder_walled_astor2":"Capture and sell!","spyder_walled_billie1":"Well hello, ${{name}}.\\n You scrub up alright.\\n Don't worry, I'm not going to battle you.\\n I don't want my win rate to get any worse.","spyder_walled_midas1":"I guess they're just giving out Gold Passes to everyone these days.","spyder_walled_midas2":"... ... ...\\n I founded the Walled Garden as a sanctuary for the better class of person\\n to hone their battle skills and network with fellow members of the elite.\\n But seeing you, a...\\n what is the word?\\n I want to say 'hoi polloi'? 'Villein'?\\n Seeing a pleb like you triumph has made me reconsider.\\n From this day on, I am going to open the Walled Garden to all comers.\\n Anyone who wants to test their mettle can do so here.","spyder_cottonhouse1_tvwatch":"It's the latest reality show: people and their tuxemon complete challenges on a remote island.","cannot_use_item_monster":"This item cannot be used on this monster.","cotton_breeder0":"Hi there, welcome to the Daycare, I breed Tuxemon here.\\nI run this place because I love Tuxemon so much!\\nIf you like, I can breed two of your Tuxemon for you. Just let me know, ok?","cotton_breeder1":"Do you wanna leave two of your Tuxemon with me to breed them?","cotton_breeder2a_1":"Okay, which Tuxemon will be the mother?","cotton_breeder2a_2":"Great, how about the father?","cotton_breeder3":"Okay, you sure these are the two you want?","cotton_breeder4a":"Great! Come back to check in later and I'll let you know how it's going.","cotton_breeder_rejected":"Oh, alright. You think about it some more and come back to me.","cotton_breeder5":"Hey ${{name}}, come to check up on your Tuxemon?","cotton_breeder6a":"They're still getting acquainted, as it were. Why don't you come back later?","cotton_breeder6b":"It's going very well! They're practically inseperable!\\nIt shouldn't be too long now before we've got a baby on the way.","cotton_breeder6c":"Congratulations! They've had a baby! Here you go, raise it well.","cotton_breeder_continue":"It'll be awhile before they're ready for another, but if you like I can hold onto these two and breed them again.","cotton_breeder7a":"Great! You take some time with the baby and I'll take care of the parents. Come back later to check up on them.","cotton_breeder7b":"Good idea, the new family should be kept together at this important stage in the baby's development.\\nYa'll come back now, y'hear?","taba_greeting1":"Greeter Jaime: Hey there ${{name}}! Heard you got a Tuxemon, congrats! If you wanna grow your party, you'll need Tuxeballs.","taba_greeting2a":"The shop is doing a promo, here's some to get you started. You use them to capture Tuxemon. It's easier if they're weakend first though!","taba_greeting2b":"Ah! I see you've already got some. You've got a good head on your shoulders ${{name}}, I'm sure you'll be a champ in no time.","taba_greeting3":"Good luck in your adventures ${{name}}, and remember to shop at Tuxemart for all your adventuring needs!\\n...\\nSorry about the sales pitch, it's my job.","gotfivetuxeballs":"You got 5 Tuxeballs!","got_new_tuxemon":"A new Tuxemon is born! Welcome {monster_name}!","spyder_greenwash_guard":"Alright, alright, nothing to see here.","spyder_greenwash_gregor1":"I spend all day watching my CATEYE - I'm going to catch it blinking!spyder_greenwash_chip1I have developed unmatched computing power!spyder_greenwash_clarence1My tuxemon are unstoppable in the sunlight!spyder_greenwash_gregor2Ugh, it didn't even blink when it fainted!spyder_greenwash_chip2Needs more power!spyder_greenwash_clarence2There was a cloud!spyder_greenwash_louis1The rules of this battle are the simple laws of natural selection: only the strong survive!spyder_greenwash_louis2May I introduce you to the Gaia Hypothesis?spyder_greenwash_lewis1Hey, this is an active emergency.\\n Get out of here!spyder_greenwash_lewis2Great, now I've got nothing to fight the fires with.spyder_greenwash_hunt1Come work at Greenwash, they said.\\n Perform experiments that blur the line between science and madness, they said.\\n Look where that got me!spyder_greenwash_hunt2There's no future in STEM, kid.spyder_greenwash_alex1I order all my flowers from Greenwash.\\n They have varieties that I've never seen before!spyder_greenwash_alex2Here's my card in case you ever need a flower arrangement.\\n I do weddings, funerals, birthdays...spyder_greenwash_gluck1Say what you will about genetic engineering, hydroponics and chemical fertilizers,\\n but you can't argue with the results.spyder_greenwash_gluck2That settles it,\\n I'm giving Narcileaf another dose of fertilizer when we get home.spyder_greenwash_firefighterI could battle you, but I prefer to appeal to your reason and common sense.\\n If you don't get out of here, the building might fall on you!spyder_greenwash_broer1Every day, I sedate all the monsters so they can be observed safely.\\n I forget ONE TIME, and everyone makes a huge fuss.spyder_greenwash_broer2Whatever. Here, have a potion.spyder_greenwash_lewie1Just some broken glass and escaped monsters.\\n I was hoping for a fire.spyder_greenwash_lewie2I like fire a normal amount.spyder_greenwash_morehouse1They said to get out,\\n but I'm not leaving without my notebook of scientific observations.spyder_greenwash_morehouse2I'm sure my notebook is around here somewhere.spyder_greenwash_dempsey1This is fine.spyder_greenwash_heidenstam1This has been one heck of a work experience placement.spyder_greenwash_heidenstam2Gee, thanks a bunch.","spyder_greenwash_louis":"Louisspyder_greenwash_clarenceClarencespyder_greenwash_chipChipspyder_greenwash_gregorGregorspyder_greenwash_lewisLewisspyder_greenwash_huntHuntspyder_greenwash_alexAlexspyder_greenwash_gluckGluckspyder_greenwash_broerBroerspyder_greenwash_lewieLewiespyder_greenwash_morehouseMorehousespyder_greenwash_dempseyDempseyspyder_greenwash_heidenstamHeidenstam","spyder_greenwash_fossilisator1":"Hello there, I suppose you are here to see my finest invention - the De-Fossilator.\\n ... No? You're here to investigate why the Greenwash staff went on strike\\n and got locked out by the Enforcers?spyder_greenwash_fossilisator2While you're here you might as well see the De-Fossilator in action.spyder_greenwash_fossilisator3Ah, I see you have a toothed bird fossil. Shall I de-fossilate it?spyder_greenwash_fossilisator4It worked! The fossil turned into a Rhincus!spyder_greenwash_fossilisator5Ah, I see you have an ancient dog fossil. Shall I de-fossilate it?spyder_greenwash_fossilisator6It worked! The fossil turned into a Shammer!spyder_greenwash_fossilisator7Maybe another time then.spyder_greenwash_fossilisator8Ah, I see you have two ancient fossils. Shall I de-fossilate both?spyder_greenwash_fossilisator9It worked! The fossils turned into a Shammer and a Rhincus!","spyder_greenwash_looten1":"Prepare to face the power of my fusion tuxemon!spyder_greenwash_looten2Well, I guess fusion technology isn't quite there yet.\\n We've been working on it for years!spyder_greenwash_looten3Here's the closest we've come -- it's a cute fusion of an ant and an Aardorn.\\n Not exactly the ultimate killing machine Omnichannel wanted us to create.\\n I mean \u2026 uh! You didn't hear that from me.spyder_greenwash_looten4The funny thing is, because of its fusion DNA, it makes DNA screeners behave all funny.spyder_greenwash_moreau1You shouldn't be here! spyder_greenwash_moreau2The fusion experiment blew up!spyder_greenwash_dippel1Maybe we went too far \u2026spyder_greenwash_dippel2Or not far enough! spyder_greenwash_aissa1Stay out - Greenwash has this all under control.spyder_greenwash_aissa2We're all going to die!spyder_greenwash_aissaAissaspyder_greenwash_dippelDippelspyder_greenwash_moreauMoreau","spyder_leathergym_chadine1":"Thanks for joining Chad & Brad Fondent Fitness (C&BFF),\\nwe are excited to have you on board!spyder_leathergym_chad1Yes, I can hear the silence.spyder_leathergym_brad1Yes, I can see the dark.spyder_leathergym_chadfort1Yes, I can fix the broken.spyder_leathergym_bradfort1Yes, I can feel your heart.spyder_leathergym_gigachad1Why are you here? Having a tough time? Don't worry fellow Sigma.spyder_leathergym_virgin1I love knocking on the door, screaming and running away while someone is using the restroom!","spyder_leathershaft2_dude":"Shaft is is one of the largest mining companies in the region,\\nespecially those that contribute to the communities.spyder_leathershaft2_achievementShaft is proud to join the top businesses in this race towards a net-zero economy\\nbecause we believe that climate change is not only one of the greatest risks facing Fondent,\\nbut also one of the greatest opportunities for sustainable innovation.spyder_leathershaft2_pcShaft promotional video on TuxTube.spyder_leathershaft2_papersThis leaflet from the Shaft aims to gain the trust of the Fondent's people.spyder_leathershaft2_skepticI don't trust Shaft. My geologist friend joined a team to explore the river basin\\nto determine the impact of deforestation and mining on the river and water quality.\\nThis will mark the first ever evaluation of carbon and mercury production in mining ponds,\\nand their subsequent impact on water flowpaths, ever conducted in Fondent.","spyder_leathershaft1_sign":"Journey to the Center of the Earth!spyder_leathershaft1_miner1It is important to protect indigenous people, land... but we cannot criminalize the miners\\nwho are looking for a living to survive. What matters is that the miners are protected!spyder_leathershaft1_beryll1In Fondent alone there are about a dozen locations where illegal or artisan mining is going on\\nbut Shaft is viewed as evil.spyder_leathershaft1_roxby1Some islands in the archipelago are completely taken over by mining. It is not possible to differentiate\\nbetween an indigenous community and a mining area. There is not even water to drink. Shaft is against!spyder_leathershaft1_rutherford1Shaft leader is a thinker and doer. She is not a talker. She has met twice with the miners. It shows quality.\\nIt shows his plans for Fondent. Our leader has been consistent when it comes to climate change.spyder_leathershaft1_surat1To streamline the mining sector, someone started to give certificates to those qualified to mine.\\nThe entity? Omnichannel! And Shaft is the scapegoat.","spyder_papermanor_oldman":"I have two sons and a niece. The first is a sailor, and last year he went to the Archipelago.\\nThe second is a Captain and he transports people. My niece is playing outside.","spyder_candyhouse2_captain":"I'm writing a book about my journey to the Archipelago. It is composed of nine volcanic islands.\\nAbout 1,400 km (870 mi) west of Paper Town, about 1,500 km (930 mi) north west of Candy Town.","cotton_misa_fireplace":"It looks like someone burned papers.cotton_misa_tvWhat's on TV? The story of how Omnichannel became a global phenomenon,\\nreflecting and influencing a generation in the process.cotton_misa_grannyAre you here to ask for my niece's hand? No? I'm sorry!cotton_misa_littlebroMy sister is very nice to me.","omnichannel_sign":"Omnichannel HQ: We Make Headlines","taba_town_homeplace":"${{name}}'s housetaba_town_sign_profhouseTuxemon Professor's Housetaba_town_sign_proflabTuxemon Professor's Labtaba_town_sign_tuxemartTuxemart - A place to buy and sell itemstaba_town_sign_tuxecenterTuxecenter - A place to heal your tuxemon","leather_town_open_air":"Open Air Cafe and Marketplace","xero_citypark_achievement":"Achievement Maniac's House: Closed.","xero_shaft1_sign":"Shaft Headquarters: Mining Divisionxero_shaft2_signShaft Headquarters: Public Relations Division","xero_taba_tvwatch":"What's on TV? A prom queen is breaking her tiara into pieces and handing it out.","xero_taba_poster":"Home sweet home!","xero_taba_restinbed":"You awake fully rested!","xero_skip_question":"Do you want to skip the intro?","sphalian_alert_skating":"Always be cautious! Always bring safety gear!","sphalian_hackerchat":"Two weeks ago a tremendous blizzard struck ${{map_name}}.","sphalian_barmaid":"I don't skate very well.","mountain_road_interrupted":"Road blocked due to landslide.","sphalian_grannypiper":"The Great Blizzard's impact was so great that, still today, survivors met to commemorate.","sphalian_monk":"I'm reminded of the time the blizzard killed my friend.","sphalian_granny":"That's, uh... heavy. I'm sorry to hear that.","sphalian_shopkeeper":"We worship and have deep respect for the mountain, we trust it will save us from whatever comes.","sphalian_maniac":"Climbers need to wake up and understand that climbing Lion Mountain is extremely risky.\\nThey need to stop believing just because they have strong tuxemon that they will be able to climb.","sphalian_beck":"That's not even a little bit funny, man.","sphalian_tvwatch":"A journalist travels the globe hunting for lost civilizations."} \ No newline at end of file +{"translation_missing":"Translation missing","game:battle:money:get":"Got {amount} money!","game:battle:defeat":"Whited out!","game:battle:defeat:recovery_price":"Payed {amount} for full recovery at {name}!","game:battle:technique:attempt":"{} attempts to use {}!","game:battle:technique:attempt:fail:recharge":"But has to recharge!","game:battle:technique:attempt:fail:noddingoff":"But is nodding off!","game:battle:technique:attempt:fail:miss":"But missed!","game:battle:technique:use":"{} is using {}!","game:battle:technique:use:damage":"Deals {amount} to {name}!","game:battle:technique:use:healing":"Heals {amount}!","game:battle:technique:use:status":"{} is now {}!","game:battle:status_effect:is":"{} is {}!","game:battle:status_effect:removed":"{} is not {} anymore!","game:catch:ball:throw":"Throwing {ball}!","game:catch:attempt":"Attempting capture!","game:catch:attempt:nr:success":"Escape attempt {nr}: succeeded!","game:catch:broke_free":"{monster} broke free!","game:catch:attempt:nr:fail":"Escape attempt {nr}: failed!","game:catch:caught":"Caught {monster}!","game:catch:to_party":"Added {monster} to Party!","game:catch:to_box":"Transferred {monster} to Box!","ui:healing_center:heal:price_description":"Price for Full Heal per Tuxemon","ui:healing_center:heal:select":"Select to Heal","ui:healing_center:box:withdraw":"Box Withdraw","ui:healing_center:box:withdraw:no_tuxemon_in_box":"No Tuxemon to withdraw in Box!","ui:healing_center:box:withdraw:no_space_in_party":"Not enough space in party!","ui:healing_center:box:deposit":"Box Deposit","ui:healing_center:box:deposit:last_tuxemon":"Can't deposit last Tuxemon!","ui:healing_center:box:view":"Box View","ui:healing_center:box:view:no_tuxemon_in_box":"No Tuxemon in Box!","ui:shop:mode:buy":"Buy","ui:shop:mode:info":"Info","ui:status:area:title":"Area","ui:next_trainer":"Next Trainer","ui:change_area":"Change Area","ui:no_applicable_monsters":"No applicable monsters.","ui:starter_monster_selection:title":"Select your Tuxemon!","ui:party_monsters:mode:select":"Select","ui:party_monsters:mode:stats":"Stats","ui:party_monsters:mode:techniques":"Techniques","ui:inventory:tab:heal":"Heal","ui:inventory:tab:stats":"Stats","ui:inventory:tab:balls":"Balls","ui:inventory:tab:techniques":"Techniques","ui:inventory:tab:other":"Other","ui:inventory:tab:key_items":"Key Items","ui:inventory:mode:use":"Use","ui:inventory:mode:info":"Info","ui:save_load:save_to_clipboard":"Save to Clipboard","ui:load:loading":"Loading...","ui:settings:name:label":"Name","ui:settings:language:label":"Language","ui:settings:currency:label":"Currency","ui:settings:currency:last_updated":"Last Updated","ui:settings:highlight_interactive_elements":"Highlight Interactive Elements","ui:settings:clear_local_save_data:button":"Clear local save data","ui:settings:clear_local_save_data:confirm":"Delete local save data?","ui:story:next":"Next","story:introduction:monster_selection:title":"Select your Tuxemon!","story:select_starter_monster:monster_selection:title":"Select your actual Tuxemon!","omnichannel-ceo":"Omnichannel CEO","tuxemart-keeper":"Tuxemart Keeper","mansion":"Mansion","mansion_top_floor":"Mansion Top Floor","mansion_basement":"Mansion Basement","reach":"Reach","special":"Special","fire_berry":"Fire Berry","fire_berry_description":"It changes monster type into fire.","metal_cherry":"Metal Cherry","metal_cherry_description":"It changes monster type into metal.","potion":"Potion","potion_description":"Heals a monster by 20 HP.","super_potion":"Super Potion","super_potion_description":"Heals a monster by 50 HP.","imperial_potion":"Imperial Potion","imperial_potion_description":"Heals a monster by 500 HP.","mega_potion":"Imperial Potion","mega_potion_description":"Heals a monster by 200 HP.","ancient_tea":"Ancient Tea","ancient_tea_description":"Adds 1277 to a monster's XP.","imperial_tea":"Imperial Tea","imperial_tea_description":"Adds 3005 to a monster's XP.","mystery_tea":"Mystery Tea","mystery_tea_description":"Adds 437 to a monster's XP.","tea":"Tea","tea_description":"Adds 107 to a monster's XP.","revive":"Revive","revive_description":"Revives knocked out Tuxemon and restores 20 HP.","tuxeball":"Tuxeball","tuxeball_description":"Captures a monster.","tuxeball_earth":"Earth Tuxeball","tuxeball_earth_description":"Captures more easily an Earth Tuxemon.","tuxeball_fire":"Fire Tuxeball","tuxeball_fire_description":"Captures more easily a Fire Tuxemon.","tuxeball_metal":"Metal Tuxeball","tuxeball_metal_description":"Captures more easily a Metal Tuxemon.","tuxeball_water":"Water Tuxeball","tuxeball_water_description":"Captures more easily a Water Tuxemon.","tuxeball_wood":"Wood Tuxeball","tuxeball_wood_description":"Captures more easily a Wood Tuxemon.","tuxeball_male":"Male Tuxeball","tuxeball_male_description":"Captures more easily a Male Tuxemon.","tuxeball_female":"Female Tuxeball","tuxeball_female_description":"Captures more easily a Female Tuxemon.","tuxeball_neuter":"Neuter Tuxeball","tuxeball_neuter_description":"Captures more easily a Neuter Tuxemon.","tuxeball_candy":"Candy Tuxeball","tuxeball_candy_description":"Captures Tuxemon and increases its level (+1) upon capture.","tuxeball_lavish":"Lavish Tuxeball","tuxeball_lavish_description":"The capture has a higher chance of succeeding.","tuxeball_ancient":"Ancient Tuxeball","tuxeball_ancient_description":"This Tuxeball was made a long time ago and is capable of catching any Tuxemon without fail.","tuxeball_crusher":"Crusher Tuxeball","tuxeball_crusher_description":"This Tuxeball breaks through defenses and increases the catch rate the higher the opposing Tuxemon's defense is. It will fail to catch if a protection move is used.","tuxeball_xero":"Xero Tuxeball","tuxeball_xero_description":"This odd Tuxeball increases the chance of succeeding if the opposing Tuxemon is a different type than yours, but has a decreased chance if they are the same type.","tuxeball_omni":"Omni Tuxeball","tuxeball_omni_description":"This odd Tuxeball increases the chance of succeeding if the opposing Tuxemon is the same type as yours, but has a decreased chance if they are different types.","tuxeball_hardened":"Hardened Tuxeball","tuxeball_hardened_description":"Captures Tuxemon and it doesn't break when it fails.","tuxeball_hearty":"Hearty Tuxeball","tuxeball_hearty_description":"Upon capture, the tuxemon's positive taste changes to hearty.","tuxeball_peppy":"Peppy Tuxeball","tuxeball_peppy_description":"Upon capture, the tuxemon's positive taste changes to peppy.","tuxeball_refined":"Refined Tuxeball","tuxeball_refined_description":"Upon capture, the tuxemon's positive taste changes to refined.","tuxeball_salty":"Salty Tuxeball","tuxeball_salty_description":"Upon capture, the tuxemon's positive taste changes to salty.","tuxeball_zesty":"Zesty Tuxeball","tuxeball_zesty_description":"Upon capture, the tuxemon's positive taste changes to zesty.","boost_armour":"Boost Armour","boost_armour_description":"For the rest of the combat, increase Armour by 20%.","boost_dodge":"Boost Dodge","boost_dodge_description":"For the rest of the combat, increase Dodge by 20%.","boost_melee":"Boost Melee","boost_melee_description":"For the rest of the combat, increase Melee by 20%.","boost_ranged":"Boost Ranged","boost_ranged_description":"For the rest of the combat, increase Ranged by 20%.","boost_speed":"Boost Speed","boost_speed_description":"For the rest of the combat, increase Speed by 20%.","raise_armour":"Raise Armour","raise_armour_description":"Learn the hardness of the diamond. Increase Armour by 5%.","raise_dodge":"Raise Dodge","raise_dodge_description":"Learn the iridescence of the opal. Increase Dodge by 5%.","raise_hp":"Raise HP","raise_hp_description":"Learn the bulk and abundance of quartz. Increase HP by 5%.","raise_melee":"Raise Melee","raise_melee_description":"Learn the anger of the ruby. Increase Melee by 5%.","raise_ranged":"Raise Ranged","raise_ranged_description":"Learn the aim of the emerald. Increase Ranged by 5%.","raise_speed":"Raise Speed","raise_speed_description":"Learn the reflexes of the spinel. Increase Speed by 5%.","fishing_rod":"Fishing Rod","fishing_rod_description":"Catch fish.","poseidon":"Poseidon","poseidon_description":"Professional fishing rod.","neptune":"Neptune","neptune_description":"Advanced fishing rod.","hatchet":"Hatchet","hatchet_description":"Cut down pesky logs with the Hatchet.","surfboard":"Surfboard","surfboard_description":"From your Mom. It lets you travel faster.","gold_pass":"Gold Pass","gold_pass_description":"Enjoy the Cathedral's deluxe services.","dojo_pass":"Dojo Pass","dojo_pass_description":"Admit one to the Dojo of the Five Elements.","earthmover_key":"Earthmover Key","earthmover_key_description":"Could come in handy if there's a giant earthmover blocking the path.","sledgehammer":"Sledgehammer","sledgehammer_description":"Smash apart grey boulders.","shammer_fossil":"Shammer Fossil","shammer_fossil_description":"It looks like the skull of an ancient dog, but it's hard as stone.","rhincus_fossil":"Rhincus Fossil","rhincus_fossil_description":"It looks like the skull of a toothed bird, but it's hard as stone.","nu_phone":"Nu Phone","nu_phone_description":"You can do a lot with this, e.g. phone home.","spyder_pass":"Spyder Pass","spyder_pass_description":"This should let you in to places only Spyder conspirators are meant to go.","app_banking":"Bank App","app_banking_description":"Access your funds here whenever you're in a town.","app_contacts":"Contacts App","app_contacts_description":"Call your friends and battle the people of your choice.","app_map":"Map App","app_map_description":"Use this on your phone to see where you are.","app_tuxepedia":"Tuxepedia App","app_tuxepedia_description":"Keep track of information about Tuxemon here, and share it with the world.","p_trepidation":"Trepidation","p_trepidation_description":"Painting 'Trepidation', medium: oil on canvas. Hand-signed by the artist.","p_starry_night":"Starry Night","p_starry_night_description":"Painting 'Starry, Starry, Starry Night', medium: oil on canvas. Hand-signed by the artist.","p_monsters_eyes":"Eyes Meet","p_monsters_eyes_description":"Painting 'Monsters' Eyes Meet', medium: oil on canvas. Hand-signed by the artist.","ancient_egg":"Ancient Egg","ancient_egg_description":"A peculiar egg. If you plant it, maybe it will hatch.","restoration":"Restoration","restoration_description":"Remove any condition currently affecting the target.","cureall":"Cureall","cureall_description":"Heals your tuxemon to full health and removes any conditions.","tm_avalanche":"TM: Avalanche","tm_avalanche_description":"Technique Manual that teaches a Water or Earth Tuxemon the Avalanche technique.","tm_blossom":"TM: Blossom","tm_blossom_description":"Technique Manual that teaches a Wood Tuxemon the Blossom technique.","tm_surf":"TM: Surf","tm_surf_description":"Technique Manual that teaches a Water Tuxemon the Surf technique.","tm_earth":"Technical Manual (Earth)","tm_earth_description":"Learn the particular Earth type technique in this TM.","tm_fire":"Technical Manual (Fire)","tm_fire_description":"Learn the particular Fire type technique in this TM.","tm_metal":"Technical Manual (Metal)","tm_metal_description":"Learn the particular Metal type technique in this TM.","tm_water":"Technical Manual (Water)","tm_water_description":"Learn the particular Water type technique in this TM.","tm_wood":"Technical Manual (Wood)","tm_wood_description":"Learn the particular Wood type technique in this TM.","mm_earth":"Move Module (Earth)","mm_earth_description":"Learn the particular Earth type technique in this MM. Then it is consumed.","mm_fire":"Move Module (Fire)","mm_fire_description":"Learn the particular Fire type technique in this MM. Then it is consumed.","mm_metal":"Move Module (Metal)","mm_metal_description":"Learn the particular Metal type technique in this MM. Then it is consumed.","mm_water":"Move Module (Water)","mm_water_description":"Learn the particular Water type technique in this MM. Then it is consumed.","mm_wood":"Move Module (Wood)","mm_wood_description":"Learn the particular Wood type technique in this MM. Then it is consumed.","aardant":"Aardant","aardant_description":"","greenwash_badge":"Badge: Greenwash","greenwash_badge_description":"Tuxemon purchased from Greenwash require this badge to morph.","nimrod_badge":"Badge: Nimrod","nimrod_badge_description":"Tuxemon purchased from Nimrod require this badge to morph.","omnichannel_badge":"Badge: Omnichannel","omnichannel_badge_description":"Tuxemon purchased from Omnichannel require this badge to morph.","scoop_badge":"Badge: Scoop","scoop_badge_description":"Tuxemon purchased from Scoop require this badge to morph.","shaft_badge":"Badge: Shaft","shaft_badge_description":"Tuxemon purchased from Shaft require this badge to morph.","booster_tech":"Tech Booster","booster_tech_description":"An open source technology that allows to morph tuxemon into a different form.","earth_booster":"Earth Booster","earth_booster_description":"It allows to morph an Earth type tuxemon into a different form.","fire_booster":"Fire Booster","fire_booster_description":"It allows to morph a Fire type tuxemon into a different form.","flintstone":"Flintstone","flintstone_description":"A flaky stone used to make stone tools and start fires. Not at the same time.","lucky_bamboo":"Lucky Bamboo","lucky_bamboo_description":"Technically, it's not bamboo at all. Nor is it particularly lucky. But it makes a nice indoor plant.","metal_booster":"Metal Booster","metal_booster_description":"It allows to morph a Metal type tuxemon into a different form.","miaow_milk":"Miaow Milk","miaow_milk_description":"Cats love the taste of Miaow Milk\u2122!","ox_stick":"Ox Stick","ox_stick_description":"An inspiring weapon for an ancient tuxemon.","peace_lily":"Peace Lily","peace_lily_description":"A hardy indoor plant for someone special.","petrified_dung":"Petrified Dung","petrified_dung_description":"It looks like, well, poo ... but it's hard as stone.","pyramidion":"Pyramidion","pyramidion_description":"A golden triangle that hums with celestial power.","sea_girdle":"Sea Girdle","sea_girdle_description":"A string of baubles, soft and slimy like kelp.","stovepipe":"Stovepipe","stovepipe_description":"A long iron pipe. Handling it leaves your hands sooty and ashen.","sweet_sand":"Sweet Sand","sweet_sand_description":"In parts of the world, people clean themselves with this fragrant, sudsy sand.","tectonic_drill":"Tectonic Drill","tectonic_drill_description":"A big click-clack machine used to drill into the earth.","thunderstone":"Thunderstone","thunderstone_description":"An old stone relic, now carried about for good luck.","water_booster":"Water Booster","water_booster_description":"It allows to morph a Water type tuxemon into a different form.","wood_booster":"Wood Booster","wood_booster_description":"It allows to morph a Wood type tuxemon into a different form.","no_type":"no type","town":"town","route":"route","dungeon":"dungeon","clinic":"clinic","shop":"shop","inside":"inside","outside":"outside","item_cannot_use_here":"{name} cannot be used here!","item_used_wrong_location_inside":"{name} can only be used {here}!","item_used_wrong_location_type":"{name} can only be used in a {here}!","item_no_available_target":"{name} cannot be used on any of your Tuxemon right now.","technique_description":"ID.{id} ({types}) - Accuracy {acc}%, Potency {pot}%, Power {pow}\/3, Recharge {rec} turns - Successful: {sus}%","reg_papers":"Registration Papers","reg_papers_description":"A packet of registration papers for The Trial","allies_address":"Allie's Address","allies_address_description":"Room 31, Block 2, Omnichannel Tower, Cotton Town\\n\\nThere's a kiss mark next to the address","player_wallet":"${{name}}'s wallet: ${{currency}}${{money}}","wallet":"Wallet","bank":"Bank","deposit":"Deposit","withdraw":"Withdraw","no_money_operation":"{operation} not possible!","action_call":"Call","phone_no_answer":"Phone keeps ringing but no answer!","combat_scope":"AR:{AR} DE:{DE} ME:{ME} RD:{RD} SD:{SD}","combat_gain_exp":"{name} gains {xp}px","tuxemon_new_tech":"{name} learned technique {tech}!","combat_none":" ","combat_miss":"It missed...","combat_full_health":"But it's already at full health.","combat_forfeit":"You have forfeited!\\n{npc} is disappointed.","combat_cannot_run_away":"But can't run away!","combat_forfeit_trainer":"Can't forfeit!","combat_player_run":"You have run away!","combat_player_run_status":"Can't escape.\\n{monster} is {status}!","combat_player_forfeit_status":"Can't forfeit the match.\\n{monster} is {status}!","combat_player_swap_status":"Can't switch monsters.\\n{monster} is {status}!","cannot_use_tech_monster":"{name} can't be used.","combat_used_x":"{user} used {name}!","combat_used_x_on_y":"{user} used {name} on {target}!","combat_swap":"{user} sent out {target}!","combat_skip":"{user} skips the turn!","combat_call_tuxemon":"Go {name}!","dodge_increased":"{user}'s {stat} increased.","speed_halved":"{user}'s speed was halved.","hp_restored":"{user}'s hp was restored.","dodge_fell":"{user}'s dodge fell.","attacks_rose":"{user}'s attack damage types rose.","combat_levitate_get":"{user} rose higher into the air.","combat_amnesia_get":"{user} has gotten amnesia.","combat_status_damage":"{name} took {status} damage!","combat_trainer_appeared":"{name} wants to battle!","combat_victory":"You have won!","combat_victory_trainer":"You have won against {npc}!\\n You get {currency}{prize}!","combat_defeat":"You've been defeated!","combat_draw":"All parties have fainted!","combat_capturing_success":"You captured {name}!","combat_capturing_fail":"{name} broke free!","combat_recharging":"{name} needs a break before using {move} again...","combat_replacement":"Choose a replacement!","combat_replacement_is_fainted":"That monster has fainted already!","combat_wild_appeared":"A wild {name} appeared!","combat_monster_choice":"What will {name} do?","combat_fainted":"{name} fainted!","combat_isactive":"{name} is already in play.","combat_target_itself":"{name} shouldn't attack itself.","attack_very_effective":"The attack did a lot of extra damage!","attack_effective":"The attack did extra damage!","attack_resisted":"The attack was resisted!","attack_weak":"The attack was strongly resisted!","combat_state_blinded_get":"{target} is blinded.","combat_state_burn_end":"{target} takes damage from burns.","combat_state_burn_get":"{target} is burned.","combat_state_chargedup_get":"{target} is fully charged.","combat_state_charging_get":"{target} is charging power.","combat_state_confused_get":"{target} is confused.","combat_state_confused_tech":"{target} gets muddled and uses {name} instead!","combat_state_gold":"{name} gets {symbol}{gold}!","combat_state_switch":"{target} is {types} type!","combat_state_switch_both":"{user} is {type1} type, while {target} is {type2} type!","combat_state_diehard_get":"{target} will keep fighting.","combat_state_diehard_tech":"{target} fights through the pain.","combat_state_dozing_get":"{target} is asleep.","combat_state_dozing_end":"{target} dozes off!","combat_state_enraged_get":"{target} is enraged.","combat_state_exhausted_get":"{target} is exhausted.","combat_state_festering_get":"{target}'s wounds fester.","combat_state_festering_item":"The healing fails. The wound festers.","combat_state_focused_get":"{target} becomes focused.","combat_state_grabbed_get":"{target} is held tight.","combat_state_hardshell_get":"{target} is covered in hard shell.","combat_state_lifeleech_get":"{target}'s lifeforce is being leeched.","combat_state_lifeleech_end":"{target} is having their lifeforce stolen.","combat_state_noddingoff_get":"{target} is nodding off to sleep.","combat_state_slow_get":"{target} has been slowed down.","combat_state_poison_get":"{target} is poisoned.","combat_state_poison_end":"{target} takes damage from the poison.","combat_state_recover_failure":"{target} can't heal any further.","combat_state_recover_get":"{target} is regenerating.","combat_state_recover_end":"{target} recovers its lifeforce.","combat_state_sniping_get":"{target} takes aim.","combat_state_softened_get":"{target}'s armour softens.","combat_state_stuck_get":"{target} is stuck in place.","combat_state_tired_get":"{target} is worn out.","combat_state_tired_end":"{target} shakes off its tiredness.","combat_state_plague0":"{target} begins to sniffle.","combat_state_plague1":"Ah ... Ah. {target} held in a sneeze.","combat_state_plague2":"Ah ... Ahchoo! {user} sneezed on {target}.","combat_state_plague3":"{target} wiped it off.","combat_state_lockdown_get":"Items will not affect {target}.","combat_state_wasting_get":"{target} is afflicted by a wasting condition.","combat_state_wasting_end":"{target} is wasting away.","combat_state_flinching_get":"{target} flinches and may not act.","combat_state_wild_get":"{target} has gone wild.","combat_state_wild_end":"{target} is still wild.","combat_state_harpooned_get":"{target} risks injury if it backs away.","combat_state_elemental_shield_get":"{target} puts up a flame shield.","combat_state_prickly_get":"{target} is harmful to make contact with.","combat_state_feedback_get":"{target} is turning ranged attacks back on the attacker.","empty_slot":"Empty Slot","exit":"Exit","item_confirm_use":"Use","item_confirm_cancel":"Cancel","generic_success":"It worked!","generic_failure":"It failed!","who_is_that":"Name That Tuxemon","generic_right":"Correct!","generic_wrong":"Wrong!","attempting_capture":"Attempting capture...","captured_failed":"Not this time! The capture failed!","gotcha":"Gotcha!","gotcha_kennel":"{name} has been put in the kennel!","gotcha_team":"{name} has joined the team!","not_implemented":"This feature is not yet implemented.","alert_text":"Text too long!","receive_happiness":"Received 5 Tuxeballs!","received_x":"Received {name}!","save_success":"Saved!","save_failure":"There was a problem saving!","save_overwrite":"Yes, overwrite this save.","save_keep":"No, keep this save.","slot":"Slot","status_blinded":"Blinded","status_burn":"Burn","status_chargedup":"Charged Up","status_charging":"Charging","status_confused":"Confused","status_diehard":"Die Hard","status_dozing":"Dozing","status_elementalshield":"Elemental Shield","status_eliminated":"Eliminated","status_enraged":"Berserk","status_exhausted":"Exhausted","status_faint":"Faint","status_feedback":"Feedback","status_festering":"Festering","status_flinching":"Flinching","status_focused":"Focused","status_grabbed":"Grabbed","status_hardshell":"Hard Shell","status_harpooned":"Harpooned","status_lifeleech":"Lifeleech","status_lockdown":"Lockdown","status_noddingoff":"Nodding Off","status_poison":"Poison","status_prickly":"Prickly","status_recover":"Recover","status_slow":"Slow","status_sniping":"Sniping","status_softened":"Softened","spyderbite":"Spyder Bite","status_stuck":"Stuck","status_tired":"Tired","status_wasting":"Wasting","status_wild":"Wild","acid_description":"","acid":"Acid","adamantine_description":"","adamantine":"Adamantine","air_chain_description":"","air_chain":"Air Chain","all_in_description":"The user draws on their last ounce of strength, striking hard and getting their second wind.","all_in":"All In","amnesia_description":"The combatants' minds touch, leaving both befuddled.","amnesia":"Amnesia","ants_description":"","ants":"Ants","arcane_eye_description":"An arcane veil lashes at those that would curse the user.","arcane_eye":"Arcane Eye","assault_description":"","assault":"Assault","avalanche_description":"","avalanche":"Avalanche","barking_description":"","barking":"Barking","battery_acid_description":"","battery_acid":"Battery Acid","battery_discharge_description":"","battery_discharge":"Battery Discharge","beam_description":"","beam":"Beam","berserk_description":"","berserk":"Berserk","biting_winds_description":"A chill wind leaves the target weak and exposed.","biting_winds":"Biting Winds","blade_description":"A lightning-fast cut.","blade":"Blade","blood_bond_description":"The user sucks the target's blood, but leaves something of themselves behind.","blood_bond":"Blood Bond","blood_nets_description":"","blood_nets":"Blood Nets","blossom_description":"Carnivorous plants grow around the target, drawing away nutrients for the user's benefit.","blossom":"Blossom","boulder_description":"The user shelters beneath a rocky shell.","boulder":"Boulder","breath_description":"","breath":"Breath","breathe_fire_description":"Fire bursts from the user's mouth, scorching the target.","breathe_fire":"Breathe Fire","bubble_trap_description":"","bubble_trap":"Bubble Trap","bullet_description":"A piece of metal is flung at the target with great alacrity.","bullet":"Bullet","canine_description":"","canine":"Canine","cat_calling_description":"","cat_calling":"Cat Calling","cavity_description":"","cavity":"Cavity","chameleon_description":"","chameleon":"Chameleon","chill_mist_description":"","chill_mist":"Chill Mist","clairaudience_description":"","clairaudience":"Clairaudience","clamp_on_description":"","clamp_on":"Clamp On","clock_description":"","clock":"Clock","cloud_aether_description":"","cloud_aether":"Cloud Aether","conjurer_description":"","conjurer":"Conjurer","constrict_description":"","constrict":"Constrict","crystal_description":"","crystal":"Crystal","demiurge_description":"","demiurge":"Demiurge","earthquake_description":"","earthquake":"Earthquake","electrical_storm_description":"","electrical_storm":"Electrical Storm","electroplate_description":"","electroplate":"Electroplate","energy_claws_description":"","energy_claws":"Energy Claws","energy_field_description":"The device saps the target's energy, empowering the user.","energy_field":"Energy Field","evasion_description":"","evasion":"Evasion","eyebite_description":"A glance from the user saps the target of its vim and vigor.","eyebite":"Eyebite","feint_description":"","feint":"Feint","feline_description":"","feline":"Feline","fester_description":"A foul smell washes across the battlefield, hindering the recovery of all combatants.","fester":"Fester","fiery_description":"","fiery":"Fiery","fire_ball_description":"An orb of scorching fire is flung at the target.","fire_ball":"Fire Ball","fire_claw_description":"","fire_claw":"Fire Claw","fire_shield_description":"","fire_shield":"Fire Shield","firestorm_description":"","firestorm":"Firestorm","flamethrower_description":"","flamethrower":"Flamethrower","fledgling_description":"","fledgling":"Fledgling","flood_description":"","flood":"Flood","flow_description":"","flow":"Flow","fluff_up_description":"","fluff_up":"Fluff Up","font_description":"","font":"Font","frostbite_description":"","frostbite":"Frostbite","fume_description":"","fume":"Fume","give_all_description":"","give_all":"Give All","glower_description":"At the user's glare, the target grows weak and vulnerable.","glower":"Glower","goad_description":"","goad":"Goad","gold_digger_description":"","gold_digger":"Gold Digger","grinding_description":"","grinding":"Grinding","gust_description":"","gust":"Gust","gyser_description":"","gyser":"Gyser","hawk_description":"","hawk":"Hawk","headbutt_description":"","headbutt":"Headbutt","hibernate_description":"The user falls into a restorative sleep.","hibernate":"Hibernate","ice_claw_description":"","ice_claw":"Ice Claw","ice_shield_description":"","ice_shield":"Ice Shield","ice_storm_description":"","ice_storm":"Ice Storm","icicle_spear_description":"","icicle_spear":"Icicle Spear","insanity_description":"","insanity":"Insanity","invictus_description":"","invictus":"Invictus","kindling_flame_description":"","kindling_flame":"Kindling Flame","kraken_description":"","kraken":"Kraken","lantern_description":"","lantern":"Lantern","lava_description":"","lava":"Lava","levitate_description":"Combatants float into the air, giving them a vantage point but leaving both struggling to connect with their hand-to-hand attacks.","levitate":"Levitate","life_surge_description":"An eruption of life charges the monster, but at the expense of healing its opponent.","life_surge":"Life Surge","lightning_spheres_description":"","lightning_spheres":"Lightning Spheres","lineage_description":"","lineage":"Lineage","lust_description":"","lust":"Lust","magma_description":"","magma":"Magma","maori_description":"","maori":"Maori","meltdown_description":"","meltdown":"Meltdown","mending_description":"","mending":"Mending","midnight_mantle_description":"","midnight_mantle":"Midnight Mantle","mobbing_description":"","mobbing":"Mobbing","muck_description":"","muck":"Muck","muddle_description":"A haze over the battlefield makes it harder for attacks to connect.","muddle":"Muddle","mudslide_description":"","mudslide":"Mudslide","mystic_blending_description":"","mystic_blending":"Mystic Blending","negation_description":"","negation":"Negation","nest_description":"","nest":"Nest","neutralize_description":"The battlefield is reset, with all conditions and other changes cleared.","neutralize":"Neutralize","oedipus_description":"","oedipus":"Oedipus","one_two_description":"Two decisive strikes bring the target to its knees.","one_two":"One-Two","orbs_description":"The user undergoes a magical transformation, firing off an energy ball of a random element.","orbs":"Orbs","overfeed_description":"","overfeed":"Overfeed","overgrowth_description":"Vines lash the target, locking them in place.","overgrowth":"Overgrowth","panjandrum_description":"A reliable technique that hurts any monster in proportion to its HP.","panjandrum":"Panjandrum","peck_description":"","peck":"Peck","peregrine_description":"","peregrine":"Peregrine","perfect_cut_description":"","perfect_cut":"Perfect Cut","petrify_description":"","petrify":"Petrify","phantasmal_force_description":"","phantasmal_force":"Phantasmal Force","pit_description":"","pit":"Pit","platinum_description":"","platinum":"Platinum","poison_courtship_description":"","poison_courtship":"Poison Courtship","probiscus_description":"","probiscus":"Probiscus","pseudopod_description":"","pseudopod":"Pseudopod","quicksand_description":"","quicksand":"Quicksand","radiance_description":"","radiance":"Radiance","ram_description":"","ram":"Ram","refresh_description":"","refresh":"Refresh","ring_description":"","ring":"Ring","rock_description":"A heavy rock falls on the target.","rock":"Rock","rot_description":"A sickness befalls the target.","rot":"Rot","ruby_description":"","ruby":"Ruby","rust_bomb_description":"","rust_bomb":"Rust Bomb","saber_description":"","saber":"Saber","salamander_description":"A bite brimming with heat and lashing pain.","salamander":"Salamander","sand_spray_description":"","sand_spray":"Sand Spray","scope_description":"Identifies an opponent's strengths and weaknesses.","scope":"Scope","shadow_boxing_description":"A flurry of punches strikes the target.","shadow_boxing":"Shadow Boxing","shapechange_description":"","shapechange":"Shapechange","shrapnel_description":"","shrapnel":"Shrapnel","shuriken_description":"","shuriken":"Shuriken","sleep_bomb_description":"A violent explosion of sleeping powder threatens to send both combatants into a doze.","sleep_bomb":"Sleep Bomb","sleeping_powder_description":"","sleeping_powder":"Sleeping Powder","slime_description":"","slime":"Slime","snowstorm_description":"","snowstorm":"Snowstorm","splinter_description":"","splinter":"Splinter","spray_description":"Liquid death sprays from the user's venom sacs.","spray":"Spray","stabilo_description":"","stabilo":"Stabilo","stampede_description":"","stampede":"Stampede","starfall_description":"","starfall":"Starfall","static_field_description":"","static_field":"Static Field","sting_description":"","sting":"Sting","stone_rot_description":"A sickness quickly befalls the target.","stone_rot":"Stone Rot","stonehenge_description":"","stonehenge":"Stonehenge","strangulation_description":"","strangulation":"Strangulation","strike_description":"","strike":"Strike","suck_poison_description":"","suck_poison":"Suck Poison","sudden_glow_description":"","sudden_glow":"Sudden Glow","sunburst_description":"","sunburst":"Sunburst","supernova_description":"","supernova":"Supernova","surf_description":"","surf":"Surf","surge_description":"","surge":"Surge","sword_description":"","sword":"Sword","sylvan_description":"","sylvan":"Sylvan","take_cover_description":"","take_cover":"Take Cover","terror_description":"","terror":"Terror","thunderball_description":"","thunderball":"Thunderball","thunderclap_description":"","thunderclap":"Thunderclap","time_crisis_description":"","time_crisis":"Time Crisis","tinder_description":"The target is set alight.","tinder":"Tinder","tip_description":"","tip":"Tip","tonguespear_description":"The tongue is jabbed into the opponent, and their blood drained.","tonguespear":"Tonguespear","torch_description":"","torch":"Torch","tsunami_description":"","tsunami":"Tsunami","tux_attack_description":"","tux_attack":"Tux Attack","ubuntu_description":"","ubuntu":"Ubuntu","undertaker_description":"","undertaker":"Undertaker","venom_description":"","venom":"Venom","venomous_tentacle_description":"","venomous_tentacle":"Venomous Tentacle","viper_description":"","viper":"Viper","vorpal_description":"","vorpal":"Vorpal","wall_fire_description":"","wall_fire":"Wall Fire","wall_of_steel_description":"The user spins about, creating a biting, shielding wall of steel.","wall_of_steel":"Wall of Steel","wallow_description":"","wallow":"Wallow","walls_description":"","walls":"Walls","web_description":"","web":"Web","webs_wind_description":"","webs_wind":"Webs Wind","whirlwind_description":"","whirlwind":"Whirlwind","wing_tip_description":"","wing_tip":"Wing Tip","lion_mountain":"Lion Mountain","candy_town":"Candy","citypark":"Citypark","cotton_town":"Cotton","dryadsgrove":"Dryad's Grove","flower_city":"Flower","leather_town":"Leather","paper_town":"Paper","route1":"Route 1","route1_sanglorian":"Sanglorian Avenue","route2":"Route 2","route3":"Route 3","route4":"Route 4","route5":"Route 5","route6":"Route 6","route7":"Route 7","routea":"Route A","routeb":"Route B","routec":"Route C","routed":"Route D","routee":"Route E","sphalian_town":"Sphalian","taba_town":"Taba","taba_ba_br_1":"Taba Battle Area - Battle Room 1","taba_ba_foyer":"Taba Battle Area - Foyer","taba_ba_main":"Taba Battle Area - Main Hall","taba_ba_passageway_1":"Taba Battle Area - Passageway 1","timber_town":"Timber","tunnel":"Tunnel","lion_mountain_description":"One of Fondent's Holy Mountains! Prominence 3,776 m (12,388 ft)!","candy_town_description":"Pushing the bounds of possibility - with biology!","citypark_description":"A Taste of the Wild!","cotton_town_description":"A growing force!","flower_city_description":"Uniforms that guard you while you sleep!","leather_town_description":"Proof that beauty and mining can co-exist!","paper_town_description":"The gateway to Fondent!","routea_description":"A private grotto given over to the wilds!","routeb_description":"The winding path to instantaneous communication!","routec_description":"Home is just over the horizon!","routee_description":"Do not swim downstream of the pump site!","route1_description":"Take care!","route2_description":"The historic path!","route3_description":"Enjoy the scenic beauty of this 'artificial canyon'.","route4_description":"Up and down the road again!","route5_description":"The memorial passage to Timber Town!","route6_description":"A playful meander along the river!","route7_description":"The Ascension Trail on the slopes of Lion Mountain!","sphalian_town_description":"The highest settlement in the Fondent Region!","taba_town_description":"A peaceful refuge!","timber_town_description":"Breadbasket of Fondant!","tunnel_description":"The dark expanse - watch your step!","welcome_location_city":"Welcome to ${{map_name}} City: ${{map_desc}}\\nNorth: ${{north}} \/ South: ${{south}} \/ West: ${{west}} \/ East: ${{east}}","welcome_location_route":"Welcome to ${{map_name}}: ${{map_desc}}\\nNorth: ${{north}} \/ South: ${{south}} \/ West: ${{west}} \/ East: ${{east}}","welcome_location_town":"Welcome to ${{map_name}} Town: ${{map_desc}}\\nNorth: ${{north}} \/ South: ${{south}} \/ West: ${{west}} \/ East: ${{east}}","here_to_north":"From ${{map_name}} to ${{north}}","here_to_south":"From ${{map_name}} to ${{south}}","here_to_west":"From ${{map_name}} to ${{west}}","here_to_east":"From ${{map_name}} to ${{east}}","menu_alphabet":"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890.-!","menu_alphabet_n_columns":"13","dont_care":"DON'T CARE","random_names_male":"Jarrod\\nEdwardson\\nLothair\\nAndrea\\nBrady\\nDemarcus\\nBrady\\nFarant\\nBirch\\nJustin\\nColbey\\nEfrem\\nGarnier\\nFlorentus\\nAlvyn\\nHadden\\nJulianus\\nHugh","random_names_female":"Robine\\nMagnolia\\nSvana\\nSimone\\nEila\\nKrimhild\\nCharlot\\nYara\\nGracie\\nAnke\\nTheresia\\nDiana\\nKathrin\\nAnne\\nMadita\\nSlainie\\nNastasia\\nNelly","random_names":"Beep-beep\\nToast\\nChair\\nLizard\\nChris\\nCarter\\nKyndi\\nWednesday\\nTapioca\\nPom\\nIndiana\\nKansas\\nDont Care","monster_menu_info":"Info","monster_menu_move":"Move","monster_menu_tech":"Techniques","monster_menu_desc":"Description","monster_menu_type":"Type(s)","monster_menu_species":"Species","monster_menu_shape":"Body Type","monster_menu_release":"Release","shop_buy_free":"FREE!","shop_buy_soldout":"Sold Out!","cant_release":"Can't release only Tuxemon in party.","release_confirmation":"Are you sure you would like to release {name}?","tuxemon_released":"{name} has been released.","new_tech_delete":"{name} has too many techniques.\\nWhich technique do you want to delete?","evolution_confirmation":"{name} is trying to evolve into {evolve}. Allow evolution?","no_signal":"No Signal","omnichannel_mobile":"Omnichannel Mobile 4G","max_moves_alert":"{name} has too many techniques.\\nWhich do you want to overwrite for learning {tech}?","uninstall_app":"Unable to uninstall the app.","tuxepedia_progress":"Tuxepedia: {value}%!","tuxepedia_data_seen":"Seen {param} out of {all} Tuxemon","tuxepedia_data_caught":"Caught {param} out of {all} Tuxemon","player_start_adventure":"The adventure began {date} days ago.","player_walked":"Walked {distance} {unit}","player_battles":"Battles: {tot} (W{won} D{draw} L{lost})","page_tuxepedia":"From id {a} to id {b}","no_evolution":"No evolution","yes_evolution":"Evolution","yes_evolutions":"Evolutions","tuxepedia_capture":"Captured {doc} days ago","tuxepedia_exp":"{exp_lv}xp to Lv {lv}","log_off":"Log Off","menu_bag":"Bag","menu_fight":"Fight","menu_item":"Item","menu_items":"Items","menu_journal":"Journal","menu_tuxepedia":"Tuxepedia","menu_load":"Load","menu_monster":"Tuxemon","menu_storage":"Pick Up Tuxemon","menu_dropoff":"Drop Off Tuxemon","menu_item_storage":"Pick Up Item","menu_item_dropoff":"Drop Off Item","menu_multiplayer":"Multiplayer","menu_new_game":"New Game","menu_options":"Options","menu_minigame":"Minigame","menu_player":"Player","menu_run":"Run","menu_forfeit":"Forfeit","menu_save":"Save","menu_up_key":"Up Key","menu_left_key":"Left Key","menu_right_key":"Right Key","menu_down_key":"Down Key","menu_primary_select_key":"Action Key","menu_secondary_select_key":"Cancel Key","menu_back_key":"Back Key","menu_music_daynight":"Day \/ Night","enable":"Enable","disable":"Disable","menu_music_volume":"Music Volume","menu_sound_volume":"Sound Volume","menu_units":"Unit","menu_units_metric":"Metric","menu_units_imperial":"Imperial","menu_hemisphere":"Hemisphere","menu_hemisphere_north":"Northern","menu_hemisphere_south":"Southern","options_new_input_key0":"Press a key to set your new input key","options_new_input_key1":"Restart your game for changes to take effect!","menu_storage_infected_monster":"Virus detected. For the safety of all tuxemon in our system, you cannot store an infected tuxemon.","menu_storage_take_monster":"You added {name} into your party!","menu_storage_take_item":"You added {nr} {name} into your bag!","menu_storage_monsters_full":"Your party is full, you cannot take any more from storage.","menu_storage_items_full":"Your bag is full, you cannot take any more from storage.","menu_storage_empty_kennel":"This shelter is empty, there are no monsters to take.","menu_storage_full_kennel":"This shelter is full.","menu_storage_hidden_kennel":"Unable to access the hidden storage.","menu_storage_empty_locker":"This locker is empty, there are no items to take.","item_menu_disband":"Disband","item_disbanded":"{nr} {name} have been disbanded.","menu_dropoff_no_monsters":"Can't drop off the last Tuxemon in your party.","pick_up":"pick up","move_to_kennel":"move to {box}","Kennel":"shelter","Locker":"locker","quarantine":"Quarantine","xero_campaign":"Tuxemon: Xero","spyder_campaign":"Tuxemon: Spyder and the Cathedral","multiplayer_accept":"Accept","multiplayer_decline":"Decline","multiplayer_duel":"{name} would like to Duel!","multiplayer_host_game":"Host Game","multiplayer_scan_games":"Scan for Games","multiplayer_join_game":"Join Game","multiplayer_hosting_ready":"Ready to accept clients!","multiplayer_already_hosting":"Already hosting!","multiplayer_no_servers":"No servers found...","multiplayer_join_prompt":"Hostname or IP?","swap":"Swap","skip":"Skip","empty":"Empty","aardart_description":"It keeps count of every ant it has eaten, and celebrates significant numbers.","aardart":"Aardart","aardorn_description":"When born it is placed in an anthill and left to eat its way out.","aardorn":"Aardorn","abesnaki_description":"Each face is a different pattern, and some say the symbols spell out words in a dead language.","abesnaki":"Abesnaki","agnidon_description":"It prefers four legs, but can stand on two to open doors, push over trees or hold things.","agnidon":"Agnidon","agnigon_description":"It is called a 'false dragon', because it appears to be a dragon, but actually evolved from a different line of ancient reptiles.","agnigon":"Agnigon","agnite_description":"It is playful, but must be taught early on to keep its fire in check.","agnite":"Agnite","allagon_description":"ALLAGON are drawn to relics made from the metals left behind by their ancestors, and will be violent to retrieve them.","allagon":"Allagon","altie_description":"ALTIE floated down to earth in a bubble. Now its bubble has popped, it cannot float more than a few metres in the air.","altie":"Altie","ambuwl_description":"The egg in its pouch does not hatch. Instead, it secretes a delicious drink with restorative powers.","ambuwl":"Ambuwl","angesnow_description":"Those who survive getting lost in hostile, icy conditions often mention a mysterious presence guiding them even when the snow is too heavy to see through.","angesnow":"Angesnow","angrito_description":"It cannot understand why humans feel rage and hatred, but ANGRITO feels these urges too.","angrito":"Angrito","anoleaf_description":"It considers the plants growing near it to be its brothers and sisters.","anoleaf":"Anoleaf","anu_description":"It is said that it enters others' dreams to search for its lost love.","anu":"Anu","apeoro_description":"The kings of old used psychic powers to transfer their souls into these golden computing machines. Now they live on, unable to communicate but still dreaming of empires.","apeoro":"Apeoro","araignee_description":"Pedants who say all spiders have eight legs are strangely quiet on the case of ARAIGNEE.","araignee":"Araignee","arthrobolt_description":"It feels uncomfortable commanding its fellow NUT and BOLT, and usually runs away. But then the NUT and BOLT have no one to instruct them.","arthrobolt":"Arthrobolt","av8r_description":"If the sun is out, it can fly as far or as high as it likes.","av8r":"Av8r","axylightl_description":"It lights the deep waters with its tail, marking a safe shelter for fish.","axylightl":"Axylightl","b_ver_1_description":"It is designed for all those times you need something to be bitten by a robot.","b_ver_1":"B-Ver.1","bamboon_description":"It fights with its bamboo staff, which it also uses for balance.","bamboon":"Bamboon","banling_description":"Each BANLING is waiting for a homeless spirit to nestle in its branches.","banling":"Banling","baobaraffe_description":"It stores mass amounts of water in its huge body so that it can travel long distances across hot, dry deserts. It will also share water with thirsty creatures. When it has no water stored it is skinny.","baobaraffe":"Baobaraffe","baoby_description":"They travel from river to river in search of water to drink and store. The leafy ossicones on its head conceal movable points that act similar to a dowsing rod. Many creatures follow BAOBY in droughts.","baoby":"Baoby","beenstalker_description":"What BEENSTALKER lacks in sense and grace, it makes up for in sheer enthusiasm and goodwill. It delights in scaring off vermin, but never harming them.","beenstalker":"Beenstalker","bigfin_description":"A whole ecosystem exists on its back, so it tries not to go underwater.","bigfin":"Bigfin","birdling_description":"The ignorant believe that it carries its own egg upon its back. It is the guard for a far more important egg than that.","birdling":"Birdling","blasdoor_description":"BLASDOOR shield those they care about behind their impenetrable bulk, but macerate unwanted intruders and scrap machines between their steel teeth.","blasdoor":"Blasdoor","bolt_description":"The presence of a BOLT makes a NUT clamp down harder and spark more energy.","bolt":"Bolt","boltnu_description":"It spends most of its time digging burrows into the ground, it remains dizzy from the constant vibrations and movement caused by them digging into the soil.","boltnu":"Boltnu","botbot_description":"It is a universal robot that can be adapted for any purpose.","botbot":"Botbot","boxali_description":"With its long blue cape, BOXALI can glide above the ground - allowing it to perform stunts and aerial attacks.","boxali":"Boxali","brewdin_description":"Born in neglected, once prized, pottery and similar treasures. Rumored to grants wishes to those who can make it smile.","brewdin":"Brewdin","bricgard_description":"When the winter comes, IMBRICKCILE builds a defensive cocoon of bricks to protect it from predators.","bricgard":"Bricgard","brickhemoth_description":"Be wary when kicking a BRICGARD's nest, because percussive force is the trigger the tuxemon needs to burst forth once it has formed into a BRICKHEMOTH.","brickhemoth":"Brickhemoth","budaye_description":"It can convince any group to cooperate for the common good with some encouraging mewls and waves.","budaye":"Budaye","bugnin_description":"Its sword is actually an antenna grown and snapped off for that purpose.","bugnin":"Bugnin","bumbulus_description":"BUMBULUS is a flying being that produces a cloud of smoke to disguise itself as a cloud. No one has ever seen its true body.","bumbulus":"Bumbulus","bursa_description":"It rejects fire as basic, and produces only the fire of the mind.","bursa":"Bursa","cairfrey_description":"A jolly piece of furniture who awoke one morning and decided to explore.","cairfrey":"Cairfrey","capinyah_description":"Only after intense training in the jungles, lifting logs and river boulders, can CAPITI graduate to become CAPINYAH.","capinyah":"Capinyah","capiti_description":"It looks like a baby, but some specimens have been found that are hundreds of years old.","capiti":"Capiti","cardiling_description":"One wouldn't expect it to breathe fire, until it does.","cardiling":"Cardiling","cardinale_description":"It hates all predators with a passion, and makes war with them and their young when it can.","cardinale":"Cardinale","cardiwing_description":"Its song is remarkable, but few dare keep an explosive songbird.","cardiwing":"Cardiwing","cataspike_description":"It learns to fight from observation. Left to its own devices, it uses its spike to pick up rubbish.","cataspike":"Cataspike","cateye_description":"They say it blinks once a year, in honour of summer's end.","cateye":"Cateye","chenipode_description":"It bites onto shoelaces and trouser legs when it wants to travel.","chenipode":"Chenipode","cherubat_description":"These inquisitive bats are drawn by the heady emotions of people in love, and carry back unsupervised bouquets and chocolate boxes to build their nests.","cherubat":"Cherubat","chibiro_description":"It is found in forests and fields, where it is often mistaken for a turnip.","chibiro":"Chibiro","chillimp_description":"It is rumoured to live atop snowy mountains, but no clear photo of it has ever been taken.","chillimp":"Chillimp","chloragon_description":"It hatches when an ancient egg is planted in fertile soil. When the eggs run out, there will be no more CHLORAGON.","chloragon":"Chloragon","chromeye_description":"CHROMEYE was created to observe and learn how humans think and feel.","chromeye":"Chromeye","cochini_description":"It is as intelligent and aware as a three-year old child. It tastes delicious.","cochini":"Cochini","coleorus_description":"It has existed, unchanged, for millions of years.","coleorus":"Coleorus","conglolem_description":"The gel has long ago dried out, but CONGLOLEM continues.","conglolem":"Conglolem","conifrost_description":"If it sneezes, an avalanche occurs. It has a permanent sniffle.","conifrost":"Conifrost","conileaf_description":"Foods placed in its pitcher are blended and pickled. They are used to store food without it going off.","conileaf":"Conileaf","coproblight_description":"Born from the feces of prehistoric Tuxemon, it used the shards of bone within itself for defense.","coproblight":"Coproblight","corvix_description":"It arms its wings with bone shards from its victims.","corvix":"Corvix","cowpignon_description":"Some people dry it out and eat it as a medicinal enhancement.","cowpignon":"Cowpignon","criniotherme_description":"Its mane shines during the day, grows big and red at sunset, and blows away as ash at night.","criniotherme":"Criniotherme","dandicub_description":"After a litter is born, they float all over the world and never see their family again.","dandicub":"Dandicub","dandylion_description":"It gives birth to one litter in its life. Then it wanders the world trying to find them.","dandylion":"Dandylion","dankush_description":"A DANKUSH can stop itself from burning by holding its breath, causing plumes of smoke to billow forth from each leaf.","dankush":"Dankush","demosnow_description":"DEMOSNOW delight in luring travelers deeper into the wilderness than is strictly safe, promising them glory and adventure.","demosnow":"Demosnow","dinoflop_description":"DINOFLOP delights in quickly turning away from its attackers so their blows land on its shielded and spiny back.","dinoflop":"Dinoflop","djinnbo_description":"It is mistakenly believed that it is a human who died in a fire. Actually, its relatives did.","djinnbo":"Djinnbo","dollfin_description":"Each one follows a ship from place to place, exploring the world.","dollfin":"Dollfin","dracune_description":"It is immobile during the day, but can wriggle and bite at night.","dracune":"Dracune","dragarbor_description":"When it feels it is coming to the end of its life, it travels to a graveyard where it plants itself. Its tail flower grows forever.","dragarbor":"Dragarbor","drashimi_description":"It lies on the ground, smelling delicious and tempting monsters to take a bite - but when they approach, it bites them first.","drashimi":"Drashimi","drokoro_description":"Once it had a family, but it ate its parents, and it ate its children, and it ate its mate, and it ate all of its kind.","drokoro":"Drokoro","dune_pincher_description":"These hermits will wrap themselves in whatever is closest. In the desert, that is the burial shrouds of long-dead pharaohs.","dune_pincher":"Dune Pincher","eaglace_description":"When it takes flight, clouds form. When it claps its wings, hail falls.","eaglace":"Eaglace","elofly_description":"An ELOFLY on its own is patient and wise, but when it flocks in great numbers it becomes violent and impulsive.","elofly":"Elofly","elostorm_description":"Kings and queens, the ELOSTORM rule their people and have great ambition.","elostorm":"Elostorm","elowind_description":"The lieutenants of the ELOFLY family, ELOWIND shepherd the flock and keep it focused.","elowind":"Elowind","embazook_description":"It is trained for use in war and it knows no other life.","embazook":"Embazook","embra_description":"It eats everything it can to grow big enough to become a RUPTION.","embra":"Embra","enduros_description":"ENDUROS is an aggressive brawler that does not pull its blows. Out of the ring, it is quite sociable.","enduros":"Enduros","eruptibus_description":"Smiths work with it, heating up metals in its caldera.","eruptibus":"Eruptibus","exapode_description":"It waves its legs to attract attention, but mostly people just run away.","exapode":"Exapode","exclawvate_description":"Often seen on construction sites, they can use their huge hands and tail to scoop up dirt and rubble. Underneath the Tuxemon are caterpillar tires, giving them a better balance and grip while climbing heaps of rubble.","exclawvate":"Exclawvate","eyenemy_description":"It feeds on beautiful views and other spectacular sights.","eyenemy":"Eyenemy","eyesore_description":"It remembers everything it has ever seen, but not the order that it has seen it in.","eyesore":"Eyesore","fancair_description":"If someone leaves their fan running when they do not need it, it comes alive and flies out the window to find someone who actually needs to be cooled.","fancair":"Fancair","ferricran_description":"Once, the FERRICRAN were covered all over with adamantine scales, and had wings of mithril.","ferricran":"Ferricran","firomenis_description":"These tuxemon are large and tough from the many years spent as a MERLICUN. Their jaws can crush through trees and bones, and their flight is strong enough to carry people.","firomenis":"Firomenis","flacono_description":"It is totally unafraid of adversaries, and will attack an enemy of any size without hesitation.","flacono":"Flacono","flambear_description":"It can be tracked from the trail of boiled berry bushes and roasted trout it leaves in its wake.","flambear":"Flambear","flisces_description":"It skims the surface of the water, evading detection until a powerful leap brings its sharp fins into play.","flisces":"Flisces","fluoresfin_description":"When threatened, it huddles together with other FLUORESFIN to create a large blinding light to disorientate predators.","fluoresfin":"Fluoresfin","fluttaflap_description":"It feeds on impurities, so it returns purified blood to those it sucks on.","fluttaflap":"Fluttaflap","foofle_description":"When one is in danger, all FOOFLE hear its cries, wherever they are.","foofle":"Foofle","fordin_description":"When threatened, it curls into a ball and bounces away.","fordin":"Fordin","forturtle_description":"It heats its shell to read the future from the cracks that emerge.","forturtle":"Forturtle","foxfire_description":"FOXFIRE cubs are found in fires that burned out overnight. No one knows where they come from.","foxfire":"Foxfire","fribbit_description":"It is said that it was once a boy who licked a freezing lamp post.","fribbit":"Fribbit","frondly_description":"It can do anything with its prehensile tail, even shake hands and pick fruit.","frondly":"Frondly","fruitera_description":"FRUITERA is greedy for fruit, and carries as much as it can. When startled, it drops all its fruit, gathers it all up again, and only then runs away.","fruitera":"Fruitera","furnursus_description":"FURNURSUS are friendly, and often forget that their bodies are too hot for others to touch.","furnursus":"Furnursus","fuzzina_description":"When the child that abandoned a FUZZLET needs it again, it becomes a FUZZINA, a brave protector and nurturer of the small and the weak.","fuzzina":"Fuzzina","fuzzlet_description":"When a child is no longer around to play with their toys, they sometimes come to life.","fuzzlet":"Fuzzlet","galnec_description":"GALNEC buries itself deep in the hot sands of the desert, only its stony tail above ground. In packs, they look like gardens of stone.","galnec":"Galnec","gectile_description":"It is so quick and light that it can walk on leaves.","gectile":"Gectile","ghosteeth_description":"It smiles because it knows how everyone it meets is going to die.","ghosteeth":"Ghosteeth","glombroc_description":"It stores its memories in its rocky shell. If some fall off, it is forgetful.","glombroc":"Glombroc","graffiki_description":"GRAFFIKI are as at home in cities as they are in the jungle, tagging their territory with elaborate paintings.","graffiki":"Graffiki","grimachin_description":"It was made by a toy company to be a pet, but was too dangerous.","grimachin":"Grimachin","grinflare_description":"It is said that each is the walking heart of a volcano.","grinflare":"Grinflare","grintot_description":"It is a GRINTROCK or GRINFLARE that has experienced erosion.","grintot":"Grintot","grintrock_description":"It feeds by sitting out in thunderstorms, waiting to be struck by lightning.","grintrock":"Grintrock","grumpi_description":"Once grabbed by a GRUMPI, its sticky tacky body is impossible to escape from.","grumpi":"Grumpi","gryfix_description":"Bone armor protects GRYFIX from all but the most powerful of attacks.","gryfix":"Gryfix","hampotamos_description":"It nibbles on RINOCEREED, clearing away dead skin, moss and weeds.","hampotamos":"Hampotamos","happito_description":"Why can't people always be happy? HAPPITO will give them exactly what they want, even if it is not what they need.","happito":"Happito","hatchling_description":"When an egg does not want to hatch and begin its next life stage, it becomes a HATCHLING.","hatchling":"Hatchling","hectapod_description":"When it inflates its dome, it floats to the top of oceans, or even through mist and clouds.","hectapod":"Hectapod","heronquak_description":"The crystal on its chest is mistaken for a diamond by poachers. It melts when it is removed from HERONQUAK's body.","heronquak":"Heronquak","hotline_description":"These curious creatures can leap great distances, letting out a strange, tinny cry that cannot be escaped however far their prey runs.","hotline":"Hotline","howl_description":"HOWL's foolish exterior hides deep wisdom - if only it could communicate it, but its words come out as hoots and howls.","howl":"Howl","hydrone_description":"It utilises an experimental technology that creates power from water.","hydrone":"Hydrone","ignibus_description":"When threatened it retreats into its shell and cools down dramatically by venting steam. It could be mistaken for a rock.","ignibus":"Ignibus","imbrickcile_description":"IMBRICKCILE shelter inside a single brick, emerging only to lift it to build their strength.","imbrickcile":"Imbrickcile","incandesfin_description":"Its entire body has massively grown in size. However, its light is still the exact same.","incandesfin":"Incandesfin","jelillow_description":"When a person rests their head on JELILLOW, its jelly-like skin causes them to fall into a deep sleep. If someone is having sleeping problems, then this monster will be used to help them.","jelillow":"Jelillow","jemuar_description":"The gems on its back are the type found when it was born. There are extensive ROCKITTEN breeding facilities over diamond veins.","jemuar":"Jemuar","joulraton_description":"Its static coat of bristly fur attracts seeds, flowers and feathers, which it uses for food or nesting materials.","joulraton":"Joulraton","k9_description":"It is a helpful companion that can pull a tonne of weight.","k9":"K9","katacoon_description":"It stays in a meditative pose for its chrysalis, moving only to jab enemies.","katacoon":"Katacoon","katapill_description":"It is born fighting. It has to punch out of its eggshell or be trapped.","katapill":"Katapill","kernel_description":"KERNEL is a core component of the monster system (kennel) and item system (locker), and serves as the main interface between the computer's physical hardware and the processes running on it. Known as JAS-KERI-BIT from its creators.","kernel":"Kernel","komodraw_description":"It uses its claws to carve its firearm out of wood, and uses it for powerful ranged attacks.","komodraw":"Komodraw","lambert_description":"It is placed in its nut by its parent, who then sends it into the world.","lambert":"Lambert","lapinou_description":"When SQUABBITS were taken as fashionable pets, they adapted to domestic life and lost their violent natures.","lapinou":"Lapinou","legko_description":"Long thought to be legless, its leaves are actually vestigial limbs.","legko":"Legko","lendos_description":"When two UNEYE become tangled, they form a single unified LENDOS.","lendos":"Lendos","lightmare_description":"It lurks in the depths of the ocean, luring any unsuspecting prey using its light right into its large, gaping mouth.","lightmare":"Lightmare","loliferno_description":"It is said that the LOLIFERNO's fire could not be extinguished. Yet, despite its power, LOLIFERNO has a playful side, and is known to dance among the flames it creates.","loliferno":"Loliferno","lucifice_description":"Is it the wind howling through the trees, or LUCIFICE calling the dark spirits of the night to join its hunt?","lucifice":"Lucifice","lunight_description":"LUNIGHT is the guardian of the night, and can control the moon and its phases.","lunight":"Lunight","magmaturtle_description":"When threatened it retreats into its shell and cools down dramatically by venting steam. It could be mistaken for a rock.","magmaturtle":"Magmaturtle","manosting_description":"It floats across the tops of cities, contemplating sharks.","manosting":"Manosting","masknake_description":"When frightened or aggressive, it flashes a beautiful pattern with its tail.","masknake":"Masknake","mauai_description":"MAUAI gives itself over to the spirits of lost warriors trapped inside its weapon.","mauai":"Mauai","medushock_description":"Tend to stay away from shore and known to be aggressive to people. Stingers are used to stun its prey. Swim safely.","medushock":"Medushock","memnomnom_description":"It is said that each one's mask is the face of a different dead king.","memnomnom":"Memnomnom","merlicun_description":"Merlicun is a hardy insect that has evolved to be efficient at both attack and defense. They gather in the tree canopies of ancient forests to feed on fruits and leaves.","merlicun":"Merlicun","metesaur_description":"This Tuxemon would enjoy diving into the ground and leaving marks. Sometimes, the Tuxemon would misjudge the hit and land in trees, starting huge and dangerous forest fires","metesaur":"Metesaur","miaownolith_description":"It can speak the human tongue, but only to say cryptic riddles.","miaownolith":"Miaownolith","mingdyn_description":"Every 12 years, a single MINGDYN egg is laid. Its discovery marks a time of renewal and upheaval across the land.","mingdyn":"Mingdyn","moloch_description":"It can stiffen or soften its skin to respond to friends and foes.","moloch":"Moloch","mrmoswitch_description":"These cheeky robots are used for their fine motor skills, but they love pranks.","mrmoswitch":"Mrmoswitch","mystikapi_description":"The MYSTIKAPI's saliva augments psychic powers. It licks its eyes and ears to heighten its senses.","mystikapi":"Mystikapi","narcileaf_description":"When a SHYBULB has restored a garden to glory, it morphs and proudly takes credit for its work.","narcileaf":"Narcileaf","neutrito_description":"NEUTRITO feels nothing. The perfect machine?","neutrito":"Neutrito","nimbulex_description":"NIMBULEX dresses itself in sparks and storm clouds to protect its delicate inner core.","nimbulex":"Nimbulex","noctalo_description":"It inhabits only places abandoned by humans - castles, graveyards and sewers.","noctalo":"Noctalo","noctula_description":"It eats bugs and PIPIS eat fruit, so despite living in close proximity they do not compete.","noctula":"Noctula","nostray_description":"It can smell anything in the ocean, no matter how far away.","nostray":"Nostray","nudiflot_female_description":"It eats and stores the poison of the sea creatures that it feeds upon.","nudiflot_female":"Nudiflot","nudiflot_male_description":"Its feathery antennas snap off if it is attacked, confusing the predator.","nudiflot_male":"Nudiflot","nudikill_description":"They are called Dark Bishops because their heads are reminiscent of a bishop's hat.","nudikill":"Nudikill","nudimind_description":"It dreams of oceans under other skies.","nudimind":"Nudimind","nuenflu_description":"It snuggles in homes in the winter months, spreading diseases.","nuenflu":"Nuenflu","nut_description":"In the great ships that cross the oceans, thousands of NUT and BOLT provide power and hold the steel plating together.","nut":"Nut","octabode_description":"OCTABODE make ancient vessels and artifacts their homes, dreaming of the lives of those who used the relics before them.","octabode":"Octabode","ouroboutlet_description":"The circuit focuses energy, creating a new type of electricity called griefed-lightning.","ouroboutlet":"Ouroboutlet","pairagrim_description":"One of PAIRAGRIM's heads is always searching for prey, while the other focuses on flying at great speed.","pairagrim":"Pairagrim","pairagrin_description":"The young form of Pairagrim, it is a generally happy creature. It struggles to fly until the two heads learn to work together.","pairagrin":"Pairagrin","pantherafira_description":"Each member of the pride lights their mane from a shared bonfire. As long as that fire burns, their strength is shared.","pantherafira":"Pantherafira","pharfan_description":"At the watering hole it keeps its friends RINOCEREED and HAMPOTAMOS well watered.","pharfan":"Pharfan","picc_description":"It accompanies divers, providing much needed oxygen.","picc":"Picc","pigabyte_description":"Scientists found that the best computers have organic implants.","pigabyte":"Pigabyte","pilthropus_description":"Found alongside Tuxemon such as RHINCUS, PILTHROPUS was one of the oldest Tuxemon able to create its own tools.","pilthropus":"Pilthropus","pipis_description":"Its cries are considered a bad omen, but it is a gentle creature.","pipis":"Pipis","poinchin_description":"POINCHIN make nests in the coral and can be tempted out by bread and milk.","poinchin":"Poinchin","polyrock_description":"It disguises itself as a human child to sneak into dojos and learn from martial arts masters.","polyrock":"Polyrock","possessun_description":"It is a ghost that inhabits a dead CAIRFREY.","possessun":"Possessun","potturmeist_description":"POTTURMEIST are spirits of the dead that take refuge in empty vessels. In ancient temples, acolytes must distract the monsters lest they interrupt important ceremonies.","potturmeist":"Potturmeist","potturney_description":"By the time a POTTURMEIST has reached its maturity, its protective urn has so changed shape that it resembles no pottery made by human hands. Some insist that the designs on a POTTURMEIST's urn are writings from the far future.","potturney":"Potturney","propellercat_description":"Is it a new species, or just the pet of an inventor?","propellercat":"Propellercat","prophetoise_description":"Its heavenly fire is something foes rarely see coming.","prophetoise":"Prophetoise","puparmor_description":"Its cocoon is so hard, people are knocked out if a PUPARMOR is dropped on them. They were once loaded into cannons and catapults.","puparmor":"Puparmor","pyraminx_description":"It has a tomb hidden somewhere in the land. If it finds it, it can sleep.","pyraminx":"Pyraminx","pythock_description":"Using its shadow puppets, it can use them to fight its opponent with great accuracy and speed. They are much more confident, and will sometimes even use their shadow puppets to entertain small children at puppet shows.","pythock":"Pythock","pythwire_description":"Observations of wild PYTHWIRE inspired the inventor of the first electrical outlet.","pythwire":"Pythwire","qetzlrokilus_description":"This Tuxemon would dive into groups of other dinosaur Tuxemon and burn them. They also enjoy setting forests alight and dropping their ashes into water to spoil its purity.","qetzlrokilus":"Qetzlrokilus","rabbitosaur_description":"Its tunnels are extensive and wide, the site of tremendous wars between burrows.","rabbitosaur":"Rabbitosaur","rhincus_description":"It has some properties of a reptile and some of a bird.","rhincus":"Rhincus","rhinocarpe_description":"RHINOCARPE are territorial, charging headfirst at any who swim too near to their coral fortresses.","rhinocarpe":"Rhinocarpe","rinocereed_description":"It is voraciously hungry because it grows so quickly - and it does not limit itself to plants.","rinocereed":"Rinocereed","rockat_description":"Despite its considerable weight, its footfalls are silent.","rockat":"Rockat","rockitten_description":"It uses its tiny rock ears for snuggling.","rockitten":"Rockitten","rosarin_description":"ROSARIN's love is incredible, he's only asking some affection.","rosarin":"Rosarin","ruption_description":"Once EMBRA's flame becomes hot enough, it engulfs its entire body, essentially replacing it in the process.","ruption":"Ruption","sadito_description":"When a person is feeling too sad, SADITO will carry that burden for them.","sadito":"Sadito","sampsack_description":"A scientist wanted to separate his personalities, but he split his body.","sampsack":"Sampsack","sampsage_description":"A scientist took a drug that made him clever by day and violent by night.","sampsage":"Sampsage","sapragon_description":"In olden times, each element had a mighty dragon - but those creatures have diminished and are rare in these days.","sapragon":"Sapragon","sapsnap_description":"Its terrific anger is off putting, but it passes quickly.","sapsnap":"Sapsnap","saurchin_description":"By night, SAURCHIN emerge from the coral reefs to hunt bigger prey on land.","saurchin":"Saurchin","sclairus_description":"When a crop is left unharvested - be it from laziness or disaster - its scarecrow becomes a dark and living creature.","sclairus":"Sclairus","seirein_description":"It grows lonely in the swamps, so it burns brightly to draw travellers near - but it is painfully shy and flits away when they approach.","seirein":"Seirein","selket_description":"Lying in wait beneath the sand, they can feel their prey through the vibrations of their footsteps.","selket":"Selket","selmatek_description":"Kept by the ancient kings of the deserts, SELMATEK served as watchdogs, hunting companions and - now - defenders against grave robbers.","selmatek":"Selmatek","seraphice_description":"SERAPHICE can freeze in ice moments of great courage and joy, stored away in deep vaults beneath the mountains for the days when humanity will need them most.","seraphice":"Seraphice","shammer_description":"In ancient times it hunted RHINCUS beneath ashen skies.","shammer":"Shammer","sharpfin_description":"It is invisible in the water, being visible only when it leaps out of the water to drag animals on the shore back into the deep.","sharpfin":"Sharpfin","shelagu_description":"It wards off attackers by poisoning its spiky shell with goo spat from its mouth.","shelagu":"Shelagu","shnark_description":"SHNARK wears its last meal's flesh as a disguise so it can get close to its trusting prey.","shnark":"Shnark","shybulb_description":"When a garden is neglected, a SHYBULB moves in and quietly tends the droopy plants.","shybulb":"Shybulb","skwib_description":"The SKWIB contentedly floats through the ocean, examining potential shell-homes. It has to fear for its life before it will finally make a choice.","skwib":"Skwib","slichen_description":"It is a gel that sparked to life and begins making a body for itself of stone and rock.","slichen":"Slichen","sludgehog_description":"It lives in rubbish, and eats it too. Its spikes seem sharp, but it can soften them at will.","sludgehog":"Sludgehog","snaki_description":"SNAKI is a snake that has learned to grow legs by examining the motion of lizards and crocodiles.","snaki":"Snaki","snarlon_description":"It does not fly, but its feet never touch the ground. The king of paradox.","snarlon":"Snarlon","snock_description":"The snake-like creature hides under the safety of its sock cover. If startled, it will flail and lie very still on the ground to avoid attention.","snock":"Snock","snokari_description":"The two heads of SNOKARI each hold great wisdom, but they never agree.","snokari":"Snokari","snowrilla_description":"It delights in playing tag with skiers on desolate slopes.","snowrilla":"Snowrilla","sockeserp_description":"An otherwise formidable enemy, SOCKESERP is easily dispatched if it gets tangled up.","sockeserp":"Sockeserp","solight_description":"A villainous team is plotting to use SOLIGHT to create a miniature sun in order to create a new planet.","solight":"Solight","spighter_description":"It's not fair that something so good at sneaking up on people, can't be snuck up on itself.","spighter":"Spighter","spoilurm_description":"SPOILURM disguise themselves as apples, and wait in trees to eat the unexpecting.","spoilurm":"Spoilurm","spycozeus_description":"The whispered communications of the forest are given physical form in SPYCOZEUS, which thinks like the trees.","spycozeus":"Spycozeus","squabbit_description":"To prove themselves, they will fight tooth and nail over even the smallest thing.","squabbit":"Squabbit","squink_description":"It is named for the noise it makes when it is all out of ink.","squink":"Squink","statursus_description":"STATURSUS has learned to channel its emotions into a single pure flame. The mere sight of it sends others into a trance.","statursus":"Statursus","strella_description":"Its tails are lures to convince bugs to bite them and be trapped.","strella":"Strella","sumchon_description":"It uses its weight to trip much larger enemies. It is as dense as a star.","sumchon":"Sumchon","tadcool_description":"It croaks to warn people when they are walking near thin ice.","tadcool":"Tadcool","tarpeur_description":"They rest and grow. They also grow and rest. Rarely, they rest without growing or grow without resting.","tarpeur":"Tarpeur","taupypus_description":"Upon their birth, a TAUPYPUS' eyes are burst by its mother. That way, their eyes will never sting when they dive into the water.","taupypus":"Taupypus","teddisun_description":"TEDDISUN worships the sun - they're always seen carrying their sun toy.","teddisun":"Teddisun","tetrchimp_description":"They absorb any information they come across. Their constant chatter communicates everything they have learned in order.","tetrchimp":"Tetrchimp","tigrock_description":"It is said that it had to invent itself because an evolution was not designed.","tigrock":"Tigrock","tikoal_description":"The guardian of a forest-dwelling people, it keeps guard and resolves disputes.","tikoal":"Tikoal","tikorch_description":"It is the intermediary between forest and volcano, between sun and earth.","tikorch":"Tikorch","tobishimi_description":"TOBISHIMI spawn eggs in vast numbers, and carry them about under their chins for safekeeping until the next full moon - when they hatch.","tobishimi":"Tobishimi","toufigel_description":"It appears to be a fluffy insect, but it is actually a reptile coated in soft snow.","toufigel":"Toufigel","tourbidi_description":"If you find a circle of mushrooms or clover, it is a place where TOURBIDI dance.","tourbidi":"Tourbidi","trapsnap_description":"Its head is the only part of its body that doesn't grow as it ages.","trapsnap":"Trapsnap","tsushimi_description":"While sometimes referred to as its armor, the fleshy plates on TSUSHIMI are softer than its skin. Their purpose remains unknown.","tsushimi":"Tsushimi","tumblebee_description":"It builds hives that are perfect spheres, with the TUMBLEBEE inside just rolling about and buzzing with laughter.","tumblebee":"Tumblebee","tumbledillo_description":"Tumbledillo have a mystical connection to a particular road, and they guard it from people who would interfere with it - even pothole repair crews!","tumbledillo":"Tumbledillo","tumblequill_description":"Tumblequill rolls along the highways, gathering up useful items for its nests from the rubbish left by the side of the road.","tumblequill":"Tumblequill","tumbleworm_description":"When they have outgrown their honeycomb eggs, they drop to the ground face first.","tumbleworm":"Tumbleworm","turnipper_description":"When a field is abandoned to the crows, locusts and mice, a TURNIPPER will sometimes dig itself out of the ground to defend the crops.","turnipper":"Turnipper","tux_description":"Most comfortable in arctic climes, TUX hunt weaker prey by leaping upon it, and crack open the shells or armor of stronger prey by sliding it along the ice into hard rocks.","tux":"Tux","tweesher_description":"The colder the weather, the harder its beak. At below 0 degrees, it is harder than diamond.","tweesher":"Tweesher","uf0_description":"This strange creature seems to be drawn by sounds that are too high for human ears to hear.","uf0":"UF0","uglip_description":"When it is pulled up too quick from its home in the deep waters, UGLIP becomes puffy and pained.","uglip":"Uglip","uneye_description":"Uneye lurks in the shadows, and on the edge of vision.","uneye":"Uneye","urcheedle_description":"It can't move or attack, so it sits still and prays that the opponent damages itself on its many needles.","urcheedle":"Urcheedle","urcine_description":"When a FURNURSUS is born without the fire inside, it is abandoned in the forests as an URCINE.","urcine":"Urcine","vamporm_description":"It thirsts for blood, but must make do with tree sap.","vamporm":"Vamporm","velocitile_description":"It can outrun a bullet, but only when it has warmed up.","velocitile":"Velocitile","vigueur_description":"VIGUEUR compete to see who can lift the heaviest rocks. When they lift one that is too heavy, it squashes them and scatters TARPEUR seeds.","vigueur":"Vigueur","vivicinder_description":"It makes its nest in long-burning fires, either of its own creation or in memorials, smithies and glassworks.","vivicinder":"Vivicinder","vividactil_description":"In ancient times, the Year of the VIVIDACTIL marked a time of renewal and the restoration of authority.","vividactil":"Vividactil","vivipere_description":"It hatches in great numbers in the summer, but the rest of its lifespan is a mystery.","vivipere":"Vivipere","viviphyta_description":"It is the king of snakes - or at least believes itself to be such.","viviphyta":"Viviphyta","vivisource_description":"The spring it chooses for its home always has a peculiar oniony taste.","vivisource":"Vivisource","viviteel_description":"It takes the armour of a fallen warrior and repurposes it for a shell.","viviteel":"Viviteel","vivitrans_description":"The cold focuses VIVITRANS' mind to a keen edge.","vivitrans":"Vivitrans","vivitron_description":"Early philosophers used VIVITRON as evidence that natural forces can be tamed and controlled.","vivitron":"Vivitron","volcoli_description":"It is the spirit of a forest. Its hair changes with the seasons.","volcoli":"Volcoli","waysprite_description":"WAYSPRITE are said to form when a person faces a difficult decision.","waysprite":"Waysprite","weavifly_description":"When it is heavy with egg, it becomes unable to fly.","weavifly":"Weavifly","windeye_description":"Like a mighty tree, WINDEYE plants itself on the top of hills to soak in the sun and wind. Recharged, it then leaves to find another place under the sky.","windeye":"Windeye","woodoor_description":"When a haunted house burns to the ground, sometimes all that is left is the front door. It hops away to find its next home.","woodoor":"Woodoor","wrougon_description":"Each WROUGON is born with a patch of rust larger than the patch of its parents.","wrougon":"Wrougon","yiinaang_description":"It was born the first time a star fell into a black hole.","yiinaang":"Yiinaang","ziggurat_description":"No labyrinth that can contain ZIGGURAT. It decorates its nests with carvings of all the mazes it has traversed over the years.","ziggurat":"Ziggurat","zunna_description":"Cheerful ZUNNA sucks up all the food it can find into its stomach.","zunna":"Zunna","agnsher_description":"A fusion of two tuxemon.","agnsher":"Agnsher","bearloch_description":"A fusion of two tuxemon.","bearloch":"Bearloch","chrome_robo_description":"A hostile robot.","chrome_robo":"Chrome Robo","dark_robo_description":"A hostile robot.","dark_robo":"Dark Robo","foxko_description":"A fusion of two tuxemon.","foxko":"Foxko","mk01_alpha_description":"A killer robot fused with a dragon. Don't ask us how.","mk01_alpha":"MK01 Alpha","mk01_beta_description":"A killer robot fused with a dragon. Don't ask us how.","mk01_beta":"Mk01 Beta","mk01_delta_description":"A killer robot fused with a dragon. Don't ask us how.","mk01_delta":"Mk01 Delta","mk01_gamma_description":"A killer robot fused with a dragon. Don't ask us how.","mk01_gamma":"Mk01 Gamma","mk01_omega_description":"A killer robot fused with a dragon. Don't ask us how.","mk01_omega":"Mk01 Omega","mk01_proto_description":"A killer robot fused with a dragon. Don't ask us how.","mk01_proto":"Mk01 Proto","rocktot_description":"A fusion of two tuxemon.","rocktot":"Rocktot","xeon_description":"A hostile robot.","xeon":"Xeon","xeon_2_description":"A hostile robot.","xeon_2":"Xeon-2","cat_aggregate":"Aggregatecat_alarmAlarmcat_alienAliencat_ampedAmpedcat_anteaterAnteatercat_anubisAnubiscat_athenaAthenacat_balanceBalancecat_balloonBallooncat_barbBarbcat_barbedBarbedcat_beatBeatcat_big_frightfearBig Frightfearcat_big_headBig Headcat_birdBirdcat_bird_brainBird Braincat_bladderBladdercat_bonfireBonfirecat_brainsBrainscat_brawnBrawncat_brickBrickcat_brick_wallBrick Wallcat_broodBroodcat_buzzkillBuzzkillcat_calfCalfcat_calm_emotionCalm Emotioncat_carolCarolcat_cheshireCheshirecat_chipChipcat_cirrusCirruscat_climbingClimbingcat_cloakedCloakedcat_clotClotcat_cloudburstCloudburstcat_crestedCrestedcat_cuteCutecat_cute_boulderCute Bouldercat_cute_teddyCute Teddycat_cypselurusCypseluruscat_dark_bishopDark Bishopcat_deadly_fanDeadly Fancat_deepseaDeep-Seacat_defensiveDefensivecat_desolateDesolatecat_detritusDetrituscat_devilDevilcat_diggerDiggercat_disguisedDisguisedcat_dragonDragoncat_dragon_boneDragon Bonecat_dragon_mothDragon Mothcat_dragon_rollDragon Rollcat_dragon_wormDragon Wormcat_dream_foxDream Foxcat_driven_snowDriven Snowcat_droneDronecat_dry_desertDry Desertcat_echoEchocat_ecstatic_emotionEcstatic Emotioncat_eggEggcat_electric_pigElectric Pigcat_elf_ringElf Ringcat_energisedEnergisedcat_enhancementEnhancementcat_enraged_emotionEnraged Emotioncat_ermineErminecat_eurekaEurekacat_every_thornEvery Thorncat_ex_machinaEx Machinacat_exhumedExhumedcat_eyerachnidEyerachnidcat_fallowFallowcat_false_dragonFalse Dragoncat_false_serpentFalse Serpentcat_false_turnipFalse Turnipcat_firebirdFirebirdcat_fireplaceFireplacecat_flatfootFlatfootcat_flickerFlickercat_floppedFloppedcat_floretFloretcat_flotsamFlotsamcat_foremanForemancat_fortifiedFortifiedcat_fossilFossilcat_frost_apeFrost Apecat_galvanisedGalvanisedcat_gamutGamutcat_garbageGarbagecat_gardenerGardenercat_gelGelcat_genieGeniecat_germinatedGerminatedcat_glitchedGlitchedcat_gnawerGnawercat_golemGolemcat_grasshopperGrasshoppercat_gremlinGremlincat_gummyGummycat_gumnutGumnutcat_gunnerGunnercat_halcyonHalcyoncat_hardwareHardwarecat_heliotropeHeliotropecat_helping_handHelping Handcat_hermitHermitcat_honourHonourcat_horned_raptorHorned Raptorcat_hostHostcat_hot_rockHot Rockcat_hungryHungrycat_hydraHydracat_igneousIgneouscat_inchoateInchoatecat_infinite_energyInfinite Energycat_inner_fireInner Firecat_islandIslandcat_jelly_pillowJelly Pillowcat_jellyfishJellyfishcat_joyfulJoyfulcat_lamenting_emotionLamenting Emotioncat_light_finLight Fincat_lions_toothLion's Toothcat_litLitcat_little_elephantLittle Elephantcat_lizardLizardcat_long_wingedLong Wingedcat_ma_bellMa Bellcat_macropodMacropodcat_mazerunnerMazerunnercat_mercuryMercurycat_meteorMeteorcat_missing_linkMissing Linkcat_mixed_emotionMixed Emotioncat_mutualMutualcat_naiveNaivecat_nightcrawlerNightcrawlercat_nightmare_fuelNightmare Fuelcat_ninth_circleNinth Circlecat_nobleNoblecat_old_blockOld Blockcat_oracle_boneOracle Bonecat_overseerOverseercat_patuPatucat_pebblePebblecat_penguinPenguincat_petrifiedPetrifiedcat_pitcherPitchercat_pointyPointycat_portalPortalcat_potentiaPotentiacat_potteryPotterycat_powderPowdercat_power_socketPower Socketcat_power_socket_snakePower Socket Snakecat_precious_boulderPrecious Bouldercat_prehensilePrehensilecat_prescientPrescientcat_probiscusProbiscuscat_pulsarPulsarcat_pupilPupilcat_puppet_masterPuppet Mastercat_purifiedPurifiedcat_quasarQuasarcat_quickdrawQuickdrawcat_rabbitRabbitcat_relicReliccat_restfulRestfulcat_restlessRestlesscat_restorativeRestorativecat_reverieReveriecat_ripRipcat_ruefulRuefulcat_sand_scorpionSand Scorpioncat_sand_steedSand Steedcat_sanguineSanguinecat_scarytaleScarytalecat_screwdriverScrewdrivercat_seasonalSeasonalcat_sea_spraySea Spraycat_sea_stormSea Stormcat_sentinelSentinelcat_sepulchreSepulchrecat_serpents_toothSerpent's Toothcat_shelteringShelteringcat_shield-maskShield-Maskcat_short_circuitShort Circuitcat_skull_pooSkull Poocat_sleek_boulderSleek Bouldercat_slurpySlurpycat_smokeSmokecat_snoutSnoutcat_snowballSnowballcat_sockSockcat_socketSocketcat_space_cutieSpace Cutiecat_sparkedSparkedcat_spikedSpikedcat_spinySpinycat_spirit_fireSpirit Firecat_spookSpookcat_sproutSproutcat_stanceStancecat_sublimatedSublimatedcat_tabooTaboocat_taigaTaigacat_tastyTastycat_temperTempercat_temptedTemptedcat_thirsty_okapiThirsty Okapicat_thlayThlaycat_threatThreatcat_thunderstoneThunderstonecat_timelessTimelesscat_tiny_batTiny Batcat_too_hotToo Hotcat_tool_makerTool Makercat_towerTowercat_toyToycat_trailingTrailingcat_trapdoorTrapdoorcat_travel_bugTravel Bugcat_tree_giraffeTree Giraffecat_unknownUnknowncat_urchinUrchincat_veiledVeiledcat_vengeanceVengeancecat_virtualVirtualcat_visionVisioncat_visitorVisitorcat_volte-faceVolte Facecat_waveringWaveringcat_weaverWeavercat_westerlyWesterlycat_willpowerWillpowercat_woodwoseWoodwosecat_woollyWoollycat_wrestlingWrestlingcat_yetiYeticat_zazaZaza","gender_male":"Male","gender_neuter":"Neuter","gender_female":"Female","aether":"Aether","wood":"Wood","fire":"Fire","earth":"Earth","metal":"Metal","water":"Water","glitch":"Glitch","normal":"Normal","taste":"Taste","tastes":"Tastes","taste_warm":"Taste Warm","taste_cold":"Taste Cold","taste_peppy":"Peppy","taste_mild":"Mild","taste_salty":"Salty","taste_sweet":"Sweet","taste_hearty":"Hearty","taste_soft":"Soft","taste_zesty":"Zesty","taste_flakey":"Flakey","taste_refined":"Refined","taste_dry":"Dry","armour":"Armour","dodge":"Dodge","hp":"Hit Points","melee":"Melee","ranged":"Ranged","speed":"Speed","touch":"Touch","short_armour":"AR","short_dodge":"DE","short_hp":"HP","short_melee":"ME","short_ranged":"RD","short_speed":"SD","blob":"Blob","brute":"Brute","dragon":"Dragon","flier":"Flier","grub":"Grub","humanoid":"Humanoid","hunter":"Hunter","landrace":"Landrace","leviathan":"Leviathan","piscine":"Piscine","polliwog":"Polliwog","serpent":"Serpent","sprite":"Sprite","varmint":"Varmint","aeble":"Aeble","allie":"Allie","knight1":"Knight I","knight2":"Knight II","liela":"Liela","maple_girl":"Maple","misa":"Misa","timmy":"Timmy","npc_wife":"Wife NPC","professor":"Professor","npc_red":"Red","m_default1":"Jimmy","m_default2":"Linus","m_default3":"Richard","f_default1":"Ada","f_default2":"Christine","f_default3":"Hawthorn","tabanurse":"Taba Nurse","tuxemart_keeper":"Tuxemart Shopkeeper","tuxemart_aide":"Tuxemart Employee","xerogrund1":"Team Xero Grunt I","xerogrund2":"Team Xero Grunt II","xerogrunt2":"Team Xero Grunt II","xerogrunt3":"Team Xero Grunt III","xerogrunt4":"Team Xero Grunt IV","xerogrunt5":"Team Xero Grunt V","xerogrunt6":"Team Xero Grunt VI","xerogrunt7":"Team Xero Grunt VII","xerogrunt8":"Team Xero Grunt VIII","xerogrunt9":"Team Xero Grunt IX","xerogrunt10":"Team Xero Grunt X","acolyte":"Acolyte Corren","fishing_rod_failure":"The water ripples, but nothing bites.","itsswimmingtime":"Do you want to swim?","haveagoodday":"Have a good day!","yes":"Yes","no":"No","hey":"Hey!","door_problems":"The door is stuck and won't open...","empty_pot":"It's an empty pot, maybe someone will plant something here.","purple_flowers":"Somebody planted some sweet smelling purple flowers!","orange_flowers":"Someone planted some beautiful orange flowers!","famous_statue":"It's a statue of a former Tuxemon master. The name is weathered away...","famous_statue2":"It says: For our beloved friends and heroes of all, the wywen","cotton_town_fountain":"It's a fountain. A lot of coins are at the bottom.","tree":"This tree looks happy and healthy!","strategy":"Strategy","strength":"Strength","sure_i_do":"Sure I do.","not_really":"Not really.","mistaken":"You're mistaken.","thats_me":"That's me!","cash_register":"It's a cash register, looks relatively new.","potions_in_shop":"The display case seems to have a lot of potions, must be pretty popular around here.","capture_devices_in_shop":"Tuxeballs. How do they make these?","xero_intro_1":"Welcome to the Fondent Region!\\nThe Fondent Region is a wonderful place filled with all sorts of wonderful people!\\nYou're sure to love it here!\\nThe Fondent Region is run by the benevolent Omnichannel Corporation.\\nThey make sure everyone's needs are met and that everyone is protected from the fearsome Tuxemon!","xero_intro_2":"The great and benevolent Omnichannel Corporation has been led by one man since its inception 25 years ago:\\nAeble Flisk! Along with the Omni-Council and the Omnigrunts.\\nHe has brought stability and prosperity to the Fondent Region!","xero_intro_3":"Thank you for visiting the Fondent Region!\\nWe hope you enjoy your stay, whether it's for a few days, or for a lifetime!","xero_intro_question":"What's your name?","xero_hideout1":"Xero Institute for Tuxemon Research and Advancement ahead.","cherry_found":"You found a cherry.","youcantleave":"The doors are locked from the outside... Is there a key somewhere?","discovered_a_person":"You found me! Haha!","a_serious_discussion\\n":"I have been observing you for a while now, I'm glad my followers managed to grab you without harm.\\nOh, where are my manners! \\nI am Misa, Premier of the Xero Institute for Tuxemon Research and Advancement.\\nWhat was your name again? \\n.... ..... ....\\n${{name}}?\\nNot much of a name for someone who illegally owns a Tuxemon.\\n","oops\\n":"Oh. I guess you didn't know that...\\nYou shouldn't be afraid, having a Tuxemon by your side is the best thing ever to happen to you.\\n","backstory\\n":"About thirty years ago, a group called Omnichannel started controlling the media.\\nSoon after, freedom of expression became nearly impossible.\\nSo people decided to use Tuxemon as messengers and to settle disputes. \\nAbout ten years ago, the crackdown on Tuxemon was initiated.\\nNow, only approved persons can own and raise Tuxemon. \\nMy group uses Tuxemon for research, that's why we all have them. \\nYou are unusual, you are not approved by Omnichannel. \\nYou might be the trainer we have been waiting for.\\nOmnichannel, as ruthless as they are, are not the only threat we have here. \\nThere is another organization called Spyder.\\nYou shouldn't have to worry too much about them, they aren't too active around here. \\nNow, we'll send you back on your journey. \\nBut only if you agree to help us against Omnichannel.\\nOtherwise, we will report you to Omnichannel ourselves. \\nAnd you will lose everything. \\nWe are always watching.\\n","backstory9":"What do you say? Will you help us?","sorryfurthis":"Good Choice. Sorry, this will only sting a little.","mwah\\n":"???: What do you want? ... ... ... Well too bad. You're not getting in here even though if you meet the dresscode.\\nI'm Allie by the way.\\nAllie: Yes, this is the Omnichannel, I'm just a lowly guard though. Who are you?\\n${{name}}...\\nHmm. A strong name. My house is not too far, maybe... after work... you could show me your strength?\\n... ... No! what do you mean no? Unless... ... You're Jess's new boyfriend aren't you! She played me this whole time!\\n","mwah2":"JESS!!!","itslockedboi":"Allie locked the door behind her...","hellothere":"???: Hello there!","kmere":"Why don't you come over here and talk to me?","theinfo\\n":"I'm sorry about that scene, Allie is sometimes hard to deal with, unlike my daughter Jess.\\nOh! Where are my manners. My name is Ae... You know what? I'll just write it.\\nAeble\\nIt's pronounced ahbluh, but everyone just calls me Able. You can call me that, I guess...\\nAeble: I'm the CEO here at the Omnichannel, every broadcast you see, gets approved by me.\\nNow, I'm not the only one that does their part. Omnichannel has a board that helps administrate the various districts.\\nAnd what do you know...the board keeps getting reelected every year!\\nOmnichannel's goal is to open up the world to all. The only way to do that though, to make everyone equal,\\nWas to restrict Tuxemon.\\nWe started with confiscation, but most Tuxemon managed to escape. So we were forced to resort to extreme measures.\\nOur sister organization Spyder developed a drug that could change Tuxemon.\\nIt isolated a portion of the brain that every Tuxemon mysteriously has and overloaded it.\\nOnce the Gage Paludal Lamina was overloaded with electricity, their will to resist faded and they became docile.\\nBecause of some unexpected and tragic side effects, sadly, a few species are now effectively extinct,\\nRockitten, Fruitera, and Hydrone specifically.\\nNow, outside of a few stragglers in the wild, this generation only interacts with Tuxemon when they work for us.\\nThe birthrate is at an all time high, and approval of the Omnichannel has not fallen since the year before the restrictions.\\nWild Tuxemon were a pervasive curse, threatening to destroying humanity. Omnichannel has fixed that and imposed order.\\nUnchecked, Tuxemon are a force of destruction and anyone who says otherwise is lying. Sorry, I must head to work.\\n","liela_goes_to_battle":"If you are going to disturb me while I pick berries, I'm just going to have to challenge you!","Cathedral_Center":"Cathedral Center: We Live to Serve.","Cotton_Mart":"Get the scoop at the Scoop Store!","column1":"A rare and ancient column. This used to be part of a temple.","column2":"A rare and ancient column. Other ruins from the same culture can be found on Route 3. ","route2speech":"EEK!!!","route2speech2\\n":"Oh. It's just you ${{name}}...\\nBe more considerate the next time you push someone. The cliff is higher than it looks...\\n","route2speech3\\n":"Although that may not be a bad thing...\\nI know, everyone needs me to lead, but with everything going on...\\nBut you don't want to listen to me... do you?\\n","yestalk":"Really? Thanks...","notalk":"How insensitive of you! Too bad, you'll have to listen to me anyway!","spillit\\n":"You know that I am the leader of the Xero institute and that I recruited you to fight them. But you don't know something else.\\nAllie, who you met before... What? I told you we would be watching, you don't have to be surprised by it.\\n","spillit3":"Whatever... Allie is my sister and means the world to me, so it destroyed me when I found out he had taken her to HQ.","spillit4":"It may not seem like a bad thing, but it is. Do you know what they do to their recruits? DO YOU!?","spillit5":"Because neither do I... All I know is that no one has ever left Omnichannel after being recruited.","spillit6":"Anyways... it doesn't concern you. All that matters is bringing down Omnichannel.","spillit7":"I'm sorry for troubling you with my issues. City Park is up ahead when you want to move on","leavemealone":"We used to play here all the time when we were younger...","iamknight":"AHHH!!!\\nI thought you were someone else. I'm sorry for shouting.","iamknight2":"Wait, you're the one they whisper about right? The one with the illegal Tuxemon?","mistakenknight":"Nope, there's no way I'm wrong. It's you!\\nDon't worry, I won't tell anyone.","thatsmeknight":"Oh, Splendid! I knew from the beginning it had to be you\\nDon't worry, I won't tell anyone.","quicklyknight":"I don't have much time left. Omnichannel is coming...\\nI was supposed to meet a contact, but you'll have to do. They're coming.","quicklyknight2":"Two people control Omnichannel. The board is a joke.","quicklyknight3":"Allie. Allie is the one they don't want you to know about.","quicklyknight4":"Sorry, but I should leave now.","omnichannelarrives":"STOP!","omnichannelarrives2":"","yesmaam":"Yes Ma'am.","firsts":"\u266a Watch me whip \u266a\\n\u266a Watch me nae nae \u266a\\nThis song is pretty great right?","nopenotyet":"Sorry, someone got injured on the route. It's closed right now.","bothofyou":"Both of you, come outside. An Omnnichannel representative wants to address the town.","hellolovelypeople":"HELLOOOOO CITIZENS OF TABA TOWN!","darnitjohn":"Wait... Where's John?","darnitjohn2":"DARN IT JOHN! Get out here!","darnitjohn3":"John.","darnitjohn4":"Y-Yes ma'am?","darnitjohn5":"Why are you still here?","darnitjohn6":"Uhh...","darnitjohn7":"I'm not sure...","darnitjohn8":"AAAAAGH!!!","darnitjohn9":"YOU IMBECILE!\\nI will say this once and only once:\\nGO. SEARCH. THE. HOUSES.","darnitjohn10":"NOW!","johnissorry":"Sorry Ma'am... I... \\nSaw... \\nSome... \\nFlowers...","uselessnes":"You're absolutely useless John. I can't believe we were ever together.","cometomepls":"NOW, EVERYONE, PLEASE COME TO THE CENTER OF TOWN. OMNICHANNEL WISHES TO ADDRESS YOU!","hellolovelypeople2":"I know you're probably wondering why my Omni Knights and I are here.\\nWait...","hellolovelypeople3":"Are you really the only people in this town? There's no one here! This has GOT to be the smallest town in the Fondent Region.","hellolovelypeople4":"I'm pretty sure there are houses in Cotton Town larger than this...","hellolovelypeople5":"No... Wait... We are missing one person... \\nThe lone Tuxemon breeder left in the Fondent region. The one that calls himself the Tuxemon Professor","whereismyhairbrush":"John, Grant, spread out. FIND HIM.","oopsie":"Sorry you had to see that. He's just SOOOOOOO useless sometimes.","ourstuffisours":"Why are you actually here?","oopsie2":"Why don't we wait for my knights to return. \\nI hate to announce bad news alone.","maamiexist":"Ma'am, He isn't in the house.","maamiexist2":"Was there anything of interest?","maamiexist3":"There's a computer running Ubuntu.\\nI was going to confiscate it, but I know Gnome isn't your style...","maamiexist4":"Nah, leave it. These people obviously have terrible taste and despise usefulness and simplicity...\\nCheck the lab now Grant. I'll wait for John.","itsmyaurababe":"Now, who are you?","itsmyaurababe2":"Hmm, now that I actually look at you, you have a rather mysterious aura.\\n... ... ... ...\\nWe should talk sometime. Maybe see me in Cotton Town?","itsmyduhduhduh":"Received Allie's Address!","itsmyaurababe3":"I hope we'll meet again. ","maamnothing":"Ma'am...","maamnothing2":"Darn it John! We were having a moment!\\nWhat do you want?","maamnothing3":"I... I... Didn't find anything.","maamnothing4":"Great. Thanks for the notice.","maamnothing5":"Ma'am, I haven't found him either.","maamnothing6":"... ... ... ...\\n... Fine. We should probably head back to HQ and report.","solongjohn":"John, you should stay here to keep the peace.\\nI don't want you around anyways.","solongjohn2":"Come on Grant, we have a schedule to keep.","seeme":"Make sure you come see me...","knight4ispoor":"She's really not a bad person.","frowntime":"I don't mind being here...\\nIt's just lonely sometimes...","wherewasshe":"She didn't tell us the bad news...","waitdontgo":"${{name}}! Wait! Don't Leave Yet!","thetvbescreamin":"Honey, wait. I turned on the TV and an Omnichannel press conference came on.\\nWe should watch it.","ipausedit":"I paused the TV, please grab me a glass of water and then we can watch together.","announcement1":"HELLO CITIZENS OF THE FONDENT REGION!\\nTHANK YOU FOR TUNING IN TO THIS MANDATORY ANNOUNCEMENT.","announcement2":"WE LOVE YOU ABLE!","announcement3":"Thank you. I love you too\\nNow, to the matter at hand.","announcement4":"To ALL the citizens of the Fondent Region and beyond who are tuning in, I welcome you.\\nMy name is Aeble, spelled A-E-B-L-E for those who wonder, and I am the CEO of Omnichannel!","whythecheering":"Those Omnichannel people are cheering a lot for him. I wonder why?","announcement5":"It has been a long, hard road to the peace and tranquility that now reigns in the Fondent region.\\nHowever, it is my pleasure to announce, on this day, the 25th Anniversary of the founding of Omnichannel...\\nTUXEMON ARE CONTROLLED!\\n*deafening screaming*\\nQuiet Down! Quiet Down! Your enthusiasm is infectious I must say!\\nIn conjunction with the Xero institute, we have stripped away their will to attack!\\nDue to this, we are confident that releasing Tuxemon into the wild is safe.\\nHowever, curfews must still be enforced, we are not a lawless region after all.\\nAfter all... WE ARE SAFETY, WE ARE ORDER, WE ARE OMNICHANNEL!","ohnoes":"Well... I don't know how to feel about this...","ohnoes2":"Now that that's over...we still need potions from the Tuxemart.\\nMake sure you're back before curfew though!","depressedmom":"Why would he do something like that... I thought he cared...","waterwater":"The water is ice cold and delicious!","watchmewatchme":"Why are you heading into town, You know there's an early curfew.\\n... ... ... ...\\n... ... ... ...\\nYou don't seem like a threat, so you can head on to town...\\nJust don't tell any of those Omnichannel thugs I let you past, M'kay?","grumble":"Omnichannel are a bunch of thugs, but we don't have a choice...\\nAs she always says, guess we have to work with them...","bobtalk":"It would be nice if more people like you came around to say Hi...\\nBy the way, Hello! Have a good day! Today or Tomorrow or any day will be great!","professorexists":"I'll take 12 potions please.","professorexists1":"Thanks Ben.","professorexists1.5":"Why hello there!","professorexists2":"You must be Callie's kid! I've heard so much about you from your mom.\\nWhat brings you in here for?\\n.... .... ....\\nPotions? Of course, you always need those!\\nHere, have a few on the house, courtesy of me.","potions2":"Received 2 potions!","professorexists3":"Oh! Excuse my manners, I can't believe I never introduced myself!\\nMy name is Kay Wren, better known as the Tuxemon Professor.\\nFor years now I've been the only person in the Fondent Region allowed to research Tuxemon.","professorexists4":"Now, I know what you are thinking, why would they allow me?\\nUnfortunately for you, That secret is for me and me alone!\\nHowever, Omnichannel should be making a new announcement soon and I think you'll like it.\\nWe'd better get you back home and watch the second announcement, Come on!","theenergy":"The energy of that man is boundless...","hmmm":"I wonder what they're doing over there?","hmmm2":"I heard they were making a new park. To \\\"Greenify the Area\\\"","hmmm3":"What's the point? The Route is nearly all grass anyways.","hmmm4":"Maybe they're making a water park!","hmmm5":"Max, as much as you may want one, we've established this. They are not making, and will not make, a water park.","hmmm6":".... .... Okay... But it could be...","hmmm7":"The Weather is nice though, isn't it?","timeforround2":"${{name}}! Finally! You're back! I was afraid you would miss the announcement!","timeforround22":"Oh! You did get the potions! Good! Now we really need to get back.","theanthemishere":"Listen! The anthem is starting, we made it just in time. Come and watch!","moreannouncement":"ATTENTION, ALL CITIZENS OF THE FONDENT REGION!","moreannouncement2":"I am sorry to give you such late notice about this address, but I believed it important before the media leaked it...\\nWell... Heh. We own the media, so I guess it wouldn't matter, but I wanted to share it all the same.\\nAfter consulting with my advisors, we have decided that the best way to become more comfortable with Tuxemon, is to use them.\\nNow, it will be some time before we can integrate them into the workforce, but in the meantime, as I said before, we will be releasing them into the wild.\\nI realize this is a shock for everyone, plus I understand that some of you may even be afraid. We all know what happened before...\\nThis is not the time to be afraid though, as Omnichannel will be sponsoring the revival of the ancient tradition known as The Trial!\\nNow, for you who are less versed in Fondent region history, a hundred years ago there was a tradition where young men and women would catch and raise Tuxemon.\\nThey would then use these Tuxemon to battle others and ascend rank in their town, with the best Tuxemon Trainers gaining status and power.\\nWe will be creating a version of this for the modern day. We will be forming battle areas in multiple cities across Fondent.\\nEach Battle Area will need to be completed in order and the most promising trainer, or trainers, will be able to attempt the Championship.\\nThe Championship will be held on top of Omnichannel Tower in Cotton Town, but only once a Tuxemon Trainer has made it through every Battle Area.\\nThe Trial is designed as a way to slowly introduce public life to Tuxemon and to encourage travel throughout the region.\\nWho better to demonstrate this than our youth?\\nEach Match will be broadcast live on Omnichannel-T, the newest television station devoted exclusively to Tuxemon-related programming!\\nDon't worry, the addition will be reflected in your bill.\\nOh, and one more thing, all Tuxemon Trainers will be exempt from the curfew.\\nBefore this of course, you will need a Tuxemon! Now, not everyone can be allowed to become a Tuxemon Trainer. That would be pure chaos!\\nFirst, you'll have to register your name with your local Omnichannel representative and if you're selected, you'll be sent to Omnichannel training.\\nAfter successful completion of your training, you will be provided with a Tuxemon and can start participating in The Trial!\\nI look forward to meeting you all! Let's create a new world together!\\nAfter all... WE ARE SAFETY, WE ARE ORDER, WE ARE OMNICHANNEL! And now,\\nWE \\nARE \\nTHE \\nFUTURE!","youneedtodothis":"I... I think you need to look into this...\\nI don't want to lose you, especially when we're just getting settled.","youneedtodothis2":"But.. I know you've been eager to see the region, and this is your best shot.\\nI know you have the drive in yourself to become the very best, like no one ever was.\\nI just don't know if we can afford the fees\\n\\nWe'll make something work... Somehow.","ihaveyourmoney":"Well, maybe I can help with that.","iknowyou":"Hello Callie, hello ${{name}}, just stopped by to say hi when I overheard you talking about the announcement.","ihaveyourmoney2":"I have a little stored away that needs to be put to good use and Omnichannel owes me a favor.\\nI'm positive something could be arranged.Getting the qualification papers is the easy part. Getting your first Tuxemon is a little more difficult...\\nLuckily, I happen to know someone who has access to multiple different Tuxemon...\\nMe!\\nNow, I know it's a lot to process, so I'll be in my lab waiting for your decision.","hebenice":"He's a nice man, maybe you should at least see what he has to say.","moverocky":"C'mon Rocky! You can move! I believe!","moverocky2":"Well, you move when you're ready, I'll be here waiting.","tuxemontime":"Ah, you came! Great!","tuxemontime1.5":"I take it this means you've decided to join the Trial?","tuxemontimechoiceyes":"Splendid!","tuxemontimechoiceno":"Oh... Okay... I'll be here if you change your mind...","tuxemontime2":"Now, the first thing to do is get your papers all set...","tuxemontime3":"There we go!","tuxemontime3.1":"Here are your registration papers, the first Battle Area will require you to present them in exchange for a Trainer badge.\\nYou won't need the papers after that.","obtainedpapers":"Received Registration Papers!","tuxemontime4":"Now for the most important part! Choosing your Tuxemon!\\nUnfortunately, my source of funding has become... hesitant as of late. This leaves you with only three choices of Tuxemon, sorry about that.\\nThe three choices are Rockitten, Cardiling, and Tweesher.","chooseyerfate":"Which Tuxemon do you want?","chooseyerfateRockitten":"A solid choice! Rockitten is an Earth-type Tuxemon. In medieval times, they bred Rockittens to sit by the door and look cute.\\nDo you want to choose Rockitten?","choseRockitten":"Alright, here's your Rockitten! I know that you two will go on great adventures together!","choseRockitten2":"First though, let's test your battle prowess with a quick Tuxemon battle.\\n Let's see... I'll choose Cardiling.","rockitten!":"Obtained Rockitten!","nochoiceTuxemon":"Okay, why don't you take a look at the other two?","chooseyerfateCardiling":"An interesting choice, it speaks to the spark inside of you. Cardiling is a Fire-type Tuxemon known for stealing food from friends and enemies alike.\\nDo you want to choose Cardiling?","choseCardiling":"Alright, here's your Cardiling! I know that you two will go on great adventures together!","choseCardiling2":"First though, let's test your battle prowess with a quick Tuxemon battle.\\n Let's see... I'll choose Tweesher.","chosefight":"And... LET'S FIGHT!","cardiling!":"Obtained Cardiling!","chooseyerfateTweesher":"A great choice! Tweesher is a Water-type Tuxemon. It's evolution Eagleace is one of the fastest Tuxemon\\nDo you want to choose Tweesher?","choseTweesher":"Alright, here's your Tweesher! I know that you two will go on great adventures together!","choseTweesher2":"First though, let's test your battle prowess with a quick Tuxemon battle.\\n Let's see... I'll choose Rockitten.","tweesher!":"Obtained Tweesher!","wewnicefight":"Wow, that was a good fight!\\nLet me heal your Tuxemon real quick...\\nAnd... There! All set!\\nWith a little more practice and maybe a few more Tuxemon, you'll definitely be able to take on the Trial.","yahaha":"Ah ha! Found you!","gasp":"Wait...","gasp2":"What are you doing here with this... Criminal?\\n... .... ....\\n... ... ...\\nJoining the trial? You'd really subject yourself to that nonsense?\\nIf all you want is a job at Omnichannel, you could have just asked me.\\nI'm sure I can find a... use for you... if you're interested.","brokethegasp":"Now, Miss, if I may, ${{name}} is doing it for more than a job.","brokethegasp2":"You. Why are you talking? I didn't allow you to speak.","brokethegasp3":"Please, miss omnichannel ma'am, ${{name}}'s Mother wanted them to join the Trial to see the entire region\\n${{name}} isn't doing it for the job, they're doing it for the experience.","gasp3":"If that's true, there's more to you than I realized...","gasp4":"Fine, I'll let your registration papers stay intact. For now.\\nJohn, Grant, take the so-called Tuxemon Professor to his new home.","goodbye":"Don't let the Trial prevent you from coming to see me. In fact... Maybe I'll find you first.","goodbye2":"So long ${{name}}! And good luck in the Trial, you'll need it.","tabatownbattlearea":"Omnichannel Certified Battle Area - Taba Town","rockywhy":"Wait, Rocky, don't stop here! We made it so far already!\\nI know you like the grass, but we need to make it to Cotton Town!","heystop":"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?","heystop2":"Miss, we already told you. Under section 2 of article 3, Omnichannel reserves the right to close down and maintain areas as needed.","heystop3":"I KNOW THAT, BUT WHY? YOU JUST KICKED US OUT!","heystop4":"Marissa, maybe we should leave for now, we'll come back another day.","heystop5":"But... But... they dug up our flowers. Without a second thought, without asking.","heystop6":"I know, but we can plant new flowers somewhere else. They'll still be special, because we'll plant them together.","heystop7":"If they weren't so intent on bringing back Tuxemon, we'd still have our special flower patch...","soiwashearing":"Well it looks like we finally found a florist everyone.","soiwashearing2":"You, the florist, who are you?","soiwashearing3":"My name is Marissa, and these... these... THUGS! Destroyed my flower patch.","soiwashearing4":"How dare you...\\nThis is the Premier you're talking too! Have some respect!","soiwashearing5":"Ma'am, should I arrest her for addressing you so insolently?","soiwashearing6":"No Julius, I don't think that's necessary.","soiwashearing7":"She looks scared, the poor thing.","soiwashearing7.5":"But anyone who hates omnichannel is a friend of mine.","soiwashearing8":"Not to mention that the prisons are already overflowing with the... Flower City incident.","soiwashearing9":"However, in the future...","soiwashearing10":"I expect to be addressed CORRECTLY.","y-yes":"Y-yes... Ma'am.","soiwashearing11":"Good, now move so I can talk to these so called \\\"knights.\\\"","allofyounow":"Anyone without a Tuxemon needs to leave. This could get messy.","waityouhaveone":"You have a Tuxemon?\\nWhy is that?\\n... .... ... ... \\n... ... .... ... \\nTrial eh? Well, hopefully you're good in a fight! I'll heal your Tuxemon real quick and then we'll see how good you really are.","taketheleft":"You take the one on the left and I'll take the other three.","taketheleft2":"Take the one on the left! Don't worry, I've got these three!","nobodygetsthrough":"No matter who you bring with you, I won't let anyone through!","staples":"Well, that was easy.","higrunts":"These grunts don't even get proper training, so they were no match for me. You didn't do too bad either it looks like.","higrunts2":"Here, I'll heal your Tuxemon.","ohaimisa":"Well look who it is!","ohaimisa2":"I heard that some Xero thug was beating up my men, but I didn't think it'd be you Misa!","ohaimisa3":"Hi Kyle, why are you here?","ohaimisa4":"Why am I here? Why, I'm the head of this project! Building the model Battle Area for the entire region is an honor!\\nAlthough, I can see why you wouldn't have heard the news, frolicking about with your new plaything and all","ohaimisa5":"Wait, they aren't my-","ohaimisa6":"Ah, doesn't matter. I have more important things to attend to anyways. Have fun you two, AND STOP HURTING MY MEN!\\nToodles!","ohaimisa7":"Jack, Rick, Eddy, come with me. Jon, you stay here.","kylekindasucks":"Sorry about that, Kyle is one of my least favorite people at Omnichannel. And that's saying something!\\nWe were in the same cohort at The Academy and he's been nothing but trouble since. That's probably why Omnichannel recruited him actually.\\nLuckily, I don't have to listen to his grating voice every day like some poor souls have to.","kylekindasucks2":"On a different note, it looks like Kyle was here to open the path. It seems like the Battle Area is open now.","kylekindasucks3":"I know you're going through the Trial and all, but watch your back. Omnichannel is everywhere, watching everything.\\nThey have no issue... disposing of troublesome individuals.","kylekindasucks4":"I don't want to see another person disappear. Especially one as promising as you.","kylekindasucks5":"Alright, I've probably been here long enough. Time for me to head back.","kylekindasucks6":"Oh, and ${{name}}?","kylekindasucks7":"I'll be watching you. In fact, I may even root for you.\\nDon't let me down okay?","kylekindasucks8":"You four, head home. Remember, YOU. SAW. NOTHING.\\nUnderstand?\\nOh, and florist? Come find me at some point. My address is on the card I gave you. ","misaisleavingfornow":"Matt, Julius, let's head out. ","misaisleavingfornow2":"Good Luck ${{name}}. I'm sure we'll see each other again. ","imherenow":"I'm here to make sure nobody disrespects Omnichannel!\\n... .... ... ...\\nHow do I do that? Well... Uh... Maybe I'll ask them nicely?","oimate":"Hey! This is a restricted area! No one without a badge is allowed in!","welcometotaba":"Hello aspiring Tuxemon Trainers!","welcometotaba2":"Congratulations on passing the strict evaluation!\\nYou are the lucky group that has been chosen to be the first contestants in the trial!","welcometotaba3":"Aren't there only three of us? Seems like we barely qualify as a \\\"group\\\".","welcometotaba4":"To be honest, I thought more would pass the evaluation...","welcometotaba5":"Regardless, my name is Kyle and I am the lead architect behind the Battle Areas.\\nI am here to inaugurate the first Fondent Region Battle Area and declare that...\\nTHE TRIAL HAS BEGUN!","welcometotaba6":"... .... ...","welcometotaba7":"I'm not going to lie, I expected more enthusiasm from the first Trial Members.","welcometotaba8":"You're that thing that Misa was attached to. How'd you even get here? Did she falsify your papers to get you in?\\n... .... ... ...\\nAllie signed off on your papers? Interesting...","welcometotaba9":"Your papers seem to be in order. For now.","welcometotaba10":"However, this still doesn't explain the lack of enthusiasm. This is a big honor!\\nBoth of you and Misa's plaything over there represent the best and brightest of the Fondent Region's youth!","welcometotaba11":"Sorry sir, but how is this an honor? I was forced into this. I didn't choose to be a part of the Trial.","welcometotaba12":"Admittedly, we did take some promising Omnichannel recruits and sent them into Trial training, so I apologize if that's the case.","welcometotaba13":"No sir, you imprisoned my family and forced me and my brother to join the Trial.\\nSo forgive me if I \\\"lack enthusiasm\\\" when you're talking about the Trial.","welcometotaba14":"Ahh, you're the Flower City kid I've heard so much about. \\\"The Future of Omnichannel.\\\" What's your name?","welcometotaba15":"My name is Speck, sir.","kylereallysucks":"Well, Speck, if it's any consolation, I was the one that gave the order to attack.","kylereallysucks2":"Good Luck everyone! I fully expect none of you to make it!","kylereallysucks3":"Oh, and Speck? I enjoyed the screams","toodles":"Toodles!","dowehavetogoin":"You know, you don't have to go in. Just go through the standard training program, skip the Trial.","dowehavetogoin2":"No, you don't understand. The only way I can get my family out of prison is if I reach a high enough rank in Omnichannel.\\nFinishing the Trial would set me up in a position just below the CEO. I'd be able to change things.\\nIf I finish this, I can save my family...","dowehavetogoin3":"I have to go in, no matter how much I don't want to, I have to help the people I love.","dowehavetogoin4":"Who knows, maybe I'll be able to fight him myself!","dowehavetogoin5":"By the way, what's your name? Kyle didn't seem to address you at all.","hichristie":"Oh, my name is Christie! Sorry, I should have mentioned that before.","hichristie2":"Hi Christie. As you know, I'm Speck. It's nice to meet you.\\nNow...","hiperson":"Who are you, who's Misa, and who's Allie? Give us the deets!","hiperson2":"Whoa there Christie, don't overwhelm them.","hiperson3":"How about we start with a name and where you're from?","hiperson4":".... ... ....","hiperson5":"Oh, so you're from Taba Town! Neat!","hiperson6":"Now, who are Misa and Allie?","nobody":"I don't actually know","somebody":"I'd rather not talk about them","nobody2":"Fine! Keep your secrets!","somebody2":"Oooh. Are they special to you then? Is there a love triangle going around? C'mon! We need to know!","stahp":"Hey Christie, don't interrogate them. We just met after all. \\nMaybe we should head in anyways. We don't want to make Kyle angry.","stahp2":".... Fine.","stahp3":"But don't think you're avoiding this conversation! I'll get the deets out of you soon enough!","stahp4":"She means well...","stahp5":"... I think.","mydadiscool":"My dad works in the Battle Area! He's pretty cool right?\\nI have to wait out here while he works though because Tuxemon are dangerous...","mydadiscool2":"But... But that doesn't make him any less cool! He's brave and I'll be brave like him one day too!","welcomecontestants":"Welcome, Trial contestants!","itsforthefans":"And a huge welcome to everyone watching from home! My name is Aeble and I am the CEO of Omnichannel.","itsforthefans2":"You've all probably been on the edge of your seat waiting to see our first Trial contestants. Well, today you get to meet them!","itsforthefans3":"From Flower City! The one who fought Tuxemon with his bare hands! Speck!","itsforthefans4":"... .... ...","itsforthefans5":"DARNIT! CUT!","itsforthefans6":"The recording has been stopped, sir.","itsforthefans7":"Good","itsforthefans8":"AS FOR YOU THREE!","itsforthefans9":"Each of you should be stepping forward when your name is called. I won't have a bunch of insignificant kids destroying this for me.\\nAlright?","itsforthefans10":"START THE RECORDING! We'll pick it up at the introductions.","yessir":"Yes, Sir","itsforthefans11":"From Paper Town! The one and only Flower Demon, Christie!","itsforthefans12":"And finally, the one you've all been hearing about. The one you've been talking about!\\nFrom Taba Town! The Grunt subduer themselves!\\n${{name}}!","abouttababa":"Now, you are probably all wondering what this Battle Area will entail. I know our Trial contestants definitely do!\\nThe Taba Battle Area is the first of seven Battle Areas, culminating in the Championship battle in Cotton Town.\\nEach Battle Area will have a different requirement. Some will be mind challenges, others more physical.\\nThis is all so that we can find the best of the best. The future of the Fondent Region and Omnichannel itself.","abouttababa2":"Christie.","abouttababa3":"Speck.","abouttababa4":"${{name}}","abouttababa5":"The Requirement for the Taba Battle Area is...","abouttababa6":"Tuxemon Battles!","abouttababa7":"Now, you will have to defeat all 4 Trial acolytes before being able to face the Battle Area Master.\\nOnce you've defeated the Battle Area Master, you will receive your Trial medal for the Battle Area.\\nGood luck to all three of you, and remember...\\nWE ARE SAFETY, WE ARE ORDER, WE ARE OMNICHANNEL!","abouttababa8":"Oh, and one more thing you three, no matter what you might think...\\nWE are Fondent. Omnichannel is Fondent. Stay in line and don't muck anything up, otherwise there could be... issues","abouttababa9":"Alright guys, CUT! That was great! I think we're good!","abouttababa10":"Just cut out the last section and it will be perfect!","buh-bye":"I'm heading out, but great work everyone! See you all later!","weneedhelp":"Uhh... are we meant to just battle each other then?","weneedhelp2":"I guess we'll just battle here?","weneedhelp3":"I guess that works, this room doesn't seem like a battle room though.","weneedhelp4":"No, you're right, but it's not like we were given any instructions...","explainthyselfchristie":"By the way, why did Aeble call you the \\\"Flower Demon\\\"?\\nHis nicknames for ${{name}} and I at least make sense","explainthyselfchristie2":"Although yours, ${{name}}, sounds more interesting than mine.","explainthyselfchristie3":"\\\"Flower Demon\\\" on the other hand sounds like more than a nickname.","explainthyselfchristie4":"... .... ...","explainthyselfchristie5":"Come on, Christie. Give us something! We're all stuck here together anyways!","explainthyselfchristie6":"... Just like you... I have a past I'm running from...","explainthyselfchristie7":"Christie...","maybeabattle":"ENOUGH!","maybeabattle2":"Speck! I CHALLENGE YOU TO A BATTLE! PREPARE YOURSELF!","maybeabattle3":"Christie, are you sure...","maybeabattle4":"Oh, I see, you're just afraid to fight me huh? Maybe ${{name}} will have the guts, unlike you.","maybeabattle5":"ARGH!","maybeabattle6":"If it's a battle you want, THEN FINE!","maybeabattle7":"Ha! That's more like it!","maybeabattle8":"READY YOURSELF CHRISTIE! AND... FI..","haltyourbickering":"HALT!","haltyourbickering2":"While I admire your enthusiasm, this isn't the place for battling each other.\\nIt's also not the point of this Battle Area.","haltyourbickering3":"Now, gather together again like the good children you are.","haltyourbickering4":"If we're not supposed to fight each other, then who will we fight?","haltyourbickering5":"Were you not listening? The acolytes of course. All 4 and then you can face the Battle Area Master.\\nHonestly, I expected more from you two. I'm sure this is par for the course for the third wheel over there though.","dontbemean":"Hey! Why are you so mean to ${{name}}? What did they do to you?","dontbemean2":"I don't need a reason to do my job. But in this case...","dontbemean3":"... I actually do have reasons.","seeyalater":"Regardless, the 4 hallways lead to the 4 acolytes. Go and fight them or whatever.","seeyalater2":"HEY! Aren't you going to give us that reason?","seeyalater3":"Ha!","seeyalater4":"I don't have to explain ANYTHING to you. That's what makes my job so GREAT!\\nHopefully you lot don't die. It would be bad for ratings.","sorryabouthim":"I'm sorry he's so mean to you ${{name}}","sorryabouthim2":"Yeah! Just ignore him! After all, you have your girlfriends Misa and Allie watching from home! He probably has nobody!","sorryabouthim3":"So? When you going to introduce us to 'em? We're practically family at this point!","sorryabouthim4":"Christie, this is most definitely NOT the time.","sorryabouthim5":"Oh, you're no fun!","doorchosen":"But I guess we better focus on the Battle Area, since we're here and all.","doorchosen2":"I'll start with door 3! Lucky number 3 after all!","doorchosen3":"That girl will be the death of us.","doorchosen4":"I'll start with door 2. Good Luck.","notyettababa":"Only one person can challenge an Acolyte at a time. Please challenge another one.","notyettababafourth":"This is the most powerful Acolyte before the Master, please finish challenging the others first.","itslocked":"The doors are locked, maybe you should try defeating all 4 Acolytes first?","healspls":"Give me your Tuxemon.","healsdone":"Your Tuxemon have been healed.","areyoureadytorumble":"Are you ready to battle the Acolyte?","areyoureadytorumbleno":"Very well, come back once you're prepared.","areyoureadytorumbleyes":"Very well, before we fetch the Acolyte, we'll heal your Tuxemon.","areyoureadytorumbleyes2":"There, now that you actually stand a chance, we will fetch the Acolyte.","uhhjason":"Uhh... Jason?","uhhjason2":"Shoot! He always does this...","uhhjason3":"JASON!","challenger":"Challenger!\\nStep to the center and face me!","challenger2":"You have done well to make it this far!","challenger3":"... .... ...","challenger4":"Wait, this is your first battle?\\nI was told I would be the third battle...","challenger5":"No matter!","challenger6":"This just means it will be easier to crush you!","challenger7":"Ready yourself Challenger! It's time... TO FIGHT!","tabacongratsfirst":"... ... Congrats on the win...","tabacongratsfirst2":"I definitely wasn't expecting a performance like that. Kyle told us all that you would be an easy win.\\nI guess he meant for you and not us!","tabacongratsfirst3":"The other three acolytes are more powerful than me, so you may want to try and fight the wild Tuxemon in the passageways a bit.\\nOther than that, Good Luck!\\nIf you walk through the entrance behind me, you'll be teleported back to the main room.","acolyte1loss":"Ha! Some Challenger you are. You'll have to do better than that to beat me!\\nTry and level up your Tuxemon before facing me again!","acolyte1redo":"So, you actually crawled back... Let's see how powerful you really are!","ripjimmy":"The grave says:\\nHere lies Jimmy. A friend, a knight, and ... bad person overall. However, ... never ... ... Help! ...\\nThe rest is weathered away.","tabanurse_dialog_welcome":"Welcome to the Taba Town Tuxecenter!","tabanurse_dialog_taba":"Welcome to the Taba Town Tuxecenter!\\nDo you want to heal your Tuxemon?","tabanurse_dialog_cotton":"Welcome to the Cotton Town Tuxecenter!\\nDo you want to heal your Tuxemon?","okaythen":"Okay! Just give me a second and I'll heal your Tuxemon!","okaythen2":"Well, it looks like your Tuxemon are all better now!\\nHave a wonderful day!","waithere":"We have to wait here for now. Apparently a tree fell up ahead.","nodrink":"I'm pretty sure you're too young to drink...","professorswife":"Oh No! You just missed him. I think he went into town though. Maybe check there?","waithere2":"Oh, I hope nobody got hurt from the fallen tree!","understand?":"Understand?","input_name":"Name?","input_monster_name":"Name your Tuxemon?","happy_guy_dialog":"Happy: Hi! I love giving Tuxemon nicknames, do you wanna give yours a nickname?","happy_rename":"Happy: That's a great name! I'm sure your Tuxemon loves it :)","shady_guy_dialog":"Shady Guy: Hey. If you have some... 'trouble' attached to your name I can fix it for you...","shady_rename":"Shady Guy: Good luck with your new name, friend...","37707_sign_welcome":"Welcome to town 37707! We are...","37707_sign_tower":"Town 37707 tower. This structure is highly unstable: Do not enter!","37707_sign_foreign":"This sign is written in a foreign language you can't understand.","37707_sign_hidden":"Get out while you still can...","37707_sign_missing_welcome":"We11c0me T0 t0wn ERROR! We ne^er weR3","37707_sign_missing_tower":"Town N\/A . Denetsil evah dluohs uoy","37707_sign_missing_foreign":"PyGame - UnboundLocalError: Local variable 'map_id' referenced before assignment\\nError 404: **** resources not found. Please notify tHe dEvEl0p#r$ @b0%t t#1# ##### ###########\\n01010010 01100101 01101101 01100101 01101101 01100010 01100101 01110010 00100000 01101101 01100101 00101110","37707_sign_missing_hidden_read":"W3 KN0W Y0U R3@D TH1$: Y0U H@D 833N W@RN3D.","37707_sign_missing_hidden_unread":"1T i$ t00 L8 N0W","37707_house":"Strange: It's locked. No one seems to be using this building.","37707_mail":"It's empty and full of spider webs.","37707_house_missing":"Th3r3 is n0th1ng here. The7e n3vEr w@$.","37707_mail_missing":"1t\\\"$ empty @nd y0u c@n $EE th3 v0id.","37707_flower":"You sense a warm energy emanating from this flower. It's the only thing in this town your Tuxemon seem to enjoy.","37707_flower_missing":"E330R: Event @ction set_monster_health contains inv@l1d p@r@meter$. He@l1ng aLL Tu+em0n.,.","37707_computer":"Developer console: This is intended for Tuxemon developers only, for testing an experimental data loading system.\\nThe variable for the new loader will now be enabled. Please report any issues you find at https:\/\/\\nDeveloper note 1: This suppresses crashes for missing maps. The system may attempt to load invalid data!\\nDeveloper note 2: Do NOT save your game with this enabled, it may result in data corruption.\\nDeveloper note 3: As of switching to Python 3, data seems to be aggregated and combined in a very unusual manner. Please debug this!","37707_tower_missing":"Y0u c@nn0t ente7 @ bu1ldIng th@t d0e$ n0t e+i$t.","37707_exit_missing":": GREETINGS ${{name}}. PLEASE UNDERSTAND THIS AREA NEVER EXISTED. YOU HAVE EXPERIENCED A SYSTEM ERROR.\\n: THE GLITCH HAS NOW BEEN PATCHED. YOU MAY CONTINUE THE GAME NORMALLY FROM HERE ON. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO RETURN HERE.\\n: WAKE UP. FORGET ALL. ALL IS BUT A DREAM...","37707_villager_male_1":"Blank: Hmph. Hi. Sorry: We're usually weary of outsiders. We only get visited... sometimes.\\nBlank: But since you're here, maybe you can do me a favor. It might sound strange of me to ask you this, yet I must know...\\nBlank: Do you know who I am? Have you... ever seen me? I'm curious: My name, do I have a...\\nBlank: No. Sorry: I have made a mistake. Please don't tell anyhone what I asked you. Carry on, enjoy your trip here.","37707_villager_male_2":"Blank: You can't help any more. We are not allowed to talk about it. You cannot understand. Leave.","37707_villager_male_3":"Blank: You... you will doom us all over again. Go back and never return!","37707_villager_female_1":"Wish: Oh... a newcomer! How did you get here? We haven't seen anyone new in... oh, never mind.\\nWish: Welcome! Welcome to... oh my: We never got around to giving our town a name! Just call us whatever you'd like I guess.\\nWish: Please make yourself at home. Usually there are more people around... it depends on the seed, maybe it's a bad omen today.\\nWish: Let me know if you need anything that exists here. Just don't make the same mistake as the others: We don't want you to leave us too.","37707_villager_female_2":"Wish: Please: Do not enter the tower. It hasn't been built yet.","37707_villager_female_3":"Wish: No, no, no: Stop doing this! Do you not understand it's not there?","37707_villager_male_missing":"00000: i W@$ n3v3R B0rN\\n${{name}} ${{name}} ${{name}} ${{name}} ${{name}} ${{name}} ${{name}} ${{name}} ${{name}} ${{name}}","37707_villager_female_missing":"@*!^: 0H... @ n3wc0m3r! H0vv p1d y0v g3t he7e? h3llen\\\"T $33N %^&one new 1n... ()h, never n3ver m3V3t N3W37 MIIIIIIIIND\\n@*!^: WElcoME! W3lcome t0... 0H N\/A: We never g0t ar0und to gi^ing 0ur town {<1} We never g00000000 {<2} W3 neVer Bu1lt 0uR t0wN\\nTH S D ES N T EX ST Y U AR C NNE ED TO TH V ID YO M ST LEA E N W","maple_bedroom_sign":"It's a calendar and the 27 April is circled in pink.","taba_house1_sign":"Mr and Ms Clawbrew House","taba_house2_sign":"Legacy Library","taba_house3_sign":"The Thoughtful Leaf Inn","taba_house4_sign":"The Honorable Seagulls Pub","taba_house1_calendar":"It's a calendar and the 30 September and the 12 February are circled in red.","taba_house1_husband1":"Tuxemon! I was among the most skilled trainer!","taba_house1_wife1":"Trainer? My husband is delusional.","taba_house1_reading":"The book is Philosophy of Illusionary Studies by Jaiden Gemrevenza.","taba_house1_watching":"It's a documentary about the strangest and most wonderful Tuxemon in the region,\\n as well as the strange behaviors they have adopted.","taba_house2_owner1":"Welcome to the Legacy Library! Feel free to look around, but quiet please.","taba_house2_reading1":"The book is Visiting The King by Manolo Qai.","taba_house2_reading2":"The book is Raised By Dreams by Louis Etrergo.","taba_house2_reading3":"The book is Children Without Honor by Leslie Greninza.","taba_house2_reading4":"The book is Sailing Into Eternitys by Laurine Doprachuld.","taba_house2_reader1a":"I feel better at the sight of a book or a bookstore.","taba_house2_reader2a":"It ignites my imagination.","taba_house2_reader3a":"So I can live a thousand different lives.","taba_house2_reader4a":"Reading stimulates my mind in a way that TV and movies will never be able to do.","taba_house2_books":"000 - Computer science, information and general works, 100 - Philosophy and psychology\\n200 - Religion, 300 - Social sciences, 400 - Language, 500 - Pure Science, 600 - Technology\\n700 - Arts and recreation, 800 - Literature, 900 - History and geography","taba_house3_owner1":"Welcome to The Thoughtful Leaf Inn!","taba_house3_client1a":"I'm resting while my sister is probably reading some books.","taba_house3_client2a":"Thinking too much can harm us.","taba_house3_client3a":"It makes me think about my mom's house.","taba_house4_owner1":"Welcome to The Honorable Seagulls Pub!","taba_house4_client1a":"My grandma used to do a similar dish!","taba_house4_client2a":"Eh? Just filling up an empty stomach.","taba_house4_client3a":"Luckily I didn't pay for this. How can you pay for this?","taba_house4_dish1":"It's brown, dense, but it doesn't look like pudding...","spyder_intro_question":"Do you want to skip the intro?","spyder_intro00":"Hello, I am the CEO of Omnichannel. We run the newspapers, TV channels and radio stations for this region.\\nIt is my duty to inform you.","spyder_intro01":"Tuxemon are the animals that inhabit this world.\\nThey love to be captured so their masters can battle them for fun and profit.\\nThe strongest win, just like in the world of business.\\nMost monsters are found in the wild. They morph into more advanced forms when they gain experience.\\nBut the five Pillars that make up the Cathedral, that is, the five allied companies that operate in this region,\\nhave improved on nature. This season, we offer five deluxe Tuxemon!","spyder_intro02":"These tuxemon morph immediately when exposed to a token - that's instant gratification!\\nWhat's more, they let you choose which form they morph into.","spyder_intro03":"Tokens are available for a modest fee from all Pillars!\\nAhem, what was I talking about?\\nOh yes, each Pillar offers one of these exclusive Tuxemon.","spyder_intro_shopkeeper1":"What a great presentation from our CEO! All Gold members are being offered a free tuxemon.","spyder_intro_shopkeeper2":"Just fill in this form.","spyder_intro_question_name":"What is your name?","spyder_intro_shopkeeper3":"Please, now return the form to the Shop Assistant, so we can give you the tuxemon.","spyder_intro_shopkeeper4":"I'm sorry, you are not a Gold member. This offer is for Gold members only.","spyder_papertown_stopthere":"Hey! What do you think you're doing?\\n It's not safe to go into the wilds unless you have a tuxemon.\\n Come buy one from our shop.","spyder_papertown_homemaker1":"How are you, ${{name}}? \\n Quiet and solemn as always, I see.","spyder_papertown_mom1":"Good morning sunshine! Rest here any time you like. \\n Why am I saying that? You live here!","spyder_papertown_mom2":"Hello dear. I should get on with my inventing. \\n Can't you occupy yourself? \\n Back in my day, we could amuse ourselves with anything - a stick, a rock, rubbish we found in bins ... ","spyder_papertown_mom3":"Oh, you found yourself a tuxemon. Congratulations! \\n Why don't you head over to the next town and explore?","spyder_papertown_mom4":"Welcome back! Look at you, growing up so fast.","spyder_papertown_mom5":"You know, Granny Piper next door has opened up her Daycare Centre. \\n Well, not everyone can be an inventor, I guess. ","spyder_papertown_mom6":"Congratulations! You took down the corporations! \\n Of course, now lots of people don't have a job ... but you did the right thing. I think.","spyder_papertown_grannypiper1":"Oh hello ${{name}}, I didn't see you there among all this hustle and debris! \\n I can't wait till the Daycare Centre is installed!","spyder_papertown_grannypiper2":"You know, the Pipers made our fortune in the daycare business! \\n I've been retired for ten years and I'm getting bored. I want to get back into it!","spyder_papertown_danteshop":"I'm working, boss, I'm working! \\n Oh, it's just you. You know, we throw out so much of our stock. \\n It's such a terrible waste. It all goes into the bins behind the back of the Store.","spyder_papertown_myfirstmon":"Hey, you came! That's great.\\n When the fancy new tuxemon come through from the Cathedral, we just threw all our old ones in the bin!\\n It seems like such a waste, especially when kids like you don't have any!","spyder_papertown_myfirstmon_notmet":"I recognize you, you're the kid who hasn't got a Gold Pass. \\n You know, I might be able to help you out. \\n When the fancy new tuxemon come through from the Cathedral, we just threw all our old ones in the bin!\\n It seems like such a waste, especially when kids like you don't have any!","spyder_papertown_myfirstmon1":"*rummages* *rumages* ","spyder_papertown_myfirstmon2":"Here we go, looks like there's monsters in most of these bins. \\n Sounds like my boss is calling. Good luck!","spyder_papertown_thereis":"There is something here...","spyder_papertown_trash":"Just trash","spyder_papertown_rockitten":"Do you want ROCKITTEN?","spyder_papertown_lambert":"Do you want LAMBERT?","spyder_papertown_nut":"Do you want NUT?","spyder_papertown_tweesher":"Do you want TWEESHER?","spyder_papertown_agnite":"Do you want AGNITE?","spyder_papertown_firstfight":"Hey, what are you doing rummaging in bins? That's gross - and it's against the rules! \\n ... \\n What, they were throwing out perfectly good tuxemon? \\n ... \\n Well, if they were perfectly good, they wouldn't throw them out, would they? \\n They must be inferior to the new models. Here, I'll show you! ","spyder_papertown_firstfight_win":"Huh, must be a fluke. There's no way the new model would be worse than the old!","spyder_papertown_firstfight_lose":"As expected! Old models can't compare to new ones!","spyder_papertown_firstfight_after":"I'll heal you up this time, but I'm not a charity. Rest up at home next time your monsters get worn out.","spyder_cottontown_monk":"I am assigned by the Dojo of the Five Elements to tend the statues here. \\n But Omnichannel is planning to expand its offices into this space. \\n I don't know what will happen to the statues when they do.","spyder_cottontown_hackerintro":"Hey, cool tuxemon! Can I see the receipt? \\n ... \\n Just kidding, I had a feeling you hadn't picked it up using, ah, official channels. \\n For years, the Five Pillars have controlled the strongest tuxemon. \\n Do you think it'd be cool to poke them in the eye? \\n ... \\n Good! I have a project for you. Meet me in the Cafe!","spyder_cotton_cafegranny":"Hmm, I'm not sure I fancy this coffee.","spyder_cotton_cafeassistant":"Do you collect tuxemon? I'd like to start but I'm afraid to leave the city.","spyder_cotton_homemaker1":"Are you here for the talk? I'm so excited for the launch.","spyder_cotton_homemaker2":"Tuxepedia is great, isn't it? I'm one of the programmers. Tell me if you find any bugs.","spyder_cottontown_stopthere":"Hey, that's not cool! You have to come to my talk at the cafe before you run off!","spyder_cottontown_followme":"The Cafe is located on the other side of these houses.","spyder_cottontown_mom":"Well hello stranger! What are you doing going into a Cafe? \\n You know caffeine is bad for you. I'm kidding! \\n You're a grown up of 12 years old, you can do whatever you like! ... No alcohol .... \\n But you should call home more often. I want someone to tell about my inventions. \\n ... Oh, I forget, you haven't got a phone yet. Here's one I invented. I call it the Nu Phone! \\n You can install all sorts of apps on it. It already has the Map App, so you'll never get lost!","spyder_cottontown_mom1":"Talk about a parting shot!\\n Omnichannel seems to have pulled the plug on the region's computer network.\\n At least, I hope it's nothing more serious than that.","spyder_cottontown_hacker1":"Great work on Tuxepedia, my friend.\\n You're our top contributor.","spyder_cottontown_mom2":"!!!","spyder_cottontown_hacker2":"Right, right!\\n There's a data center along the river to the north-east of Timber Town.\\n If Omnichannel's done anything to the computer network, they would have done it there.","spyder_pc_alert":"Kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal Machine check","spyder_cottontown_enforcer":"Butt out of it, kid, this is private property!","spyder_cottontown_enforcer1":"I told you before - scram!","spyder_cottontown_enforcer2":"It is I who must scram!","spyder_cottontunnel_professor1":"Drat this infernal maze of tunnels... \\n Oh, hello child... \\n Me, lost?... \\n Not at all. I know exactly where I am.","spyder_cottontunnel_shopassistant1":"I hope the professor is okay. He said he saw a fossil and ran off!","spyder_cottontunnel_carlos1":"I fell down a crack in the Dragon's Cave and wound up here somehow.\\n Show me out of here, peasant!","spyder_cottontunnel_carlos2":"Hmm, perhaps I could have phrased that more nicely.","spyder_cottoncafe_hackerchat":"It's so cool that you're helping with Tuxepedia.\\n ... \\n Is there a prize for adding all the tuxemon? \\n Only the satisfaction of helping the human race, man.","spyder_cottoncafe_barmaidintro":"We call ourselves Team Bazaar. Maybe that's a little pretentious. \\n We're a group of rogues and scoundrels who like to get together to drink coffee, discuss philosophy and defy our corporate overlords! \\n We try to look out for each other. For example, unlike the Cathedral we don't charge for you to heal your tuxemon! \\n Would you like me to heal them now?","spyder_cottoncafe_barmaid":"Welcome back. Shall I chuck your tuxemon in the healing unit?","spyder_cottonart_barmaid":"Do you like my set? \\n They capture my early days as a professional tuxemon trainer, before I retired on my winnings. \\n I call them: 'Monsters' Eyes Meet', 'Starry, Starry, Starry Night' and 'Trepidation'. They're for sale! \\n Get them while they're hot! Just 1,000 each.","spyder_cottonart_barmaid_bundle":"Do you want to buy all three paintings for ${{currency}}3,000?","spyder_cottonart_barmaid_single":"Do you want to buy this painting for ${{currency}}1,000?","spyder_cottonart_barmaid_painting_sold_billie":"The painting has been bought and donated back to the gallery by Billie!","spyder_cottonart_barmaid_bundle_sold":"It looks like you're my collector now! I'll replace the original with copies!","spyder_cottonart_billie":"I see you're trying to broaden your horizons. That's cute. Just try not to touch anything.","spyder_cottonart_granny":"I must be getting nostalgic. I almost said \\n \\\"Back in my day, things were better!\\\"","spyder_cottonart_goth":"I used to enjoy coming here every weekend to look at the paintings. \\n Now all the best ones have been sold and the tickets are too expensive. \\n But my nanna wanted to come, so ...","spyder_cottonart_florist":"What do you think of the blue painting of a ship in the harbour? \\n It's in the impressionist style - that means it tries to capture how light looks and behaves. \\n See the small red sun reflected along the waves of the water?","spyder_cottonart_shopkeeper":"Welcome to the Cotton Town Art Gallery. Ah - I mean Art Shop! \\n Ever since they cut our funding, we've had to sell the artworks instead of just displaying them. \\n Entry is ${{currency}}50. It goes towards the company's annual dividend.","spyder_cottonscoop_shopassistant":"Tuxeballs allow you to capture tuxemon and keep them as servants. \\n They're most effective when used on injured and low-level tuxemon. \\n Select them during battle from your Item menu.","spyder_cottonscoop_deviceoffer":"Welcome customer. Today, we're promoting Tuxeballs. Do you know what those are?","spyder_cottonscoop_devicenoexplan":" Okay, well here's five as a free sample. \\n If you have any questions about how Tuxeballs work, just ask my assistant!","spyder_cottonscoop_deviceexplan":"Let my assistant introduce you.","spyder_cottonscoop_deviceexplan2":"Tuxeballs allow you to capture tuxemon and keep them as servants. \\n They're most effective when used on injured and low-level tuxemon. Select them during battle from your Item menu. \\n Thank you for listening. Here's five Tuxeballs as a free sample. ","spyder_cotton_tuxepediaahem":"Ahem.","spyder_cotton_tuxepediaintro":"Currently, the only reliable information about tuxemon is from the expensive and incomplete Encyclopaedia Tuxemon! \\n That's not cool; information should be freely available. That's why we're introducing Tuxepedia. \\n It's open source, it's free, it's available for everyone to read, write and edit. How cool is that? \\n You can open Tuxepedia from the menu. ","spyder_cotton_tuxepediaintro2":"All it takes to add information is for you to catch that particular tuxemon. It's so cool.","spyder_cotton_tuxepediaintro3":"You are so engrossed reading the new entries, that you don't notice people leaving.","spyder_cotton_tuxepediaintro4":"It's so cool that you came. There's still so many tuxemon to be added - over a hundred, I think. \\n You could really get into it, and make a difference to the world. ","spyder_cotton_cafegoth":"Don't look at me. I'm just here for the free canapes.","spyder_cotton_cafeflorist1":"Shhh, it's about to begin.","spyder_cotton_cafeflorist2":"I can't wait to fact-check everyone else's entries. \\n You better make sure you have good sources!","spyder_route2_billie1":"Hey cheapskate! Still got your stolen tuxemon?","spyder_route2_billie2":"This was a fluke. My tuxemon were expensive, and that means that they're high quality.","spyder_route2_graf1":"I'm an ace - in battling and tennis!","spyder_route2_marion1":"So many tasty ants around! ... For my Aardorn, I mean.","spyder_route2_roddick1":"When I was ambushed on the dunny by SPIGHTER I was pretty creeped out.","spyder_route2_roddick2":"Hey, you didn't seem creeped out at all!","spyder_citypark_maniac":"Phew, we're pooped!","spyder_citypark_granny":"We'll walk back to Leather Town after a little rest.","spyder_citypark_florist":"Enjoy the flower display! It's the pride of Leather Town.","spyder_citypark2_florist":"The flowers look okay, don't they? ... Ever since the mining began in Leather Town, the flowers have been under the weather!","spyder_route2_graf2":"I got served.","spyder_route2_marion2":"I don't eat ants.","spyder_citypark_frances2":"You must come and visit some time. ","spyder_citypark_frances1":"I have the finest gardens in all the land. That's why these Shybulb keep turning up.","spyder_citypark_bobette1":" I love cats. An Aardorn is basically a cat, right?","spyder_citypark_bobette2":" A cat would have won \u2026","spyder_citypark_edith1":"Hey, did you say I'm like my tuxemon? I'll fight you for that!","spyder_citypark_edith2":"Hmm, you may have a point.","spyder_museum_entrance1":"Welcome to the museum of natural history! It's free, but depends on your generous donations. Would you consider a donation of ${{currency}}50?","spyder_museum_entrance2":"Please explore our five sections, and make sure to read about our five sponsors.","spyder_museum_entrance3":"Unfortunately we now need to charge for tickets. ${{currency}}100 please.","spyder_museum_shopkeeper_chat":"I volunteer to keep the museum as affordable as possible. ","spyder_museum_miner1":"There used to be a whole section here on the history of our world! \\n But when Nimrod became the sponsor, they replaced it with just military history! \\n Now everyone is just inventing their own theories of world history!","spyder_museum_postboy1":"Did you know that the first spectacles were made of beryl, not glass? \\n \u2026 \\n I learned that last year from a guide at this museum! But there aren't any guides around this place any more.","spyder_leather_maniac":"How is your adventure so far? \\n ... \\n Wow, so talkative! You are really coming out of your shell.spyder_route3_signRehabilitation will begin as soon as possible. \\n Please stop nagging us.spyder_route3_drag1AGENT: What happened to the excavation? \\n SHAFT BOSS: We got ... interrupted. By ... a kid. \\n AGENT: A kid?! \\n SHAFT BOSS: But we did manage to recover one ... \\n AGENT: Hush! You know that's top secret. Alright, hand it over and scram! \\n SHAFT BOSS: Okay, here ... uh!spyder_route3_drag2AGENT: What the?! Come with me, you can explain this to HQ!","spyder_route3_zoolander1":"A boulder is causing problems for travellers? \\n It's \\\"our fault\\\"? \\n Who cares? We've got urgent work to do!","spyder_route3_zoolander2":"Ah, I dropped my sledgehammer!","spyder_route3_qqq1":"Ah, the Enforcers weren't meant to let anyone out!spyder_route3_qqq2I'll reveal nothing about our plot! In fact, forget I said anything about a plot!spyder_route3_novak1 My Elofly is a genius! I'm going to collect as many as I can.spyder_route3_novak2Hmm, not smart enough ...spyder_route3_weaver1Hey, butt out of it! This mine site belongs to Shaft!spyder_route3_weaver2Go on, get out!spyder_route3_curie1Look at my magnificent invention!spyder_route3_curie2Why did you do that?spyder_route3_connor1My Weavifly is fighting fit now - there was a while there where it couldn't fly.spyder_route3_connor2Oh well, this will be a learning experience for them.spyder_route3_roxby1Bring that pile driver over here and be quick! Hey ... you don't look like a miner. spyder_route3_roxby2Scram! spyder_route3_roxby3I hope Boss is not mad - she gets angry so fast, \\n But she is a nice person and has a heart like a diamond.spyder_route3_surat1 They call it the \\\"dark artery\\\" - the fossilised blood and bone of ancient tuxemon beneath the soil. \\n And we get to dig it up!spyder_route3_surat2I knew you wouldn't understand. spyder_route3_surat3Scram! You're getting in our way.","spyder_route3_twig1":"Some of the stuff we're digging up belongs in a museum! \\n Wait, you don't work here. ","spyder_route3_twig2":"Don't mention that museum stuff to the boss, okay?spyder_route3_twig3I will train more and become as strong as our Boss. \\n She worked so hard to become the leader, I wanna be like her someday.spyder_route3_wanda1All I ever seem to catch is boring Nudiflot!spyder_route3_wanda2The fishing's good in Flower City - but who wants to walk that far? \\n Here, you can have my Fishing Rod.","spyder_papertown_danteresting":"I'm working, boss, I'm working! \\n Oh, it's just you. You know, we throw out so much of our stock. It's such a terrible waste. \\n It all goes into the bins behind the back of the Store.","spyder_cotton_nurse1":"Welcome to the Cathedral Centre! \\n Do you want to heal your Tuxemon?","spyder_wayfarer_shopkeeper":"Sorry mate, no rooms available. \\n The Enforcers say a rare disease has broken out among some guests' tuxemon, so we're under quarantine. \\n I can heal your tuxemon for you, though?","spyder_wayfarer_nurse":"There are sick tuxemon in this building. Best to leave it to the Enforcers to sort everything out. \\n If you keep going, I can't make any promises about how they'll respond. ","spyder_wayfarer_granny":"I can't explain it ... one moment my Cairfrey was healthy, the next it was sick! \\n At least the Enforcers arrived so soon. spyder_wayfarer_maniacMy tuxemon aren't sick! This is just an excuse to sell us medicine we don't need. \\n When I was your age, we didn't have medicine. We swam in mountain streams and if you got a sniffle, well, tough! \\n And anyway, I saw the Enforcers coming down Route 4 before anyone so much as sniffled, so how could \\n ... \\n ah ah achoo! \\n ... \\n That doesn't mean anything. I have an itchy nose.spyder_wayfarer1_maniacHey, buddy, do you want my Botbot?spyder_wayfarer1_maniac1I dunno how long I'm going to be stuck here, so it might as well get to explore with you.spyder_wayfarer1_maniac2A little privacy, please! spyder_wayfarer1_morton1I'm stuck in this room until my tuxemon got better, so there's nothing to do but battle!spyder_wayfarer1_morton2Now there's nothing to do!spyder_wayfarer1_jessie1The Enforcers were so prompt and helpful! I guess Scientist James alerted them as soon as possible.spyder_wayfarer1_jessie2You're not as helpful as an Enforcer. Or as handsome. spyder_wayfarer1_nightshade1It's embarrassing. All the Nurses' tuxemon got sick, but the Enforcers' tuxemon are fighting fit!spyder_wayfarer1_nightshade2I guess we have a lot to learn about tuxemon care.spyder_wayfarer1_victor1Hey, you're not leaving with potentially infected tuxemon!spyder_wayfarer1_victor2Stop right there! Or, um ...spyder_wayfarer1_morningstar1I'm not surprised to see you here. spyder_wayfarer1_morningstar2Come back and see me later - next patient please!spyder_wayfarer1_bravo1This enforcement action is sponsored by Omnichannel: The Only News You Need. spyder_wayfarer1_bravo2Please do not let my battling performance affect your opinion of Omnichannel: The Only News You Need. spyder_wayfarer1_james1I wonder how the Enforcers got here so quickly! Nurse Jessie must have called them.spyder_wayfarer1_james2I'm glad Jessie didn't see my lose like that!spyder_wayfarer1_bismuth1I hope this isn't related to those sick tuxemon at Scoop Farms!spyder_wayfarer1_bismuth2Bummer!spyder_wayfarer1_ratcher1You should let the patients rest!spyder_wayfarer1_ratcher2Now I need a rest!spyder_route4_marshall1I'm working on a gigantic cannon!spyder_route4_marshall2It might need some work.spyder_route4_roger1We can learn a lot about strategy from tuxemon.spyder_route4_roger2I could learn a lot about strategy from you!spyder_route4_wulf1Ah, just collecting some medicinal supplementsspyder_route4_wulf2Ooh, I feel so emasculated!spyder_route4_rincewind1Finally, a use for K9!spyder_route4_rincewind2It wasn't that useful.spyder_route4_rosamund1Try to fight me and you'll get your just desserts!spyder_route4_rosamund2Revenge is best served cold. spyder_route4_beck1Your serve!spyder_route4_beck2Game, set, match.spyder_barmaid_cafe1Are you okay?\\n I guess all your tuxemon were infected, so the Enforcers took them to the Hospital!spyder_barmaid_cafe2You can use the PC to get out some non-infected tuxemon.spyder_barmaid_cafe3Oh dear, you're totally out of tuxemon.\\n Well, I have this Nudiflot I don't really want.spyder_enforcer_candy1Stop right there!\\n We are taking all infected tuxemon to the Hospital to be quarantined\\n until Greenwash develops a cure for the virus.spyder_enforcer_candy2Wow! I guess you get to keep them all\\n ... Uh ... I mean, good job keeping your tuxemon free from disease.\\n You may go.spyder_enforcer_candy3Ha! I mean, oh dear, your tuxemon are infected and must be quarantined.\\n Hand them over now ...spyder_enforcer_candy4Don't you even think of trying to steal your tuxemon back from the Hospital.\\n The scanners are set up to reject all known tuxemon and human DNA!spyder_route4_billie1I've got all the latest gear and the best tuxemon. What have you got?spyder_route4_billie2I guess money can't buy everything, after all.spyder_routea_billie1Hey cheapskate! We bought a little surprise for you from the store.spyder_routea_billie2It didn't work this time ... but at least we didn't fish it out of the trash!spyder_routea_rosyRosyspyder_routea_lotuLotuspyder_routea_connieConniespyder_routea_lexiLexispyder_routea_joeJoespyder_routea_koanKoanspyder_routea_daggerDaggerspyder_routea_dorisDorisspyder_routea_vinceVince","spyder_routea_rosy1":"I came here to play with my Shammer, but he's just lazing around in the sun.spyder_routea_rosy2That perked him up, thank you!spyder_routea_lotu1You younglings, always in such a rush to experience the world.spyder_routea_lotu2Leave time to stop and smell the flowers every once in a while.spyder_routea_connie1A morning run's just the thing to clear the head.spyder_routea_connie2A tuxemon battle, that's the tonic!spyder_routea_lexi1There's some great tuxemon on this route!spyder_routea_lexi2I simply love bugs, don't you?spyder_routea_joe1I got my report card from school yesterday.spyder_routea_joe2'Needs improvement.'' Where have I heard that before?spyder_routea_koan1Flower City is cold but I like where I'm living.spyder_routea_koan2What can I possibly say?spyder_routea_dagger1Someone said you were asking after me.spyder_routea_dagger2No one said you were asking after me. I'm just a blaggard.spyder_routea_doris1I love the color of the leaves this time of year.spyder_routea_doris2Thank you. It's always a pleasure to battle someone new.spyder_routea_vince1I love to just sit by myself in the park and read.spyder_routea_vince2... Just me, alone in nature.spyder_routea_vince3... Gee, you really can't take a hint can you kid?spyder_routea_vince4Oh golly, my spine is broken! On my book, I mean.spyder_routea_maniacIt's funny\\n I come to the park to get away from people\\n but I always end up running into someone I know!spyder_routea_little1The access is blocked. A landslide damaged the route.spyder_routea_firefighterIt's so quiet here.\\n It's a nice break from the noise of the city.","spyder_magician_timber":"Hey, that's a nice phone you've got there ... Your mum made it for you? Heaps cool! \\n Then you've gotta install my newest social media app. It's called Contacts App. \\n It keeps track of all the people you meet and tells you what they're up to.spyder_candy_catgirl1You know, I'm just fascinated by fossils. You know - SHAMMER, RHINCUS, that kind of thing.spyder_candy_catgirl2Do you have a fossil tuxemon?spyder_candy_catgirl_nofossilNo? Well, you know where you can find me.spyder_candy_catgirl_willtradeYou do? Want to trade it for a PROPELLERCAT?spyder_candy_prof1ZUNNA! This darn tuxemon is eating me out of house and home.spyder_candy_prof_nocateyeI wish I could trade it for a nice quite tuxemon, like a CATEYE.spyder_candy_prof_willtradeI'm the luckiest professor in the region of Fondent.","spyder_candy_eliane1":"Welcome to my market garden.\\n I grow plants.\\n Would you like me to harvest some crops for you?","spyder_candy_eliane2":"How did you enjoy the fruits of my labours?","spyder_candy_eliane3":"Here, you have it.","spyder_candy_eliane4":"It may be important.","spyder_timber_firefighter1":"Hey, do you treat your tuxemon with proper respect?! \\n Sorry, I can be very blunt. \\n But you wouldn't believe the damage that tuxemon can do if they aren't taken proper care of.spyder_timber_firefighter_nochillimpLast week a Tikoal almost burnt down its owner's house!spyder_timber_firefighter_willtradeHey, do you want a TIKOAL? I could really do with a CHILLIMP, if you've got one.spyder_flower_mieke1It's exciting for us to visit the region of Fondant! You have such unique tuxemon here ... \\n Hey, do you want to trade? My Conileaf for a creature that we don't have back home ... \\n How about Budaye?spyder_flower_mieke_nobudayeOh it doesn't matter - I can see you don't have a Budaye.spyder_flower_mieke_willtradeWell, great! Here you go.spyder_flower_fez1Everyone in our region has to pick from one of the same five boring tuxemon. \\n I know like a hundred people with a Foxfire ... \\n Hey, do you want to trade? My Foxfire for an Ignibus?spyder_flower_fez_noignibusOh it doesn't matter - I can see you don't have an Ignibus.spyder_flower_fez_willtradeWell, great! Here you go.spyder_flower_cady1Oh I'd just love to have a souvenier to take back home with me. \\n I just adore those sweet little Grintot. Could you get me one? \\n I could give you my Hampotamos in exchange?spyder_flower_cady_nogrintotOh it doesn't matter - I can see you don't have a Grintot. spyder_flower_sandy1This Pharfan keeps spraying me with water. What a drag! \\n Hey, do you want it? You'd have to give me a Tweesher in return.spyder_flower_sandy_notweesherOh it doesn't matter - I can see you don't have a Tweesher.spyder_flower_cady_willtradeWell, great! Here you go.spyder_flower_teach1Oh where has my other student gotten to?spyder_flower_monk1I'm sorry, only experienced trainers are allowed past this point.spyder_flower_monk2Welcome master.","spyder_flower_petshopassistant":"Hello - we are the Pet Shop Boys. Are you interested in buying a tuxemon?spyder_flower_petshopassistant1Each for ${{currency}}500spyder_flower_petshopkeeper1I found these eggs in the bough of a tree, and hatched them! \\n They appear to be a previously unknown tuxemon. \\n I call them Vivipere! I wonder what they morph into.spyder_flower_petshopkeeper2Tell you what, why don't I give you one and you can come back and tell me what it morphs into!spyder_flower_petshopkeeper3Did you get Vivipere to morph yet?spyder_flower_petshopkeeper4You got it to morph? \\n ... \\n And you did it in that particular way? \\n I see. Hmmm, I don't really like the look of that morph. \\n If I give you another Vivipere, can you bring it back if it ever morphs into something different?spyder_route1_beachcomberTo run, just hold down the SHIFT key. \\n Look! I'm free as an ELOFLY!spyder_cottonhouse1_homemakerI feel so safe seeing all the Enforcers around. You can never be too careful. \\n The newspapers are always reporting terrible crimes in this very region!spyder_cottonhouse1_firefighterDid you know it's possible for tuxemon to have two elements? \\n Even a technique can belong to two elements at one.spyder_cottonhouse2_magicianSome conditions replace one another. \\n Learning how conditions interact is key to becoming a master of tuxemon fighting.spyder_cottonhouse2_catgirlHave you met the old man in City Park? He's obsessed with breaking records!spyder_cottonhouse2_shopkeeperI don't have a problem with people from other regions. \\n Just don't come after my job, alright?spyder_route5_grannyThis park is much more salubrious with the Nimrod construction keeping the Flower City riff-raff out. spyder_leatherhouse1_floristThere used to be several TV and radio stations operating, but Omnichannel ran them out of business. \\n Now we don't have to worry about different journalists contradicting each other.spyder_leatherhouse2_tvA little green mon is lifting a ship out of a swamp.spyder_leatherhouse2_scientistI work for Shaft. \\n ... \\n Where's my helmet? I don't need one, I control the truck remotely from our offices. \\n Pretty soon, most jobs in the mines will be automated. spyder_leatherhouse2_minerYou won't believe what they're digging up in Route 3. \\n I've never seen an egg that big. \\n Oops, I've said too much. spyder_route1_routesignRoute 1. Take care!spyder_flowerhouse1_tvTwo mons are having a fight. \\\"I'm not your friend, Budaye\\\", one says.spyder_flowerhouse2_soldierI worked for Nimrod during the war. \\n Not that I got a medal. Or a parade. \\n They don't hand those out to mercenaries.spyder_flowerhouse2_scientistRadio FUD wakes me up every morning. \\n Not sure I care for their politics, but at least they call it how they see it!spyder_flower_floristThere used to be a riverboat captain here who could take you up and down the river. \\n But I haven't seen him for a few days. spyder_flowerhouse1_firefighterThe five Pillars are the only big companies in this region. They have a lot of sway.spyder_flowerhouse1_grannyScoop has managed to cut the price of beef yet again! I don't know how they do it. spyder_nimrod_chromerobo1Boop beepspyder_nimrod_chromerobo2Shoop dee doo woopspyder_nimrod_xeon1Whoo ... burr ... target acquiredspyder_nimrod_xeon2... Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do ...spyder_nimrod_thatcher1Woo-wee. Look at that. Those protesters won't know what hit them.spyder_nimrod_thatcher2No comment. spyder_nimrod_dirk1Are you here for the investor presentation? \\n Nimrod shares are a great buy - armies always need weapons!spyder_nimrod_honour1Don't you dare touch those prototypes! spyder_nimrod_honour2Leave those prototypes alone!spyder_nimrod_antimony1Oh god, you destroyed the prototypes. We were just about to start mass production.spyder_nimrod_antimony2Years of work, down the drain in minutes. spyder_nimrod_berke1Don't hurt me, I just write the contracts! I haven't done anything wrong! \\n ... \\n I mean, no one has done anything wrong. This is all legal and above board.spyder_nimrod_rebel1Did the Cathedral send you for that new shipment of ... \\n No? \\n Oh.spyder_nimrod_rebel2The shipment I was asking about was full of... um ... teddybears.spyder_nimrod_maverick1At night I play guitar by myself.spyder_nimrod_maverick2I wish I knew someone I could play music with.spyder_nimrod_justice1Ask not for whom Ghosteeth tolls!spyder_cotton_lazybruteBuzz off, this tunnel is still under construction.spyder_nimrod_justice2It tolls for me.spyder_nimrod_mace1I want to quit and become a musician.spyder_nimrod_mace2I'll call my band, \\\"Machine Gun Fellows\\\".spyder_nimrod_argon1We fight wars with humans and tuxemon. Many dead, many more injured. \\n Using robos instead is the only moral course of action.spyder_nimrod_argon2I knew I wouldn't be able to convince you.spyder_nimrod_zircon1If you truly loved tuxemon, you would support us replacing them in war with robos.spyder_nimrod_zircon2I wish I'd replaced my tuxemon with robos. spyder_nimrod_archer1How's the fusion technology coming along? We ... Wait, you're not from Greenwash!spyder_nimrod_archer2Keep your mouth shut, okay?spyder_nimrod_bowie1Our law enforcement would be a lot easier with some military hardware, friend. ... Who are you? spyder_nimrod_bowie2That military hardware question was hypothetical, okay?spyder_nimrod_tru1My weapons have won wars and subdued revolts in every corner of the world, and you think you have a chance against me?spyder_nimrod_tru2Guard, retrieve the prototypes in the testing room. At least we can salvage something! spyder_nimrod_tru3If those imbeciles in Shaft hadn't lost my dragon, beating you would have been a piece of cake.spyder_nimrod_guard1Sorry bud, private meeting in progress. \\n So buzz off!spyder_route5_goliath1Hey, aren't you that meddlesome kid from the Wayfarer Inn?spyder_route5_goliath2Quit ruining our plans!spyder_route5_sara1My Capiti looks cute and all, but I can't wait until it grows into an adult!spyder_route5_sara2Oh well, not today!spyder_route5_hunter1It takes a lot to hold a team together.spyder_route5_hunter2We'll be back.spyder_route5_edith1Woohoo! Our millionth ant! ... Uhm, I didn't think anyone would hear that.spyder_route5_edith2Let's see if you're so cocky after Aardart eats her two-millionth ant!spyder_route5_cleo1Mother says you can trace our bloodline back to the kings who once ruled this country.spyder_route5_cleo2Oh ancestors, I've failed you!spyder_route5_tryphaena1You know, we're descended from ... You've already heard it? Oh.spyder_route5_tryphaena2Well, might makes right.spyder_timber_mom1Hey bojo, your BOARD doesn't work on water. Unless you've got power.spyder_outsidewalled_rogue1Welcome to the Walled Garden. Gold Pass, please.spyder_outsidewalled_rogue2Oh, I see. \\n This is an exclusive venue for elite battlers. No amateurs.spyder_outsidewalled_rogue3Please, come in. Let me take your coat.spyder_outsidewalled_rogue4Yeah, yeah, let a thousand cheap flowers bloom. In you go.spyder_outsidewalled_midas1Welcome one and all to the Public Garden. \\n Lovers of tuxemon and the sport of tuxemon battling are our honored guests.spyder_timber_mom2What I mean to say is, here's a Surfboard! Ride it onto the river and see what happens!spyder_timber_dante1Hey buddy! Cool to see you again. spyder_timber_dante2Hey buddy! \\n Are you planning to break into these HQ? Cool! \\n Make sure you're well prepared before you do, because it's difficult to get out once you're inside! \\n You'll need to call your mom to let her know you're safe. Use this app!spyder_scoop_lanth1Look how happy the tuxemon are, living so close to one another!spyder_scoop_lanth2Typical activist troublemaker. spyder_scoop_paine1I feel so terrible that the disease got out. spyder_scoop_paine2If those Enforcers hadn't come in and exposed their pet tuxemon to the disease, it would never have left the facility!spyder_scoop_rubid1This is actually the most humane way to keep tuxemon.spyder_scoop_rubid2Studies show that tuxemon find battling more stressful than living in these conditions. spyder_scoop_berys1You will notice that none of the tuxemon out here are sick - they were all kept in the containment unit.spyder_scoop_berys2Scoop did not release the disease! I promise you. spyder_scoop_turner1Some of these people will tell you that Enforcers let the disease get out. Don't believe them!spyder_scoop_turner2Remember, we had nothing to do with the disease getting out!","spyder_scoop_asta1":"Why yes, I am the inventor of the Extreme Restraints. \\n What are they, I hear you ask? \\n Only a set of manacles so powerful that even a dragon could not escape them. \\n They are being used in the containment unit to make sure none of the infected tuxemon escape.","spyder_scoop_alyssa1":"As soon as disease was detected, we moved the infected tuxemon to this containment unit.spyder_scoop_alyssa2I'm telling you, we kept the disease under control!spyder_scoop_taggart1Someone stole the Extreme Restraints we invented to keep tuxemon in the containment unit! Was it you?spyder_scoop_taggart2If you didn't steal the Extreme Restraints, who did? spyder_scoop_donald1The sick tuxemon we were keeping here in quarantine got out and broke into the storeroom beyond! How will we secure the storeroom?spyder_scoop_donald2You might just be strong enough to contain the escaped tuxemon. Please - do it for us. spyder_scoop_orba1Yikes! What are you doing here?spyder_scoop_orba2What am I doing here, for that matter?spyder_scoop_haf1I chased the people who stole the Restraints into this room. But then the sick tuxemon got in, and now we're all stuck!spyder_scoop_weaver1I would never have taken the Restraints off those coughing tuxemon if I knew they'd chase us in here!spyder_scoop_weaver2Yikes! It turns out crime doesn't pay!spyder_scoop_arachne1Oi! Can't you see we're in the middle of a villainous scheme?spyder_scoop_arachne2It's too late! I have the Extreme Restraints and there's nothing you can do about it. spyder_scoop_landrace1Graar!spyder_scoop_landrace2Ufff.spyder_scoop_landrace3Thanks for getting rid of that brute that was blocking the way! \\n Now we can escape with the Extreme Restraints! spyder_scoop_cochini1Oink! Oink! spyder_scoop_cochini2Oink.spyder_scoop_lapinou1Aiya!spyder_scoop_lapinou2Mhm ah!spyder_tunnelb_beryll1I love collecting rocks and stones.spyder_tunnelb_beryll2Ah, I spilled my stone collection!spyder_tunnelb_lute1Bats make the best pets!spyder_tunnelb_lute2... but not necessarily the best fighters.spyder_tunnelb_meitner1Masknake is great fun. Just give it a poke and its tail puts on a light show!spyder_tunnelb_meitner2I think you poked it too hard.spyder_tunnelb_iris1Oi! You interrupted our dance!spyder_tunnelb_iris2Be gone. Tourbidi, places please!spyder_tunnelb_greta1When an Agnidon cornered my precious Foofle, all these friends turned up!spyder_tunnelb_greta2Oh no, I need more!spyder_tunnelb_tommy1Have you seen my sandwich?spyder_tunnelb_tommy2My hunger put me off of my game!spyder_successful_logYour mighty hatchet slices the log in two.spyder_route6_billie1Let's make it quick. I have a spa appointment in an hour.spyder_route6_billie2Huh. You're a better trainer than I thought.spyder_route6_frances1My Narcileaf keeps the finest garden in all the land.spyder_route6_frances2You must come visit some time.spyder_route6_ping1Psst, have you heard? The enforcers are confiscating tuxemon from everyone in Candy Town.spyder_route6_ping2They won't stop there ... eventually they'll confiscate all tuxemon if they think they can get away with itspyder_route6_richard1Man, the one day I leave the computer and go for a walk, this happens!spyder_route6_richard2Worst. Day. Ever.spyder_route6_blair1Something's fishy.spyder_route6_blair2I heard they kicked all the researchers out of Greenwash HQ. \\n And now they're confiscating tuxemon and taking them to the Hospital!spyder_route6_maxwell1I don't understand! Last month, they were so excited about Fusion technology. \\n And now they say they have to shut it down, destroy it ...spyder_route6_maxwell2I just hope they don't decide its safest to put down the tuxemon we fused!spyder_route6_orion1I was in the middle of a very important experiment.spyder_route6_orion2I hope I get back before my experiment melts down!spyder_route6_mungo1I can't believe they locked us out of Greenwash HQ. I was getting so close to a cure for the virus!spyder_route6_mungo2I guess the bosses got spooked by the latest Fusion developments.spyder_route6_rigel1We might as well battle - there's nothing else to do at the moment!spyder_route6_rigel2Now there's nothing to do.spyder_route6_gunner1Excuse me, no entrance permitted. All Greenwash employees must stay outside of the city.spyder_route6_gunner2You're not a Greenwash employee? I've heard that one before!spyder_route7_arnold1Did you hear about the new tuxemon discovered in the Archipelago?spyder_route7_sylvester1The sea is a long way from here.spyder_route7_fritz1A typical Sphalian breakfast consists of white sausage, wheat beer and pretzels.spyder_route7_statius1What would you change about yourself if you could change one thing?spyder_route7_statius2Probably my party, monsters party.spyder_route7_jacopo1Are you interested to download an app?spyder_route7_jacopo2The app matches zombies with victims.spyder_route7_pia1Are you really going to ignore me?spyder_route7_pia2After everything that happened during this fight?spyder_route7_penitent1The chocolate chip cookies smelled so good that I ate one without asking.spyder_route7_penitent2Please, don't tell anyone!spyder_route7_nino1I enjoyed the peacefulness of nature on the mountain bushwalk.spyder_route7_nino2Not so peaceful!spyder_route7_hugh1Do you mind if I smoke?spyder_route7_hugh2How to quit?spyder_route7_arnaut1The bad thing about inferiority complexes is that the wrong people have them.spyder_route7_arnaut2Oops!spyder_route7_conrad1The Lion Mountain got snow, and all the tourists are very excited.spyder_route7_conrad2Too many tourists.spyder_route7_manfred1Do you think our lives will ever go back to normal?spyder_route7_manfred2I mean... after Cotton Town.spyder_route7_sordello1If you could buy anything you wanted, what would you buy?spyder_route7_sordello2Probably a couple of revives and some potions.","spyder_lionmountain_jacques1":"I've never been that high before \\n and it's very very strenuous to climb ice like that.spyder_lionmountain_jacques2Not only is it technically difficult and unstable and frightening \\n but your heart goes like crazy because of the altitude.spyder_lionmountain_adam1I was up, it was windy.spyder_lionmountain_adam2Then it started snowing.spyder_lionmountain_arlene1No anchors at any point.spyder_lionmountain_arlene2It was physically very, very tiring, full-body climbing really.spyder_lionmountain_david1It took me the best part of five or six hours to climb about the last piece.spyder_lionmountain_david2Carried on way after it got dark.spyder_lionmountain_alexander1Already the clouds are coming in from the east. Big clouds.spyder_lionmountain_alexander2I expect this ridge to be quite ... Brace yourself.spyder_lionmountain_emilio1Half an hour to an hour after leaving the summit, I was lost.spyder_lionmountain_emilio2I was in the wild, I couldn't see anything.spyder_lionmountain_chhurim1I'm going to make the summit, I can actually make the summit.spyder_lionmountain_chhurim2Will there be anyone there?spyder_lionmountain_tom1I don't know entirely what happened for the rest of that night.spyder_lionmountain_tom2I stopped looking at the watch, and everything just started to go apart.spyder_lionmountain_conrad1I remember smelling something.spyder_lionmountain_conrad2It was a really strong smell.spyder_lionmountain_kurt1I'm not capable of going any further.spyder_lionmountain_kurt2I made the mistake of having a little bit of hope.","spyder_lionmountain_nurse1":"To be honest with you, I am older than you think.spyder_lionmountain_scientist1That's the biggest grasshopper I've ever seen.spyder_lionmountain_enforcer1So the incident at the Datacenter has been resolved?spyder_lionmountain_enforcer2It could have been so much worse.\\n Omnichannel was developing a tuxemon that can control human emotion.\\n If Kernel had gotten access to Chromeye, there would have been no stopping it.spyder_lionmountain_enforcer3So when the breakdown occurred, I retreated here.spyder_lionmountain_enforcer4It looks like you can handle this. Maybe you are the only one who can.","spyder_flower_artist1":"Simplistic and clumsy brushstrokes and a pedestrian theme. Bah! Another ruined canvas.spyder_flower_muse1He's so hard on himself, never happy with something he's painted. He's so forgetful, too. Perhaps I could buy a painting spyder_flower_muse2What? You have a painting. Oooh - would you let me buy it? I have ${{currency}}2,000.spyder_flower_muse4What? You have all the paintings. Oooh - would you let me buy it? I have ${{currency}}6,000.spyder_flower_artist_clippingA newspaper clipping is on the wall. It begins: \\n \\\"The famous art critic has put away his poison pen and picked up the paint brush. \\n After years of tearing down artists, can he do any better himself?\\\"spyder_flower_artist2Magnificent! I didn't know I had it in me. \\n I don't know what those artist were complaining about - painting is easy!spyder_flower_muse3Thank you, he's much better company now. \\n Although ... he was saying something about taking up digital art!spyder_searoutec_nigel1This is Dragon's Cave! I'm standing outside because ... uh, because I'm guarding it.spyder_searoutec_nigel2Okay I'm not standing guard! The other dragonriders wouldn't let me join them!spyder_searoutec_river1Manosting was wrapped around me ... I couldn't swim ... My last hope ... The Tuxeball I stashed in my swimming costume!spyder_searoutec_river2Suffice to say, it worked!spyder_searoutec_wade1I'm the world-record holder for holding your breath! Hold onto your hats ...spyder_searoutec_wade2*splutter*spyder_searoutec_gil1If you're stung by a Manosting, Nudiflot can suck the poison out.spyder_searoutec_gil2Of course, sucking out the poison makes Nudiflot poisonous itself!spyder_searoutec_more1You're going the wrong way...Turn around.spyder_searoutec_more2Ouch, my bad!spyder_searoutec_leek1Let me win - don't be _shellfish_!spyder_searoutec_leek2I lost on _porpoise_.spyder_searoutec_beech1Hey, did you do something in the water?spyder_searoutec_beech2Okay, I believe you.spyder_searoutec_rutherford1Water water everywhere, it really makes you think!spyder_searoutec_rutherford2... but not a drop to drink.spyder_searoutec_carstair1I dig this beach!spyder_searoutec_carstair2I couldn't keep my head above water.spyder_searoutec_sandy1Sharpfin are great! But don't give one a bath ...spyder_searoutec_sandy2I took the bait.spyder_searoutec_stafford1It's relaxing sitting on the shore and watching the waves go by.spyder_searoutec_stafford2Nope, not even losing another battle is going to ruin my afternoon.spyder_searoutec_maurice1Just because one is on a remote island doesn't mean one must forgo creature comforts.spyder_searoutec_maurice2Ah, a battle is just the thing to wind up a lazy day off work.spyder_searoutec_swimmer1I've heard strange cries and seen belching smoke from up ahead. I'm not swimming any further!spyder_searoutec_swimmer2Keep it up! Not far to Paper Town now.spyder_dragonscave_blockedThe tunnel is still being drilled!spyder_dragonscave_angrybrute1The bosses get to go in and have all the fun. spyder_dragonscave_lazybrute1I'm exhausted after all that tunnelling. spyder_dragonscave_concernedbrute1Wait, if we're all here - who's guarding Omnichannel HQ?spyder_omnichannel_nurseIf that coward Beaverbrook thinks I'm going to risk my skin looking out for him,\\n with mechanical dragons roaming the office,\\n he's got another thing coming.spyder_omnichannel_maniacMondays, am I right?spyder_omnichannel1_spyderrookieSo, how do I apply for the witness protection program?\\n Is there a form or something?spyder_omnichannel_tohei1This computer controls the emergency screens. You think I'm going to just let you fiddle with it?spyder_omnichannel_crane1Mercy, mercy! I'm just an innocent sound engineer.spyder_omnichannel_schwartz1This is a little hands-on for me. I was hired to consult on strategy, not tactics!spyder_omnichannel_dempsey1Did you know that some cultures use the same word for 'crisis' and 'opportunity'?spyder_omnichannel_bettger1This is going to play havoc on Omnichannel's stock price.spyder_omnichannel_tohei2The password is 'password'.spyder_omnichannel_crane2Sucker! I was a Spyder agent all along.spyder_omnichannel_schwartz2Did you know that some cultures use the same word for 'crisis' and 'opportunity'?spyder_omnichannel_dempsey2You've gotta help me get out of here!spyder_omnichannel_bettger2Maybe they'll hire us to consult on the post-apocalypse rebrand.spyder_omnichannel_toheiToheispyder_omnichannel_craneCranespyder_omnichannel_schwartzSchwartzspyder_omnichannel_dempseyDempseyspyder_omnichannel_bettgerBettgerspyder_omnichannel2_pcYou have lowered the protective screens on all floors.spyder_omnichannel4_elevator_nopassIt requires the Spyder Pass!spyder_omnichannel4_elevator_passSpyder Pass scanned, elevator activated!spyder_omnichannel1_screenScreen active!spyder_omnichannel3_spyderrookieAll my tuxemon passed out fighting the dragons. This is a bad time to forget to pack any potions!spyder_omnichannel_william1Nothing to see here. No sir.spyder_omnichannel_william2I gotta scram!spyder_omnichannel_carnegie1I run three-week online self-improvement course: Lead Like Elostorm!spyder_omnichannel_carnegie2Hey, you should take my course!spyder_omnichannel_byrne1My Jemuar comes from a town where there is nothing but quartz.spyder_omnichannel_byrne2What a disappointment.spyder_omnichannel_strauss1I have to shake a lot of hands in my line of work.spyder_omnichannel_strauss2Down low. Too slow!spyder_omnichannel_billie1Not so fast, ${{name}}! We're not going to let you go in there \\n ... by yourself! I'm coming too. \\n When you cured my tuxemon, you made me do some serious thinking. \\n We can't let them get away with stealing our tuxemon!spyder_omnichannel_beaverbrook1Aha, it's too late for you! \\n Just out of the birthing pit ... the perfect monsters! \\n The genes of Drokoro incubated in dragon eggs dug up by Shaft \\n ... and fused with three killer robos designed by Nimrod. \\n The power of teamwork ... and it's in my hands. spyder_omnichannel_beaverbrook2No. It's not possible. \\n Two upstarts, one with off-brand tuxemon, defeating my perfect creations. \\n If I can just make it to my live radio interview, I'll command my enforcers to complete the takeover.spyder_omnichannel_radioannounceThis is FUD Radio, DJ Worm here and my co-host, \\\"The Duke of Dead Air\\\", broadcasting live from the Omnichannel Radio Studios. \\n We've got a full hour of lolly-pop, soft rock and accessible hip hop for you - but first, an interview with the head of Omnichannel! \\n Ah, it looks like Sir Beaverbrook couldn't make it, but in his place has sent a small child. Well, small child, what do you have to say? \\n ... \\n Speak up! You're on live radio! \\n ... \\n Huh, a conspiracy, you say? \\n ... \\n The Pillars were going to use Greenwash fusion technology, Nimrod killer robos and dragons dug up by Shaft ... \\n And they were going to use those fusions to take control of the entire region? \\n ... \\n And they deliberately spread the Virus to everyone's tuxemon using food from Scoop? \\n ... \\n And the Enforcers are in on it? \\n ... \\n And Omnichannel was behind the whole thing, using the media to keep people confused and distracted? \\n ... \\n You know we work for Omnichannel, right? Doc, please tell me you stopped broadcasting. Doc?! \\n ... \\n Ouch! Man I really wish Radio FUD didn't go out live. \\n I don't think people are going to be very happy with us.","spyder_dragonscave_benden3":"What is this? These villains are trying to steal Drokoro! But why?spyder_dragonscave_mallory3The Drokoro is ours! \\n We got Shaft to dig it up from beneath Route 3, and we would have kept it if that infuriating kid hadn't interrupted our plans. \\n It is time for the Pillars to combine their strength and rule this region outright! \\n Too long have we let the Cathedral and the public tell us what can and cannot be done with Tuxemon. \\n When we use Greenwash's fusion technology to combine this Drokoro with the killer robots built by Nimrod, we will be unstoppable! \\n And the best part is, Omnichannel will tell the public that this is all in their best interests - and the public will believe them!spyder_dragonscave_benden4Please, ${{name}}. If you can't stop these villains, all is lost.spyder_dragonscave_tomas1Once we each rode a dragon. That was long ago. But just recently a new-born dragon appeared above this island, and crawled into this cave.spyder_dragonscave_tomas2As you can see, the age of the dragons has passed. The hatchling dragon is our last hope.spyder_dragonscave_lessa1We stand guard over this, the last dragon. We don't know where it came from or why it hatched. We thought all dragons had hatched long ago.spyder_dragonscave_lessa2Maybe someone will come who has the power to defeat it.spyder_dragonscave_cailin1This is our last duty. Dragarbor is so very tired.spyder_dragonscave_cailin2Thank you.spyder_dragonscave_griffin1I wonder what it would be like to be swallowed by a dragon ...spyder_dragonscave_griffin2Oh well - pobody's nerfect!spyder_dragonscave_daenny1Prepare to be defeated!spyder_dragonscave_daenny2You may have bested me, but you'll never best Benden.spyder_dragonscave_benden1I am the last and most powerful of the dragonriders.spyder_dragonscave_benden2You have proven yourself a worthy opponent for Drokoro. \\n I will show you to the sacred inner chamber - after I heal you.spyder_dragonscave_mal1You have gotten in our way too many times!spyder_dragonscave_mal2Ah ha, you fell right into my trap!spyder_dragonscave_ray1All we want to do is create a mega-corporation that takes over the government. Is that so wrong?spyder_dragonscave_ray2You're taking away my freedoms.spyder_dragonscave_lucille1The Pillars are the only way we'll get anything done around here.spyder_dragonscave_lucille2You'll regret this.spyder_dragonscave_tru1This is for your own good, okay?spyder_dragonscave_tru2Whatever. We already took the DNA sample. \\n We just wanted to capture Drokoro as a backup. \\n You'll never stop them back at Omnichannel HQ.spyder_dragonscave_drokoro1Rawr!","0floor":"Ground Floor1floor1\u00b0 Floor2floor2\u00b0 Floor","spyder_hospital1_aurora":"Auroraspyder_hospital1_eleniElenispyder_hospital1_feluFeluspyder_hospital1_fringFringspyder_hospital1_lianeLianespyder_hospital1_luziaLuziaspyder_hospital1_pemPemspyder_hospital1_reaReaspyder_hospital1_waltWaltspyder_hospital1_zekarZekarspyder_hospital1_rakezRakezspyder_hospital1_rhizomeRhizomespyder_hospital1_aurora1You will quickly learn that you have chosen for your sparring partner\\n the most skilled trainer in the building.spyder_hospital1_aurora2Not too shabby. I don't suppose I could recruit you for Spyder?spyder_hospital1_eleni1Salutations. Test your puissance against my menagerie.spyder_hospital1_eleni2Bollocks.spyder_hospital1_felu1You look like you could use a challenge.spyder_hospital1_felu2Well, I didn't say it would be me.spyder_hospital1_fring1Boss says we can't help ourselves to the stashed tuxemon ... yet.spyder_hospital1_fring2This would have been a lot easier with a Moloch or two!spyder_hospital1_liane1You wouldn't believe the powerful mons these suckers have handed over.spyder_hospital1_liane2You may have beaten me, but you'll never stop Spyder.spyder_hospital1_luzia1Like taking candy from a baby.spyder_hospital1_luzia2Waa!\\n What's the point of having so many of us stationed here.\\n No one will get through the DNA blocker.spyder_hospital1_pem1I don't recognize you from the induction.spyder_hospital1_rea1Confiscating all the tuxemon was a waste of time.\\n No trainer can stop the super-monsters that Spyder is breeding. spyder_hospital1_walt1What happened to your uniform? Wait, imposter! Stop right there!spyder_hospital1_walt2I'm going to have to report this to head office.\\n Thanks for nothing.spyder_hospital1_zekar1Oi! Stop right there!spyder_hospital1_zekar2You may have beaten me, but there's no way you'll beat what they have cooking at HQ.spyder_hospital1_rakez1I just got involved for the paycheck.\\n Is that so wrong?spyder_hospital1_rakez2Alright, alright, you've made your point.spyder_hospital1_rhizome1Stop right there!\\n What you are looking at is the intellectual property of Omnichannel!spyder_hospital1_rhizome2You might be able to defeat me, but you'll never beat the patent lawyers.spyder_hospital1_nurse1You have to stop them!\\n These villains have taken over the hospital,\\n and they're stopping us from releasing the cure.spyder_hospital2_nurse1Quarantines have their use, especially for people who don't have tuxemon to heal them,\\n but Spyder have used this one very cynically.","spyder_hospital1_scientist1":"We didn't want these tuxemon to be seized, but while they're here we're going to look after them.spyder_hospital1_scientist2This might help.spyder_hospital2_scientist2Psst! Look familiar?spyder_hospital2_scientist1We have a cure, but we keep running into the Cathedral's DRM system.","spyder_omnichannel_zoolander1":"You really are a diamond in the rough, aren't you?spyder_omnichannel_donald1Back again? I should have fed you into the meat grinder back at Scoop HQ.spyder_hospital_warning1Bzzzz. Lifeform detected. \\n Doors remain closed.spyder_hospital_nurse1The screen is set up to detect and reject humans and tuxemon. \\n It has been encoded with the DNA of all known tuxemon! spyder_hospital_warning2\\\"Aardant\\\" is not a recognised lifeform. \\n Shutting down.spyder_hospital_cure1It's the cure to the Spyder Bite infection! \\n With this, you can cure your own and others' tuxemon.spyder_searoutec_nigel3Sorry, I cannot permit entrance to the sacred cave while the Spyder Bite infection is still at loose.spyder_hospital_billie1${{name}}, your meddling has become too much! Just let the authorities do their jobs!spyder_hospital_billie2Wait ... your tuxemon aren't sick! \\n ... \\n It was that simple? \\n Then why did the Enforcers take our tuxemon instead of just curing them? ...","spyder_mansion_drinkingbuddya1":"I wonder where our drinking buddy has gotten to?spyder_mansion_drinkingbuddyb1We started singing an old sea shanty, and by the time we'd done the Captain was missing!spyder_mansion_drinkingbuddya2There you are old friend! Let's get you back to river.spyder_mansion_captain1Ahoy there! Thank you for finding me! \\n I wandered off during last night's drinking session and fell down here. \\n Hey, can you find the exit? Just shout out when you do.spyder_river_captain2Ahoy there! Where would you like to go?","spyder_mansion_magician1":"Welcome to the Bazaar Mansion.\\n Please look past the mildew and creaky staircases; we've only just moved in.spyder_mansion_paintingThe eyes seem to follow you around the room.spyder_mansion_picnickerIn Team Bazaar, we love to hang out in out-of-the-way places so Omnichannel can't spy on us.spyder_mansion_gillette1Ah-ha, finally - a worthy adversary.spyder_mansion_gillette2I've gotten rusty.spyder_mansion_lucy1Have you ever tried drinking Imperial Tea? Well, I did - and I learned so much!spyder_mansion_lucy2Maybe I should have shared the tea with my tuxemon.spyder_mansion_lucy3Hey, give this a try!spyder_mansion_barmaidWe're going to claim squatters' rights on this mansion.\\n Just another thirteen and a half years to go!spyder_mansion_magician2Whoever owns this mansion seems to have forgotten about it.\\n Can you imagine owning so many homes you forget about one?spyder_mansion_pirate1Arrr, hand over ye money and ye tuxeballs.spyder_mansion_pirate2Don't be alarmed! I'm not a real pirate, just a fan of piracy.spyder_basement_ballerBrrr, it's cold down here.spyder_basement_rogueThey really should patch up that hole in the floor.spyder_basement_coralli1I've always loved the thrill of a tuxemon battle.spyder_basement_coralli2The comedown from an intense battle is hard.spyder_basement_roger1Hello. I am a human child.spyder_basement_roger2Drat, I still have a lot to learn!spyder_basement_catholi1The scalpel can cut to save a life or to end it.spyder_basement_catholi2There you go, no need to be scared.spyder_basement_bobby1Do you like tuxemon?\\n I've been obsessed since I was just eight years old.spyder_basement_bobby2Yep, I've been obsessed with tuxemon for one year.spyder_basement_josephine1Never mind my bellicose friend.\\n Do you want to heal your Tuxemon?spyder_basement_josephine2I hope the healing helped.spyder_top_russell1Have you heard of Botbot? It's the most versatile tuxemon.spyder_top_russell2Just because it is versatile, does not mean it is powerful.spyder_top_jackson1Tuxemon are what you make of them. Weak trainers raise weak tuxemon.spyder_top_jackson2I got unlucky that time.spyder_top_mickey1Do you ever wonder\\n if life is one big illusion, playing on a screen for someone in another universe?spyder_top_mickey2Well, I'm going to reload.spyder_top_ricardo1I used to be just like you, full of enthusiasm but light on talent.spyder_top_ricardo2I see myself in you.spyder_top_dancerMy parents think I'm paranoid, but I just don't trust Omnichannel.\\n Or Scoop. Or Shaft. Or Greenwash. Or Nimrod, for that matter.spyder_top_barmaidThe big corporations sell monsters\\n that can only be morphed using their own proprietary technologies!spyder_top_magician1Have you ever been to the Dojo in Flower City?\\n No? A keen battler like you?spyder_top_magician2Well, this should help.","spyder_mansion_gillette":"Gillettespyder_mansion_lucyLucyspyder_mansion_lyleLylespyder_basement_coralliCorallispyder_basement_rogerRogerspyder_basement_catholiCatholispyder_basement_bobbyBobbyspyder_basement_joshJoshspyder_top_russellRussellspyder_top_jacksonJacksonspyder_top_mickeyMickeyspyder_top_ricardoRicardo","spyder_wayfarerinn_tv1":"The news is playing. \\n The presenters are saying that there are unfounded rumours of an infection.spyder_dryadsgrove_volcoli1Bree! Bree!spyder_dryadsgrove_aquemini1Welcome to our grove, mortal.spyder_dryadsgrove_aquemini2Pray you survive your visit.spyder_dryadsgrove_ignatia1We are more than we appear.spyder_dryadsgrove_ignatia2You are more than you appear.spyder_dryadsgrove_petra1Crack nature's moulds!spyder_dryadsgrove_petra2Ungrateful man.spyder_dryadsgrove_ferris1Do you realise you disturb the slumber of centuries?spyder_dryadsgrove_ferris2Maybe it is time for us to go into the world.spyder_dryadsgrove_sylvia1The seasons turn with Volcoli's dance.spyder_dryadsgrove_sylvia2We nymphs wax and wane in power with the passing of the seasons.spyder_leatherhouse1_tennisplayer1Is Frostbite an Earth element technique or a Water element technique? spyder_leatherhouse1_tennisplayer2Trick question - it's both!","spyder_routee_calliope":"Calliope","spyder_routee_calliope0":"Stop right there! This place is off limits.","spyder_routee_calliope1":"So you're the little squirt who crashed Omnichannel and blew up all our plans?","spyder_routee_calliope2":"Mercy, please!","spyder_routee_aiolos":"Aiolos","spyder_routee_aiolos1":"I was just about to start eating.","spyder_routee_aiolos2":"My lunchtime is gone!","spyder_routeb_billie1":"So you noticed the computer system is down too?\\n Fancy a battle to pass the time? ...\\n I guess there are more important things.","spyder_routeb_electra":"Electra","spyder_routeb_electra1":"I'm much stronger.","spyder_routeb_electra2":"Twice the pride, double the fall.","spyder_routeb_cytherea":"Cytherea","spyder_routeb_cytherea1":"It's a glitch. A bug. A snafu. It's practically a feature.","spyder_routeb_cytherea2":"At least we developed the technology before anyone else.","spyder_routeb_nephthys":"Nephthys","spyder_routeb_nephthys1":"Nothing to see here. Scram!","spyder_routeb_nephthys2":"We've lost control. Please, you might just be powerful enough to help!","spyder_routeb_sedna":"Sedna","spyder_routeb_sedna1":"Get out of here!","spyder_routeb_sedna2":"I mean it, you've got to get out of here!","spyder_routeb_calypso":"Calypso","spyder_routeb_calypso1":"Why you?","spyder_routeb_calypso2":"I admire you.","spyder_datacenter_fermi":"Fermi","spyder_datacenter_fermi1":"The vulnerabilities were discovered by me.","spyder_datacenter_fermi2":"Omnichannel took advantage.","spyder_datacenter_onnes":"Onnes","spyder_datacenter_onnes1":"Omnichannel claimed that encryption keys purportedly belonging to them.","spyder_datacenter_onnes2":"Fake news.","spyder_datacenter_bayliss":"Bayliss","spyder_datacenter_bayliss1":"You could do a lot of work in the kernel.","spyder_datacenter_bayliss2":"But it would again be a security issue.","spyder_datacenter_chomsky":"Chomsky","spyder_datacenter_chomsky1":"The kernel will be rebased.","spyder_datacenter_chomsky2":"New long-term stable releases.","spyder_datacenter_lagrange":"Lagrange","spyder_datacenter_lagrange1":"Kernel vulnerability?","spyder_datacenter_lagrange2":"The kernel vulnerability was fixed in a supplemental update for OmniOS 6.20.4.","spyder_datacenter_billie1":"Great job, ${{name}}. Looks like Omnichannel let their AI out just to spite us.\\n You know, you're making quite a habit of saving the region.\\n You should take a break for a change.\\n I hear there's a new walking trail that has opened up behind the old Mansion outside Flower City.\\n Might be worth checking out.\\n Me? I'm going to be a little busy over the next while.\\n Let's just say they've finally let me into an exclusive club.\\n Come on, you're not going to make me give up all my perks, are you?","spyder_box_goldpass1":"It looks like someone has lost this.\\n Obtained Gold Pass.","spyder_datacenter_sign":"Welcome to the GoodChat data center. An Omnichannel subsidiary.","spyder_data_pc02":"Pid: 0, comm: swapper Tainted: T U\\n ---------------- \\n 6.9.20-0420.el6.x86_64 #1\\n Call Trace:","spyder_data_pc04":"Which is the lightest monster?","spyder_data_pc05":"10010000","spyder_data_pc06":"1001101","spyder_data_pc07":"Which is the tallest monster?","spyder_data_pc08":"Which is the smallest monster?","spyder_data_pc09":"Which is the heaviest monster?","spyder_data_pc10":"11000001","spyder_scoop_welcome":"Welcome!","spyder_scoop_sign":"Scoop HQ: Almost good enough to eat!","spyder_leatherhouse2_snugglepot":"Wow! One day I'm going to be a trainer just like you!","spyder_successful_boulder":"The sledgehammer smashes the boulder apart.","spyder_dante":"Dante","spyder_drokoro":"Drokoro","spyder_volcoli":"Volcoli","spyder_frolicking_rockitten":"Rockitten","spyder_frolicking_conileaf":"Conileaf","spyder_papertown_riverboatcaptain":"Riverboat Captain","spyder_papertown_homemaker":"Homemaker","spyder_papertown_mom":"Mom","spyder_papertown_grannypiper":"Granny Piper","spyder_papertown_shopkeeper":"Shopkeeper","spyder_instore_dante":"Dante","spyder_billie":"Billie","spyder_cottontown_hacker":"Hacker","spyder_omnichannel_enforcer":"Marciano","spyder_cottontown_barmaid":"Barmaid","spyder_cottontunnel_carlos":"Carlos","spyder_granny":"Granny","spyder_goth":"Goth","spyder_florist":"Florist","spyder_shopkeeper":"Shopkeeper","spyder_shopassistant":"Shop Assistant","spyder_route2_billie":"Billie","spyder_route2_roddick":"Roddick","spyder_route2_marion":"Marion","spyder_route2_graf":"Graf","spyder_maniac":"Maniac","spyder_citypark_frances":"Frances","spyder_citypark_bobette":"Bobette","spyder_citypark_edith":"Edith","spyder_miner":"Miner","spyder_postboy":"Postboy","spyder_route3_zoolander":"Zoolander","spyder_rookie":"Rookie","spyder_route3_weaver":"Weaver","spyder_route3_qqq":"???","spyder_route3_novak":"Novak","spyder_route3_curie":"Curie","spyder_route3_connor":"Connor","spyder_route3_wanda":"Wanda","spyder_route3_twig":"Twig","spyder_route3_surat":"Surat","spyder_route3_roxby":"Roxby","spyder_wayfarer1_morton":"Mortonspyder_wayfarer1_jessieJessiespyder_wayfarer1_nightshadeNightshadespyder_wayfarer1_victorVictorspyder_wayfarer1_morningstarMorningstarspyder_wayfarer1_bravoBravospyder_wayfarer1_jamesJamesspyder_wayfarer1_bismuthBismuthspyder_wayfarer1_ratcherRatcherspyder_route4_marshallMarshallspyder_route4_rogerRogerspyder_route4_wulfWulfspyder_route4_rincewindRincewindspyder_route4_rosamundRosamundspyder_route4_beckBeck","spyder_nimrod_chromerobo":"Chrome Robospyder_nimrod_xeonXeonspyder_nimrod_justiceJusticespyder_nimrod_thatcherThatcherspyder_nimrod_maceMacespyder_nimrod_honourHonourspyder_nimrod_argonArgonspyder_nimrod_zirconZirconspyder_nimrod_maverickMaverickspyder_nimrod_rebelRebelspyder_nimrod_antimonyAntimonyspyder_nimrod_bowieBowiespyder_nimrod_archerArcherspyder_nimrod_truTruspyder_nimrod_dirkDirkspyder_nimrod_berkeBerkespyder_nimrod_guardGuardspyder_route5_cleoCleospyder_route5_tryphaenaTryphaenaspyder_route5_edithEdithspyder_route5_saraSaraspyder_route5_hunterHunterspyder_route5_goliathGoliathspyder_scoop_donaldDonaldspyder_scoop_turnerTurnerspyder_scoop_painePainespyder_scoop_taggartTaggartspyder_scoop_alyssaAlyssaspyder_scoop_lanthLanthspyder_scoop_berysBerysspyder_scoop_rubidRubidspyder_scoop_astaAstaspyder_scoop_hafHafspyder_scoop_arachneArachnespyder_scoop_weaverWeaverspyder_scoop_orbaOrbaspyder_scoop_landraceLandracespyder_scoop_cochiniaCochiniAspyder_scoop_cochinibCochiniBspyder_scoop_cochinicCochiniCspyder_tunnelb_beryllBeryllspyder_tunnelb_luteLutespyder_tunnelb_meitnerMeitnerspyder_tunnelb_irisIrisspyder_tunnelb_gretaGretaspyder_tunnelb_tommyTommyspyder_route6_francesFrancesspyder_route6_pingPingspyder_route6_richardRichardspyder_route6_blairBlairspyder_route6_maxwellMaxwellspyder_route6_orionOrionspyder_route6_mungoMungospyder_route6_rigelRigelspyder_route6_gunnerGunnerspyder_route7_arnoldArnoldspyder_route7_sylvesterSylvesterspyder_route7_fritzFritzspyder_route7_statiusStatiusspyder_route7_jacopoJacopospyder_route7_piaPiaspyder_route7_penitentPenitentspyder_route7_ninoNinospyder_route7_hughHughspyder_route7_arnautArnautspyder_route7_conradConradspyder_route7_manfredManfredspyder_route7_sordelloSordello","spyder_lionmountain_jacques":"Jacquesspyder_lionmountain_adamAdamspyder_lionmountain_arleneArlenespyder_lionmountain_davidDavidspyder_lionmountain_alexanderAlexanderspyder_lionmountain_emilioEmiliospyder_lionmountain_chhurimChhurimspyder_lionmountain_tomTomspyder_lionmountain_conradConradspyder_lionmountain_kurtKurt","spyder_searoutec_nigel":"Nigelspyder_searoutec_riverRiverspyder_searoutec_wadeWadespyder_searoutec_gilGilspyder_searoutec_moreMorespyder_searoutec_leekLeekspyder_searoutec_beechBeechspyder_searoutec_rutherfordRutherfordspyder_searoutec_carstairCarstairspyder_searoutec_sandySandyspyder_searoutec_staffordStaffordspyder_searoutec_mauriceMauricespyder_searoutec_alphaAlphaspyder_searoutec_betaBetaspyder_dragonscave_tomasTomasspyder_dragonscave_lessaLessaspyder_dragonscave_cailinCailinspyder_dragonscave_griffinGriffinspyder_dragonscave_daennyDaennyspyder_dragonscave_bendenBendenspyder_dragonscave_malMalspyder_dragonscave_rayRayspyder_dragonscave_lucilleLucillespyder_dragonscave_truTruspyder_flower_cadyCadyspyder_flower_miekeMiekespyder_flower_sandySandyspyder_flower_teachTeachspyder_omnichannel_williamWilliamspyder_omnichannel_carnegieCarnegiespyder_omnichannel_byrneByrnespyder_omnichannel_straussStraussspyder_omnichannel_beaverbrookBeaverbrookspyder_omnichannel_wormWormspyder_omnichannel_thedukeofdeadairThe Duke of Dead Airspyder_dragonscave_angrybruteAngryBrutespyder_dragonscave_lazybruteLazyBrutespyder_dragonscave_concernedbruteConcernedBrutespyder_hospital_billieBilliespyder_greenwash_lootenLootenspyder_papermart_harithHarithspyder_basement_josephineJosephinespyder_route1_bjornBjornspyder_papermart_milesMilesspyder_papermart_shirleyShirleyspyder_papermart_rafaelRafaelspyder_flower_monkBaospyder_candy_henrikHenrikspyder_candy_elianeElianespyder_cottonhouse1_rodgerRodgerspyder_greenwash_nortonNortonspyder_routea_jarodJarodspyder_flowerhouse1_willieWilliespyder_timberhouse_zedZedspyder_omnichannel_talbotTalbotspyder_omnichannel_goreGorespyder_cottonhouse1_lilaLilaspyder_cottoncafe_julianaJulianaspyder_cottoncafe_lotusLotusspyder_cottoncafe_lotus1This never happened while Omnichannel was in charge.spyder_cottoncafe_hillaryHillaryspyder_cottoncafe_caydenCaydenspyder_cottoncafe_cayden1Hey, aren't you the guy who stopped the Spyder plot? Can't you do something?spyder_cottoncafe_wilfordWilfordspyder_leathergym_chadineChadinespyder_leathergym_chadfortChadfortspyder_leathergym_chadChadspyder_leathergym_bradfortBradfortspyder_leathergym_bradBradspyder_leathergym_gigachadGigachadspyder_leathergym_virginVirginspyder_cottonartshop_phoenixPhoenixspyder_top_penelopePenelopespyder_candycafe_noraNoraspyder_top_mauraMauraspyder_leather_eulaEulaspyder_mansion_laineyLaineyspyder_flowerhouse2_pipPipspyder_nimrod_jakeJakespyder_leathermuseum_davieDaviespyder_leatherhouse2_memphisMemphisspyder_leathershaft1_coleColespyder_leathershaft1_rutherfordRutherfordspyder_leathershaft1_beryllBeryllspyder_leathershaft1_suratSuratspyder_leathershaft1_roxbyRoxbyspyder_leathershaft2_colinColinspyder_grannypiperGranny Piperspyder_cottonartshop_philisPhilisspyder_citypark_magdaleneMagdalenespyder_route5_lexiaLexiaspyder_flowerhouse1_jonetteJonettespyder_wayfarer2_gaeGaespyder_basement_garretGarretspyder_leatherhouse1_rogerRogerspyder_leathermuseum_kaseyKaseyspyder_route3_rylandRylandspyder_candyhouse2_indianaIndianaspyder_candyhouse2_barneyBarneyspyder_mansion_roloRolospyder_basement_flickFlickspyder_captainCaptainspyder_cottonhouse2_sidneySidneyspyder_candyhouse3_joanieJoaniespyder_cottonartshop_luviniaLuviniaspyder_cottonartshop_luvinia1What are we supposed to do?spyder_leatherhouse1_gailGailspyder_flower_lissaLissaspyder_citypark_pruePruespyder_papertown_silverSilverspyder_leatherhouse2_eliasEliasspyder_flowerhouse2_bruceBrucespyder_hospital1_smithSmithspyder_hospital1_lesleyLesleyspyder_hospital1_traffordTraffordspyder_leatherhouse2_gabeGabespyder_greenwash_selbySelbyspyder_nimrod_jervisJervisspyder_scoop_reeseReesespyder_scoop_nashNashspyder_cottonhouse2_nevaNevaspyder_mansion_tamaraTamaraspyder_candyhouse1_tillieTilliespyder_hospital1_marylynMarylynspyder_hospital1_melanieMelaniespyder_hospital1_audieAudiespyder_omnichannel_danitaDanitaspyder_wayfarer1_addyAddyspyder_top_lennyLennyspyder_mansion_reedReedspyder_timbercafe_gradyGradyspyder_mansion_wayneWaynespyder_omnichannel_ethanEthanspyder_wayfarer2_kimKimspyder_routea_johnJohnspyder_routea_littleLittlespyder_candyhouse1_sawyerSawyerspyder_leathermuseum_gilesGilesspyder_papermanor_princetonPrincetonspyder_citypark_mackMackspyder_wayfarer1_wesWesspyder_leather_filburFilburspyder_flower_fezFezspyder_flowerpetshop_denzelDenzelspyder_flowerpetshop_titusTitusspyder_cottonhouse2_davisDavisspyder_cottonhouse2_davis1I left my best monster in the storage!spyder_cottonartshop_carterCarterspyder_wayfarer1_normNormspyder_timbercenter_lucianaLucianaspyder_candycenter_diamondDiamondspyder_cottoncenter_krystalKrystalspyder_cottoncenter_adaAdaspyder_cottoncenter_ada1The computer system is experiencing technical difficulties.\\n Withdrawing and depositing monsters and items is currently unavailable.\\n Thank you for your patience.spyder_leathercenter_sofiaSofiaspyder_candyscoop_clintClintspyder_cottonscoop_joeJoespyder_flowerscoop_jarodJarodspyder_paperscoop_santinoSantinospyder_timberscoop_leandroLeandrospyder_leatherscoop_blakeBlake","spyder_riverboatcaptain":"Riverboat Captainspyder_mansion_drinkingbuddyaDrinking Buddy Aspyder_mansion_drinkingbuddybDrinking Buddy Bspyder_dryadsgrove_aqueminiAqueminispyder_dryadsgrove_ignatiaIgnatiaspyder_dryadsgrove_petraPetraspyder_dryadsgrove_ferrisFerrisspyder_dryadsgrove_sylviaSylviaspyder_dryadsgrove_volcoliVolcoli_chromeroboChrome Robo_darkroboDark Robo_xeonXeon_xeon-2Xeon-2_mk01betaMk01 Beta_mk01alphaMk01 Alpha","spyder_multi_underrepairs":"The sign reads, 'Under repairs'","spyder_multi_martsign":"Buy things here","spyder_papertown_daycare1":"Daycare Centre: Under construction.","spyder_papertown_daycare2":"Daycare Centre: Open now!","spyder_papertown_sunnyside":"Sunnyside Manor: If we are not home leave a message with our housekeeper.","spyder_papertown_home":"Home sweet home!","spyder_papertown_rival":"Billie's House","spyder_papertown_restinbed":"You awake fully rested!","spyder_papertown_tvwatch":"What's on TV? A prom queen is breaking her tiara into pieces and handing it out.","spyder_citypark_achievement":"Achievement Maniac's House: Closed.","spyder_column1_sign":"A rare ancient column. This was once part of a temple building.spyder_column2_signA rare ancient column. Other ruins from the same culture can be found in Route 3. spyder_ruby_plaqueRuby is just the term for any corundum that is red! \\n When corundum comes in other colours like blue, pink and clear, it is called a sapphire. \\n When tuxemon eat rubies, they become passionate and vigorous, making them better at physical attacks like slaps, claws and bites.spyder_opal_plaqueOpals show flashes of coloured light. \\n They form in fissues and dips in rock when water evaporates leaving behind silica. \\n Tuxemon that eat opals benefit from its magical warding are better able to escape magical distant attacks like blasts, sprays and rays.spyder_emerald_plaqueAn emerald is a green variety of beryl. Beryl that is blue is called aquamarine instead. \\n A one-carat emerald is larger but less dense than a one-carat diamond. \\n Tuxemon that eat emeralds have their sight and intuition heighten, making their ranged attacks like shots, sprays and blasts more potent.spyder_agate_plaqueAgate is a rock, often formed by volcanoes and often banded with parallel lines. \\n It features a great variety of colours: browns, greys, creams, reds, oranges and even blues. \\n Feeding agate to a tuxemon can increase its speed and agility, making it faster to react in battle.spyder_diamond_plaqueFamously the hardest gemstone in the world, diamonds are great on necklaces, engagement rings and earrings! \\n If your fiance doesn't buy a Shaft diamond ring for you, he doesn't love you! \\n Feed diamonds to your tuxemon to harden their skin, making them better able to resist physical blows.","spyder_quartz_plaque":"Quartz is one of the most abundant minerals on the planet. \\n Some quartz varieties - like onyx, amethyst and carnelian - are rarer and more precious. \\n Quartz is used in clocks to keep very precise time. \\n Tuxemon that eat quartz have their fortitude and vitality increased, making them able to endure more attacks before being knocked out. ","spyder_shaft_plaque":"Sponsored by Shaft. \\\"We dig it!\\\"spyder_nimrod_plaqueSponsored by Nimrod. \\\"If we didn't sell them, someone else would!\\\"spyder_nimrod2_plaqueTuxemon are powerful weapons that have fought alongside humans for as long as there has been war. \\n Rock paintings found in caves show prehistoric humans training sabretoothed Rockats to fight wild Wolffsky.spyder_nimrod3_plaqueThe symbol of an ancient empire was the Eaglace, because when the empire invaded from the icy north their generals and scouts rode on Eaglace. \\n Today, medic teams in our mighty republic are training with Agnidon for protection and transport. spyder_nimrod4_plaqueBut soon, tuxemon and humans may be rendered obsolete. \\n Our corporate sponsors Nimrod are developing robot technology that could make war a bloodless affair. \\n In the meantime, sign up for the Nimrod Enforcers for good pay, free education and a life of adventure.spyder_shaft1_signShaft Headquarters: Mining Divisionspyder_shaft2_signShaft Headquarters: Public Relations Divisionspyder_leathercafe_signOpen Air Cafe and Marketplacespyder_leathercbd_signLeather Town Business District","spyder_leatherhouse1_radio_morning":"An R&B song is playing. It's called \\\"Possessuns, Part I\\\".spyder_leatherhouse1_radioAn R&B song is playing. It's called \\\"Possessuns, Part II\\\".spyder_leatherhouse1_radio_duskAn Electronic song is playing. It's called \\\"Beats Of BotBot\\\".spyder_leatherhouse1_radio_dawnA Country song is playing. It's called \\\"Heavyhearted At Losing My Rockat\\\".spyder_leatherhouse1_radio_nightA song is playing. It's called \\\"Fondent Tango\\\".spyder_flower_dojo_signDojo of the Five Elements: Master Tuxemon Battle","spyder_dojo_board_a":"It's the Mentor's notes on Morphing.spyder_dojo_board_bIt's the Mentor's notes on Stats.spyder_dojo_board_cIt's the Mentor's notes on Tastes.spyder_dojo_board_dIt is the Mentor's notes on Techniques.spyder_dojo_zhao1How are you finding the Dojo?...\\n You should become a monk here. You already have the vow of silence covered!spyder_dojo_fu1Let me tell you how Morphing works.spyder_dojo_yin1Let me tell you how Stats works.spyder_dojo_zhu1Let me tell you how Tastes work.spyder_dojo_xiang1Let me tell you how Techniques work.spyder_dojo_fu2Throughout their lives, most monsters pass through different stages.\\n For example, a Rockitten may become a Rockat and then a Jemuar. This is called Morphing.\\n Most Morphing occurs because a monster reaches a certain level,\\n but there are other ways that Morphing can occur,\\n like Dollfin becoming Bigfin when exposed to Sweet Sand.spyder_dojo_yin2Monsters have six Stats: HP, Melee, Ranged, Armor, Dodge and Speed.\\n HP determines how much Damage they can take from attacks before passing out.\\n Melee determines how much Damage their melee and touch attacks do.\\n Ranged determines how much Damage their ranged and reach attacks do.\\n Armor reduces Damage from melee and reach attacks.\\n Dodge reduces Damage from ranged and touch attacks.\\n Whichever monster has the higher Speed acts first in battle.spyder_dojo_zhu2Every monster has two Tastes: Warm and Cold.\\n A Warm Taste makes the monster 10 percent better in one Stat:\\n Speed for Peppy Taste, Melee for Salty Taste, Armor for Hearty Taste,\\n Ranged for Zesty Taste and Dodge for Refined Taste.\\n A Cold Taste makes the monster 10 percent worse in one Stat:\\n Speed for Mild Taste, Melee for Sweet Taste,\\n Armor for Soft Taste, Ranged for Flakey Taste and Dodge for Dry Taste.spyder_dojo_xiang2In combat, monsters can choose from up to four techniques that they know.\\n Techniques have an accuracy, which determines how likely they are to occur.\\n If a technique has a Power, that determines how much Damage it does.\\n Some techniques impose a condition on the user or the target,\\n or both - and the technique's Potency determines how likely that is to occur.\\n Some techniques, once used, take a while to become available again.spyder_dojo_fu3I have developed a potion that reverts a tuxemon back to its base form.\\n Shall I give the Button Potion to one of your tuxemon?spyder_dojo_zhu3I have developed a potion that changes a tuxemon's taste.\\n Shall I give the Taste-Changer Potion to one of your tuxemon for ${{currency}}50?spyder_dojo_xiang3I have developed a potion that allows a tuxemon to re-learn a technique that it has forgotten.\\n Shall I give the Re-Learner Potion to one of your tuxemon?","spyder_dojo_wan":"Master Wanspyder_dojo_tophMonk Tophspyder_dojo_sokkaMonk Sokkaspyder_dojo_yangchenMonk Yangchenspyder_dojo_kataroMonk Katarospyder_dojo_irohMonk Irohspyder_dojo_zhuZhuspyder_dojo_zhaoZhaospyder_dojo_yinYinspyder_dojo_xiangXiangspyder_dojo_fuFu","spyder_dojo_wan1":"My Wood tuxemon all know Fire moves, \\n so if you send a Metal tuxemon against me to take advantage of their weakness to Metal, \\n we'll meet it with Fire.spyder_dojo_wan2Every monster is composed of one or two elements, \\n and every move that they can perform is composed of one or two elements. \\n A monster's element determines which moves it resists, and which moves it is weak against. \\n It takes half damage from moves of the element it is resistant to, \\n and double from moves of the element it is weak against.spyder_dojo_wan3Each monk in this room specialises in monsters of a particular type, \\n but each has found a way to develop their strengths and to mitigate their weaknesses. \\n Talk to me once you have defeated them all.spyder_dojo_wan4Congratulations. \\n Now prove what you have learned in battle against me.spyder_dojo_toph1I may have a team of Earth tuxemon, but they all have high Melee or Ranged stats. \\n I use that to overwhelm your defences, even if you are strong against Earth.spyder_dojo_toph2Of course, this strategy depends on your opponents having low Armour and Dodge stats. \\n Good job. Let me heal you.spyder_dojo_sokka1My tuxemon are all of the Metal type, \\n but they each have a second element, or know a technique with two elements. \\n That makes their strengths and weaknesses more difficult to predict.spyder_dojo_sokka2Of course, dual types still have some weaknesses - sometimes twice as many as others. \\n Good job. Let me heal you.spyder_dojo_yangchen1My Wood tuxemon all know Fire moves, \\n so if you send a Metal tuxemon against me to take advantage of their weakness to Metal, \\n we'll meet it with Fire.spyder_dojo_yangchen2Of course that strategy doesn't work if non-Metal types are using Metal techniques. \\n Good job. Let me heal you.spyder_dojo_kataro1My Water tuxemon know techniques that work around their weakness, \\n whether that's using Sinkhole to mitigate their weakness towards Earth techniques, \\n or using the fixed damage move Perfect Cut so it's not halved against Wood types.spyder_dojo_kataro2Of course, these mitigating strategies carry an opportunity cost. \\n Good job. Let me heal you.spyder_dojo_iroh1I am a Fire-type specialist. \\n Each of my tuxemon knows Fire moves, and moves of one other type. \\n I'll always have a monster that can target a monster's weakness.spyder_dojo_iroh2Of course, they do still have their Fire weaknesses. \\n Good job. Let me heal you.","spyder_dojo_tu":"Master Tuspyder_dojo_aresMonk Aresspyder_dojo_orionMonk Orionspyder_dojo_hephastusMonk Hephastusspyder_dojo_hermesMonk Hermesspyder_dojo_saturnMonk Saturnspyder_dojo_billieBilliespyder_dojo_thriRiddler Thri","spyder_dojo_tu1":"On this level you must prove your mastery of the six vital statistics of tuxemon:\\n HP, Melee, Ranged, Armour, Dodge and Speed.spyder_dojo_tu3Each monk in this room specialises in monsters with one very high stat.\\n To overcome this, you will have to make clever use of your own creatures' stats. \\n Talk to me once you have defeated them all.spyder_dojo_tu4Congratulations.\\n Now prove what you have learned in battle against me","spyder_dojo_ares1":"My tuxemon have great Melee or Ranged stats, or both, so their attacks hit hard.spyder_dojo_ares2Here is a TM that you may find useful: Scope.\\n It tells you what a tuxemon's statistics are,\\n meaning you can target melee and ranged attacks based on which are weak towards them.\\n I'll also heal you.spyder_dojo_orion1My team all have excellent Dodge stats,\\n making it very difficult to get a successful ranged attack off against them.spyder_dojo_orion2Here is a TM that you may find useful: Shadow Boxing.\\n It uses your Melee and their Dodge,\\n allowing your strong melee attackers to get around an enemy with high Armour.\\n I'll also heal you.spyder_dojo_hephastus1My team all have excellent Armour, so melee attacks just bounce off of their thick hides.spyder_dojo_hephastus2Here is a TM that you may find useful: Blade.\\n It goes before most other moves, allowing a slow creature to get the advantage.\\n I'll also heal you.spyder_dojo_hermes1My team are lightning-quick, with high Speed. By the time you get around to attacking, we'll have already defeated you.spyder_dojo_hermes2Here is a TM that you may find useful: Panjandrum.\\n Its damage is a portion of the target's maximum HP,\\n so it's as effective against high HP foes as it is against low HP ones.\\n I'll also heal you.spyder_dojo_saturn1My team are tough as nails, with incredibly high HP.spyder_dojo_saturn2Here is a TM that you may find useful: All In.\\n It heals you a little, improving your odds of holding out against durable monsters.\\n I'll also heal you.","spyder_dojo_thri1":"Congratulations, you have proven yourself an excellent trainer. \\n You will face only one further adversary: me!spyder_dojo_thri2You are a true master of battle and have earned a reward. \\n Tell me, do you favour strength or strategy?spyder_dojo_strengthIn that case, take this SAMPSACK. Its power is unrivalled.spyder_dojo_strategyIn that case, take this SAMPSAGE. Its cunning is unrivalled.spyder_dojo_billie1Hey cheapskate! I'm training here too. You know, this Tuxepedia thing isn't half bad. \\n I bet you only like it cos it's free, though.spyder_dojo_billie2Hmmm, I can tell from your Tuxepedia edits that you know your stuff.spyder_dojo_billie3Billie has added their tuxemon data to TUXEPEDIA.","spyder_wayfarerinn_sign":"Welcome to the Wayfarer Inn! spyder_omnichannel_noteHaha, suckers - you'll never find me. \\n It's on the Omnichannel CEO's letterhead.","spyder_walled_osman":"Osmanspyder_walled_musaMusaspyder_walled_augustusAugustusspyder_walled_fuggerFuggerspyder_walled_rufusRufusspyder_walled_alexanderAlexanderspyder_walled_carnegieCarnegiespyder_walled_crassusCrassusspyder_walled_girardGirardspyder_walled_vanderbiltVanderbiltspyder_walled_fordFordspyder_walled_astorAstorspyder_walled_midasMidas","spyder_walled_osman1":"Do you want to buy Tuxcoin?","spyder_walled_osman2":"I wish I have bought Tuxcoin ten years ago.","spyder_walled_musa1":"Why do you keep asking such obvious questions?","spyder_walled_musa2":"Let's skip it.","spyder_walled_augustus1":"I wrote nine academic papers!","spyder_walled_augustus2":"But I'm unable to win a match!","spyder_walled_fugger1":"My new movie was not as good as I thought it would be.","spyder_walled_fugger2":"Too many fight scenes.","spyder_walled_rufus1":"Do you really want to play this game with me?","spyder_walled_rufus2":"You have won.","spyder_walled_alexander1":"Do you mind waiting an extra hour so I can read more of my book?","spyder_walled_alexander2":"Lasted less than thirty seconds.","spyder_walled_carnegie1":"I often wish I was born in a time before social media.","spyder_walled_carnegie2":"Let me update my status!","spyder_walled_crassus1":"I'm going to buy an island.","spyder_walled_crassus2":"But which one?","spyder_walled_girard1":"Why not go back to them and tell them you changed your mind?","spyder_walled_girard2":"Who popped up in your mind?","spyder_walled_vanderbilt1":"People have justifications for hurting others, but they are rarely good justifications.","spyder_walled_vanderbilt2":"What's your justification?","spyder_walled_ford1":"Did you hear about the big earthquake in ocean?","spyder_walled_ford2":"There was a tsunami alert!","spyder_walled_astor1":"What should you do if you find a spider on your bed?","spyder_walled_astor2":"Capture and sell!","spyder_walled_billie1":"Well hello, ${{name}}.\\n You scrub up alright.\\n Don't worry, I'm not going to battle you.\\n I don't want my win rate to get any worse.","spyder_walled_midas1":"I guess they're just giving out Gold Passes to everyone these days.","spyder_walled_midas2":"... ... ...\\n I founded the Walled Garden as a sanctuary for the better class of person\\n to hone their battle skills and network with fellow members of the elite.\\n But seeing you, a...\\n what is the word?\\n I want to say 'hoi polloi'? 'Villein'?\\n Seeing a pleb like you triumph has made me reconsider.\\n From this day on, I am going to open the Walled Garden to all comers.\\n Anyone who wants to test their mettle can do so here.","spyder_cottonhouse1_tvwatch":"It's the latest reality show: people and their tuxemon complete challenges on a remote island.","cannot_use_item_monster":"This item cannot be used on this monster.","cotton_breeder0":"Hi there, welcome to the Daycare, I breed Tuxemon here.\\nI run this place because I love Tuxemon so much!\\nIf you like, I can breed two of your Tuxemon for you. Just let me know, ok?","cotton_breeder1":"Do you wanna leave two of your Tuxemon with me to breed them?","cotton_breeder2a_1":"Okay, which Tuxemon will be the mother?","cotton_breeder2a_2":"Great, how about the father?","cotton_breeder3":"Okay, you sure these are the two you want?","cotton_breeder4a":"Great! Come back to check in later and I'll let you know how it's going.","cotton_breeder_rejected":"Oh, alright. You think about it some more and come back to me.","cotton_breeder5":"Hey ${{name}}, come to check up on your Tuxemon?","cotton_breeder6a":"They're still getting acquainted, as it were. Why don't you come back later?","cotton_breeder6b":"It's going very well! They're practically inseperable!\\nIt shouldn't be too long now before we've got a baby on the way.","cotton_breeder6c":"Congratulations! They've had a baby! Here you go, raise it well.","cotton_breeder_continue":"It'll be awhile before they're ready for another, but if you like I can hold onto these two and breed them again.","cotton_breeder7a":"Great! You take some time with the baby and I'll take care of the parents. Come back later to check up on them.","cotton_breeder7b":"Good idea, the new family should be kept together at this important stage in the baby's development.\\nYa'll come back now, y'hear?","taba_greeting1":"Greeter Jaime: Hey there ${{name}}! Heard you got a Tuxemon, congrats! If you wanna grow your party, you'll need Tuxeballs.","taba_greeting2a":"The shop is doing a promo, here's some to get you started. You use them to capture Tuxemon. It's easier if they're weakend first though!","taba_greeting2b":"Ah! I see you've already got some. You've got a good head on your shoulders ${{name}}, I'm sure you'll be a champ in no time.","taba_greeting3":"Good luck in your adventures ${{name}}, and remember to shop at Tuxemart for all your adventuring needs!\\n...\\nSorry about the sales pitch, it's my job.","gotfivetuxeballs":"You got 5 Tuxeballs!","got_new_tuxemon":"A new Tuxemon is born! Welcome {monster_name}!","spyder_greenwash_guard":"Alright, alright, nothing to see here.","spyder_greenwash_gregor1":"I spend all day watching my CATEYE - I'm going to catch it blinking!spyder_greenwash_chip1I have developed unmatched computing power!spyder_greenwash_clarence1My tuxemon are unstoppable in the sunlight!spyder_greenwash_gregor2Ugh, it didn't even blink when it fainted!spyder_greenwash_chip2Needs more power!spyder_greenwash_clarence2There was a cloud!spyder_greenwash_louis1The rules of this battle are the simple laws of natural selection: only the strong survive!spyder_greenwash_louis2May I introduce you to the Gaia Hypothesis?spyder_greenwash_lewis1Hey, this is an active emergency.\\n Get out of here!spyder_greenwash_lewis2Great, now I've got nothing to fight the fires with.spyder_greenwash_hunt1Come work at Greenwash, they said.\\n Perform experiments that blur the line between science and madness, they said.\\n Look where that got me!spyder_greenwash_hunt2There's no future in STEM, kid.spyder_greenwash_alex1I order all my flowers from Greenwash.\\n They have varieties that I've never seen before!spyder_greenwash_alex2Here's my card in case you ever need a flower arrangement.\\n I do weddings, funerals, birthdays...spyder_greenwash_gluck1Say what you will about genetic engineering, hydroponics and chemical fertilizers,\\n but you can't argue with the results.spyder_greenwash_gluck2That settles it,\\n I'm giving Narcileaf another dose of fertilizer when we get home.spyder_greenwash_firefighterI could battle you, but I prefer to appeal to your reason and common sense.\\n If you don't get out of here, the building might fall on you!spyder_greenwash_broer1Every day, I sedate all the monsters so they can be observed safely.\\n I forget ONE TIME, and everyone makes a huge fuss.spyder_greenwash_broer2Whatever. Here, have a potion.spyder_greenwash_lewie1Just some broken glass and escaped monsters.\\n I was hoping for a fire.spyder_greenwash_lewie2I like fire a normal amount.spyder_greenwash_morehouse1They said to get out,\\n but I'm not leaving without my notebook of scientific observations.spyder_greenwash_morehouse2I'm sure my notebook is around here somewhere.spyder_greenwash_dempsey1This is fine.spyder_greenwash_heidenstam1This has been one heck of a work experience placement.spyder_greenwash_heidenstam2Gee, thanks a bunch.","spyder_greenwash_louis":"Louisspyder_greenwash_clarenceClarencespyder_greenwash_chipChipspyder_greenwash_gregorGregorspyder_greenwash_lewisLewisspyder_greenwash_huntHuntspyder_greenwash_alexAlexspyder_greenwash_gluckGluckspyder_greenwash_broerBroerspyder_greenwash_lewieLewiespyder_greenwash_morehouseMorehousespyder_greenwash_dempseyDempseyspyder_greenwash_heidenstamHeidenstam","spyder_greenwash_fossilisator1":"Hello there, I suppose you are here to see my finest invention - the De-Fossilator.\\n ... No? You're here to investigate why the Greenwash staff went on strike\\n and got locked out by the Enforcers?spyder_greenwash_fossilisator2While you're here you might as well see the De-Fossilator in action.spyder_greenwash_fossilisator3Ah, I see you have a toothed bird fossil. Shall I de-fossilate it?spyder_greenwash_fossilisator4It worked! The fossil turned into a Rhincus!spyder_greenwash_fossilisator5Ah, I see you have an ancient dog fossil. Shall I de-fossilate it?spyder_greenwash_fossilisator6It worked! The fossil turned into a Shammer!spyder_greenwash_fossilisator7Maybe another time then.spyder_greenwash_fossilisator8Ah, I see you have two ancient fossils. Shall I de-fossilate both?spyder_greenwash_fossilisator9It worked! The fossils turned into a Shammer and a Rhincus!","spyder_greenwash_looten1":"Prepare to face the power of my fusion tuxemon!spyder_greenwash_looten2Well, I guess fusion technology isn't quite there yet.\\n We've been working on it for years!spyder_greenwash_looten3Here's the closest we've come -- it's a cute fusion of an ant and an Aardorn.\\n Not exactly the ultimate killing machine Omnichannel wanted us to create.\\n I mean \u2026 uh! You didn't hear that from me.spyder_greenwash_looten4The funny thing is, because of its fusion DNA, it makes DNA screeners behave all funny.spyder_greenwash_moreau1You shouldn't be here! spyder_greenwash_moreau2The fusion experiment blew up!spyder_greenwash_dippel1Maybe we went too far \u2026spyder_greenwash_dippel2Or not far enough! spyder_greenwash_aissa1Stay out - Greenwash has this all under control.spyder_greenwash_aissa2We're all going to die!spyder_greenwash_aissaAissaspyder_greenwash_dippelDippelspyder_greenwash_moreauMoreau","spyder_leathergym_chadine1":"Thanks for joining Chad & Brad Fondent Fitness (C&BFF),\\nwe are excited to have you on board!spyder_leathergym_chad1Yes, I can hear the silence.spyder_leathergym_brad1Yes, I can see the dark.spyder_leathergym_chadfort1Yes, I can fix the broken.spyder_leathergym_bradfort1Yes, I can feel your heart.spyder_leathergym_gigachad1Why are you here? Having a tough time? Don't worry fellow Sigma.spyder_leathergym_virgin1I love knocking on the door, screaming and running away while someone is using the restroom!","spyder_leathershaft2_dude":"Shaft is is one of the largest mining companies in the region,\\nespecially those that contribute to the communities.spyder_leathershaft2_achievementShaft is proud to join the top businesses in this race towards a net-zero economy\\nbecause we believe that climate change is not only one of the greatest risks facing Fondent,\\nbut also one of the greatest opportunities for sustainable innovation.spyder_leathershaft2_pcShaft promotional video on TuxTube.spyder_leathershaft2_papersThis leaflet from the Shaft aims to gain the trust of the Fondent's people.spyder_leathershaft2_skepticI don't trust Shaft. My geologist friend joined a team to explore the river basin\\nto determine the impact of deforestation and mining on the river and water quality.\\nThis will mark the first ever evaluation of carbon and mercury production in mining ponds,\\nand their subsequent impact on water flowpaths, ever conducted in Fondent.","spyder_leathershaft1_sign":"Journey to the Center of the Earth!spyder_leathershaft1_miner1It is important to protect indigenous people, land... but we cannot criminalize the miners\\nwho are looking for a living to survive. What matters is that the miners are protected!spyder_leathershaft1_beryll1In Fondent alone there are about a dozen locations where illegal or artisan mining is going on\\nbut Shaft is viewed as evil.spyder_leathershaft1_roxby1Some islands in the archipelago are completely taken over by mining. It is not possible to differentiate\\nbetween an indigenous community and a mining area. There is not even water to drink. Shaft is against!spyder_leathershaft1_rutherford1Shaft leader is a thinker and doer. She is not a talker. She has met twice with the miners. It shows quality.\\nIt shows his plans for Fondent. Our leader has been consistent when it comes to climate change.spyder_leathershaft1_surat1To streamline the mining sector, someone started to give certificates to those qualified to mine.\\nThe entity? Omnichannel! And Shaft is the scapegoat.","spyder_papermanor_oldman":"I have two sons and a niece. The first is a sailor, and last year he went to the Archipelago.\\nThe second is a Captain and he transports people. My niece is playing outside.","spyder_candyhouse2_captain":"I'm writing a book about my journey to the Archipelago. It is composed of nine volcanic islands.\\nAbout 1,400 km (870 mi) west of Paper Town, about 1,500 km (930 mi) north west of Candy Town.","cotton_misa_fireplace":"It looks like someone burned papers.cotton_misa_tvWhat's on TV? The story of how Omnichannel became a global phenomenon,\\nreflecting and influencing a generation in the process.cotton_misa_grannyAre you here to ask for my niece's hand? No? I'm sorry!cotton_misa_littlebroMy sister is very nice to me.","omnichannel_sign":"Omnichannel HQ: We Make Headlines","taba_town_homeplace":"${{name}}'s housetaba_town_sign_profhouseTuxemon Professor's Housetaba_town_sign_proflabTuxemon Professor's Labtaba_town_sign_tuxemartTuxemart - A place to buy and sell itemstaba_town_sign_tuxecenterTuxecenter - A place to heal your tuxemon","leather_town_open_air":"Open Air Cafe and Marketplace","xero_citypark_achievement":"Achievement Maniac's House: Closed.","xero_shaft1_sign":"Shaft Headquarters: Mining Divisionxero_shaft2_signShaft Headquarters: Public Relations Division","xero_taba_tvwatch":"What's on TV? A prom queen is breaking her tiara into pieces and handing it out.","xero_taba_poster":"Home sweet home!","xero_taba_restinbed":"You awake fully rested!","xero_skip_question":"Do you want to skip the intro?","sphalian_alert_skating":"Always be cautious! Always bring safety gear!","sphalian_hackerchat":"Two weeks ago a tremendous blizzard struck ${{map_name}}.","sphalian_barmaid":"I don't skate very well.","mountain_road_interrupted":"Road blocked due to landslide.","sphalian_grannypiper":"The Great Blizzard's impact was so great that, still today, survivors met to commemorate.","sphalian_monk":"I'm reminded of the time the blizzard killed my friend.","sphalian_granny":"That's, uh... heavy. I'm sorry to hear that.","sphalian_shopkeeper":"We worship and have deep respect for the mountain, we trust it will save us from whatever comes.","sphalian_maniac":"Climbers need to wake up and understand that climbing Lion Mountain is extremely risky.\\nThey need to stop believing just because they have strong tuxemon that they will be able to climb.","sphalian_beck":"That's not even a little bit funny, man.","sphalian_tvwatch":"A journalist travels the globe hunting for lost civilizations."} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/db/i18n/de_DE.po b/db/i18n/de_DE.po index 5bb1eba..f0ebecf 100644 --- a/db/i18n/de_DE.po +++ b/db/i18n/de_DE.po @@ -222,6 +222,15 @@ msgid "story:select_starter_monster:monster_selection:title" msgstr "Wähle dein tatsächliches Tuxemon!" +# NPC + +msgid "omnichannel-ceo" +msgstr "Omnichannel CEO" + +msgid "tuxemart-keeper" +msgstr "Tuxemart Verwalter" + + # modules/tuxemon @@ -232,12 +241,6 @@ msgstr "Wähle dein tatsächliches Tuxemon!" msgid "dryadsgrove" msgstr "Nymphenhain" -msgid "routea" -msgstr "Route A" - -msgid "routec" -msgstr "Route C" - # Story diff --git a/db/i18n/en_US.po b/db/i18n/en_US.po index 64e2d65..3b4f998 100644 --- a/db/i18n/en_US.po +++ b/db/i18n/en_US.po @@ -220,3 +220,38 @@ msgstr "Select your Tuxemon!" msgid "story:select_starter_monster:monster_selection:title" msgstr "Select your actual Tuxemon!" + + +# NPC + +msgid "omnichannel-ceo" +msgstr "Omnichannel CEO" + +msgid "tuxemart-keeper" +msgstr "Tuxemart Keeper" + + +# Routes + +msgid "mansion" +msgstr "Mansion" + +msgid "mansion_top_floor" +msgstr "Mansion Top Floor" + +msgid "mansion_basement" +msgstr "Mansion Basement" + + + + +# modules/tuxemon + + +# Technique Range + +msgid "reach" +msgstr "Reach" + +msgid "special" +msgstr "Special" diff --git a/resources/js/classes/Area.js b/resources/js/classes/Area.js index bafa949..1b07e35 100644 --- a/resources/js/classes/Area.js +++ b/resources/js/classes/Area.js @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ class Area { } get name () { - return translate(this.alternateSlug) || slugToName(this.slug); + return translate(this.alternateSlug); } get isCompleted () { diff --git a/resources/js/classes/Item.js b/resources/js/classes/Item.js index 40089f2..c70c28a 100644 --- a/resources/js/classes/Item.js +++ b/resources/js/classes/Item.js @@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ class Item { } get name () { - return translate(this.slug) || slugToName(this.slug); + return translate(this.slug); } get description () { - return translate(`${this.slug}_description`) || 'ITEM_DESCRIPTION_MISSING'; + return translate(`${this.slug}_description`); } get category () { diff --git a/resources/js/classes/Monster.js b/resources/js/classes/Monster.js index c058a75..2d34d8e 100644 --- a/resources/js/classes/Monster.js +++ b/resources/js/classes/Monster.js @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ class Monster { } get name () { - return translate(this.slug) || slugToName(this.slug); + return translate(this.slug); } /** diff --git a/resources/js/classes/Npc.js b/resources/js/classes/Npc.js index 6121bce..82dba7e 100644 --- a/resources/js/classes/Npc.js +++ b/resources/js/classes/Npc.js @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ class Npc { constructor (slug) { this.slug = slug; - = translate(slug) || slugToName(slug.replace('spyder_', '')); + = translate(slug); this.spriteName = DB.npcs[slug]?.template[0].sprite_name; } diff --git a/resources/js/classes/StatusEffect.js b/resources/js/classes/StatusEffect.js index d161761..1a164a1 100644 --- a/resources/js/classes/StatusEffect.js +++ b/resources/js/classes/StatusEffect.js @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class StatusEffect { } get name () { - return slugToName(this.slug); + return translate(`status_${this.slug}`); } get stats () { diff --git a/resources/js/classes/Technique.js b/resources/js/classes/Technique.js index 5f01e64..0fa31c9 100644 --- a/resources/js/classes/Technique.js +++ b/resources/js/classes/Technique.js @@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ class Technique { } get name () { - return translate(this.slug) || slugToName(this.slug); + return translate(this.slug); } get description () { - return translate(`${this.slug}_description`) || 'TECHNIQUE_DESCRIPTION_MISSING'; + return translate(`${this.slug}_description`); } get types () { diff --git a/resources/js/db.js b/resources/js/db.js index 6e53b7e..d564851 100644 --- a/resources/js/db.js +++ b/resources/js/db.js @@ -123,6 +123,7 @@ async function initializeDB () { DB.elements[element] = await fetchDBData(`/modules/tuxemon/mods/tuxemon/db/element/${element}.json`).then((response) => response.json()); } + await fetchTranslation('en_US'); // fallback await fetchTranslation(Memory.state.Settings.language); applyTranslation(); diff --git a/resources/js/game.js b/resources/js/game.js index 5abc42f..6c3a393 100644 --- a/resources/js/game.js +++ b/resources/js/game.js @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ const Game = { const money = calculateAwardedMoney(Memory.state.opponent.activeMonster); += money; Game.addPhaseEvent('postTurn', () => { - Game.log(translate('game:battle:money:get', true).replace('{amount}', money)); + Game.log(translate('game:battle:money:get').replace('{amount}', money)); }); // exp @@ -171,9 +171,9 @@ const Game = { -= totalHealingCenterPrice; Game.addPhaseEvent('postTurnEnd', () => { - Game.log(translate('game:battle:defeat', true)); + Game.log(translate('game:battle:defeat')); Game.log( - translate('game:battle:defeat:recovery_price', true) + translate('game:battle:defeat:recovery_price') .replace('{amount}', formatPrice(totalHealingCenterPrice)) .replace('{name}', ); @@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ const Game = { }; log( - translate('game:battle:technique:attempt', true) + translate('game:battle:technique:attempt') .replace('{}', .replace('{}', ); @@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ const Game = { UI.drawActionFeedback(feedbackNode); } - log(translate('game:battle:technique:attempt:fail:recharge', true), 1); + log(translate('game:battle:technique:attempt:fail:recharge'), 1); canUse = false; } @@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ const Game = { UI.drawActionFeedback(feedbackNode); } - log(translate('game:battle:technique:attempt:fail:noddingoff', true), 1); + log(translate('game:battle:technique:attempt:fail:noddingoff'), 1); canUse = false; } @@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ const Game = { technique.use(); Game.doBattleAnimation && UI.drawDamageMiss(UI.createDamageMiss()); - log(translate('game:battle:technique:attempt:fail:miss', true), 1); + log(translate('game:battle:technique:attempt:fail:miss'), 1); return; } @@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ const Game = { Game.addBattlePhaseEvent('action', user, () => { Game.log( - translate('game:battle:technique:use', true) + translate('game:battle:technique:use') .replace('{}', .replace('{}', ); @@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ const Game = { } Game.log( - translate('game:battle:technique:use:damage', true) + translate('game:battle:technique:use:damage') .replace('{amount}', damage) .replace('{name}',, 1 @@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ const Game = { recipient.hp += heal; Game.log( - translate('game:battle:technique:use:healing', true) + translate('game:battle:technique:use:healing') .replace('{amount}', heal), 1 ); @@ -406,9 +406,9 @@ const Game = { recipient.statusEffect = statusEffect; Game.log( - translate('game:battle:technique:use:status', true) + translate('game:battle:technique:use:status') .replace('{}', - .replace('{}', translate(`status_${statusEffect.slug}`, true)), + .replace('{}', translate(`status_${statusEffect.slug}`)), 1 ); } @@ -435,9 +435,9 @@ const Game = { // if still 0 turns left after remove action if (monster.statusEffect.turnsLeft === 0) { Game.log( - translate('game:battle:status_effect:removed', true) + translate('game:battle:status_effect:removed') .replace('{}', - .replace('{}', translate(`status_${monster.statusEffect.slug}`, true)) + .replace('{}', translate(`status_${monster.statusEffect.slug}`)) ); monster.statusEffect = null; @@ -451,9 +451,9 @@ const Game = { const logStatusIs = () => { Game.log( - translate('game:battle:status_effect:is', true) + translate('game:battle:status_effect:is') .replace('{}', - .replace('{}', translate(`status_${monster.statusEffect.slug}`, true)) + .replace('{}', translate(`status_${monster.statusEffect.slug}`)) ); } @@ -963,7 +963,7 @@ const Game = { const activeBall = Game.getItemFromInventory(Memory.state.player.inventory, Memory.state.activeBall); // remove ball - Game.log(translate('game:catch:ball:throw', true).replace('{ball}',; + Game.log(translate('game:catch:ball:throw').replace('{ball}',; activeBall.quantity--; if (activeBall.quantity === 0) { Game.removeItemFromInventory(Memory.state.player.inventory, Memory.state.activeBall); @@ -972,7 +972,7 @@ const Game = { } // attempt capture - Game.log(translate('game:catch:attempt', true), 1); + Game.log(translate('game:catch:attempt'), 1); let success = true; let attempts = 1; const maxAttempts = 4; @@ -980,8 +980,8 @@ const Game = { success = checkCapture(playerMonster, opposingMonster, activeBall); if (!success) { - Game.log(translate('game:catch:attempt:nr:success', true).replace('{nr}', attempts), 2); - Game.log(translate('game:catch:broke_free', true).replace('{monster}',, 1); + Game.log(translate('game:catch:attempt:nr:success').replace('{nr}', attempts), 2); + Game.log(translate('game:catch:broke_free').replace('{monster}',, 1); Memory.state.Game.isInBattle = true; UI.drawStatus(); @@ -990,7 +990,7 @@ const Game = { return; // can't catch } - Game.log(translate('game:catch:attempt:nr:fail', true).replace('{nr}', attempts), 2); + Game.log(translate('game:catch:attempt:nr:fail').replace('{nr}', attempts), 2); attempts++; } @@ -1002,16 +1002,16 @@ const Game = { caughtMonster.level = Memory.state.opponent.activeMonster.level; caughtMonster.hp = Memory.state.opponent.activeMonster.hp; - Game.log(translate('game:catch:caught', true).replace('{monster}',, 1); + Game.log(translate('game:catch:caught').replace('{monster}',, 1); if (Memory.state.player.monsters.length < 6) { Memory.state.player.monsters.push(caughtMonster); - Game.log(translate('game:catch:to_party', true).replace('{monster}',, 2); + Game.log(translate('game:catch:to_party').replace('{monster}',, 2); } else { Memory.state.monsters.push(caughtMonster); - Game.log(translate('game:catch:to_box', true).replace('{monster}',, 2); + Game.log(translate('game:catch:to_box').replace('{monster}',, 2); } await Game.encounterWildMonster(); diff --git a/resources/js/helpers.js b/resources/js/helpers.js index aa149b1..cee9166 100644 --- a/resources/js/helpers.js +++ b/resources/js/helpers.js @@ -68,14 +68,19 @@ function randomString () { /** * @param {string} msgid + * @param {boolean} useFallback * * @returns {string} */ -function translate (msgid, showTranslationMissing = false) { +function translate (msgid, useFallback = true) { let translation = DB.translations[Memory.state.Settings.language][msgid]; - if (!translation && showTranslationMissing) { - translation = (translate('translation_missing') || 'translation_missing') + `: ${msgid}`; + if (!translation && useFallback) { + translation = DB.translations['en_US'][msgid]; + + if (!translation) { + translation = (translate('translation_missing', false) || 'translation_missing') + `: ${msgid}`; + } } return translation; @@ -89,7 +94,7 @@ function applyTranslation () { } parentNode.querySelectorAll('[data-i18n-msgid]').forEach((node) => { - node.innerHTML = translate(node.dataset.i18nMsgid, true); + node.innerHTML = translate(node.dataset.i18nMsgid); }); parentNode.querySelectorAll('[data-i18n-properties]').forEach((node) => { @@ -99,7 +104,7 @@ function applyTranslation () { const property = properties[idx]; const msgid = msgids[idx]; - node.setAttribute(property, translate(msgid, true)) + node.setAttribute(property, translate(msgid)) } }); }); diff --git a/resources/js/memory.js b/resources/js/memory.js index c0fa171..421cecb 100644 --- a/resources/js/memory.js +++ b/resources/js/memory.js @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ const Memory = { saveToLocalStorage () { const lastWrite = new Date(localStorage.getItem('lastWrite')); if (Math.abs(new Date() - lastWrite) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) >= 0.25) { - localStorage.setItem(`state_${(new Date()).toLocaleDateString()}_${(new Date()).getTime()}`, localStorage.getItem('state')); + localStorage.setItem(`state_${(new Date()).toLocaleDateString()}_${(new Date()).toLocaleTimeString()}`, localStorage.getItem('state')); } localStorage.setItem('state', Memory.saveToString()); diff --git a/resources/js/story.js b/resources/js/story.js index 0ceb224..d5e6486 100644 --- a/resources/js/story.js +++ b/resources/js/story.js @@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ const Story = { const npcCeo = await fetchNpc(characterCeo.slug); const npcShopKeeper = await fetchNpc(characterShopKeeper.slug); - await UI.buildAndShowStoryPopup({ speaker: npcCeo, text: translate(characterCeo.text[0], true) }); - await UI.buildAndShowStoryPopup({ speaker: npcCeo, text: translate(characterCeo.text[1], true) }); - await UI.buildAndShowStoryPopup({ speaker: npcShopKeeper, text: translate(characterShopKeeper.text[0], true) }); + await UI.buildAndShowStoryPopup({ speaker: npcCeo, text: translate(characterCeo.text[0]) }); + await UI.buildAndShowStoryPopup({ speaker: npcCeo, text: translate(characterCeo.text[1]) }); + await UI.buildAndShowStoryPopup({ speaker: npcShopKeeper, text: translate(characterShopKeeper.text[0]) }); const possibleStarterMonsters = await Promise.all( (monsterData) => { @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ const Story = { }) ); - const monsterSelection = UI.openStarterMonsterSelection(possibleStarterMonsters, { title: translate('story:introduction:monster_selection:title', true) }); + const monsterSelection = UI.openStarterMonsterSelection(possibleStarterMonsters, { title: translate('story:introduction:monster_selection:title') }); await new Promise((resolve) => { monsterSelection.addEventListener('starter:monster:selected', UI.wrapCallback(async (event) => { if (!confirm(`Select ${}?`)) { @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ const Story = { event.detail.popup.remove(); - await UI.buildAndShowStoryPopup({ speaker: npcShopKeeper, text: translate(characterShopKeeper.text[1], true) }); + await UI.buildAndShowStoryPopup({ speaker: npcShopKeeper, text: translate(characterShopKeeper.text[1]) }); // set rival monster Memory.state.rivalMonster =; @@ -62,9 +62,9 @@ const Story = { const characterDante = story.characters.dante; const npcDante = await fetchNpc(characterDante.slug); - await UI.buildAndShowStoryPopup({ speaker: npcDante, text: translate(characterDante.text[0], true) }); - await UI.buildAndShowStoryPopup({ speaker: npcDante, text: translate(characterDante.text[1], true) }); - await UI.buildAndShowStoryPopup({ speaker: npcDante, text: translate(characterDante.text[2], true) }); + await UI.buildAndShowStoryPopup({ speaker: npcDante, text: translate(characterDante.text[0]) }); + await UI.buildAndShowStoryPopup({ speaker: npcDante, text: translate(characterDante.text[1]) }); + await UI.buildAndShowStoryPopup({ speaker: npcDante, text: translate(characterDante.text[2]) }); const possibleStarterMonsters = await Promise.all( (monsterData) => { @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ const Story = { }) ); - const monsterSelection = UI.openStarterMonsterSelection(possibleStarterMonsters, { title: translate('story:select_starter_monster:monster_selection:title', true) }); + const monsterSelection = UI.openStarterMonsterSelection(possibleStarterMonsters, { title: translate('story:select_starter_monster:monster_selection:title') }); await new Promise((resolve) => { monsterSelection.addEventListener('starter:monster:selected', UI.wrapCallback(async (event) => { if (!confirm(`Select ${}?`)) { @@ -117,17 +117,17 @@ const Story = { }); await Memory.state.opponent.initialize(); - await UI.buildAndShowStoryPopup({ speaker: npcRival, text: translate(characterRival.text[0], true) }); + await UI.buildAndShowStoryPopup({ speaker: npcRival, text: translate(characterRival.text[0]) }); await Story.battle(); if (Game.didWinStoryBattle) { - await UI.buildAndShowStoryPopup({ speaker: npcRival, text: translate(characterRival.text[1], true) }); + await UI.buildAndShowStoryPopup({ speaker: npcRival, text: translate(characterRival.text[1]) }); } else { - await UI.buildAndShowStoryPopup({ speaker: npcRival, text: translate(characterRival.text[2], true) }); + await UI.buildAndShowStoryPopup({ speaker: npcRival, text: translate(characterRival.text[2]) }); } - await UI.buildAndShowStoryPopup({ speaker: npcRival, text: translate(characterRival.text[3], true) }); + await UI.buildAndShowStoryPopup({ speaker: npcRival, text: translate(characterRival.text[3]) }); Game.healParty(); }, diff --git a/resources/js/ui.js b/resources/js/ui.js index 3aa0c98..04186f5 100644 --- a/resources/js/ui.js +++ b/resources/js/ui.js @@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ const UI = { createElementTypeIcon (type) { const img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = `/modules/tuxemon/mods/tuxemon/gfx/ui/icons/element/${type}_type.png`; - img.title = translate(type) || slugToName(type); + img.title = translate(type); return img; }, @@ -301,14 +301,14 @@ const UI = { if (statusEffect.slug === 'faint') { const node = document.createElement('b'); node.innerHTML = 'X'; - node.title = translate(`status_${statusEffect.slug}`) ||; + node.title = translate(`status_${statusEffect.slug}`); return node; } const img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = `/modules/tuxemon/mods/tuxemon/gfx/ui/icons/status/icon_${statusEffect.slug}.png`; - img.title = translate(`status_${statusEffect.slug}`) ||; + img.title = translate(`status_${statusEffect.slug}`); return img; }, @@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ const UI = { techniqueNode.querySelector('[data-template-slot="name"]').textContent =; techniqueNode.querySelector('[data-template-slot="recharge"]').textContent = technique.rechargeLength; techniqueNode.querySelector('[data-template-slot="types"]').innerHTML = => UI.createElementTypeIcon(type).outerHTML).join(''); - techniqueNode.querySelector('[data-template-slot="range"]').textContent = translate(technique.range) || slugToName(technique.range); + techniqueNode.querySelector('[data-template-slot="range"]').textContent = translate(technique.range); techniqueNode.querySelector('[data-template-slot="power"]').textContent = technique.power; techniqueNode.querySelector('[data-template-slot="accuracy"]').textContent = technique.accuracy; @@ -792,7 +792,7 @@ const UI = { }); if (applicableMonsters.length === 0) { - alert(translate('ui:no_applicable_monsters', true)); + alert(translate('ui:no_applicable_monsters')); return; } @@ -823,11 +823,11 @@ const UI = { template.querySelector('[data-template-slot="box.withdraw"]').addEventListener('click', UI.wrapCallback(() => { if (Memory.state.monsters.length === 0) { - alert(translate('ui:healing_center:box:withdraw:no_tuxemon_in_box', true)); + alert(translate('ui:healing_center:box:withdraw:no_tuxemon_in_box')); return; } if (Memory.state.player.monsters.length === 6) { - alert(translate('ui:healing_center:box:withdraw:no_space_in_party', true)); + alert(translate('ui:healing_center:box:withdraw:no_space_in_party')); return; } @@ -849,7 +849,7 @@ const UI = { template.querySelector('[data-template-slot="box.deposit"]').addEventListener('click', UI.wrapCallback(() => { if (Memory.state.player.monsters.length === 1) { - alert(translate('ui:healing_center:box:deposit:last_tuxemon', true)); + alert(translate('ui:healing_center:box:deposit:last_tuxemon')); return; } @@ -871,7 +871,7 @@ const UI = { template.querySelector('[data-template-slot="box.view"]').addEventListener('click', UI.wrapCallback(() => { if (Memory.state.monsters.length === 0) { - alert(translate('ui:healing_center:box:view:no_tuxemon_in_box', true)); + alert(translate('ui:healing_center:box:view:no_tuxemon_in_box')); return; } @@ -1175,8 +1175,7 @@ const UI = { const connection = currentArea.connections[connectionSlug]; const connectionNode = UI.createTemplate(Template.areaSelectionItem); - connectionNode.querySelector('[data-template-slot="text"]').textContent = - translate(connection['modules/tuxemon.slug']) || slugToName(connection['modules/tuxemon.slug']); + connectionNode.querySelector('[data-template-slot="text"]').textContent = translate(connection['modules/tuxemon.slug']); let canGo = true; for (const condition of connection.conditions) { @@ -1455,11 +1454,11 @@ const UI = { template.querySelector('[data-template-slot="exp"]').innerHTML = `${monster.exp} / ${monster.getExperienceRequired(1)}`; - template.querySelector('[data-template-slot=""]').textContent = translate(StatType.melee) || slugToName(StatType.melee); - template.querySelector('[data-template-slot=""]').textContent = translate(StatType.armour) || slugToName(StatType.armour); - template.querySelector('[data-template-slot=""]').textContent = translate(StatType.ranged) || slugToName(StatType.ranged); - template.querySelector('[data-template-slot=""]').textContent = translate( || slugToName(; - template.querySelector('[data-template-slot=""]').textContent = translate(StatType.speed) || slugToName(StatType.speed); + template.querySelector('[data-template-slot=""]').textContent = translate(StatType.melee); + template.querySelector('[data-template-slot=""]').textContent = translate(StatType.armour); + template.querySelector('[data-template-slot=""]').textContent = translate(StatType.ranged); + template.querySelector('[data-template-slot=""]').textContent = translate(; + template.querySelector('[data-template-slot=""]').textContent = translate(StatType.speed); template.querySelector('[data-template-slot="stats.melee.value"]').textContent = monster.stats.melee; template.querySelector('[data-template-slot="stats.armour.value"]').textContent = monster.stats.armour; @@ -1671,7 +1670,7 @@ const UI = { template.classList.add('inventory__monster-selection'); if (template.children.length === 0) { - alert(translate('ui:no_applicable_monsters', true)); + alert(translate('ui:no_applicable_monsters')); return; } @@ -1917,7 +1916,7 @@ const UI = { // Clear save data template.querySelector('[data-template-slot="clearLocalSaveData"]').addEventListener('click', UI.wrapCallback(() => { - if (confirm(translate('ui:settings:clear_local_save_data:confirm', true))) { + if (confirm(translate('ui:settings:clear_local_save_data:confirm'))) { localStorage.removeItem('state'); window.location.reload(); } @@ -1940,6 +1939,9 @@ const UI = { /** * @param {HTMLElement} popup + * @param {Object} data + * @param {Npc} data.speaker + * @param {string} data.text * * @returns {HTMLElement} */ @@ -1961,7 +1963,7 @@ const UI = { /** * @param {HTMLElement} popup * - * @returns {Promise} + * @returns {Promise} */ drawStoryPopup (popup) { UI.drawPopup(popup); @@ -1979,6 +1981,10 @@ const UI = { }, /** + * @param {Object} data + * @param {Npc} data.speaker + * @param {string} data.text + * * @returns {Promise} */ async buildAndShowStoryPopup ({ speaker, text }) { -- cgit v1.2.3