class_name Tower extends StaticBody2D signal selected signal deselected static var selected_towers: Array[Tower] var is_selected = false : set(value): if value: if not Tower.selected_towers.has(self): Tower.selected_towers.append(self) selected.emit() else: Tower.selected_towers.erase(self) deselected.emit() Client.stage.hud.tower.text = "" is_selected = value queue_redraw() var is_hovered = false : set(value): is_hovered = value queue_redraw() var mobs_in_range: Array = [] #var selection_area: Area2D # rpc owner id var owner_id = 1 @export var attack_range: int = 32 @export var attack_power: int = 1 @export var attack_speed: int = 1 func _ready(): $Range/CollisionShape2D.shape.radius = attack_range $ShootCooldown.wait_time = attack_speed func _draw(): if is_selected: draw_circle(, 8 + attack_range, Color(1, 1, 1, 0.75), false, 1.0 ) modulate = Color(1.5, 1.5, 1.5) elif is_hovered: if Client.state is StateDefault: draw_circle(, 8 + attack_range, Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5), false, 1.0 ) modulate = Color(1.25, 1.25, 1.25) else: modulate = Color(1, 1, 1) func _process(_delta: float) -> void: if $ShootCooldown.is_stopped() and not mobs_in_range.is_empty(): shoot() $ShootCooldown.start() #if selection_area and is_instance_valid(selection_area): #var bodies = selection_area.get_overlapping_bodies() #if bodies.size() > 0: #selection_area.queue_free() #for body in bodies: #Client.select_tower(body) func _on_input_event(_viewport: Node, event: InputEvent, _shape_idx: int): # disable remote select for now if owner_id != multiplayer.get_unique_id(): return if Client.state is StateBuild: if event.is_action_pressed("builder_cancel"): Client.remove_tower(self) func _on_range_body_entered(body: Node2D) -> void: mobs_in_range.append(body) func _on_range_body_exited(body: Node2D) -> void: mobs_in_range.erase(body) func _on_selectable_area_hover_enter() -> void: is_hovered = true func _on_selectable_area_hover_exit() -> void: is_hovered = false func _on_selectable_area_select(event: InputEvent) -> void: # disable remote select for now if owner_id != multiplayer.get_unique_id(): return if Client.state is StateDefault: Client.select_tower(self) if event.is_double_click(): var selection_area = preload("res://Game/Selection/MultiSelectArea.tscn").instantiate() selection_area.set_collision_mask_value(3, true) for node in nodes: Client.select_tower(node) ) get_tree().current_scene.add_child(selection_area) func is_melee_range(): return attack_range <= ( * 2) func shoot(): if get_multiplayer_authority() != multiplayer.get_unique_id(): # TODO: do shoot animation, but don't subtract hp return var target = mobs_in_range[0] as Unit if is_melee_range(): target.set_hp(target.hp - 1) else: # TODO target.set_hp(target.hp - 1) func show_ui(): # todo: show ui pass func get_region(): var collision_shape := $CollisionShape2D var shape = $CollisionShape2D.shape as RectangleShape2D return Rect2( collision_shape.position, shape.size ) func _on_tree_exiting() -> void: is_selected = false func get_rpc_properties() -> Dictionary: return { "name": null, "global_position": null, "owner_id": null, }