extends CharacterBody2D const SPEED = 450 const JUMPFORCE = -500 const GRAVITY = 20 const RUNSPEED = SPEED * 2 const WALLJUMPFORCE = JUMPFORCE * 0.75 var WALLJUMPSPEED = SPEED * 8 var direction = Enum.DIRECTION.RIGHT var canDoubleJump = false var hasPlayedFallStop = false var jumpHeightModifier = 0 var wasOnWall = false var lastWallDirection = Enum.DIRECTION.LEFT func _ready(): pass func _physics_process(delta): if Input.is_action_pressed("DIRECTION_LEFT"): velocity.x = -SPEED direction = Enum.DIRECTION.LEFT $Sprite2D.flip_h = true if self.is_running(): velocity.x = -RUNSPEED elif Input.is_action_pressed("DIRECTION_RIGHT"): velocity.x = SPEED direction = Enum.DIRECTION.RIGHT $Sprite2D.flip_h = false if self.is_running(): velocity.x = RUNSPEED set_up_direction(Vector2.UP) if is_on_floor(): if Input.is_action_pressed("DIRECTION_LEFT") or Input.is_action_pressed("DIRECTION_RIGHT"): if self.is_running(): $Sprite2D.play("run") else: $Sprite2D.play("walk") else: $Sprite2D.play("idle") # jump and fall animation if not is_on_floor(): $Sprite2D.play("jump") if has_node("CheckFallStop"): if velocity.y > -JUMPFORCE: $CheckFallLanding.set_enabled(true) $CheckFallStop.set_enabled(true) if $CheckFallLanding.is_colliding(): $Sprite2D.play("fall_stop_landing") elif $CheckFallStop.is_colliding(): $Sprite2D.play("fall_stop") else: $Sprite2D.play("fall") else: $CheckFallLanding.set_enabled(false) $CheckFallStop.set_enabled(true) # fall down velocity.y += GRAVITY # jump if Input.is_action_just_pressed("JUMP"): if is_on_floor(): canDoubleJump = true velocity.y = JUMPFORCE jumpHeightModifier = JUMPFORCE elif not is_on_floor() and not is_on_wall() and not wasOnWall and canDoubleJump: canDoubleJump = false velocity.y = JUMPFORCE if Input.is_action_pressed("JUMP"): jumpHeightModifier += 10 if jumpHeightModifier > 0: jumpHeightModifier = 0 if Input.is_action_just_released("JUMP"): velocity.y -= jumpHeightModifier if is_on_wall() and not is_on_floor(): velocity.y *= 0.8 $Sprite2D.play("wall") wasOnWall = true lastWallDirection = direction if not is_on_wall() and wasOnWall: wasOnWall = false $WalljumpTimer.start() if canWallJump() and Input.is_action_just_pressed("JUMP"): $WalljumpTimer.stop() velocity.y = WALLJUMPFORCE if lastWallDirection == Enum.DIRECTION.LEFT: velocity.x = WALLJUMPSPEED $Sprite2D.flip_h = false elif lastWallDirection == Enum.DIRECTION.RIGHT: velocity.x = -WALLJUMPSPEED $Sprite2D.flip_h = true # stop velocity = velocity.lerp(Vector2(0, velocity.y), 0.7) move_and_slide() if Network.player.position != self.position: Network.player.position = self.position Network.update_player() func is_running(): return Input.is_action_pressed("RUN") and is_on_floor() func canWallJump(): return (is_on_wall() and not is_on_floor()) or not $WalljumpTimer.is_stopped() func check_flag(): # $Sprite.play("dance anim") print("FLAG CHECKED")