class_name GNDFormat const MAP_TILE_SIZE := 10.0 ## Byte Length: 4 [br] ## GRAT var signature: String = "GRGN" ## Byte Type: u8 [br] ## Byte Length: 2 var version: Version ## Byte Type: i32 [br] ## Byte Length: 4 var width: int ## Byte Type: i32 [br] ## Byte Length: 4 var height: int ## Byte Type: f32 [br] ## Byte Length: 4 [br] ## Always 10. var scale: float ## Byte Type: i32 [br] ## Byte Length: 4 var texture_count: int ## Byte Type: i32 [br] ## Byte Length: 4 ## Always 80. var texture_path_length: int ## Byte Length: [member texture_count] * [member texture_path_length] [br] var texture_paths: Array ## Byte Type: i32 [br] ## Byte Length: 4 var light_map_slice_count: int ## Byte Type: i32 [br] ## Byte Length: 4 var light_map_width: int ## Byte Type: i32 [br] ## Byte Length: 4 var light_map_slice_height: int ## Byte Type: i32 [br] ## Byte Length: 4 var light_map_cells_per_grid: int ## Length: [member light_map_slice_count] var light_map_slices: Array ## Byte Type: i32 [br] ## Byte Length: 4 var surface_count: int ## Length: [member surface_count] var surfaces: Array[Surface] ## Length: [member width] * [member height] var ground_mesh_cubes: Array[GroundMeshCube] static func from_bytes(bytes: ByteStream) -> GNDFormat: var gnd_format = bytes.advance(gnd_format.signature.length()) @warning_ignore("shadowed_variable") var version = version.major = bytes.decode_u8() version.minor = bytes.decode_u8() gnd_format.version = version if version.minor > 7: print(version) return gnd_format gnd_format.width = bytes.decode_s32() gnd_format.height = bytes.decode_s32() gnd_format.scale = bytes.decode_float() gnd_format.texture_count = bytes.decode_s32() gnd_format.texture_path_length = bytes.decode_s32() gnd_format.texture_paths = [] for _n in gnd_format.texture_count: gnd_format.texture_paths.append( bytes.get_string_from_ascii(gnd_format.texture_path_length) ) gnd_format.light_map_slice_count = bytes.decode_s32() gnd_format.light_map_width = bytes.decode_s32() gnd_format.light_map_slice_height = bytes.decode_s32() gnd_format.light_map_cells_per_grid = bytes.decode_s32() #gnd_format.light_map_slices = [] #for _n in gnd_format.light_map_slice_count: #gnd_format.light_map_slices.append(LightMapSlice.from_bytes(bytes)) bytes.advance( gnd_format.light_map_slice_count * gnd_format.light_map_width * gnd_format.light_map_slice_height * 4 ) gnd_format.surface_count = bytes.decode_s32() gnd_format.surfaces = [] as Array[Surface] for _n in gnd_format.surface_count: gnd_format.surfaces.append(Surface.from_bytes(bytes)) gnd_format.ground_mesh_cubes = [] as Array[GroundMeshCube] for _n in (gnd_format.width * gnd_format.height): gnd_format.ground_mesh_cubes.append(GroundMeshCube.from_bytes(bytes)) #print(inst_to_dict(gnd_format)) return gnd_format func get_cubes() -> Array: # TODO: return custom type with helper functions for getting neighboring cubes and building a full cube var cubes := [] for cube in ground_mesh_cubes: cubes.append({ "cube": cube, Vector3(0, 1, 0): { "surface": surfaces[cube.upwards_facing_surface_index], "mesh": surfaces[cube.upwards_facing_surface_index].get_mesh({ Vector2(0, 0): Vector3(0, cube.top_left_height, 0), Vector2(1, 0): Vector3(MAP_TILE_SIZE, cube.top_right_height, 0), Vector2(1, 1): Vector3(MAP_TILE_SIZE, cube.bottom_right_height, MAP_TILE_SIZE), Vector2(0, 1): Vector3(0, cube.bottom_left_height, MAP_TILE_SIZE), }), }, }) return cubes func convert(data_path: String) -> GridMap: var grid_map := grid_map.cell_size = Vector3(GNDFormat.MAP_TILE_SIZE, GNDFormat.MAP_TILE_SIZE, GNDFormat.MAP_TILE_SIZE) grid_map.cell_center_x = false grid_map.cell_center_y = false grid_map.cell_center_z = false grid_map.position = Vector3( (width * MAP_TILE_SIZE) / 2.0, 0, -(height * MAP_TILE_SIZE) / 2.0, ) var library := grid_map.mesh_library = library var cubes := get_cubes() for x in width: for y in height: var cube = cubes[x + y * width] # TODO: get all sides of a cube and add that mesh to the library # TODO: so a single mesh per cube for surface_type in [Vector3(0, 1, 0)]: var mesh: ArrayMesh = cube[surface_type].mesh var material := material.albedo_texture = load( "%s/data/texture/%s" % [ data_path, texture_paths[cube[surface_type].surface.texture_index] ] ) mesh.surface_set_material(0, material) var id := library.get_last_unused_item_id() library.create_item(id) library.set_item_mesh(id, mesh) grid_map.set_cell_item(Vector3(-x, 0, y), id) return grid_map class LightMapSlice: ## Byte Type: i32 [br] ## Byte Length: 4 var pixel_format: int ## Byte Type: i32 [br] ## Byte Length: 4 var width: int ## Byte Type: i32 [br] ## Byte Length: 4 var height: int ## Byte Length: [member width] * [member height] var shadow_map_pixels: ByteStream ## Byte Length: [member width] * [member height] var light_map_pixels: ByteStream static func from_bytes(bytes: ByteStream) -> LightMapSlice: var slice = slice.pixel_format = bytes.decode_s32() slice.width = bytes.decode_s32() slice.height = bytes.decode_s32() slice.shadow_map_pixels = bytes.get_buffer(slice.width * slice.height) slice.light_map_pixels = bytes.get_buffer(slice.width * slice.height) #print(inst_to_dict(slice)) return slice class Surface: ## Byte Type: f32 [br] ## Byte Length: 4 var u_bottom_left: float ## Byte Type: f32 [br] ## Byte Length: 4 var u_bottom_right: float ## Byte Type: f32 [br] ## Byte Length: 4 var u_top_left: float ## Byte Type: f32 [br] ## Byte Length: 4 var u_top_right: float ## Byte Type: f32 [br] ## Byte Length: 4 var v_bottom_left: float ## Byte Type: f32 [br] ## Byte Length: 4 var v_bottom_right: float ## Byte Type: f32 [br] ## Byte Length: 4 var v_top_left: float ## Byte Type: f32 [br] ## Byte Length: 4 var v_top_right: float ## Byte Type: i16 [br] ## Byte Length: 2 var texture_index: int ## Byte Type: i16 [br] ## Byte Length: 2 var light_map_index: int ## Byte Type: u8 [br] ## Byte Length: 1 var vertex_color_blue: int ## Byte Type: u8 [br] ## Byte Length: 1 var vertex_color_green: int ## Byte Type: u8 [br] ## Byte Length: 1 var vertex_color_red: int ## Byte Type: u8 [br] ## Byte Length: 1 var vertex_color_alpha: int func get_uvs() -> Dictionary[Vector2, Vector2]: return { Vector2(0, 0): Vector2(u_top_left, v_top_left), Vector2(1, 0): Vector2(u_top_right, v_top_right), Vector2(0, 1): Vector2(u_bottom_left, v_bottom_left), Vector2(1, 1): Vector2(u_bottom_right, v_bottom_right), } func get_vertex_color() -> Color: return Color8( vertex_color_red, vertex_color_green, vertex_color_blue, vertex_color_alpha ) func get_mesh(vertices: Dictionary[Vector2, Vector3]) -> ArrayMesh: var surface_tool := surface_tool.begin(Mesh.PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES) var uvs = get_uvs() var color = get_vertex_color() surface_tool.add_triangle_fan( PackedVector3Array([ vertices[Vector2(0, 0)], vertices[Vector2(1, 0)], vertices[Vector2(1, 1)], ]), PackedVector2Array([ uvs[Vector2(0, 0)], uvs[Vector2(1, 0)], uvs[Vector2(1, 1)], ]), PackedColorArray([ color, color, color, ]) ) surface_tool.add_triangle_fan( PackedVector3Array([ vertices[Vector2(0, 0)], vertices[Vector2(1, 1)], vertices[Vector2(0, 1)], ]), PackedVector2Array([ uvs[Vector2(0, 0)], uvs[Vector2(1, 1)], uvs[Vector2(0, 1)], ]), PackedColorArray([ color, color, color, ]) ) return surface_tool.commit() func get_uv_id() -> String: # TODO: add more data? return ( "%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d" % [ u_top_left, v_top_left, u_top_right, v_top_right, u_bottom_right, v_bottom_right, u_bottom_left, v_bottom_left ] ).md5_text() static func from_bytes(bytes: ByteStream) -> Surface: var surface = surface.u_bottom_left = bytes.decode_float() surface.u_bottom_right = bytes.decode_float() surface.u_top_left = bytes.decode_float() surface.u_top_right = bytes.decode_float() surface.v_bottom_left = bytes.decode_float() surface.v_bottom_right = bytes.decode_float() surface.v_top_left = bytes.decode_float() surface.v_top_right = bytes.decode_float() surface.texture_index = bytes.decode_s16() surface.light_map_index = bytes.decode_s16() surface.vertex_color_blue = bytes.decode_u8() surface.vertex_color_green = bytes.decode_u8() surface.vertex_color_red = bytes.decode_u8() surface.vertex_color_alpha = bytes.decode_u8() #print(inst_to_dict(surface)) return surface class GroundMeshCube: ## Byte Type: f32 [br] ## Byte Length: 4 ## upper left? var bottom_left_height: float ## Byte Type: f32 [br] ## Byte Length: 4 ## upper right? var bottom_right_height: float ## Byte Type: f32 [br] ## Byte Length: 4 ## lower left? var top_left_height: float ## Byte Type: f32 [br] ## Byte Length: 4 ## lower right? var top_right_height: float ## Byte Type: i32 [br] ## Byte Length: 4 ## top surface index? var upwards_facing_surface_index: int ## Byte Type: i32 [br] ## Byte Length: 4 ## front surface index? var northern_wall_surface_index: int ## Byte Type: i32 [br] ## Byte Length: 4 ## right surface index? var eastern_wall_surface_index: int static func from_bytes(bytes: ByteStream) -> GroundMeshCube: var mesh = mesh.bottom_left_height = bytes.decode_float() mesh.bottom_right_height = bytes.decode_float() mesh.top_left_height = bytes.decode_float() mesh.top_right_height = bytes.decode_float() mesh.upwards_facing_surface_index = bytes.decode_s32() mesh.northern_wall_surface_index = bytes.decode_s32() mesh.eastern_wall_surface_index = bytes.decode_s32() #print(inst_to_dict(mesh)) return mesh # TODO: convert function to build cube mesh? or at least with neighbor input build full cube struct